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经济适用房是指政府提供优惠政策,限定建设标准、供应对象和销售价格,具有保障性质的政策性商品住房.但是,经济适用房政策在实施过程中暴露出了一些突出问题.本文从经济适用房成本核算与定价机制的矛盾入手,对经济适用房成本现状进行了调查与分析,找出了经济适用房建设过程中存在的问题,同时提出如何降低经济适用房建设成本的建议.  相似文献   

建设经济适用房,自实施住房分配货币化改革以来,取得了不小的成绩,但也存在一些问题。建设标准失控,准入审批不严,土地划拨和税费减免的随意性较大等。经济适用房政策解决的是中低收入家庭的基本住房需求,而不是解决家庭的财产问题。因此,实行时要与当地的经济发达程度、财政的可承受能力、职工的收入和住房水平等结合起来考虑。  相似文献   

国务院于2007年8月出台《关于解决城市低收入家庭住房困难的若干意见》中强调:住房问题是重要的民生问题,其核心是解决城市低收入家庭的住房问题。我国的具有社会保障性质的经济适用房是现阶段我国解决城市中低收入家庭住房困难的主要政策和手段,政府在制定经济适用房政策的时候,想要达到的目的是实现政府、居民以及开放式多赢的局面。但是实践证明,我国经济适用房在推行过程中存在一些问题,与政府的初衷不一致,问题日益凸显。本文着重分析我国经济适用房在推行过程中存在的问题,并提出解决措施。  相似文献   

国务院于2007年8月出台《关于解决城市低收入家庭住房困难的若干意见》中强调:住房问题是重要的民生问题,其核心是解决城市低收入家庭的住房问题.我国的具有社会保障性质的经济适用房是现阶段我国解决城市中低收入家庭住房困难的主要政策和手段,政府在制定经济适用房政策的时候,想要达到的目的是实现政府、居民以及开放式多赢的局面.但是实践证明,我国经济适用房在推行过程中存在一些问题,与政府的初衷不一致,问题日益凸显.本文着重分析我国经济适用房在推行过程中存在的问题,并提出解决措施  相似文献   

经济+适用——经济适用住房的合理定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济适用房政策是我国深化住房体制改革,解决中低收入家庭住房问题实行的一项战略决策。经济适用房目前似乎叫好不叫座。从经济适用房的概念、政策对象、价格、设计规划等四个方面对经济适用房进行了定位,希望通过合理的定位使经济适用房成为名符其实的既经济又适用的大众住房。  相似文献   

近日,河南省建设厅表示,该省将逐步减少经济适用房建设数量,到明年年底全部取消经济适用房。主要原因是,经济适用房容易滋生腐败;经济适用房面积虽控制在90平方米以下,但真正需要住房的仍然买不起,而买得起房的.又嫌房子面积太小;资质审查很难,操作起来有难度。同时,该省取消经济适用房后,政府将大力发展廉租房和公共租赁房,并加强棚户区改造。  相似文献   

经济适用房计划从1994年开始实施,国家期望通过建立一批经济适用房来保障社会上的中低收入者“居者有其屋”,以保障社会的稳定和谐,然而由于经济适用房政策在开发和销售上存在着制度设计上的缺陷,导致这一计划并没有受到预期的效果,各地在适用房的完工数量、质量以及经济适用房的销售分配方面存在很大的“制度漏洞后果”,在此,我们从“委托——代理”角度就经济适用房的相关政策做分析,找出这一制度安排的不合理性并提出相关的解决政策.  相似文献   

郑军 《中国金融》2006,(22):51-52
针对当前我国住房领域所存在的突出问题,如住房价格过高、住房代给结构不合理等现象,国务院先后出台了“国六条”、“第十五条”等一系列住房新政,提出了以中小户型普通商品房和经济适用房为重点的住房调整政策。正确认识和贯彻落实这种住房调整政策。正确认识和贯彻落实这种住房调整政策。  相似文献   

我国经过多年的城镇住房改革,货币化住房分配,市场化和社会化供给体系已建立起来,初步形成以经济适用房制度、廉租房制度、住房公积金制度为主要内容的住房保障制度。以此同时我们也要注意到在实施住房保障制度过程中还存在一些问题。  相似文献   

