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There has been significant contribution to the management literature on open innovation and partnership strategy, detailing their nature and impact in a wide range of business environments. However, “strategic positioning” of the business model based on their interactions with other business entities has not received enough academic attention despite its implications for the new generation of start-ups in emerging markets who do not have any prior business models to emulate. This research conceptualizes a framework that would help strategists position their firm in the market by carefully analyzing its interactions with other business and social entities in the business eco-system.  相似文献   


This paper examines the adoption of radical food production systems in the Dutch food industry. It is argued that radical innovations are of major importance to contribute to the increase of growth and competitiveness. A model was developed to test which factors influence the adoption of radical product innovations, in particular health enhancing food products. It includes organizational and environmental factors derived from literature that influence the adoption of radical innovations. Results indicate that differences in firms' organizational factors determine the adoption of radical product innovations. Implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The market for prepared pet food in the United Kingdom (UK) is worth just over $2.3 billion a year. As a consequence, the pet food industry needs to be responsible, efficient, and at the forefront of technology. This research investigates the technological and industrial environment for innovation, which currently exists in the UK pet food industry. It draws primarily on existing research and secondary data sources including organisations such as the Pet Food Manufacturers' Association. The pilot study involved a detailed analysis of the issues regarding technological innovation in the pet food industry in the UK. In particular the results of the study have been analysed in detail using a “cross indicator analysis.” The research reveals that pet food SMEs in the UK are key players in the pet food industry and are willing to innovate to enhance their product lines even if at a moderate level.  相似文献   

As the role of information technology (IT) in business innovation becomes increasingly important, an increasing number of organizations have started to consider how to promote IT-enabled business innovation. Although extant studies have identified organization, environment, and innovation's characteristics as substantial determinants of IT innovation, they do not emphasize the accompanying innovation in processes, products or services, which distinguish IT-enabled business innovation from general IT innovation. Therefore, the reason why few companies succeed in realizing IT-enabled business innovation remains obscure. Anchored on the institutional entrepreneurship theory, this paper examines determinants of the success of IT-enabled business innovation in a fast-growing company using the case study approach. Our findings indicate that IT-business coordination competency, degree of institutionalization, participation of business managers, top management team's (TMT) attitude towards the innovation, and the innovation's relative strength, have significant impacts on the success of IT-enabled business innovation. Our findings also contribute to IT innovation research by identifying special determinants of IT-enabled business innovation and redirecting research ranging from innovation in IT itself to IT-enabled innovation in business processes, products or services.  相似文献   

管理创新的经济学思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管理创新作为一种内生变量 ,学术界对其经济意义及其逻辑出发点问题没有给予应有的关注。经济绩效是企业管理创新的逻辑出发点和归宿点。但是 ,管理创新既不必然等于经济性 ,也不必然等于不经济性。由于外部环境的不确定性与信息的不完全性、管理创新过程的动态性和复杂性、创新主体的有限理性与创新能力的有限性、支持性资源的不可或缺性、管理创新绩效的测不准性等因素的制约 ,决定了管理创新可能会导致不经济性 ;但只要选择有效的管理创新 ,依赖正确的创新路径和企业家精神等因素 ,管理创新又会达成经济性的标的。  相似文献   

Assorted interactions among the agents in a territory are considered as key elements for its scientific, technological, and innovation development, thus fostering the competitiveness of its business fabric and enhancing the quality of life of its residents. In this context, this article analyses this phenomenon, specifically industry relations with innovation system players (academic, scientific, technological, financing, and facilitating agents) through a bibliometric analysis. The methodology used progresses in three stages: construction of the scientific papers search strategy (published in the ISI Web of Knowledge reference database between 2001 and 2014); its implementation; and the corresponding bibliometric analysis, using the Vantage Point® software as a support tool. Among other aspects, the findings present progress achieved in the research field, together with leading authors, organizations, and countries, as well as with cooperative efforts among them, highlighting the status of this topic in Latin America. Finally, the article concludes that industry relations in innovation systems is a topic that is steadily expanding worldwide, with large numbers of cooperative projects among countries. However, it also shows that this study theme is still incipient in Latin America, not just Brazil.  相似文献   

Recently, environmental management offers firms a source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. The development of environmental innovations is critical to the success of today's firms. Drawing on the Schumpeterian perspective of competition, this research examines how the perception of rival firms' green success influences a firm to pursue and produce environmental innovation through its green supply chain integration activities. Using survey data from 230 firms, a conceptual model is developed and tested using structural equation modeling. We find that the firms in our sample do perceive pressure from their competitors' success in environmental management activities, and thus take supply chain action to pursue integration activities. By differentiating incremental and radical environmental innovation, this study also reveals the role of three dimensions of green supply chain integration (internal, supplier, and customer integration of green product development) on incremental and radical environmental innovation separately. Specifically, findings suggest that green supply chain integration has a positive impact on developing incremental environmental innovation, while only customer integration has a significant positive impact on developing radical environmental innovation.  相似文献   

普惠金融下小组联保模式与小额信贷机制创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统小组联保模式在我国实施效果不佳,关于小组联保模式的理论研究也过于理想化,普惠金融对我国小额信贷机制创新提出了新的要求,我们不应该照搬格莱珉银行小组联保模式,应该基于我国实际情况开展小额信贷机制创新,建立一种客户主动还款的信贷机制。  相似文献   

