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Osama Ahmed 《Applied economics》2018,50(47):5094-5109
This study assesses price transmission along the Egyptian tomato food marketing chain in the period that followed the Arab Spring, which accentuated economic precariousness in Egypt. Static and time-varying copula methods are used for this purpose. Results suggest a positive link between producer, wholesaler and retailer tomato prices. Such positive dependence is characterized by asymmetries during extreme market events that lead price increases to be transferred more completely along the supply chain than price declines.  相似文献   

This article provides an innovative method for measuring the dependence between pairs of poverty dimensions using a semiparametric copula approach that permits us to account for the importance of extreme low values. The association between pairs of poverty dimensions at the lower tail is easily measured using the parameter estimates of the specified parametric copula, and no further calculations are needed. This approach is used to measure the bivariate lower tail dependence between the dimensions of the AROPE rate in Europe at two time points (2009 and 2018). The findings reveal a statistically significant increase in the lower tail dependence between 2009 and 2018 in several European countries.  相似文献   

Popular time-varying Copulas are used to analyse the dependence structure between the CSI 300 index return, the S&P 300 index return and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) 80 index return. Results show that these three types of stock index returns have obvious time-varying characteristics. The US sub-prime mortgage crisis has strengthened the correlation among the three-stock index returns, whereas the dependence between China and the ASEAN stock markets is more sensitive to the financial crisis. The time-varying features of the extreme dependence risk between China-ASEAN and China-US are very different.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate whether stock and real estate investment trust (REIT) returns have asymmetric downside and upside co-movements. The investigation is carried out by employing a mixture copula with Markov-switching coefficients for weight, upper tail dependence and lower tail dependence. Empirical result demonstrates that an asymptotic independence and a positive relationship, which has greater dependence in the left tail than in the right tail, coexist. The empirical result provides useful information for making portfolio decisions. In the independent state, the inclusion of stock and REIT indices in a portfolio builds a diversified portfolio. However, a portfolio with stock and REIT assets cannot get the benefit of risk reduction in the positive dependence state.  相似文献   

变量间的相关结构是考察变量联合分布特征的首要任务。最经典的是线性相关系数,然而由于线性相关系数是建立在正态分布假设基础上的,存在着很多的局限性,所以,引入了用Copula函数表示的秩相关和尾相关测度。用Copula函数表示的秩相关和尾相关测度比较稳健,不易受极端值影响,且不需要正态分布假设。最后通过模拟得到了上市公司t-Cop-ula的秩相关和尾相关测度。  相似文献   

Given the existence of nonnormality and nonlinearity in the data generating process of real house price returns over the period of 1831–2013, this article compares the ability of various univariate copula models, relative to standard benchmarks (naive and autoregressive models) in forecasting real US house price over the annual out-of-sample period of 1874–2013, based on an in-sample of 1831–1873. Overall, our results provide overwhelming evidence in favour of the copula models (Normal, Student’s t, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel, Joe and Ali-Mikhail-Huq) relative to linear benchmarks, and especially for the Student’s t-copula, which outperforms all other models both in terms of in-sample and out-of-sample predictability results. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for nonnormality and nonlinearity in the data generating process of real house price returns for the US economy for nearly two centuries of data.  相似文献   

Many publications, that treated with Portfolio Management, were devastating for all asset allocation models in the context of portfolios. The elimination of extreme events (asymmetric or tail dependence) during the portfolio construction process can reduce the skills of asset managers to reduce risk through diversification. The copula theory allows us to calculate an alternative to measure the dependence of extreme events in assets through the index lower tail dependence. We check that the strategies with tail dependence overcame Talmud rule, the Markowitz model and the model of Tu and Zhou by simulating 1,000 portfolios with 3, 5, 10 and 20 randomly selected assets from DJIA for the period 03/1990 until 12/2016. We conclude that models of tail dependence and Markowitz had more performance ex-ante than Talmud and the Tu and Zhou model for portfolios with 3, 5, 10 and 20 assets. Tail dependence models overcome Markowitz, in terms of cumulative return, in over 60% of months considered in the analysis. The results indicate that the Talmud rule should be discarded in a context of constructing portfolios with individual stocks ahead strategies with tail dependence.  相似文献   

