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19世纪末大批俄国犹太人纷纷移居中国哈尔滨,仅1921-1922年,在哈尔滨的外侨人口中,犹太侨民的数量仅次于俄国侨民位居第二位,约五千五百人.为何当时俄国犹太难民不去别的国家而选择哈尔滨作为避难地,这个问题长期以来一直受到学术界的关注.沙俄反犹排犹迫害是移居的政治因素;日俄战争与十月革命是移居的历史因素;中东铁路的修建是移居的经济因素;语言与风俗是移居的人文环境因素;中俄犹文化融通性是移居的民族文化因素.  相似文献   

从19世纪末到20世纪40年代,因中东铁路的建设和日俄战争的爆发,大批俄国犹太技术工人和难民开始向中国东北地区的哈尔滨迁移,随着人数日益增多,哈尔滨犹太人逐步形成独特的社区文化并组建多个锡安主义政治团体。本文主要阐述哈尔滨犹太社区三大锡安主义社团及其所开展的活动,并对社团特点及其影响作出客观评价。  相似文献   

在亚历山大三世统治时期,俄国对犹太人的政策有着极大的转变,这种转变与犹太人当时所处的社会环境息息相关.俄国在诸多方面通过多种方式推行反犹主义政策;各种反犹政策的出台和施行也带来各方面的影响,尽管存在被动的色彩,而绝处逢生的犹太人因此也积极地实现自我救赎,他们自我救赎的努力所造成的影响同样也不容忽视,重新审视这段历史仍然能够给人类以深思和启示.  相似文献   

从19世纪末开始,很多阿什肯纳兹犹太人从俄国来到中国东北,在哈尔滨的近代社会史与其传统的“一体观”观念相融合,体现出了地域特有的犹太“一体观”.特别是在犹太社区建立和复国主义运动兴起后,会堂、各种福利机构等都是“一体现”的具体表现.本文从哈尔滨犹太人的生活史入手,揭示了“一体观”价值,是团结求生存的号角,是无私友爱的传递,是人道关怀的堡垒,是民族连结的护照,是集体责任的名片.哈尔滨犹太人“一体观”还为加强黑龙江省与国外合作作出了必要贡献.  相似文献   

从19世纪30年代开始,原居中国犹太人开始大批有组织地返回巴勒斯坦。1951年,由一群从中国回归的犹太移民在特拉维夫组建了“中国犹太移民协会”,后更名为“以色列原居中国犹太人协会”。他们在会长特迪·考夫曼的领导下,为移民发放生活补助,为移民子女提供奖学金甚至小额无息贷款,调动自己有限的资源进行慈善互助活动,有效地保障了整个犹太移民团体在新移居地的生存和发展。同时,通过这些慈善活动,也有效提升了移民及其后裔们的民族凝聚力和集体互助精神。  相似文献   

金融业在国民经济中占有重要地位。19世纪60年代亚历山大二世改革后,俄国的经济迅猛发展,走上了工业化发展的道路。国民经济的蓬勃发展需要稳定的资金来源和可靠的信贷支持,这为创建近代化的金融体系提供了良好的契机,犹太私人银行就是在这一时期大量建立并迅速发展起来的。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期,随着西方保守党的失势和中左翼政党的执政,"第三条道路"作为当代西方中左翼政党的执政纲领也逐渐流行起来,成为西方政治理论界的一个时髦用语。但是,当代西方的"第三条道路"并不是在一夜之间就形成的,相反,它从提出到不断完善,经历了一个发展过程。  相似文献   

19世纪70年代郭嵩焘就认识到西方富强的本源",君维民,民系君"思想的提出标志着当时的知识分子开始真正接触到近代西方的民主观念,从而也就揭开了中国从近代走向民主化的序幕。  相似文献   

莫尔杰哈伊·奥尔默特是著名的犹太社会活动家、哈尔滨"贝塔"运动先驱。1927年曾就读于哈尔滨工业大学,并在就读期间积极参加了哈尔滨"贝塔"青年组织的活动,为了筹集回国路费,赴双城堡中学执教一年。1933年回归以色列,为以色列建国做出了卓越贡献,并创建了阿米卡姆莫沙夫。奥尔默特作为原居哈尔滨犹太人,是中犹友谊发展的历史见证人。  相似文献   

<正> 19世纪末毫米波首先被俄国物理学家研制成功,由于设备技术等问题,到20世纪50、60年代以后,毫米波技术才有较快的发展,逐步运用于雷达、通讯、无线电测量等方面,并开始了毫米波生物学效应的研究。70年代,前苏联开始将毫米波应用于医疗领域,且在溃疡病等疾病的治疗上取得了良好的疗效。  相似文献   

冷战结束以后,俄罗斯外交百废待兴,总统叶利钦开始在外交领域构筑更大更广阔的交流平台,试图通过外交领域重新寻回俄罗斯的大国形象,但出于俄罗斯自身原因和国际环境的影响,叶利钦并没有给俄罗斯带来更多的发展契机.普京继任后,开始构筑普京式的外交政策,即打造崭新的俄罗斯的同时根据国家利益,以灵活务实的态度调整当前的外交政策.在外交领域,体现出整体收缩的态势,这虽然与前任总统形成很大的对比,但显然更适应俄罗斯当前的国内外形势.  相似文献   

