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维系老顾客,满足顾客的期望,不断增加顾客的重购行为对企业提高市场竞争力具有非常重要的意义。顾客满意、顾客的品牌偏好、顾客的多样化追求倾向、替代品的吸引力和顾客感知的转换壁垒是影响顾客重购的主要因素。同时,在此基础上模仿了电子技术中的并联回路,建立了影响因素的作用机制模型。  相似文献   

关涛  阎海峰 《商业研究》2007,(7):122-125
顾客遗憾来源于消费者对不同企业产品或不同购买方案可感知价值的横向对比,遗憾感受程度受到交易情景因素如消费者决策现状、购买行为结果的可逆性以及对已购买产品的满意度的调节,同时会反过来影响顾客满意,最终影响顾客以后的购买行为。因此,它与顾客满意一起构成了影响消费者重购倾向的决定因素,企业在注重顾客保留和培养顾客忠诚时必须将二者同时考虑,做到需求导向和竞争导向的并重。  相似文献   

Expected to touch US$55 billion in 2016, the e-commerce market in India presents an unprecedented growth opportunity for retailers. Existing studies have identified factors influencing shoppers’ online behaviour pertaining to the developed economies. Hence, it becomes pertinent to validate these antecedents for the economies like India. The article addresses this gap by examining the role of shopping values and web atmospherics, on e-satisfaction of Indian shoppers. Using multiple regression analysis, it also examines the influence of e-satisfaction on repurchase intention. The findings suggest that effectiveness of information content has the most significant impact on e-satisfaction. Web entertainment, utilitarian values and web informativeness are the other influencing factors. Contrary to the earlier studies, this study didn’t find any influence of hedonic shopping values on shoppers’ satisfaction. Also, e-satisfaction was found to have a positive influence on repurchase intention of e-shoppers. The article suggests select strategies that can be adopted by e-retailers.  相似文献   

Since consumers primarily make in-store purchase decisions, firms use product packaging to attract potential consumers. Ever-increasing market competition in many food product industries has further fueled this phenomenon in firms. However, the question of how retail food packaging affects consumer processes has received very little attention. This study investigates the benefits of food packaging on consumer responses to hedonic products by comparing different benefits (i.e., utilitarian and hedonic) of food packaging to understand which one has more impact on consumers’ perceived quality and purchase intention. The results show that both utilitarian and hedonic benefits of retail food packaging are critical predictors of consumer evaluations but play different important roles in determining customers’ reactions. Utilitarian benefits of food packaging impact perceived quality more than hedonic benefits do. Compared to utilitarian benefits, hedonic benefits of retail food packaging have more impact on consumer purchase intention.  相似文献   

This study explores product value with reference to brand development. The question of which perceived product value acts dominantly has received very little attention, in particular, whether multiple product value may importantly enhance consumers' brand preference/purchase. This research investigates relationships between multiple perceived snack foods' product value, brand preference and purchase intention. Findings show significantly positive effects of brand preference on purchase intention, and brand preference as a mediator between multiple perceived product value and purchase intention. Findings also reveal multiple value perceptions of snack foods, (e.g., functional-price/value for the money and performance/quality, emotional, and social dimensions) be significant in the formation of brand preference, whereas only functional-price/value for the money and emotional value relate to purchase intention directly.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of friendly food labels on packaged food consumption intention. A questionnaire method was adopted for data collection. The data were collected from 14 Pakistani universities. The systematic random sampling technique was used to draw the required sample size. The sample size was 365, where 730 questionnaires were distributed among students of 14 universities to achieve the required sample. Findings disclosed that a friendly food label has a positive and significant relation with packaged food consumption intention. But in the intervening effect of personality traits between exogenous and endogenous variables, only three personality traits have positive significant mediation—extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness—whereas no mediation was found with neuroticism and agreeableness. Studies have unveiled the fact that there is need to investigate the decisiveness of personality traits for the selection of healthy food (Friedman & Kern, 2014).  相似文献   