The paper investigates price formation in a decentralized market with random matching. Agents are assumed to have subdued social preferences: buyers, for example, prefer a lower price to a higher one but experience reduced utility increases below a reference price that serves as a common fairness benchmark. The strategic equilibrium reflects market fundamentals, but it is markedly less sensitive to the buyer–seller ratio near the fair price benchmark. Prices may be sticky around very different reference levels in markets with otherwise identical fundamentals. The implied history dependence turns out to be mitigated rather than exacerbated by friction.  相似文献   

This article investigates the dependence structure related to four French nominal and index-linked bonds with various maturities and reference indices. To achieve this aim, we estimate various copulas to select the appropriate one for our data. We also compare results obtained using the copula method with multivariate dynamic conditional correlation GARCH (DCC-GARCH) modelling. The major issue in this study is that the best copulas used to model the dependence among bond returns are the Plackett and Student models. We also find a dynamic correlation between bond returns. In particular, the relationship between nominal and indexed bonds is characterized by an asymmetric dependence. Moreover, the results obtained by the copula approach are confirmed by those obtained by multivariate GARCH modelling. Our empirical study provides a useful method that may be employed by decision-makers to quantitatively introduce dependence and spillover effects in their bond issuance policy. For investors, we propose optimal investment combinations in bonds with respect to their investment horizons.  相似文献   

Jong-Min Kim 《Applied economics》2018,50(41):4418-4426
This article suggests a directional time-varying partial correlation based on the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) method. A recent study proposed the copula DCC based on the vine structure. Due to the arbitrary variable selection, their method can produce unnecessary dependence in the multivariate structure, with extra economic and computational burdens. To overcome this limitation, we incorporate directional dependence by copula to track the causal relationship among multiple variables and then extend the copula bivariate DCC method to a directional time varying partial correlation in the multivariate structure. Our proposed method provides a reasonable and efficient conditional dependence structure, without the trial and error process. We offer an application of our method to the U.S. stock market as an illustrated example.  相似文献   

This paper examines affluence and poverty interdependence across 185 countries and its evolution over 1969–2014. To estimate affluence and poverty interdependence and derive tail interdependences the tail copulae are applied to multivariate density function. The tail coefficients are estimated in the non-parametric way as in Schmidt and Stadtmüller (2006). The estimates show, that poverty is less interdependent and continue to decrease, while affluence has asymptotically high global dependence, meaning a higher global dependence on and sensitivity to the well-being of the affluent countries. The received results derive the pattern of the extreme interdependence and can help to identify poverty and affluence spill-over across countries and regions and calculate the average sensitivity of a country to these phenomena on the global level and can potentially help in poverty reduction strategies within the Sustainable Development Goal by the United Nations.  相似文献   


We study the performance of diamonds compared to gold and other precious metals in mitigating the tail risk of a diversified equity market portfolio over the period June 2007 to October 2018. Our results display a diversification benefit of some diamond indices, which also improve the portfolio reward-to-risk ratio. To corroborate this evidence, we study the dependence structure and tail dependence of diamonds and a broad equity market portfolio and compare it to the dependence obtained with gold and other precious metals. Results from fitting a bivariate copula show that the average left tail dependence reaches its minimum when diamonds are used. We also show that using shares of diamond-mining companies does not provide the same benefits.  相似文献   

Ibrahim Ergen 《Applied economics》2013,45(19):2215-2227
This article examines tail dependence, the benefits of diversification and the relation between the two for emerging stock markets. We find most emerging equity markets are independent in limiting joint extremes. However, the dependence in finite levels of extremes is still much stronger than the dependence implied by multivariate normality. Therefore, simple correlation analysis can lead to gross underestimation of the chances of joint crashes in multiple markets. Assuming risk-averse investors guarding against extreme losses, diversification benefits are measured for each two-country optimal portfolio by the reduction in quantile risk measures such as value-at-risk and expected shortfall relative to an undiversified portfolio. It is shown that tail dependence measures developed from multivariate extreme value theory are negatively related to diversification benefits and more importantly can explain diversification benefits better than the correlation coefficient at the most extreme quantiles.  相似文献   

