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Consumers' affective responses to and cognitive structures in thinking about a product, and the influence of these processes on the trial experience evaluation, are examined in experiments where product types (hedonic and functional) and involvements (low and high) are simultaneously manipulated. The results show that affective response overrode cognitive structure under all experimental conditions in forming product-trial attitudes (A1), whereas the roles of affective response and cognitive structure were similar in product trial-based product attitude (Ap) formation. The implications of the varied roles of affective responses and cognitive structure in overarching models, and their roles in each experimental condition, are discussed.  相似文献   

Because most prominent theories of ethical decisionmaking posit that the process begins with anindividual's recognition of the ethical issuesinherent in a decision situation, and is followed bysome degree of individual cognitive processing, theconstructs ethical sensitivity and cognitive moraldevelopment assume great importance in the study ofbusiness ethics. Two recent developments in theethics literature suggest that these two constructswarrant additional examination. First, is the use ofrecognition-based measures of ethical sensitivity;second is the development of a new index for theprincipal measure of cognitive moral development, theDefining Issues Test. In this paper, the authorsexamine issues of nomological validity related tothese two constructs in light of these recentdevelopments. Results of an empirical study showstrong support for the new index of cognitive moraldevelopment, but likely because of samplecharacteristics, support for the ethical sensitivitymeasure is inconclusive.  相似文献   

China's CPI rose to 8.7 percent in February after hitting 7.1 percent in January,creating a 12-year high, the National Bureau of Statistics said.The figure exceeded market expectations,as the Bank of China,the country's second- largest lender,  相似文献   

The downgrade of sovereignty credit rating of the United States causes new concerns on US treasury bonds.According to the report issued recently by Treasury Ministry of United States,China as the largest oversea holding country of US treasury bonds continues to buy US treasury bonds,with an increase of 5.7 billion US dollars in June,marking the third month in line.Till now,China has US treasury bonds up to a new record of 1,165.5 billion US dollars,which amounts to 26% of the oversea holding US treasury bonds,based on market estimation,followed by Japan (20%),UK (8%),Brazil (5%)and Russia (3%).However,in sharp contrast to China,other countries are underselling us treasury bonds,particularly Russia.Data shows that since October 2010,Russia has been selling US treasury bonds for eight months in line,up to 38% of their holdings.Now Russia only holds 111 billion US dollars of US treasury bond.Why the countries take totally different attitudes towards to US treasury bonds? Tne reporter interviewed the experts from China and Russia for more details.  相似文献   

IPG是美国排名第二大广告与传播集团,全球广告业收入排名第二,下属主要公司有麦肯·光明、睿狮传播、博达大桥、盟诺、万博宣伟公关和高诚公关等。[第一段]  相似文献   

为了提高认知引擎的性能,更好地实现认知无线电系统参数的智能调整,设计了一 种混合认知引擎,综合运用多种人工智能方法实现认知引擎的推理、学习、优化和决策等功 能。分析了经典认知引擎模型和人工智能在认知引擎中的应用情况,构建了混合认知引擎的 功能结构框图,讨论了混合认知引擎的工作机理和技术特点。分析表明,混合认知引擎 具有较强的灵活性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Peter Korn 《Intereconomics》1981,16(6):263-268
The EC-Commission and the European Council have both expressed their concern at the state of the internal market of the Community, which is jeopardized by trade barriers and subsidies to distressed industries. They both agree that a concerted effort must be made to strengthen and consolidate the internal market for goods and services.1,2 Has the bacillus of increasing protectionism in world trade now spread to the internal trade in the EC? How can the danger be averted?  相似文献   

国际互联网(INTERNET),作为信息时代的象征早已进入中国,随之而来的信息潮正以惊涛撞击着人门的工作和生产方式,在这场大场剧变是关系到整个行业兴衰的大事,笔者根据中国实际情况提出外贸行业如何迎接挑战的设想。  相似文献   

On January 8,the First Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin America was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing,which is China’s firsthost diplomacyin the year of 2015 and which signals the official start of the ChinaLatin America Community forum mechanism and a new era featuring comprehensive China-Latin America collaboration.  相似文献   

The environment seems to be less and less optimistic for small companies in recent years.The rising raw material price and labor costs have combined to push up their export costs by 10 to 20 percent.The former factor in particular has become the greatest burden for enterprises and the most striking consequence is these enterprises' sliding competitiveness in export.“The major difficulties faced by small and medium-sized comPanies include:first is the soaring production costs due to rampant inflation of raw material prices,such as high price of crude oil,cotton and the iron ore;the second is the rising labor costs,with labor shortage and employment difficulty still severe.Labor wages in coastal regions,including Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta,have been increasing sharply,” said in an interview Zhu Hongren,chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,“The two parts of soaring costs have squeezed the profit m.ar”gins for small and medium-sized companies.  相似文献   

