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王欣 《走向世界》2011,(20):58-61
到访过许多戏的排练现场,但没有一个像《劈柴院传奇》那样,真实、感人、令人不由自主的投入。虽然演员们都穿着便服在简单稍显凌乱的排练室里穿插着排戏,但他们演活了每一个人物——道貌岸然的酒楼老板、可恶势利的警察、  相似文献   

意大利哲学家,批评家和小说家安伯托.艾柯的小说《玫瑰之名》的玄学侦探小说,他不同于传统的侦探小说。他淡化和颠覆了传统侦探小说。他对传统的侦探小说中的情节予以淡化,对人物的刻画进行了颠覆,把各种各样的信息融入到故事中,消除了故事的可信性,不再崇尚理性的力量,不再依靠逻辑推断,突出了玄学侦探小说的非理性特征。本文通过《玫瑰之名》来阐述玄学侦探小说中的创新。  相似文献   

对比是海明威小说《一个干净明亮的地方》很引人注意的写作技巧。通过人物对比、场所对比和场景对比,海明威揭示了人物性格特点,传达了一个时代的精神风貌:人们普遍感到空虚、寂寞,找不到存在的意义;一个个不安的灵魂找不到可以安顿的地方,咖啡馆成了很多人精神的避难所。  相似文献   


Hugo E. Pipping's major work on the early history of the Bank of Finland and its development from being the sole bank in Finland to its assumption of the role of central bank with its own gold reserves is not merely the history of a bank. It describes fully the beginning of the Finnish banking system and analyses the unique monetary conditions of the country. In the process the Bank itself sometimes recedes into the background of the story, but this approach has yielded a rich harvest.  相似文献   

海明成是20世纪美国著名的小说家,其短篇小说《一个干净明亮的地方》是一部典型的虚无主义小说。文章以独特的视角描写了身处危机之下不同人的不同心态。  相似文献   

从《左传》、《史记》开始,至元杂剧、明传奇、各地方剧种、当代戏剧和电影,"赵氏孤儿"的故事一直被当作经典题材而改编。由于时代和作者的不同,"赵氏孤儿"故事在流传发展过程中也产生了不同程度的变化。以若干具有代表性的历史和文学作品为对象,考察"赵氏孤儿"故事的演变及其文化意义。  相似文献   

The present paper describes the benefits and costs, in qualitative terms, of managing food price instability in Asia in the context of promoting economic growth and poverty reduction to improve food security. The experience of Asian governments in actual practice with price stabilization is discussed in the context of managing an efficient transition to market‐mediated food security. Recent experience in Indonesia, where a sharp increase in rice prices (caused by a ban on rice imports) pushed 4 million people into poverty, provides continued motivation for the analytical story in this paper.  相似文献   

幽默的不协调理论较好地解释了马克·吐温短篇小说的幽默效果,可以帮助我们理解马克·吐温在创作中使用的幽默手法。《狗的自述》以其悲惨的结局通常被视为吐温晚年悲观情绪的外现,而文本的幽默性往往被人忽视。其实,故事"天真无邪"的叙述者与作家早期作品中的主人公形象颇为相似,由人物引发出来的诸多不协调之处构成了这篇小说的幽默因素,体现吐温一贯的幽默手法。  相似文献   

Chinese gold seekers were the largest non-British group on the goldfields of Australasia and constituted the largest nationality on some diggings. In considering the movement of Chinese miners to and throughout the goldfields colonies of the southwest Pacific, this articles argues there existed a more complex pattern of migration than that suggested by the sojourner model of arrival, brief stay and departure. It examines the links between migration patterns and economic activity, and argues that economic history perspectives complement the insights offered by recent social and cultural history in the field.  相似文献   

英国十九世纪著名短篇小说家曼殊菲尔德在其短篇小说《幸福》中通过故事揭示了女性要争取自主的家庭和情感地位。  相似文献   

We “narrativize” a basic extensive form trust game by placing participants in a story that contextualizes the interaction with an unforeseeable future. In our narrative experiment, participants consider each decision as a character, advancing the story with their choices for salient payoffs. Our interest is in understanding how participants apply Adam Smith's rules of beneficent and just conduct in our narrativized games with epistemic conditions of an unknown future, conditions which aren't possible in extensive form. We invite our readers to participate in the story of the results, making meaning as participants in a narrative that unfolds with their choices.  相似文献   

