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The considerable power of the repeated message leads observational learning theoriests to maintain that television messages have significant impact upon viewers. Television advertisements typically present quick and easy solutions to problems, thus discouraging careful, step-by-step decision making. Consumers who come to expect easy solutions may suffer disillusionment if they extend those lessons to more complex problem solving. This study documents the pervasive problem-resolution format presented in television commercials and draws implications about consumer behavior.  相似文献   


This study employed content analysis to examine animation and animated spokes-characters in television advertising. The majority of spokes-characters observed in this study were humans, animal personifications, or product personifications. Characters were more likely to speak for the product than provide visual demonstration although they did both in more than half the cases. There were far more non-celebrity than celebrity spokes-characters, and a large majority of them were male. Significant differences were found in the use of animation across dayparts, program types, product classes and product categories. Although no increase was evident in the use of animation since the last study was completed, there was evidence to suggest that the role of animation has been changing in the past decade. Findings indicate that animated spokes-characters are being used more often to present high involvement products to adult audiences.  相似文献   

进入互联网时代以后,网络广告铺天盖地而来,在极大促进广告市场繁荣的同时,也出现了隐性广告、不正当竞争、欺诈虚假广告、个人信息的泄漏、取证难等监管问题。我国现行法律对网络广告的某些概念缺乏规定,没有合理有效的标准进行界定;部分规定笼统空洞,缺乏技术性,难以适用;证据很难保留,监管部门存在技术上的薄弱,不能进行有效监督和管理。我国应借鉴互联网大国美国的法律规范与广告管理经验,从完善立法、完善监管部门、广告自律三方面采取对策。  相似文献   

This inquiry analyzed the extent to which television commercials used mature models, relative to younger models. It also analyzed the extent to which commercials portrayed the elderly in a favorable or an unfavorable manner. The study used content analysis to test twelve hypotheses. The authors arrived at conclusions relating to the depiction of mature individuals in television commercials and set forth various recommendations to advertisers, based on the analysis.  相似文献   


A content analysis was conducted of children's television commercials from China and the United States that were recorded over a period of eighteen months. We describe how the content of the two sets of commercials differs and the underlying reasons for the differences, including cultural, economic, and social conditions. The results suggest that, for the most part, Chinese children's commercials reflect China's traditional cultural values and its social and economic development level. However, the analysis was able to detect a shifting in power in Chinese society from the elderly to the young, resulting mainly from its one-child policy implemented during the past two decades. We also found some evidence of Western values creeping into Chinese children's commercials. Limitations are noted, and suggestions are offered for additional research that will corroborate these findings.  相似文献   

股东平等与股份平等的背离是大小股东闯权益失衡、公司治理效率低下的重要原因。股东有限责任和资本多数决为其提供理论基础和制度支持。从股份平等向股东平等的回归是法律的形式正义和实质正义、民商法公平和效益价值原则间的冲突和妥协的外在表现。寻求股东之间的实质平等是实现正义价值的基本前提。  相似文献   

经济转型时期,政治关联普遍存在,对民营企业发展壮大起到重要作用.民营企业政治关联可以给企业带来经济利益和政治利益,现实中,民营企业大多选择直接构建,或借助人际关系网络、积极参与公益事业和慈善活动等间接方式实现.从制度合法性、资源依赖和文化传统的整合视角来看,民营企业政治关联行为是现阶段环境规制、企业发展需要和企业家个人追求几种力量综合作用的体现.加快政府职能改革,促进现代市场经济规则转换是民营企业政治关联行为给我们的重要启示.  相似文献   