我国食品冷链物流技术创新研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏巧云  田雪 《中国市场》2009,(36):55-56
冷链决定食品价值,本文主要从设施装备、车辆温控和技术指标等三方面分析了我国食品冷链物流技术状况,提出了有关食品冷链物流技术创新和标准体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

创新是企业乃至整个经济发展的源动力,受到了社会各界的广泛关注。其中,企业创新的影响因素是学术界研究的焦点问题。“熊彼特假说”提出之后,大量的研究讨论了横向市场结构对企业创新的影响。然而近年来,随着部分行业上下游企业间市场势力的变化,学者们开始将目光转向纵向市场结构,特别是随着部分行业中买方势力的不断增强,买方势力对上游企业创新的影响受到了学者们的重点关注。本文梳理了国内外有关纵向市场结构对企业创新影响的研究成果,以期为国内相关领域的理论研究和政策实践提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

基于流通创新的现代生产者服务业内在机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产者服务业在现代服务业中的比重不断提高,逐渐成为现代服务业的主体部分。分工的深化、经济结构的升级推动了流通功能的演变,同时也推动了流通创新,产生了效率更高的流通组织形式和流通服务提供方式。在新型产销关系下,现代生产者服务与流通服务逐渐实现了"分业经营"向"混业经营"转变的背景下,文章基于流通创新的视角,对现代生产者服务业进行了分类,从产品服务、要素服务和专业服务三者之间的关系入手,分析了现代生产者服务业的内在机制。  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the existing evidence on innovation produced by innovation surveys in developing and emerging countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We review the relevant literature, discuss methodological issues, and analyze the results for the countries with the most comparable surveys, considering the well-established findings of innovation surveys for Europe as a benchmark. From the evidence we considered, regional patterns are identified and some stylized facts on innovation and development are proposed, pointing out the specificity of innovation processes in economies engaged in industrialization and catching up.  相似文献   

思想解放对于制度创新和行为协调意义重大。在现有的文献中,只有解放思想和制度创新二者之间关系的研究,且不够深入,缺乏坚实的理论基础。而关于思想解放、制度创新和行为协调三者间关系的研究则是一片空白。本文主要从经济学的角度论证思想解放和制度创新的关系,也对思想解放、制度创新和行为协调三者间的关系进行了较深入的研究,提出了一些可供借鉴的理论观点。  相似文献   

绿色技术创新内含着生态文明的要求,体现了生态文明的价值取向。生态文明视野下绿色技术创新必须坚持整体效益原则、协调发展原则、以人为本原则、实事求是原则和动态开放原则。生态恶化是绿色技术创新外在的推动力。绿色消费是绿色技术创新决策的导向力。追求经济效益是绿色技术创新主体的需求力,国际贸易是绿色技术创新市场的发展力。  相似文献   

邓晨亮 《商业研究》2007,5(8):19-23
培育和发展产业集群,提高地方产业的竞争优势,已成为新的经济增长点。通过产业集群的创新活动,使新增的产业竞争优势因素大于淡化、衰退的竞争优势因素,是保持产业持续竞争力的基础。产业集群的创新,包括主体、相关的产前、产后及支持性产业,通过集群的创新,使集群内部各环节协调发展,保持其综合竞争力上升,是发展产业竞争优势的关键。  相似文献   

本文从技术创新能力的角度研究了技术创新软、硬能力对创新开放度的影响。对136家中国企业的调查数据显示,企业技术创新硬能力负向影响开放度显著,软能力与创新开放度正向关系显著。企业可以通过增减研发人员及设备的投入来调整开放度,通过提高协同创新能力、提升开放度来获得更多创新源。因此,在企业技术知识积累达到较高水平时要避免开放度下降而减少与外界的协同创新。  相似文献   

文章将制造企业创新网络分为垂直创新网络和水平创新网络,构建有调节的中介效应模型,探索了两类创新网络对双元性学习的差异化影响机制,揭示了有效提升企业双元性学习的相关创新网络特征。实证研究发现,网络强度主要通过提升网络质量,间接促进双元性学习,且垂直网络的效果优于水平网络。垂直网络规模对双元性学习有正向的直接和间接效应,而水平网络规模对双元性学习的效应均不显著。网络管理能力强化了垂直网络强度对双元性学习的积极影响,弱化了水平网络规模对双元性学习的消极影响。  相似文献   

基于核心企业视角的企业技术创新生态系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在归纳国内外关于核心企业理论与企业技术创新生态理论的相关研究基础上,通过分析已有的企业技术创新生态系统结构模型的不足,提出了基于核心企业视角的企业技术创新生态系统结构模型.其中包括:核心企业、技术研发与产品应用、创新生境和创新平台四个部分,并结合生态学理论,深入探讨了各结构部分的内涵和其相互作用关系,阐明了企业技术创新生态系统与自然生态系统在结构上的相同和差异.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,零售业竞争直面残酷,营销创新是实现其可持续发展的正确选择。零售业的营销创新表现为营销实践探索与理论应用过程,总结西方国家和我国零售业营销改革创新的实践经验及零售业的营销创新的模式,可以探索营销理念创新、发展规模创新、营销管理创新、营销技术创新和营销服务创新等多种模式。必须通过优化创新环境、建立激励机制和制定弹性计划,为零售业的营销创新创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,中国与世界经济融合的速度越来越快,国内竞争国际化已成为不可阻挡的趋势,中国餐饮企业面临着巨大的市场竞争压力。餐饮企业管理创新,将为餐饮企业带来新的商机。餐饮企业实现管理创新的关键在于人本,人本思维是餐饮企业管理创新的前提和基础。  相似文献   

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