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From the early 1990s, marketing literature began to feature a number of articles suggesting that integrated marketing communications (IMC) would have a major impact on advertising as we know it, and on client—advertising agency relationships. A counter-view appeared at that time in the literature suggesting that IMC was nothing more than co-ordinated promotion and that many companies had been doing ‘it’ for some considerable time. More recent articles have lamented that the concept has not been embraced by marketing communications specialists and that implementation has proven difficult. A common definition of IMC—and how it differs from traditional advertising, both in philosophy and in implementation—has not evolved despite considerable academic discussion on the subject. This paper reviews the most comprehensive definitions of IMC and the competing paradigms—‘new’ versus ‘nothing new’—and summarises the results of a recent two-part study that compares the perceptions of clients with those of senior ad agency personnel in New Zealand regarding how and in what ways IMC is developing there.  相似文献   

This study identifies social uses of advertising by young male adults who have been brought up in a mass media-driven society, which makes them more advertising literate. A diary study revealed the frequent use of TV advertising slogans and taglines that did not directly relate to any product purchase or use occasion. Moreover, the meanings consumed by the group were independent of the product that the ads promoted. The topic of social uses of advertising by groups has far-reaching practitioner implications for advertising research and copy development, which are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, multinational corporations have increasingly employed advertising in markets where their products are not available. Such ‘awareness advertising’ is only in small part for products that are likely to be introduced in those markets in the near future. A significant and larger part of awareness advertising is for products that are unlikely to be sold in the particular market because of government restrictions on commercial importation and sale. In this paper, we will analyse the motivation behind the use of awareness advertising, the benefits that multinational firms may receive from such advertising and its implications for international market segmentation. The paper concludes with a discussion of areas for fruitful future research on awareness advertising.  相似文献   

Advertising sponsored by non-US corporations has increased dramatically in the United States since the 1960s. This paper employs a content analysis approach to examine the amount, format and type of advertising being incorporated by non-US companies. All non-US advertisements were examined in Newsweek magazine for the years 1965 to 1982. Several advertising issues are examined, emphasizing differences by country and year.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional analysis over 24 different countries tests the hypothesis that advertising increases aggregate demand. The method adopted regressed hours worked on advertising and on other relevant independent variables. The notion that advertising increases people's acquisitive instincts and hence desire to work at wage rates lower than would otherwise hold received scant support.  相似文献   

The author gives an ITV Company view of the research environment of the eighties.  相似文献   


A company needs to estimate the cost of media plans and advertising upon introducing a new or existing product into an unfamiliar environment such as a new international market. This article presents a conceptual framework for making media decisions and a method for estimating the cost of advertising in international markets. The objective and task method is used to build a working model in order to articulate the necessary steps leading to informed media decisions for budgeting an international advertising campaign. Methods of estimating product demand and a flow model for media selection are also presented.  相似文献   

Economic growth in Asia has led to a proliferation in the supply of pan-regional media. Most of these are elitist media targeting affluent businessmen and travellers. The increasing importance of the Chinese-speaking market spurs the growth of Chinese language pan-Asian media. The emergence of satellite television networks popularizes pan-regional media to a broader audience, although its penetration is still small in comparison to local media. When selecting pan-regional media for advertising in the region, advertisers are advised to use data from pan-Asian audience surveys, publication audit figures and competitive advertising expenditure reports in examining the cost-efficiency of each media vehicle. In choosing between pan-regional and local media, advertisers should consider the homogeneity and socio-economic status of their target audience, the importance of international recognition and consistency in image for the brand, geographic strengths, and other added values of the media.  相似文献   

Managers of new brands seek to leverage positive WOM and establish a critical mass of consumers who interact with their brands on social network sites (SNSs). Effective selection of ‘seeds’, or influencers, on SNSs, who will recommend the product and leverage the power of their social networks to influence other consumers is key to organic growth. This research examines the role of an influencer’s activity on a social network website (network size, membership duration, share-of-posts), brand message source (marketergenerated versus member-generated), and recipient type (SNS member versus nonmember) on an influencer’s decision to recommend a new brand and the recipient’s decision to make a referral visit. Empirical analyses of clickstream data from SNSs at a commercial website show that marketer- and consumer-generated brand ads differ in their impact on recommending propensity for high share-of-posts and long-term influencers, and for member and non-member recipients, which has implications for referral management.  相似文献   

时报世界华文广告奖简介 1993年,在台湾广告业更加蓬勃,华人的经济文化地位更为重要时,《中国时报》在“时报广告金像奖”及“亚太广告奖”两个广告奖活动外又增设了“时报世界华文广告奖”,并喊出“旭日东升”的口号,以呼应“二十一世纪是中国人的世纪”。  相似文献   

刘国基 《广告大观》2007,(8S):30-31
根据中广协官方网站的标准说辞:中国广告协会(简称“中广协”)创立于1983年12月27日,是经民政部批准登记的具有社团法人资格的全国性广告行业组织,其办事机构是国家工商行政管理局的直属事业单位。  相似文献   

The concept of low involvement has attracted considerable interest, particularly over the last ten years, but its implications f or advertising (strategy, execution and research) are still not clear. This paper reviews the low-involvement literature and attempts to define what is meant by the concept, predict when low involvement is likely to occur and identify its key determinants. The paper then reviews and assesses what the literature has to say about the specific implications for advertising strategy in high- and low-involvement situations and concludes that the potential and power of advertising in low-involvement situations have been misunderstood and underestimated.  相似文献   


Marry ad agency executives have proclaimed the era of the global advertising agency. They observe that corporations are moving towards placement of their worldwide advertising through a single agency, and they predict that a few large “mega-agencies” will take over a majority of international advertising accounts. Yet, no published studies have examined how many brands are actually handled by the same ad agency worldwide. This paper presents the results of a survey examining the extent to which U.S. companies use the same agency to advertise abroad and in the home market. The study found that of the brands sold abroad, only about one-third are handled by the same agency both at home and abroad. This proportion does not vary significantly with advertising budgets, by product class, or between standardized and non-standardized brands. In addition, no single-agency group or “mega-agency” handles more than eight percent of the sample brands, and no agency handles a majority of its U.S. brands abroad.  相似文献   

何丹锋 《中国广告》2012,(4):136-138
2011年11月28日,广电总局下发《〈广播电视广告播出管理办法〉的补充规定》,决定自2012年1月1日起,全国各电视台播出电视剧时,每集电视剧中间不得再以任何形式插播广告。本文基于这项规定,探讨今后中国广告的发展趋势,提出了六大变化猜想,并阐述这些变化对不同主体带来的多赢可能性的假设。  相似文献   

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