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如果从更大的视角来看此次两项制度的推出,可以说是中国资本市场基础性制度建设、不断丰富证券交易方式、完善市场功能的一次里程碑式的改革。人们期待着中国证券市场涉深水试验平稳度过  相似文献   

In this paper we explore some recent trends in the financial market and also report some studies of the Singapore futures markets. A characterization of trends shows that national securities markets are much closer than before. This means the linkages between securities and their derivatives and amongst themselves have be come much stronger. Secondly, the advent of sophisticated risk products and instruments and the knowledge to use them effectively would become a common theme together with the idea of value enhancements. Thirdly, computerizations and the internet will play an increasingly important role. So will empirical financial research become increasingly microscopic. The discussion will be supported by the experiences of the Singapore futures markets and various empirical research evidences. The paper also provides a detailed study of causality-in-variance test of information transmission between SIMEX and Osaka Stock Exchange on the Nikkei 225 stock index futures trading prior to, during, and immediately after the announcement of the collapse of Barings. The results are indicative of very strong international market linkages and a portent of things to come.  相似文献   

随着融资融券和股指期货在我国的推出,我国衍生金融品市场建设又迈上了一个新的台阶。如何提高衍生金融工具会计信息披露质量已成为当前研究的热点之一,作为正确引导衍生金融交易行为,规范衍生金融市场向健康方向发展的会计教育,其质量的好坏不仅影响衍生金融工具的创新,更影响我国衍生金融市场的可持续发展。基于此,本文对衍生金融工具会计教育质量进行了调查.针对存在的问题进行了深层剖析并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

A novel methodology for the analysis of derivatives pricing in incomplete markets is tested empirically. The methodology generates hedge ratios and derivatives prices. They are estimated from the correlation structure between the local co-movements of securities prices. First, the hedge ratios from a parsimonious complete-market model are estimated by fitting locally the changes in the derivatives and the underlying securities prices. Second, derivatives prices are obtained from the locally estimated hedge ratios. The methodology, referred to as local parametric estimation, is tested on a dataset of DAX index options and futures transactions from the computerized German Futures Exchange.  相似文献   

各国和地区设置证券交易税的政策目标在于降低股票价格的不稳定性和增加政府的财政收入。为检验上述政策目标能否实现,本文对美国、瑞典、英国、日本、韩国、中国香港、中国台湾几个重要的证券市场进行了分析,得出结论:各国和地区设置证券交易税的政策目标很难实现。  相似文献   

This study examines how speculative and hedging sentiments influence the returns and volatilities of energy futures markets. We construct speculative and hedging sentiment indices based on the weekly data of fund and commercial positions of four energy futures: crude oil, heating oil, gasoline, and natural gas, traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) from 15 January 2013 to 5 February 2019. Our study demonstrates that speculative sentiment generates greater market fluctuations in the energy futures markets than hedging sentiment; and, further, speculative sentiment stimulates a reversal effect on the returns of crude oil futures. Moreover, speculative sentiment exerts positive systemic risk compensation on the four futures' returns, whereas hedging sentiment alleviates volatilities in the energy futures markets. Most notably, distinguishing it from the leverage effect in stock markets, the speculative sentiment in the energy futures markets is influenced more by good than by bad news; while hedging sentiment exhibits emotional neutrality, as opposed to its impact on stock markets as reported in the literature. Additionally, the positive hedging sentiment in crude oil futures demonstrates significant systemic risk compensation, whereas the three other futures do not have an influence, confirming the prevalence of speculation in hedging transactions in crude oil futures. Our further analysis shows cross-market volatility spillover effects, among which speculative sentiment inherent in crude oil futures causes volatility spillovers to the three other futures, while hedging sentiment has no such effect. Our study has implications for overseeing international energy futures markets, providing regulators with evidence that will facilitate the development of effective strategies to strengthen market supervision.  相似文献   

证券期货市场人工智能交易具有强大的预测分析能力、投资策略制定能力以及敏锐的市场反应能力。与之相适应,刑法对证券期货犯罪的规制重点也应当从交易的行为方式向交易技术转移。鉴于利用人工智能交易可以实施滥用技术优势型市场操纵犯罪行为,刑法有必要对人工智能交易予以规制,并且这种规制利大于弊。规制应当明确区分人工智能交易的正当使用和滥用,并进一步完善操纵证券、期货市场罪的规定。  相似文献   

