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由于炼油产品需求的连续性增长而炼油能力的间断性集中投入,导致出现炼油周期性波动,而对周期长度、顶峰时点和达到周期峰值后行业走向的判断,以及炼油公司应对周期的能力都直接影响其盈利水平、本文分析了自上世纪90年代以来亚太地区炼油周期波动的四个阶段,并着重剖析了本轮炼油周期毛利较高的这个特点,提出了今后应对炼油周期的措施,以实现炼油业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

世界炼油行业发展状况与趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年,世界炼油能力平缓增长,比2007年增长0.3%,达到42.8亿吨/年;炼厂规模继续扩大,平均规模提高到653万吨;炼厂深度加工能力增长迅速,加氢处理能力占炼油总能力的份额从1997年的35%增至2008年的51.9%;炼油装置适应能力逐步增强,利用率明显下降。同时,经济减速导致油品需求出现自1983年以来的首次下降,且供需依然不平衡。炼油毛利在持续多年保持较高水平后转而下行,炼油工业持续数年的景气高峰期结束。政府对可替代燃料的大力支持以及全球经济衰退威胁到全球炼油项目的投资前景,预计2015年全球油品生产能力可能将低于需求。各国对清洁燃料的标准要求日趋严格,导致炼油行业整体灵活性下降。  相似文献   

2016年,世界炼油能力继续缓慢增长,总炼油能力达到约48.7亿吨/年;原油加工量略低于上年的水平;炼油毛利较上年出现不同程度下滑.世界各主要地区炼油业发展形势各异,北美地区炼油投资从建设新装置转向现有炼厂改造,欧洲炼油业重陷困境,而“一带一路”沿线新兴经济体国家继续推动炼油项目建设.2017年,世界炼油能力仍将缓慢增长,总能力达到48.9亿吨/年;全球炼油毛利预期将低于2016年的水平.未来5年世界炼油能力继续增长,受燃油经济性提升和替代燃料的影响,全球油品需求增速将明显放缓,将导致更低的炼厂开工率和新一轮的调整或关闭.  相似文献   

美国是世界上炼油能力最大的国家,约占全球原油一次加工能力的20%。截至2012年,美国运营中的炼厂共有134座,总计加工能力8.37亿吨/年。虽然近年来美国炼厂数量下降,但总炼油能力并未下降,其中前10家公司的加工能力占总能力的70%。美国炼油行业注重炼化一体化发展,超过半数的炼厂具有化工品生产能力。近年来,在美国炼厂的原油供应中,本土轻质原油取代了部分进口原油;在美洲主要原油供应国中,加拿大对美原油出口量逐年上升。2011年,美国成品油净出口量达到877万吨,自1949年以来首次由石油产品净进口转变为净出口;成品油生产比例也发生变化,主要体现在汽油比例下降,柴油比例上升。得益于大量的国内自产原油、丰富的加拿大进口原油以及廉价的天然气供应,美国炼油行业在未来几年内将延续此前的趋势,在激烈的市场竞争环境下保持优势并拓展新的增长点。  相似文献   

近年来,亚太地区炼油能力持续增长。2012年油品需求略有上涨,炼油毛利小幅回落。预计未来亚太炼厂将继续扩能,导致毛利下降,特别是汽油和柴油将持续过剩。亚太地区炼油投资的关键驱动因素为需求、油品价格差异、供给安全以及清洁燃油的挑战。2012年亚太地区仍然是油品净进口地区,但预计今后几年净进口规模会下降,特别是汽煤柴油将持续过剩。但预计到2020年,由于后期炼油扩能步伐的减缓,亚太地区的油品净进口会重新跃上新的高度,汽煤柴油过剩量将明显减少。  相似文献   

徐海丰 《国际石油经济》2013,(Z1):102-110,214
2012年,世界炼油能力继续缓慢增长,总能力达到45.78亿吨,同比增加4965万吨,新增能力主要来自以中国为主的亚太地区;炼厂原油加工量波动回升,开工率小幅回升;炼油毛利总体水平好于上年。未来全球炼油行业持续调整,区域发展差异明显。欧洲炼油业动荡加剧,最大独立炼油商破产,炼厂依旧面临生存压力。美国国内原油产量增加及价格优势使部分地区炼厂生产势头强劲,而加工成本高的地区炼厂处境依旧艰难。中东国家继续扩大炼油能力,加大与外资合作力度,竞争超低硫柴油市场。在全球炼油市场环境变化的新形势下,部分炼厂调整生产模式,注重油品之外的产品生产,同时拓展炼油资源,以适应市场变化。各国清洁燃料升级步伐加快,世界船用燃料油实施更加严格的标准,炼厂环保压力加大。在全球经济不景气的环境下,世界各地众多新建炼厂继续延期建成,但加工重油类炼厂项目增多。  相似文献   

通过对高压液氨泵在运行过程中振动值出现周期性波动现象的分析,探究引起振动周期性波动的原因,为同类型细长轴转子多级离心泵的维护和检修提供借鉴。  相似文献   

徐海丰 《国际石油经济》2015,23(2):47-53,110,111
2014年,世界炼油能力继续增长,总能力达到46.28亿吨/年,同比增加6125万吨/年,新增能力主要来自亚太地区;炼厂加工总量创历史新高;炼厂开工率略有回升,总体仍在低位徘徊;炼油毛利总体水平下降。北美地区抓住页岩油产量增长机遇,重启扩能,炼油业迎来新的发展;欧洲炼油业处境依旧艰难,结构调整仍在进行中;亚太地区能力总体过剩,炼油业正在加紧调整;中东继续扩大炼油能力,提高生产清洁油品能力;俄罗斯投巨资改造炼厂,生产清洁燃料,增加向欧洲的超低硫柴油出口;非洲石油炼制业发展缓慢,大部分国家炼油投资停滞不前;燃料标准更加严格,世界各国油品质量升级步伐加快。未来世界炼油能力增速将放缓,2015年世界新增炼油能力7875万吨/年,新增能力主要来自中东、中国和拉美;全球炼油业的开工率将降至约80%。  相似文献   

