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This study analyzes trends and patterns in employment, hours worked, and women’s wages for Thai women, and relations among these variables in models of female labour supply. Labour supply behaviour of Thai women is investigated with synthetic cohort data defined by age, year of birth, and level of educational attainment, constructed from annual labour force surveys from 1985 to 2004. According to pseudo-panel estimates, wage increases lead to a reduction in hours worked, but also an increase in the employment/population ratio, with elasticity estimates that are robust across a variety of specifications. Estimates based on disaggregation by marital status show that marriage provides protection against wage decreases, allowing married women greater choice between hours of work and other household activities. Alternative disaggregations find that younger cohorts of women and those with the highest education show the greatest (positive) response of the employment rate to wage changes, leading to a future Thai labour force with more women and higher educational attainment.  相似文献   

We build an equilibrium search model where married couples make joint decisions on home production and labour market participation and analyse the implications of our results for a frictional marriage market. A worker's bargaining position reflects their productivity, and the productivity and employment status of their spouse. People sometimes accept transitory jobs only to raise the spouse's long-term wages. Firms sometimes reduce turnover by unilaterally increasing a worker's wage, ensuring that the spouse stays at home.  相似文献   

Escalating divorce rates during the 1960s and 1970s led to large numbers of academic investigations into the causes of divorce. Most of these studies concentrated on a significant increase in female income that resulted from rising female labour force participation rates. The difficulty with quantifying these arguments is that it is possible to observe the income of married females or it is possible to observe the income of divorced females, but it is not possible to observe both outcomes, simultaneously. This research attempts to resolve these difficulties by using sample selection techniques to correct for possible bias from simple observation of the income of married and divorced females.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the components that affect inter‐temporal labour force participation among married women in Japan. We estimate linear probability models and simple, dynamic probit models with a variety of specifications. We find that serially correlated transitory errors have a significant effect on the participation behaviour of married women, while the first‐order lagged dependent variable has no significant effect. The result that serially correlated transitory errors influence married women's inter‐temporal labour force participation suggests that exogenous rather than endogenous causes have a significant effect on long‐term economic disparity among married women.  相似文献   

Using time-diary data from the Time Use in Economic and Social Accounts (TUESA) 1975–76, which covers heterosexual couples in the United States, this paper analyzes the relationship between a state’s adoption of unilateral divorce and couples’ time allocation. Married women in states with unilateral divorce spend less time on core housework than those in states without unilateral divorce, and married men contribute to a greater share of housework. This paper also uses cross-state and time variation in divorce law adoption by including additional data from the early 1990s to estimate the effect of a state’s adoption of unilateral divorce on daily time use. The analysis confirms the findings for women in the 1970s: the availability of unilateral divorce substantially decreases married women’s time spent on housework. The results suggest that the adoption of unilateral divorce law shifts the relative bargaining power within heterosexual married households to women.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of differential tax treatment of married and single individuals in the United States on marriage formation and composition, divorce, and labor supply. We develop a marriage‐market model with search frictions and heterogeneous agents that is sufficiently rich to capture key elements of the problem under consideration. We then calibrate the model and use it to evaluate the quantitative effects of several tax reforms aimed at making the tax law neutral with respect to marital status. We find that these reforms (i) systematically increase the labor supply of married females, with changes ranging from 0.3 to 10.1 percent; (ii) have substantial effects on the correlation of spouses’ incomes, which changes from 0.2 to values between 0.185 and 0.334; (iii) can lead to either an increase or decrease in the fraction of people married, with changes that range from ?0.6 to 2.4 percent.  相似文献   

This article revisits the debate over the benefits of export-oriented manufacturing employment for women by taking up Linda Lim's (1990) critique that such research is often biased in its methods and conclusions. Using a sample of 198 women workers from the 1993 Labor Trajectories Survey, I conduct a multivariate statistical analysis to test whether the social and demographic characteristics of the female maquiladora labor force influence their position in the labor market. I find that maquiladoras in Tijuana, Mexico, employ married women, women with children, and women with low levels of education who constitute a low-wage sector of the labor force with few other employment alternatives. In the drive to keep production costs low, multinational manufacturers have tapped into this low-wage labor force, thereby taking advantage of women's labor market disadvantages and making a labor force willing to accept more "flexible" terms of employment.  相似文献   

