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China fast experienced a strong earthquake in 1976 in Tang Shan,Hebei Province.At the beginning of this year,severe snow storms struck more than half of China.What impact have these natural disasters left on China,especially the latest earthquake in Sichuan? Let's do a comparison.  相似文献   

Howtorealizeeffectiveeconomicgrowth?Apartfromthecauseofinternationalspeculation,itiscommonlyrecognizedthatthecausesoftheoutbreakoftheeconomiccrisisinAsiaweretheneglectofthesafeperformanceofeconomicsystems,thelackofeffectiverisk-proofingmeasures,animbalanceoftheeconomicstructureandanoverexpansionofbubbleeconomyinthecountriesandregionsaffected.AnotherimportantcausethatshouldmeritourattentionisthattherapideconomicgroWthinmostofthesecountriesthathavecreatedthe'Asianmiracles"isbuiltonthelargeinput…  相似文献   

China's nuclear industry has leapt to a new stage in the scientific research and peaceful utilization of nuclear technology since the second boom of its transition from military to civil use in 1980s. Much work has been done through international cooperation, the importation of foreign technology, equipment and capital, and in the opening up of the international market.  相似文献   

In early 1980s when China's reform and opening up policy just began,a photo taken by a for- eigner,on which a sea of bicycles moving on the street at the front of the Tian'anmen Tower,amazed the whole wold.China got the title of"the Kingdom of Bicycle".Nowadays,with its rapid economic de- velopment,this bicycle kingdom has been develop- ing into a huge market of automobiles at an amazing speed.  相似文献   

AfterChinaintroducedthepoliciesofreformandopeningin1987,itsnongovernmentalenterpseshaveundergonegradualdevelopment.Since1989,accordingtostatistics,non-governmentalenterpriseshavewitnessedaverageannualgrowthasfollows:34.3percentinthenumberofenterprises,30.1percentinthenumberofemployees,67.2percentinregisteredcaPital,and58.8percentintotaloutputvalue.Bytheendofl999,thenumberofChina'sindividualindustrialandcommercialundertakingshadreached3l.6omillion,with62.8OmiIlionemployeesandRMB34ObilIionin…  相似文献   

The art of investing is evolving into the science of investing. As new generations of increasingly scientific investment mangers come to the task, they wi11 rely more on analysis, process and structure than on intuition, advice and whim. This does not mean heroic investment insights are a thing of the past. It means that investors will increasingly capture and apply those insights in a  相似文献   

In early 1980s when China's reform and opening up policy just began,a photo taken by a foreigner,on which a sea of bicycles moving on the street at the front of the Tian'anmen Tower.[第一段]  相似文献   

When the world giants of householdelectrical appliance - Sony and National facedeficit, China's colour TV giant - Mr. LiYunfeng proclaimed in Beijing thatChanghong aims to become a largeconglomerate worldwide and a colour TVgiant in the world." On June…  相似文献   

Liu Shijin, Director of Research Department of Industrial Economy of the Development Research Center of the State Council, indicated that not long ago in 2003 China High-level Development Forum‘s special session on China‘s Energy Strategy  相似文献   

2008 East Asia Investment Forum was held from May 10 to May 11 in Beijing with the theme of"In- vestment Cooperation in East Asia Facing Global Financial Fluctuations".It shed light on investment challenges and opportunities in Vietnam,Lao,Cambodia and Burma which are the four emerg- ing markets in East Asia,and investment hotspots in Vietnam as well as the poten- tial for investment cooperation in East Asia. Initiated by the Network of East Asian Think-tanks and guided by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the Forum was sponsored by China National Asso- ciation for International Studies and sup- ported by China Foreign Affairs Universi-  相似文献   

The telecommunications industry has gone through a total restructure since the late 1970s, as state-owned national monopolies have given way to listed enterprises and competitive international markets. Scholars have explained wide-ranging privatisation and deregulation at a general level, but what happened to the former state-owned monopolies and how they adapted to the emerging business-oriented environment, has had with less scrutiny. It has been assumed that external factors caused these institutions to adapt a business approach, but did these organisations themselves have any significant power of decision in these processes? This article explains how one of these former state organisations, the Finnish Post and Telecommunications Department (PTL) was turned into the business enterprise ‘Sonera’. The analysis focuses on the management’s point of view. As the national telecommunications operator encountered international developments as a compelling external force, which turned it from a local office-holder into a recipient of international influences, PTL’s management came to the conclusion that the organisation, in order to survive, had no other choice but to change. It virtually took a strategic decision to transform the department to meet new expectations. However, the state-owner’s support was crucial. The change, although dependent on external factors, was to a large extent an endogenous, time-consuming but accelerating process. Failure might have resulted in the PTL’s defeat. Eventually the change became a self-fulfilling, ‘inevitable’ process which for one’s part strengthened the international trend.  相似文献   

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