派出所,一个特殊的地方,它很威严,也很亲切,人们从出生的那一天起,就和它发生关联;当遇到危难险急的时候,它又会瞬间成为人们最信任和依赖的地方。这里,是最前沿的安全堡垒,是市民安全感最敏锐的触角。365天,每天24小时,这里的灯光从不熄灭。新春来临之际,我们走进花溪派出所,深入基层、现场体验,讲述那些鲜活奋进的警察故事。  相似文献   

In February 1987 Daf, the privately owned Dutch truck maker, bought the British state-owned Leyland trucks and vans business. Almost five years to the day later, Leyland Daf went into liquidation. This report examines what went wrong and tells the story behind the 1987 deal. It will argue that the UK Government sold Leyland trucks to a parent company which had little to offer. This conclusion raises the crucial issues of how the British Government and the EC got us into this position and why both have done little to solve the regional problems they created.  相似文献   

The article analyses the experience of the first 2 years of the euro, focusing on the monetary policy of the ECB and explaining why it should be considered a success story. As a starting point, it gives a look at “what is” the euro area and the structure of its economy. It then reviews the institutional setting of the single monetary policy, the monetary policy strategy of the ECB and the monetary policy instruments at the disposal of the Eurosystem. The article then analyses the conduct of monetary policy in the years 1999–2000 and highlights the importance attached by the ECB to the transparency of the decision making process. Finally it is explained why the euro should be seen as a success story.  相似文献   

百面金鼓,擂开达蓬船埠;秦人徐福,翘盼蓬莱东渡。徐福村就坐落在这颇具神秘特色的达蓬山麓,面向浩瀚东海,环抱青山绿水,在初春晨光的抚拂下,整个村庄显得格外秀美与多彩多姿。徐福村占地0.45平方公里,有耕地1240亩,677户,常住人口2600余人,其中外来人口近千人。改革开放以来,新一代徐福人在村党支部的带领下,秉承了徐福那种不畏艰险、英勇无畏的精神,激流勇进,以贯彻落实科学发展观为先导,不断优化产业布局,努力培植工业核心经济,积极发展现代农业,依托达蓬山旅游区拓展服务业,集体经济不断壮大,村民生活幸福和美,全村走出了一条良性循环的发展之路。2012年,全村实现社会总产值17.8亿元,村集体可用资金758万元,村民人均纯收入达到  相似文献   

宋杨  侍晓雅 《科技和产业》2011,11(1):107-109
在世界经济发展经历了农业经济和工业经济、服务经济并即将迎来体验经济的背景下,故事对旅游品牌的作用凸显,用需求曲线分析揭示了故事对旅游品牌价值的积累和放大效应,对当今旅游品牌竞争具有重大意义,对企业来说等于是拥有了一个可持续发展的竞争优势,对消费者来说,物质和精神的需求都极大地得到了满足。  相似文献   

日本作为亚洲数一数二的经济强国,一直致力于创造东亚共同体,本文就日本政党提出的东亚共同体的整个来龙去脉是如何做初步研究。  相似文献   

In this paper we will use the theoretical framework of hedonic price (-performance) functions, to demonstrate that the Indian computer industry has succeeded in closing the price-performance (technology) gap between mostly US produced micro- and minicomputers, and domestically fabricated micro- and minimodels. This paper tells the story of industrial policy changes that allowed an emerging domestic computer industry in India to obtain necessary technology inputs and that provided for an increasingly intense level of domestic competition. We analyze the effect of two key factors, access to technology and level of competition, on the level of technological capabilities of the computer sector. The paper uses India's experience with the computer industry to outline by inference a strategy for the successful acquisition of technology in a high-technology industry by a newly industrializing country.  相似文献   

一年一榜。又一个年末岁尾了。 2010年上榜的十位人物分别是:郭台铭、陈晓、唐骏、金岩石、张亮、金磊、杨再飞、马化腾。  相似文献   

本文由一个传统的故事引发我们对教学的思考,从而对我国的教学提出改革意见。  相似文献   

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