Proponents of a securities transactions tax have suggested that such a tax may reduce stock return volatility. The argument is that, to the extent that short-term speculative trading volume is the source of excess volatility, a tax that reduces such volume will reduce volatility. In the context of a simple general equilibrium model, it is shown that this partial equilibrium argument is misleading and in large part incorrect. In the absence of a tax, the model generates equilibria in which the risky asset's price exhibits excess volatility and agents engage in excess trading activity owing to the presence of destabilizing noise traders. Within the context of the model, it is shown that, although a transactions tax can reduce the volatility of the risky asset's price, the reduction in price volatility is accompanied by a fall in the asset's price as agents discount the future tax liability associated with risky asset ownership. Consequently, although price volatility may decrease slightly, the fall in equilibrium prices more than compensates, and the volatiltiy of risky asset returns unambiguously increases with the level of the transactions tax.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemThe conclusions herein are those of the author and do not represent the views of the Federal Reserve Board or any of the Federal Reserve Banks.  相似文献   

次贷危机的发生引起世界对金融创新风险的广泛关注。为应对这次危机,税收作为财政政策工具,为各国普遍采用。但对适用于金融交易本身的税法规则,各国却未能进行深刻的反思。为促进本国金融市场发展而不断调低对金融交易的税收负担,必须经由比例原则和纳税人权利的审查而获得合理正当化的基础。减轻金融交易的税收负担对促进金融市场健康、稳定、有序发展的作用极为有限,反而在一定程度上削弱了公民权利实现的财政基础。随着金融市场从国民经济的核心演化为投机场所,各国对其课以低税负甚至免税缺乏必要的正当性。因此,对金融市场课税,应当重视的不只是其对金融市场发展的调节功能,而更应当关注税收所固有的财政收入功能,并以此为基础,遵循量能课税原则着手金融交易课税规则的构建。  相似文献   

国际期货市场机构投资者的发展及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期货市场上的机构投资者主要有期货投资基金和对冲基金,证券公司或投资银行、养老基金、共同基金以及商业银行等机构也是重要参与者。本文介绍了参与国际期货市场的机构投资者的投资特点、在不同市场投资所占的比重和发挥的作用,分析了期货市场机构投资者的类型、发展及与现货市场机构投资者及期货公司之间的关系,并为中国期货市场机构投资者的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

A theory of trading in stock index futures   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
It is demonstrated that markets in stock index futures or, moregenerally, in baskets of securities, provide a preferred tradingmedium for uniformed liquidity traders who wish to trade portfolios,because adverse selection costs are typically lower in thesemarkets than in markets for individual securities. Thus, anexplanation is provided for the immense liquidity and popularityof markets in stock index futures. Implications are also developedfor the effect of the introduction of a basket on market liquidityand the informativeness and variability of component securityprices, and for the price relationship between the basket andits underlying portfolio.  相似文献   

Trading costs and price discovery   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The price discovery roles of a set of related markets or securities have been investigated in many different settings where trading costs effect is often commingled with other trading arrangement factors. In Hong Kong, regular futures and mini futures contracts as well as their underlying spot asset are all traded on a same electronic trading platform. The trading arrangements thus provide us with a unique setting where we can isolate the impacts of transaction costs on price discovery. Using Hasbrouck’s (J Finance 50:1175–1199, 1995) information share approach, it is found that in Hong Kong, the regular futures contracts market plays a dominant role in price discovery while the mini futures and cash index markets play minor roles. The results in this paper provide an unequivocal support to the trading costs hypothesis.  相似文献   

This research investigates that the price relationship between a stock index and its associated nearby futures markets can be explained by the cost-of-carry model using the concordance correlation (CC) coefficient in the US financial markets. The main purpose of this research is to confirm that the CC coefficient is an appropriate methodology to determine ex post arbitrage opportunities and to maximize ex ante arbitrage profits through the analysis of the price relationship derived from the cost-of-carry model. To increase the robustness of the results and to enable us to generalize our conclusions, this analysis is carried out in consideration of external uncertainty, including the marking-to-market procedure of futures contracts and the transaction cost on the stock index and its futures markets, under several assumptions related to the conditions of transactions. Examining transaction price data on the S&P 500 stock index and its futures markets shows that the CC coefficient gives a good result for ex ante arbitrage profits and is appropriate for analyzing the relationship between the observed stock index futures market price and its theoretical price derived from the cost-of-carry model.  相似文献   