The present work is focused in some aspects of the adoption process of unfamiliar foods. We make a distinction for the concept of unfamiliar food based on consumers’ degree of knowledge of the ingredients, therefore, we categorize unfamiliar food in two different types: unknown food (unknown ingredients) and novelty combination food (known ingredients combined in a novel or unusual way). Based on this distinction, we analyze the effect of this different source of food unfamiliarity on the intention to try it, considering personal traits such as food neophobia and consumer ethnocentrism. Our results show that the degree of food unfamiliarity has a higher impact on intention to try in consumers with low levels of consumer ethnocentrism, and that type of unfamiliarity moderates the effect of level of unfamiliarity on intention to try only in consumers with high level of consumer ethnocentrism.  相似文献   

环境对绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品具有影响,加入WTO后面临着发展机遇与挑战。为了 加快绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品的发展,应大力培养绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品的专业人 才及管理人才。  相似文献   

The understanding of the determinant factors of customer purchase intention is necessary, and it is equally important to study the online purchase context, since this context is disseminated among customers. A theoretical model has been elaborated on and tested, considering the constructs of information quality, distrust, and perceived risk as antecedents of purchase intention, and aiming to analyze the relationship among these constructs in the online purchase context. A quantitative research study has been performed by means of the application of a survey. Multivariate statistics techniques have been applied for data analyses, including structural equation modeling. This study contributes to the evolution of the empirically tested concepts by providing a greater individual understanding of each construct presented in the theoretical model, as well as the relationship among them as determinants of purchase intention; the indication is that meaningful relationships were found which may impact greater profitability and, consequently, greater competition for online retailers.  相似文献   

文章以网络零售消费者为对象,对网络顾客关系价值及其行为结果进行了实证分析。结果显示,在网络零售中,消费者的信心利益价值、个性化服务价值、时间精力节省价值对其感知关系满意具有显著的积极影响,特殊待遇价值对其感知关系满意具有部分影响,而受尊重价值和社交利益价值对其感知关系满意的影响未获统计学意义上的支持。这些研究结果有助于在理论上推进对网络顾客关系价值内涵的认识,在实践上为网络零售商有效开发顾客关系价值战略提供实务指导。  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的发展和进步,转基因技术也得到一定的发展,转基因食品也更多地出现在人们的日常生活中。但转基因食品的安全问题一直是社会关注的重点,一直影响消费者的消费观念和购买欲望。本文从转基因食品感知价值研究消费者购买意愿的影响,发掘其深层次的原因,帮助政府和企业作正确的市场决策,对引导消费者进行理性消费具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of apparel mobile commerce in the United States, more companies view mobile commerce as a new source of competitive advantage. Despite the importance of apparel mobile website quality and its effect on consumer satisfaction and future purchase stimulus, extant research has paid little attention to these topics. This study proposes a website quality–consumer satisfaction–purchase intention research model based on the self-regulatory process theory. Six dimensions of apparel mobile website quality—website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, brand trust, website information quality, website response time, and website security—were investigated. In all, 293 eligible responses were collected via an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to test the proposed relationships. Results reveal that website information quality, website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, and website security positively affect consumer satisfaction toward apparel mobile commerce websites, while website response time and brand trust show insignificant impacts on consumer satisfaction. With higher satisfaction on an apparel mobile commerce website, consumers are more likely to purchase apparel through the website.  相似文献   

作为20世纪末期蓬勃发展起来的一个新兴食品产业,有机食品产业以其绿色、环保的优势具有广阔的发展前景。本文探讨了发达国家支持有机食品产业发展的做法,在此基础上,提出了我国加快发展有机食品产业应采取的措施。  相似文献   

