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抓住社会和产业转型的时机,易才应运而生,依靠人力资源外包服务,年轻的易才正在人力资源市场上寻找自己的位置。  相似文献   

随着全球化和知识经济时代的到来,企业之间的激烈竞争推动企业对于自身核心能力的重视,企业更加聚焦于具有较强竞争优势的核心业务,而把非核心业务外包给其他相关企业即人力资源外包。但是人力资源外包在国内的发展还未完全成熟,发展过程中也存在很多的问题。基于此,我国现阶段人力资源外包效果还不尽如人意。而影响外包效果的因素很多。鉴于中国目前人际信任度普遍偏低的现状,本研究选取了人际信任作为自变量,外包效果为因变量。通过对几家人力资源外包公司员工与业务合作方人力资源人员进行问卷调查,针对合作双方信任度对外包效果的影响进行探讨,力求分析出人际信任对于人力资源外包效果的影响,为管理实践提供基础。  相似文献   

文章首先论述了人力资源外包的概念和其作用、特点,并结合国内形势,对中小企业人力资源外包的现状进行分析.在此基础上,对企业如何进行人力资源外包,即人力资源外包策略,进行详细介绍.并分析了在中小企业进行人力资源外包时会遇上的风险.最后结合中国中小企业的具体情况给了一些有关人力资源方面的总结和风险的应对措施.  相似文献   

人力资源外包现在已成为很多企业解决人力资源管理问题的一大方式,而且人力资源外包越来越表现出其重要性和必要性。但人力资源外包作为一种先进的管理方式,必然存在较高的风险,因此做好风险管理是极其必要的。本文对人力资源外包存在的风险进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了解决风险的策略。  相似文献   

人力资源外包服务产品的营销策略不能和有形产品等同,服务商应考虑其特殊性,从产品、产品有形展示、价格、销售渠道和促销五方面来确定。特别对于中小型人力资源外包服务商而言,由于其市场品牌知名度不够响亮,在参与市场竞争时,更要认真研究符合本企业和客户需要的营销策略方案。  相似文献   

随着国际竞争日趋激烈,人力资源在经济和社会发展中的作用将日益突出。加强人力资源能力建设,优化人力资源配置,越来越得到各国政府、企业及其他社会组织的重视。  相似文献   

企业不同发展阶段的人力资源外包策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人力资源外包是人力资源管理活动的扩展,一种人力资源活动是否外包不仅与它本身的战略价值和特性有关,也与企业的发展阶段存在密切关系。在不同的发展阶段,企业应有不同的外包策略和外包内容,以达到既充分利用外包优势,又能避免其劣势的效果。  相似文献   

人力资源管理(HRM)外包是指把某些或全部HRM职能委托给企业外部的专业服务商完成的行为。HRM外包在我国属新生事物,存在许多不成熟、不完善的地方,实践中不可避免地会存在一些风险,如何采取有效措施减少或降低风险,成功实现外包,已经成为管理界关注的重要课题。为此,笔者提出以下HRM外包实施策略,以资参考。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,人力资源部门由事务型管理、职能型管理向战略型管理转变,人力资源外包业务在企业发展中扮演了重要的角色。本文着重分析了人力资源外包的现状和风险,并提出了相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

企业人力资源外包的风险及其防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资源外包风险是指企业在把人力资源管理活动的部分或全部内容外包的过程。人力资源外包是近些年人力资源管理领域中开展得越来越普遍的一项创新活动,并日益受到各类企业的重视。但是,在人力资源外包中也存在着很多风险性因素,例如:外包服务商选择方面的风险、企业文化冲突的风险、信息安全及经营安全的风险、员工流失与抵制的风险等等。本文首先阐述了人力资源外包风险的来源,然后分析了人力资源外包风险的理论成因,最后提出了人力资源外包风险的防范对策。  相似文献   

企业人力资源外包——定价策略和收益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述人力资源外包的概念、外包的动力及作用等基础上,对企业人力资源外包成本和收益决策进行了详细的分析和讨论。本文认为,人力资源外包收益的获得不仅体现在外包价格和外包监控成本之上,也同企业外包后由于人力资源服务水平的提升带来的收益增加和/或其他方面的成本降低相联系。因此,系统地分析并考虑人力资源外包后的整体优势,通过科学的人力资源规划和有效的员工激励来促使生产率提升将会是企业提升人力资源外包总体收益的关键所在。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展与专业化分工,HR外包服务作为企业HRM战略变革的重要手段,逐渐被更多的企业所接受。新《劳动合同法》的实施又给企业HRM提出了新要求,如何专注价值、降低成本、灵活用工、规避风险已成为企业人事管理面临的现实课题。同时,新形势也给国内HR外包服务机构带来难得的发展机遇。本文以HR外包服务行业为着眼点,从行业战略格局分析入手,展开营销价值思考与营销模式设计,并提出HR外包服务机构营销策略要点建议。  相似文献   

企业外包策略分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
外包是现代企业扩展生产能力,更好满足用户需要的一种重要的生产经营方式。本文就外包的成因,给企业带来的益处,及企业在实施过程中应注意的问题等方面进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