The choice of an appropriate dependence structure in modelling multivariate risks is an important issue because different tail structure embedded in copula leads to a different capital requirement for the institution. We present how to select a well-specified dependence structure to given application data. Using a simple simulation technique, we develop a statistical test to assess the adequacy of a specific dependence structure. We examine the sensitivity of risk estimates to the choice of copulas using the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 stock indices.  相似文献   

关于地租推进型通货膨胀的价格传导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,地租推进型通货膨胀是土地产品价格上涨推动的通货膨胀,是土地产品价值上升的结果,是土地产品价值实现的要求,不是传统意义上的通货膨胀。不同类型的货币政策下,尽管地租推进型通货膨胀的价格传导机制是不同的,其基本内容都是剩余产品在初次分配中向土地所有者的倾斜。因此,地租推进型通货膨胀的治理,核心不在于消灭地租推进型通货膨胀本身,而在于缓解收入分配带来的社会阵痛。地租推进型通货膨胀在投机资本的影响下往往呈现复合式发展的特征。地租推进型通货膨胀研究的新视角,为政府宏观调控应对土地产品价格上涨提供了全新的思路。  相似文献   

The extent to which demand and supply shocks are transmitted in the supply chain is an important topic. As many supply chains cross international borders exchange rate pass through is an important element in this context. In this paper a multivariate system that allow us to test different hypothesis with respect to the supply chain is specified. Our empirical analysis includes tests of whether there is a link between the different stages in the supply chain, whether the exchange rate pass through is complete and whether price signals are fully transmitted. Different exogeneity assumptions are testable hypothesis, and one can avoid the simultaneity problem associated with the common single equation specifications. Moreover, one can also test whether the exchange rate is determined outside the system, as well as testing for price leadership. An application is provided for the supply chain for cod between Norway and Portugal.
Frank AscheEmail:

This paper tries to investigate the time-varying characteristics of China’s monetary policy transmission from the impulse response evidence of both open-economy DSGE model and TVP-VAR model. We find that the transmission efficiency of price-based monetary policy has significantly improved over the sample period, while quantity-based monetary policy is weakening. The resume of exchange reform in 2010 also strengthens the exchange rate channel especially in terms of price-based monetary policy. Combining with the evidence from DSGE model underlines the importance of further interest rate liberalization and price-based monetary policy Taylor rule should also consider the exchange rate stability.  相似文献   

We analyse the impact of local market power on price margins and different dimensions of price adjustment dynamics (speed and asymmetry of price transmission) using data for a large number of individual gasoline stations in Austria. Specific attention is paid to threshold effects in price adjustment. Our results clearly suggest that the speed of price transmission between the Brent crude oil index and retail diesel prices is higher in a more competitive environment. While evidence on the relationship between local market power and asymmetries in the speed of price adjustment is mixed, our findings regarding asymmetries in price thresholds are clear: in regions where competition from neighbouring rivals is weak and/or consumers’ price elasticity of demand is low (stations located on the highway), positive thresholds significantly exceed negative ones, which corresponds to the ‘rockets and feathers phenomenon’. As expected, we observe that prices are lower in more competitive local markets.  相似文献   

Optimal multiproduct time-varying hedge ratios are determined – for a soybean complex – and their risk-mitigating impact is contrasted over single-commodity time-varying and naive hedge ratios. A parsimonious regime-switching dynamic correlation model is employed, with the estimated dynamic correlation matrix among prices varying between two different levels, and the time-varying correlations being applied to the multiproduct setting. Findings obtained are three-fold. First, there is significant evidence that estimated simultaneous correlations among different commodities’ prices (e.g. soybean spot and soybean meal futures) attain different values along the time series. Second, there is a substantial reduction in margin variance provided by the optimal multiproduct time-varying hedge ratios over single time-varying and naive hedge ratios, for both in- and out-of-sample data. Third, average optimal multiproduct time-varying hedge ratios for soybean and soybean meal (0.82 and 0.74, respectively; for out-of-sample data) are significantly below the naive full hedge ratio, providing risk mitigation at lower costs.  相似文献   

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