提高借贷资本效率综论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周骏 《财贸经济》2003,(2):14-19
我国借贷资本效率不断下降,金融机构贷款和货币供应量大幅度增加.但仍不足以扭转通货紧缩趋势,其原因是多方面的,其中最重要的原因是单一的融资形式和融资渠道,造成社会资本循环周转阻滞.不能仅靠增加贷款量和货币供应量来解决通货紧缩问题,而应该综合治理,特别是要发展、完善金融市场,发展多种融资形式,盘活货币资本存量,用好增量,提高借贷资本效率,使货币和信贷在促进经济增长中发挥更好的作用.  相似文献   

大多数研究者和企业管理人员都认为客户满意度和企业期望的经营结果成正相关。研究发现,客户满意对购买意愿具有可测量的影响,而且对于客户保持和企业的经营业绩也有同样的影响。同时,有关研究也认为,客户满意度与花费份额(SOW)、公司的营业收入也有正相关的关系。在一些不同行  相似文献   

我国农民增收问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自改革开放以来,我国农民的收入有了大幅度提高,但从20世纪90年代后期以来,农民收入增长幅度缓慢,甚至出现负增长。为使农民增收从农民负担过重,减少了农民的实际收入;政府农业投资的减少;农业生产科技含量低、成本高、生产率低;农村剩余劳动力转移不畅,农民收入增长缓慢;农业结构不合理、产业化水平低制约了农民收入增长等五个方面深入剖析制约农民增收的主要因素,并提出解决这一问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that asking people to anonymously predict whether they will perform a socially desirable behavior increases their probability of performing the action (Sherman, 1980). This article extends the empirical base of the phenomenon in a consumer service context demonstrating that an anonymous prediction request can increase likelihood of performing a socially desirable real-world behavior (working out at a health club). The effect was also observed for the first time over an extended time period (six months). The article concludes with tentative theory-relevant generalizations regarding the phenomenon and directions for further research.  相似文献   

Recently,iiMedia Research issued a report titled 2021 Research Report on China’s Sleep Economy Industry,focusing on the bright future of the sleep economy in China,which has a market size exceeding RMB 400 billion in 2021.Nowadays,due to various factors such as pressure from life and work,overuse of cell phones and excessive information interference,more and more young people are suffering f rom insomnia.This situation was exacerbated in the first half of 2021 as a result of COVID-19,with people staying indoors for longer than usual.As a survey indicated,though many people have more time asleep,the time they went to bed was delayed by 2 to 3 hours,and the search volume for sleep problems increased by 43%.Data from the Chinese Sleep Research Society showed that more than 300 million people had sleep disorders in 2021,and as high as 38.2%of adults have or had sleep difficulties at some point in time.  相似文献   

Business practitioners increasingly seem to believe in the power of goal-based labels (i.e., labels that link assortment items to consumption goals). While previous literature has focused on feature-based approaches to increase choice satisfaction, we introduce goal-based labeling as a consumer-based approach to increase choice satisfaction. Since goal-based labels (e.g., a ??Family Trip?? camera versus a ??Professional?? camera) relate choice alternatives directly to consumption goals, they allow consumers to bypass translating product attributes into goal attainment. Quantitative and qualitative results of an experimental study indicate that novice consumers, but not experts, benefit from goal-based labeling in multiple ways. Novice consumers use goal-based labels as an important cue in their decision making. This can significantly increase their chances at making an optimal choice. Choosing from a goal-based labeled assortment also has a positive effect on the choice satisfaction of novices. Mediation analyses show that a decrease in the choice uncertainty drives the positive effect of goal-based labeling on choice satisfaction. Novices apparently do not blindly follow the labels that are provided but try to understand the link between labels and attributes. Hence, among novices, inaccurately labeled assortments not only result in suboptimal choice but also in higher uncertainty and lower satisfaction. For experts, goal-based labeling is largely irrelevant, as it does not have an effect on their choice satisfaction, nor on their likelihood to make an optimal choice.  相似文献   

In July 2005, the People's Bank of China officially announced that it would adopt a manageable floating exchange rate, adjusted according to a basket of currencies based on market supply and demand. On that day, the exchange rate of the RMB to the U.S. Dollar increased by 21 percent, and since then the RMB exchange rate has gradually turned to a more flexible exchange rate convention, rather than focusing on the Dollar only.  相似文献   

人们常说,市场营销的任务是给品牌赋予一个独特卖点(Unique Selling Proposition),并且把产品的特质或功能特点作为“令消费者相信这个卖点的理由”。但这是从品牌制造商的立场出发,针对与其他品牌的竞争而言的。那么,从消费者的角度来看呢?在选择品牌的时候,消费者不会太多考虑品牌的特性(尤其是很多品牌的特性都比较相似);对消费者而言,真正重要的问题是:“这个品牌能为我做些什么?在物质层面和情感层面能给我带来什么利益?”  相似文献   

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