针对经济适用房政策实施过程中存在的问题,从经济适用房产生的原因探析入手,分析经济适用房是否与市场经济体制相适应及其去留问题并提出自己的观点及建议。  相似文献   

This article revisits the microeconomics of housing tenure choice. It asks, How does a rational consumer make housing tenure decisions? The article builds on earlier papers on the subject in two ways. First, it brings together all relevant components of the portfolio decision in a single and coherent analytical framework. Second, it presents numerical analysis with carefully chosen national data and post-1986 tax reform tax provisions. The conclusion is that occupancy required for ownership to be rational is probably somewhat longer than it was during the 1970s and early 1980s, and is probably longer than many economists suspect. It seems apparent from the numerical analysis that substantial segments of the U.S. population should not be owner-occupiers regardless of anticipated occupancy.  相似文献   

据父亲讲,爷爷是解放前参加“翻身团”离开家乡到部队的。爷爷行二.离家前和自己的大哥一家合住三间土屋,一家一间半房。  相似文献   

We study temporary fiscal stimulus designed to support distressed housing markets by inducing demand from buyers in the private market. Using difference-in-differences and regression kink research designs, we find that the First-Time Homebuyer Credit increased home sales by 490,000 (9.8%), median home prices by $2,400 (1.1%) per standard deviation increase in program exposure, and the transition rate into homeownership by 53%. The policy response did not reverse immediately. Instead, demand comes from several years in the future: induced buyers were three years younger in 2009 than typical first-time buyers. The program's market-stabilizing benefits likely exceeded its direct stimulus effects.  相似文献   

住房公积金制度改制为政策性住房金融机构的设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
住房公积金管理中心具有政策性住房金融机构的雏形。但住房公积金制度由于设计的制度性缺陷,无法承担政策性住房金融机构的功能。因此,住房公积金制度改制为政策性住房金融机构有其必要性。目前,构建政策性住房金融机构可以从以下几个方面入手:建立以政策性住房金融机构为主体的组织体系,形成完善的住房资金组织系统,构建完善的内外监管体系,发展多种金融工具,完善住房金融的风险分担与化解机制等。  相似文献   

The Campbell–Shiller present value formula implies a factor structure for the price–rent ratio of housing market. Using a dynamic factor model, we decompose the price–rent ratios of 23 major housing markets into a national factor and independent local factors, and we link these factors to the economic fundamentals of the housing markets. We find that a large fraction of housing market volatility is local and that the national factor has become more important than local factors in driving housing market volatility since 1999, consistent with the findings in Del Negro and Otrok (2007). The local volatilities mostly are due to time variations of idiosyncratic housing market risk premia, not local growth. At the aggregate level, the growth and interest rate factors jointly account for less than half of the total variation in the price–rent ratio. The rest is due to the aggregate housing market risk premium and a pricing error. We find evidence that the pricing error is related to money illusion, especially at the onset of the recent housing market bubble. The rapid rise in housing prices prior to the 2008 financial crisis was accompanied by both a large increase in the pricing error and a large decrease in the housing market risk premium.  相似文献   

在环渤海湾的五大城市中,这一有着高贵基因的名仕系产品,或因某种不可控的市场因素,不得不放低身段改走刚需路线。在金地集团的规划中,被归为高端产品系列的名仕系产品,就像一个出身豪门的富家小姐,不但其外表需要体现所谓的新富阶层的品相、品位、精致和高端,内里也需要真才实学以及极高的修养、气质。不过,现实往往没有预想来得那么完美。  相似文献   

It is important to investigate the correlation between housing price and household consumption to gain an understanding of the behavior of the economy and effectively handle the consequences of economic development. In the last two decades, the accumulation of housing wealth by Chinese households has not been effectively transmitted to their final consumption. We discovered that the sustained increase in household wealth and housing-ownership rate in China has been accompanied by a decrease in consumption rate. We also identified a negative correlation between housing price and household consumption for both the homeowners who own one housing unit and those who own two units of housing. We investigated this phenomenon in China both theoretically and empirically by capturing the dual nature of housing as a consumption good and an investment vehicle. We found that the demand for second housing units is motivated by increasing housing consumption demand rather than pure investment needs. To explain the mechanisms that drive household-consumption behavior, we also explored the effects on household consumption of China’s educational system, marriage market and ageing society, as well as future housing-market uncertainty. The implications of government intervention in the housing market are discussed.  相似文献   

在7月底召开的全国财政厅(局)长会议上,政府会计改革再次成为焦点。谢旭人部长指出,推进政府会计改革,改进现行以收付实现制为基础的预算会计体系,研究部分支出采用权责发生制,研究构建政府会计准则和制度体系,建立政府年度财务报告制度。  相似文献   

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