The Committee on Industrial Organisation was established in the early 1960s to evaluate the level of preparedness of Irish industry for the imminent dismantling of the country's protectionist trade barriers. The Committee's sectoral reports list the 900 or so manufacturing firms that it surveyed and that together accounted for more than half of Irish manufacturing employment. From a range of archival sources, this article identifies the nationality of ownership of most of these firms, alongside their date of establishment and level of employment in 1960. Industrial grants data are used to strip out export‐oriented businesses that began to arrive in the 1950s. This makes it possible to estimate the employment share and sectoral presence of tariff‐jumping foreign firms. The latter is analysed through the lens of modern perspectives on foreign direct investment. The article also enhances our understanding of the interest‐group politics of the trade liberalization process.  相似文献   

The author uses his extensive experience as a Chairman of the Board of Promstroibank of the Soviet Union to analyze the main mistakes of reforms in the Soviet economy during the 1960s, the groundless economic measures of perestroika in the 1980s, serious drawbacks of radical market reforms that started in the 1990s, and their effect on the modern state of the Russian economy.  相似文献   

After more than three decades of independence, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have not yet developed stable political systems. Since the 1960s, when African countries began to achieve independence, many of them have encountered significant levels of institutional instability. In recent years, political violence has emerged as the most common method of governmental change. In this study, the effects of political violence on economic and human development in Sub-Saharan Africa are examined. It is seen that political instability is a significant constraint to the improvement of the human condition in the region.  相似文献   

The legal framework for social security in the Republic of Korea began to be formed in the early 1960s (the first period) and further progress was made during the process of democratization in the 1980s (the second period). However, it remained a “top‐down” residual system, preserving conservative elements. With the constitutional lawsuit over the right to life in 1994 as a turning point, however, there was a major shift to a universal system, supported by “bottom‐up” efforts through petitions to the National Assembly and legislation by Assembly members. This led to the enactment of the Framework Act on Social Security (1995), the National Basic Livelihood Security Act (1999) and other measures (the third period). This paper attempts to analyze the Korean‐style welfare state by tracking these institutional changes as well as the main actors.  相似文献   

The development process and the demographic changes that are a central element of it explain both the nearly two centuries of increasing income inequality prior to 2000 and the reversal of this trend that followed. There are at least four phases of the development process: (1) Malthusian pre-development, (2) initial growth, (3) improved productivity, and (4) receding growth. Prior to the industrial revolution, the entire world was in the Malthusian Phase 1. During 1820–1950, about 20 countries, mostly in Western Europe, North America, and Oceania, moved out of Phase 1 and began to grow more rapidly. But, per capita income levels in the rest of the world continued to stagnate and worldwide income inequality widened continuously for at least 150 years following the Industrial Revolution. Around 1960, developing countries began to escape the Malthusian trap and move into Phase 2 of development. By the latter part of the 20th century, many developing countries were achieving growth rates equal to or greater than the high-income countries, slowing the rise in inequality. By 2000–2015 most developing countries were in either Phases 2 or 3 of development, while most of the high-income countries were moving into Phase 4, leading to a sharp reduction in worldwide income inequality. The recent reductions in worldwide income inequality are likely to continue in the near term because of the continuation of the more favorable demographic changes in developing compared to high-income countries.  相似文献   

Political instability has become endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa. Since the early 1960s, when most of the African countries began to achieve independence, more than fifty coups have taken place in the continent. This rise in political decay has significantly affected economic development. This study examines the relationship between elite political instability and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It concludes that lack of political stability has contributed significantly to economic stagnation in the continent of Africa.  相似文献   

长期以来,构成国际贸易理论的基石是比较优势理论,300年来,一直没有人撼动过比较优势论在国际贸易理论领域中的奠基作用。直到二十世纪六七十年代,国际贸易出现很多令比较优势论无法解释的现象,人们才开始对比较优势论的基本框架提出质疑,并产生了新的理论,如以克鲁格曼为代表的新贸易理论,以波特为代表的国家竞争优势理论。这些理论从不同的角度对比较优势论进行了修正,揭示了战后国际贸易新现象的原因所在。本文对传统贸易理论、新贸易理论和国家竞争优势理论作了比较分析,并从理论上提出了国际贸易理论的逻辑。  相似文献   

语言在民族文化交际中起着重要的作用.因此,在俄语教学中必须贯彻俄语语言国情学原则.其主要包括:实用性原则、阶段性原则、适度性原则.在文化导入时可以使用注释法、实践法、比较法.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the dynamics of income and consumption of the Russian population in the 2000s, factors of accelerated growth, and the most important changes in the structure of retail turnover within this period. The shifts in the structure of income use and the dynamics of turnover under the effect of the crisis that began in 2008 are analyzed. Forecast estimates for 2009 are presented. Suggestions are formulated for prior anticrisis measures and government policy in the consumption sector.  相似文献   

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