本文利用2002年中国高龄老人健康长寿跟踪调查(CLHLS)子女问卷数据,通过多元回归模型对35~65岁的中年人群婚姻满意度的影响因素进行了分析。研究表明,健康状况及受教育程度对于婚姻满意度有显著性影响;在控制住受教育程度时,职业及收入等经济因素对婚姻满意度无显著影响;父母与其成年子女的婚姻满意度有正相关关系。本文未发现中年人群存在婚姻的家庭生命周期效应,婚姻满意度不受婚龄及子女离家生活事件的影响。研究还发现,男女婚姻满意度的影响因素存在差别,当通过相亲途径结婚或家庭经济权由男性掌握时,男性的婚姻满意度较低,但这些因素对女性无显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between wage inequality and the marriage and fertility decisions of young women. We develop an equilibrium search model of marriage, divorce, and investment in children that allows for differential timing of fertility. We show how patterns of fertility timing in U.S. data can be explained by the incentives for fertility delay implied by marriage and labor markets. We find that these incentives help explain both the cross-sectional relationship between women's wages and fertility timing and the changes over the past 40 years in married women's fertility timing and labor supply. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: J12, J13.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the importance of marriage for interstate risk sharing in the US. We find that US federal states in which married couples account for a higher share of the population are less exposed to state‐specific output shocks. Thus, in addition to improving the allocation of risk at the individual level, marriage also has implications for risk sharing at the more aggregated state level. Quantitatively, the impact of marriage on interstate risk sharing varies over divorce regimes.  相似文献   

Australia has experienced a growing rate of child disability, with the rate of 3.7 per cent in 1998 increasing to 4.3 per cent in 2003 for children aged under four years and from 9.5 per cent to 10 per cent for children aged five to 14 years in the same period. However, surprisingly no study has examined the economic effects of child disability in the Australian context. This paper attempts to quantify the link between a child's disability and the work behaviour of the female in the affected family. Our findings provide empirical justifications for the current policy linking the severity level of child disability to the assessment of eligibility for Carer Payment (Child). We also found that child disability has different impacts on the labour market activities of married women and non‐married women. It appears that child disability imposes a greater hardship on non‐married women than on married women in terms of work choice decision. Once non‐married women manage to enter the labour force, they may have to stay on to work as usual even if they have a disabled child, because they may not have other family members to turn to for help as married women do.  相似文献   

This article questions whether the unemployment invariance hypothesis of Layard et al. (2005), which states that movements in labour force do not significantly affect unemployment rates, holds true for Romania. Using quarterly labour force data for the 1996–2012 period, we explore the time-series properties of the two variables. We find that unemployment rates and participation rates have unit roots, and that they are not cointegrated, meaning that no significant long-term relationship exists between them. The analysis carried out on the first differences of unemployment rates and participation rates shows discouraged and added worker effects for Romania’s female labour force. This conclusion diverges from findings that point out to a stable, long-term relationship between unemployment and participation in several developed countries (Japan, Sweden, USA) and shows that Romanian labour market is highly adaptive, where changes in labour force participation do not lead to increases in unemployment. This finding can help model the influence of adverse developments such as ageing and emigration, and show their true impact beyond demographic doom scenarios. It also points out the role played by labour demand in shaping the evolution of the Romanian labour market.  相似文献   

Starting from the late 1980s, despite rapid economic growth, female labour force participation in urban China has shown a general declining trend. Using repeated cross‐sections from the Chinese Household Income Project Series (CHIP), this paper attempts to systematically relate the decrease in the labour force participation of married women to the socio‐economic changes happening in urban China during the same period of time. Adopting both linear and nonlinear decomposition techniques, the results indicate that the changes in married women's labour force participation during the periods 1995–2002 and 2007–2013 can be explained by the concurrent changes in the distribution of socio‐economic variables, while the changes during the periods 1988–1995 and 2002–2007 are mostly driven by the leftward shift of married women's participation function.  相似文献   

Unemployment, Participation and Family Incomes in the 1980s*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microsimulation methods are used to estimate the impact of changing Australian participation and unemployment rates on the level and distribution of family disposable incomes between 1981-82 and 1988-89. Between 1983-84 and 1988-89 a fall in unemployment and an increase in the labour force participation of married women both led to significant increases in family disposable incomes Whilst the inequality increasing effect of the recession in the early 1980s was thus partly reversed, intra-family employment patterns suggest that the increased incomes due to participation increases largely bypassed those married couples at the bottom end of the income distribution.  相似文献   