Numerous futures markets in the US and many stock markets around the world set a “limit” price before each trading session, based on the settlement price at the end of the previous trading day. Price limits are boundaries set by market regulators to restrict large daily fluctuations in the price of securities. Once the return limit is triggered, traders cannot observe the equilibrium return that would have prevailed in the absence of such regulation. We develop an innovative approach for forecasting security returns (and prices) in a market regulated by price limits. Our forecasting model allows for multiple limit-hits. The model is robust, straightforward and easy for practitioners to use. A few numerical predictions are provided for hypothetical securities, and for seven traded futures contracts.  相似文献   

Unlike most major industrialized nations, the United States does not impose an excise tax on securities transactions. This article examines the desirability and feasibility of implementating a U.S. Securities Transfer Excise Tax (STET) directed at curbing excesses associated with short-term speculation and at raising revenue. We conclude that strong economic efficiency arguments can be made in support of a STET that throws sand into the gears, in James Tobin's (1982) phrase, of our excessively well-functioning financial markets. Such a tax would have the beneficial effects of curbing instability introduced by speculation, reducing the diversion of resources into the financial sector of the economy, and lengthening the horizons of corporate managers. The efficiency benefits derived from curbing speculation are likely to exceed any costs of reduced liquidity or increased costs of capital that come from taxing financial transactions more heavily. The examples of Japan and the United Kingdom suggest that a STET is administratively feasible and can be implemented without crippling the competitiveness of U.S. financial markets. A STET at a .5% rate could raise revenues of at least $10 billion annually.  相似文献   

The relationship between prices of puts and calls on securities that is suggested by the theory of efficient markets is developed and empirically tested in this paper. We find that the basic model is not supported unless rather large transactions costs are included. Moreover, the transactions costs that must be assumed to make the model consistent with the data are so large as to raise troublesome questions as to whether there were unexploited profit opportunities in the options market at least during the 1967–1969 period. We also find that similar deviations from the efficient market hypothesis have shown up in related work by other researchers but that their explanations of these results appear to be incorrect on theoretical grounds or too sanguine.  相似文献   

In rational, efficiently functioning and complete markets, returns on derivative and underlying securities should be perfectly contemporaneously correlated. Due to market imperfections, one of these markets may reflect information faster. The use of high-frequency data and the choice for a small unit time interval to measure these lead-lag relations comes at the cost of some or many missing observations, causing traditional estimators to either under- or overestimate covariances and correlations. We use a new estimator to estimate lead-lag relationships between the cash AEX index, options and futures. We find that futures returns lead both options and cash index returns by approximately 10 minutes. The relationship between options and the cash market is not completely unidirectional.  相似文献   

我国股指期货与现货市场信息传递与波动溢出关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
股指期货与现货市场关系是监管者关注的重点问题。本文采用我国股指期货上市以来1分钟级高频数据,应用向量误差修正模型、方差分解、多元T-GARCH等,考察期现两市信息传递、波动溢出效应的影响。实证结果表明,尽管股指期货和股票市场之间短期内存在相互引导关系,但股票市场价格变动更多来自于自身影响,起主导作用,而且两市长期均衡收敛也是以股票市场占主导地位;两市存在显著的双向波动溢出,期货市场的波动溢出效应强于股票市场的波动溢出效应;两市场存在明显的非对称效应,期货市场对坏消息更为敏感,而现货市场对好消息更为敏感。  相似文献   

The behavior of competing dealers in securities markets is analyzed. Securities are characterized by stochastic returns and stochastic transactions. Reservation bid and ask prices of dealers are derived under alternative assumptions about the degree to which transactions are correlated across stocks at a given time and over time in a given stock. The conditions for interdealer trading are specified, and the equilibrium distribution of dealer inventories and the equilibrium market spread are derived. Implications for the structure of securities markets are examined.  相似文献   

股指期货是连接证券市场和期货市场的纽带,为证券市场提供了有效的避险工具。通过对股指期货犯罪行为的分析,笔者认为,操纵股指期货的行为必须纳入刑法规制范畴,同时还应当警惕并防范股指期货挂牌交易后因设计缺陷所产生的"新型老鼠仓"行为。并且单独罪名无法有效防止犯罪行为发生,应当建立综合性证券、期货犯罪防范体系。  相似文献   

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