HR competency research has predominantly focused on identifying generic HR competencies for HR practitioners using a universalist approach. This approach has led to the distinction between strategic and functional HR competencies, and a belief that the former is superior to the latter for successful performance in the HR domain. However, little attention has been paid to the interrelationships between strategic and functional HR competency dimensions, and their perceived relevance to strategic and functional HR roles. Drawing on a situationalist perspective and using a mixed-method approach, seven HR competency concepts are identified and examined for their perceived relative importance to strategic and functional HR roles. The findings indicate that Business Awareness competencies are important differentiators between strategic and functional HR roles, whereas Leadership and Relationship Building and Self-Belief and Social Factors are generic to all HR practitioners. The findings also indicate that there is a wider range of HR attributes required for HR job success than those espoused in the HR literature. Theoretical implications and recommendations on selection and development programmes for HR practitioners are also discussed.  相似文献   

Strategic participation is important for HR professionals who wish to have increased influence in their organizations. While a number of previous studies have suggested a link between strategic human resource management and firm performance, few have explored the specific factors enabling HR strategic participation. This study examines the impact of HR service quality and expectations of HR contributions on HR strategic participation. A total of 244 survey responses were received from 42 companies in Taiwan. All hypotheses were supported, thus signifying significant relationships between HR service quality, expectations of HR contributions, and HR strategic participation. The study results also indicate that HR professionals are able to proactively increase the value of HR in organizations by enhancing HR service quality and addressing potential internal customers' needs accordingly. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aims of this research are twofold; first, to determine which human resource (HR) functions are most commonly outsourced in Australian organisations and second, to explore the motivation to outsource these HR functions. Results from a nationwide survey identified recruitment and selection, training, occupational health and safety, payroll and employee benefits as the top five outsourced HR functions. The three common reasons to outsource these functions were to acquire specialised HR capabilities, improve quality and efficiency, and to free resources to concentrate on the strategic role of HR. Four main outsourcing drivers–resources, learning, cost saving and political–were identified, which offer explanations for the most commonly outsourced HR functions. Apart from the learning factor, these are consistent with motivations for outsourcing in non-HR areas.  相似文献   

Many have argued that the field of human resource (HR) management has successfully transformed itself from the functional orientation of personnel management to a strategic orientation that is more relevant to the goals and effectiveness of business in the current competitive landscape. In this article, we assess that proposition by reviewing almost 1000 award-winning papers and articles published in leading US and British management journals since the mid-1990s. We use this data to evaluate the scope of HR research in the field, the extent to which it has changed, and whether changes in this research have kept pace with changes that organizations face in the current global economy. Consistent with the strategic HR framework, we find that the question of the link between HR and performance has, indeed, become the dominant one among both micro- and macro-organizational scholars. Contrary to expectations, however, micro-level research continues to be more prevalent than macro-organizational studies; and we find little change in the subjects and sites of research or theoretical approaches adopted. These characteristics of HR research are in sharp contrast with the dramatic changes occurring in the world of work – suggesting a mismatch between what HR scholars study and what issues and dilemmas organizations face. Finally, by assessing similarities and differences between the American and British scholarship, we are able to suggest a research agenda, more relevant to the current global economy, which builds on the strengths of each tradition.  相似文献   

Human resource flexibility as a construct, how it develops, and its effect on firm performance have not received adequate attention in strategic HRM literature in spite of their obvious importance in today's dynamic competitive environment. Based on a study of 98 manufacturing and 103 service firms in India, this paper addresses these issues by developing and testing a multi-level model that attempts to explore the ‘black box’ of the interlinkages between the various components of HR flexibility and firm-level human, operational, and financial outcomes. The results suggest that a certain set of ambidextrous HR practices constitute a distinct dimension of HR flexibility, beyond the dimensions of flexibilities of skill, behaviour and HR practices as already identified in the existing literature. Evidences from both manufacturing and service sectors support the notion of HR value chain that suggests that HR system has a direct impact on firm-level HR outcomes which are most proximal, and its effects on increasingly more distal operational and financial outcomes are mediated by HR outcomes that it produces. Another important finding is that HR practices as a system have both direct and indirect (mediated by behavioural flexibility) effects on firm-level HR outcomes. Existence of significant direct effects highlights the important role that HR practices play as a structural mechanism in achieving superior firm performance.  相似文献   

As increased use of outsourcing by a number of firms within North American has produced significant changes over the last decade in how the human resource function delivers services. In this article, we draw on transaction cost economics, the resource-based view, the HR architecture literature, and institutional theory to examine why these changes have been observed. Following this, we use these same theoretical perspectives to examine how different types of firms are likely to make use of outsourcing in the future to provide human resource services and programmes.  相似文献   

Human resource leaders are experimenting with new approaches to organizing and utilizing workers that are not limited to the traditional boundaries of the firm, but rather expand to an ecosystem of work and organization. This special issue introduction article introduces a set of papers from management scholars discussing the ecosystem of work and organization and offers a roadmap for future research on HR ecosystems. An ecosystem perspective invites us to rethink our current frameworks to better link theory to practice. It also challenges us to shift our level of analysis from the organization to the ecosystem, asking: how is work organized and conducted within this complex and evolving context? These papers uncover trends related to (1) technological mediation, (2) impermanence and adaptation, and (3) shared governance. Our hope is that by framing these trends found within the research in this special issue that scholars will be provided a better road map in moving forward with their own research on the role of HR within the ecosystem of work and organization.  相似文献   

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