R. Collet 《Applied economics》2016,48(30):2807-2821
This article formulates and estimates a structural intertemporal model of labour force participation. Relying on theoretical characterizations derived from an economic model of lifetime behaviour, we estimate a dynamic probit model with correlated random effects using longitudinal data to allow for a dynamic structure. The model is applied to a panel of married women drawn from the 1997–2002 French Labour Force surveys in order to represent their participation behaviour. It is estimated by maximum simulated likelihood. Our results show that women’s decisions to go out to work are characterized by significant state dependence, unobserved heterogeneity and negative serial correlation in the transitory error component. In addition, we find that the presence of young children in a woman’s household reduces her labour participation, but unequally according to their age and number. As expected, educational level has a positive impact on women’s participation. Last, a rise in the husband’s wage is found to raise female participation initially and to lower it subsequently. This empirical finding suggests that leisure may not systematically be a normal good, contrary to what is frequently assumed in the literature.  相似文献   

Each year the net effect of transitions between jobs, and between employment and non-employment is that there has been a steady rise in the proportion of women and part-timers in employment in Britain. the determinants of one particular transition, namely recruitment, are analysed using 1983 data, in the light of existing theories about female employment. The conclusions are that recruitment of women and part-timers is promoted by the expansion of those occupations in which women are traditionally more concentrated, by their low pay and conditions in relation to men, and by the greater availability of married women for recruitment. The buffer mechanism, wherein firms are hypothesized to hire more female labour when unemployment is low and to hoard male labour in recessions, finds no empirical support.  相似文献   

One of the most important features of the Australian economy in the past two decades has been the structural deterioration of labour market performance, reflected in both an increase in the average rate of unemployment and an outward shift in the Beveridge Curve, which depicts the relationship between unemployment and vacancies. This article attempts to uncover some of the causes for this structural deterioration, in terms of the factors affecting the UVrelationship. We find that the Beveridge Curve shifted out around 1974, consistent with an increase in the equilibrium rate of unemployment which is generally agreed to have occurred around that time. Using gross labour market flow data, we also investigate the determinants of the equilibrium Beveridge Curve in the 1980s. We find that the Beveridge Curve shifted further outwards in the 1980s. The most important determinant of this shift was the decline in the search effectiveness of the unemployed, reflected in the increasing incidence of long-term unemployment. Partially offsetting this influence during this time were the declining labour force participation of men, and the very large increases in female employment.  相似文献   

Life cycle employment and fertility across institutional environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we formulate a dynamic utility maximization model of female labor force participation and fertility choices and estimate approximate decision rules using data on married women in Italy, Spain and France. The estimated decision rules indicate that first-order state dependence is the most important factor determining female labor supply behavior in all three countries. We also find that cross-country differences in state dependence effects are consistent with the order of country-level measures of labor market flexibility and child care availability. Counterfactual simulations of the model indicate that female employment rates in Italy and Spain could reach EU target levels were French social policies to be adopted in those countries.  相似文献   

Low participation rates of older workers in the labour market threaten the sustainability of the pension system in Austria. Given the current political debate on this issue, we try to shed light on employment and retirement behaviour of Austrian couples when income support is provided and pension benefits are reduced. Using a sample of married couples with both partners aged 50–65, we find that the proposed reform increases the labour supply of middle-income men whereas the effects on women are weaker. However, somehow surprisingly, we find that these reforms have an increasing effect on unemployment/inactivity probabilities which in turn is outweighed by a decreasing effect on the retirement probabilities in case of women. These findings emphasize the importance of a joint consideration of labour supply and retirement behaviour of married couples when introducing pension reforms and tax-benefit policies.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(3):521-539
We study the impact of the rise in female labor supply on the economic performance of the United States over the period 1967–2002 through the lens of a calibrated structural model. The model features all the key forces behind the increase in female participation (the “Quiet Revolution”): (1) the decline in marriage rates, (2) the narrowing gender wage gap, (3) the preference (or cultural) shift towards market work, and (4) the change in women’s bargaining power within the household. We find that preference shifts and the rise in relative wages of women were the most important driving forces behind rising women’s participation, while changes in marriage patterns have also had a sizeable effect. We conclude that half of the growth in US earnings per capita over this period can be traced to growth in female labor supply. We also find that the rise in female labor supply has had offsetting effects on income inequality and, therefore, its overall role has been negligible relative to skill-biased demand shifts and rising residual wage volatility.  相似文献   

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