吴静 《化工管理》2022,(29):1-3
在当前时代背景下,石油资源在国民经济发展中发挥着重要作用,同时受其多重属性特征影响,石油价格对国际形势的影响较大,受到了国际范围内的广泛关注。石油价格受政治、经济等多种因素影响较大,且中国对外部石油依赖性较高,国内成品油定价机制也逐渐向国际化方向发展,受此影响,国际石油价格波动会对中国石油企业发展造成较大影响。基于此,文章将结合实际案例,探究国际石油价格波动在中国石油企业发展过程中造成的影响。  相似文献   

2009年中国炼油企业克服市场低迷等各种不利因素,生产运营取得了较好的成绩。为适应市场需求,原油加工量和主要产品产量小幅增加,产品结构调整效果显著,柴汽比降低明显,汽油、高等级道路沥青等产品增幅较大;汽油质量全面升级至国Ⅲ标准,部分达到欧Ⅳ标准;主要技术经济指标水平全面提升。成品油价格基本实现了与国际原油价格的接轨,扭转了2008年炼油行业大幅亏损的局面,技术经济指标进一步改善;资本性投资结构进一步优化,重点投资于油品质量升级、劣质原油加工和储运项目。展望2010年,预计全国原油总加工量将达到3.9亿吨左右,增幅为4%左右。预计2011年中国炼油工业将继续保持较快的发展势头,全国原油加工量将超过4亿吨,达到4.1亿吨左右。  相似文献   

Although there has been considerable progress in the technology of food irradiation over recent years, barriers still restrict commercial applications in many countries, thus limiting international trade. However, there are moves to demonstrate the practical benefits of this method particularly in the developing countries of the Asian and Pacific region who have joined together in an international cooperative project. Based on developments in China and elsewhere, it is likely that more countries in this region will use food irradiation to combat high rates of food losses and to improve the quality of certain foods in the future.  相似文献   

Entering and developing a presence in the Asia-Pacific region has required, and in most cases, still requires the setting up of joint ventures with a local partner particularly when the prime motive of the operation is to capture opportunities in local markets.The objectives of the research presented in this article are to identify the factors which are associated with a satisfactory perception of joint ventures from the point of view of Western managers and to identify the major differences in joint venture characteristics across countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The conceptual perspective, based on transaction cost theory, is that foreign partners will show satisfaction if joint ventures are instrumental in achieving the Western partner's objectives and if co-operation costs are minimum given strategic fit, cultural fit and ability to controlThe analysis, using multiple regression based on survey data collected from 96 Western managers working in the Asia Pacific region, shows the predominance of the cultural and strategic fit factors in explaining the expressed satisfaction of Western managers. The ability to control the joint ventures is not related directly to satisfaction although it is very often quoted by Western managers as an important factor for the success of joint ventures.With regard to differences across regions, there are clearly four categories of countries: the highest expressed satisfaction is found in Japan, then in Indonesia and Malaysia, while China and Vietnam generate a moderate level of satisfaction, and Korea and Thailand a high level of dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific offers a lot of promising growth opportunities, but it also presents high levels of uncertainty for multinational enterprises (MNEs). In this paper, we introduce real options theory as a theory of investment under uncertainty, and we discuss its implications for MNEs and their strategies with a focus on the emerging economies in Asia Pacific. We suggest that MNEs must recognize the various sources of uncertainty, as well as the various options embedded in their investments, and real options theory can help them structure and design their investments to benefit from uncertainty. In particular, MNEs need to develop the dynamic capabilities of managing real options in their investments to respond to the evolving economic and institutional environment in the region. This paper also provides several implications for policy makers in Asia Pacific to stimulate investment activities in the region and to help their firms venture successfully in the international market place.
Jing LiEmail:

Tony W. Tong   is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. He obtained his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. His current research applies real options theory to study firms’ corporate development activities and growth initiatives. His research in these areas has been published or accepted in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Organization Science. Jing Li   is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Her research focuses on alliance activities in China, capability building of Chinese firms, and applications of real options theory to international strategy. Her research in these areas has appeared in the Journal of World Business, Advances in Strategic Management, and Managerial and Decision Economics.  相似文献   

The Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) has been an outlet for the publication of research on the Asia Pacific for 14 years. This paper seeks to track the range of papers that have been published in this time to identify research trends and issues. This is done to provide a broad overview of research done in the region, serve as a reference for APJM's editors and potential contributors for future research, and also traces the evolution of management scholarship in the region.  相似文献   

本文利用周期波动分析方法,对河北省1953—1995年工业经济增长的周期波动特点进行了归纳,并重点分析了内、外因素的变化对周期波动的影响,为深入研究河北省工业经济的发展规律提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,亚太炼油能力已达2140万桶/日,其中国家石油公司拥有的能力占41%,当地私人资本拥有的能力占37%,欧美大跨国石油公司占19%,其他外国公司占3%。在欧美大石油公司在亚洲所拥有的410万桶/日能力中,埃克森美孚占40%,居首位;英荷  相似文献   

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