This paper offers a political economy analysis of the Doha Ministerial Conference with special reference to developing countries. One of my key objectives is to understand the politics underlying the negotiations with a view to assessing the influence developing countries exerted on the outcome and the success they achieved in relation to the Uruguay Round Agreement, which is widely perceived as favouring mainly if not exclusively the developed countries. The main conclusions of the paper may be summarised as follows. First, with trade liberalisation as its central focus, the Doha negotiating agenda is to be welcomed from the viewpoint of developing countries. Second, the opposition by developing countries to the inclusion of at least some of the Singapore issues at Doha is defensible. Among other things, the countries lack the necessary negotiating and implementation capacity. Third, while the UR Agreement benefited both developing and developed countries, on balance, it benefited the latter more. The Doha outcome offers a better balance when taken by itself but does not go so far as to significantly correct the imbalance in the UR Agreement. Fourth, despite this better balance, the Doha negotiations offer little evidence of a shift in the relative bargaining powers of developing and developed countries. Nor can the superficially development friendly language of the Doha Declaration be viewed as signalling the softening of the tough negotiating stance developed countries took during the UR Round. Fifth, much of the negotiating power continues to reside with developed countries. Relatively equal levels of incomes gives greater coherence to interests of developed countries on issues that divide along North–South lines. Moreover, the presence of three large players – the USA, EU and Japan – allows them to exploit their bargaining power more effectively. Finally, to negotiate more effectively in the future, developing countries must improve their research capacity, think strategically and forge coalitions with other influential WTO members – whether developed or developing.  相似文献   

西方财政理论变迁的政治学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政治学是研究以国家为中心的各种政治现象及其发展规律的科学,财政学则是研究政府的经济行为及其效应的经济学分支.二者在研究内容上存在许多交叉领域,如国家的本质及职能、公共选择、国家制度等.实践中,各国的财政体制皆与其政治体制、国家结构密切相关,不同的政治制度、国家结构必然产生不同的财政制度安排.理论上,政治学的进步有利于财政理论的创新,历史上几乎每一次财政理论创新都与一定的政治思想和国家学说密切相关.  相似文献   

Mass media is one means by which consumers learn how to behave as consumers. Consumers’ beliefs about minorities as consumers are also influenced by mass media, and the impact is likely highest among young children. A content analysis of 813 commercials in children's television programming reveals that while Caucasians continue to be the predominant models in terms of numbers and in the types of roles they play, the numerical representation of minorities, especially Blacks, has improved. However, the study found that minorities are more likely than Caucasians to have minor roles and to be portrayed in certain product categories, settings, and relationships. Societal impacts and implications for minority consumers are discussed.  相似文献   


Research directors with the largest 200 agencies and advertising executives with the largest 200 advertisers were surveyed to examine their views on the current state of TV commercial pretesting. One-hundred and one agency researchers and 89 ad executives returned completed questionnaires (adjusted response rates of 52% and 49.7%), which asked them 23 closed-ended questions about (1) the methods and measures used to pretest TV commercial executions; (2) the perceived role of the agency versus the client in the selection of pretest methods; and (3) perceived changes in the role of the agency research department in TV commercial pretest research. Of those responding, 18 percent of the agency researchers and 19 percent of the advertising executives indicated that their agencies do not pretest TV commercials for assigned brands. Based on the responses of the 83 agency researchers and 72 advertising executives whose agencies pretest commercial executions, the findings suggest that the role of the agency research department has changed over the past 10 years. Most notably, there has been a proliferation in the use of qualitative methods and measures in TV commercial pretest research.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to examine the influence of culture on portrayals of women in advertising by examining television commercials from the United States and Japan. The two countries are similar in many respects but the norms regarding appropriate roles for women are quite different in the two cultures. Content analysis of television commercials showed that advertisements are to a large extent a reflection of society.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) statement of union values as its point of departure to explore the purpose and role of trade union values. Specifically, the paper questions whether the role of values is purely symbolic, serving as a guide to unions, or whether values have a broader role. Furthermore, the paper questions the scope of the ACTU statement, which is currently based on the public work of unions. In conducting this analysis, union values are compared to the broader human values; moreover, the scope of the document is assessed against the historic activity and behaviour of unions as represented in extant union theory. Subsequently, the paper uses the emerging role of union values to critique the ACTU statement, concluding that while this statement makes a valuable contribution to union practice and debate, it can be extended to encompass other, more private areas of union activity.  相似文献   

Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the current study investigates information types that are cross-promoted in Japanese pharmaceutical advertising. The results from a quantitative content analysis of OTC drug brands' TV commercials broadcasted in Japan between 2014 and 2015 and their corresponding product websites (n = 150) show that Japanese OTC drug promotions feature more informational cues in the latter; cues such as price, safety, quality, components, and guarantees/warranties are particularly prominent. Furthermore, product websites tend to focus more on rational appeals, whereas TV commercials emphasize emotional appeals. No difference is found between these media types regarding celebrity and noncelebrity endorser usage.  相似文献   

In Hungary the superiority and the rationality of the centrally planned system had already been questioned in the mid-1950s and in lower or louder voice ever since. After the suppressed revolution and initiated systemic changes of 1956, the comprehensive economic reform of 1968 was an attempt to combine plan and market keeping basic characteristics of the system as dominance of state ownership, high centralization, the power of the single party, etc. Despite several new initiatives, this experiment failed.From these initiatives, four will be dealt with: the birth and flourishing of the second economy, the rise and fall of the intrapreneurial groups, the turn from toleration to promotion of private small business, and the start of the divestiture privatization. The four junctions of the special Hungarian “reform trajectory” nolens-volens prepared the fundamental systemic changes: the transition to a proper market economy—partly by introducing basic constitutents of the new system, and partly by contributing to the erosion and disintegration of the former system.The analysis of these historical lessons helps to understand the present situation of the Eastern European economies and in particular of Hungary. It facilitates the identification of the major tasks to stop stagnation and decline, to start revitalization of these economies, and instead of the use of routine International Monetary Fund and World Bank schemes, to elaborate adequate forms and methods of aid.In the European market economies, the share of small business in employment (measured by firms up to 100 employees) might be around 50%, in Hungary, about 20%, in Poland about 15%, and less in the other Eastern European countries. The development of entrepreneurship and small business is one of the major prerequisites of the transformation of these economies. The knowledge, however, about the actual situation, the conditions needed to increase the number of start ups, the rate of survival, and the growth potential of small and medium-sized enterprises is rather scarce.From the findings of the questionnaire survey, the following conclusions can be derived:1. The increase of the share of the SMEs should be based on their better competitiveness in domestic and export markets; this is overshadowed now by the quantitative ambitions.2. SMEs have advantages vis-à-vis the large enterprises as well as disadvantages. To counterbalance them, an accelerated development of the infrastructure for banking, training, consultancy, and information; preferential treatment (credits, taxation) in some cases, networking, and more services of the trade associations are needed.3. In a declining, depressed economy, one cannot expect the renaissance of entrepreneurship and small business. Fighting high inflation, loosening restrictions, and a better management of the country's debt service should create a healthier economic environment—for small, medium, and larger enterprises equally.  相似文献   

从分析、梳理利奥波德的自然价值观提出的缘由及其内涵入手.深入而全面地探求其自然价值观的真谛。  相似文献   

This study examines the values of American managers over time. Responses from a nationwide sample of managers are compared and contrasted with two previous surveys (1981 and 1991) of similar sample populations. Continuing and new insights are provided into the importance of managerial values on individual and organizational actions and decisions.  相似文献   

This study gathered ratings of the importance of the 36 Rokeach terminal and instrumental values from 37 black adults, 53 white adults, 105 black and 113 white students. The purpose was to replicate Ness and Stith's (1984) [Ness, T. E., and Smith, M. T. (1984). Middle-class values in blacks and whites. In Pitts, R. E., and Woodside, A. G. (Eds.), Personal values and consumer psychology (pp. 231–237). Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath & Co.] finding that black adults rated many of these values higher than did white adults at the same socioeconomic level. The results support this finding. Black students rated many of the values higher than white students, and students in general rated many of the values higher than did adults in general. Measuring and controlling for two response sets, yeasaying and social desirability, showed that the race difference for the adult subsample could not be ascribed to these artifacts, but that many apparent age differences in value ratings could be accounted for by response set effects.  相似文献   

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