文章构建了错过价格促销情境下价格促销类型、促销幅度、感知价值损失和负向购买意愿关系的理论模型.通过2(价格促销类型:直接降价/间接降价)×2(价格促销幅度:大/小)的因子实验设计,研究发现:在错过价格促销情境下,消费者感知价值损失因价格促销的类型不同、幅度不同而有显著差异,价格促销类型和价格促销幅度对消费者感知价值损失有交互作用,消费者感知价值损失对负向购买意愿存在显著的正向影响.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of information on the acceptability and purchase intention of an irradiated watercress salad and its non-irradiated counterpart among Brazilian consumers (N = 236). Both the irradiated and the non-irradiated products were fairly accepted (ratings about 6.0–7.0 in the hedonic scale). Significant effects (p ≤ 0.05) of gender, education, and age were also observed: acceptance and purchase intention was lower among male participants who received both information and an identified irradiated product, and higher among female participants who received only information about the process. Adults (30–39 years old) were more critical, and the higher the educational level, the lower the acceptability and purchase intention ratings. Brazil is one of the major irradiators in the world, but there is still a lack of consumer studies focusing the acceptability of irradiated foods. So the findings presented herein would favor Brazilian producers and regulators to develop effective communication strategies and to promote the irradiation technology.  相似文献   

曹瑾 《江苏商论》2021,(2):91-94
股份回购在西方发展较早,已经成为资本主义国家公司管理层提高股价或调节资本结构的成熟手段.然而我国的股票回购在21世纪初才起步,实践经验较为不足.本文将分析信邦制药两次股票回购的市场反应并进行对比.结果发现,两次股票回购的实施确实产生了积极的市场影响.此外,基于差异性对比发现,回购目的、回购规模及高管增持公告三方面因素共...  相似文献   

Retail sales of organic food products have been increasing faster than any other category of food and have penetrated mainstream retail grocery outlets. The majority of the literature on organic markets explores the socioeconomic characteristics of consumers, linking these traits to the probability of buying organic food, and it suggests that access to organic food is an important but overlooked factor in such studies. More recently, research focusing on food retailer marketing strategies for organic food finds that traditional strategies such as price promotions are largely unsuccessful with increasing sales for the organic food consumer. This article focuses on the retailer decision to offer organic food for sale. We model the decision as a two-stage process, where the retailer’s first decision is whether to sell organic food, and the second decision determines how many different organic products to offer for sale. In doing so, by using data collected in stores, we assess the organic food retail landscape in Manhattan, NY. We find that the decision to offer organic food for sale depends on the neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics, and the amount of organic food offered for sale depends on the size of the store.  相似文献   

马勇 《商业研究》2006,(23):97-100
影响“顾客重购倾向”的两种基本因素是顾客满意和顾客遗憾,二者对“顾客重购倾向”的作用机理是完全不同的。可用顾客满意和顾客遗憾这两个顾客心理变量构建一个影响“顾客重购倾向”的“顾客满意———顾客遗憾”矩阵,通过该矩阵企业可以把自己的产品在其中进行对号入座,以便发现企业产品存在的问题,并采取针对性的营销策略来有效控制和影响“顾客重购倾向”。  相似文献   

股份回购对我国国有股减持、优化上市公司股权结构、改善公司治理等方面具有积极作用。但目前在我国对投资者保护法律制度不完善的环境下,股份回购容易增加内部交易和市场操纵风险的可能性,从而损害中小股东的利益。完善我国股份回购中中小股东利益保护应改革流通股股东表决模式;强化控股股东及董事在股份回购中对中小股东的诚信义务;完善公司法中关于股份回购的法规,以规范股份回购行为,使其更能适应我国市场经济的发展:  相似文献   

王蓓  罗时龙 《北方经贸》2011,(7):122-124
员工离职倾向一直是很多企业研究的热点,因为这跟企业的稳定与发展有着非常密切的关系。如今,领导行为对于员工离职倾向的作用越来越明显。领导的言行、价值观等直接或间接地影响到了员工的工作态度和行为,所以研究领导行为对员工离职倾向的影响机制显得格外重要。  相似文献   

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