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一个周六的下午,沈伟开下来到“村里”买台笔记本电脑。还在找车位呢,几个小伙子殷勤地围上来:“大哥,您要买什么?我们这里有最新的本儿,还有各种型号的数码相机!”确定沈伟是来逛电脑城后,一个小伙子立刻带他到最近的一个车位,然后在其他几个竞争对手揶揄的嫉妒中,领着沈伟到了电脑城。  相似文献   

Total retail sales value in major department stores picked up sharply in Mar. 2011, rising by about 25.6 percent y/y to CNY 46.63 billion, according to Na-tion Commercial Information Center of China. Of which, retail sales value of apparel products in major department stores increased 21.8 per cent y/y to CNY 11.89 billion, 3.8% lower than national average. For volume, retail sales volum  相似文献   

On the regular briefing of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on October 19, Shen Danyang, the spokesman of Ministry of Commerce, indicated that the Taobao Mall case-because of the substantial increase in service charge and deposit, small and medium sized sellers were infuriated and attacked the brand shops-exposed the absence of laws and regulations for our country’s internet retail management."It’s happy to see that the case was finnally tackled in a proper way in the joint efforts of all parties. Taobao Mall held a press confer- ence in the afternoon of October 17, which  相似文献   

互联网开创油品零售新纪元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方发达国家,由于油品需求增长缓慢和经营毛利微薄,油品零售市场竞争非常激烈,以英国为例,2000年英国汽,柴油加油总数的67.2%和71.7%(见表1,表2),汽油加油站数量已从1989年底的19756座减少到1999年底的13716座,下降了30%以上,柴油加油站的情况也大体类似(见表3),为了提高效益和降低经营成本,在过去的10多年里,发达国家不仅掀起了油品销售网络合理化运动,关闭了许多低效加油站,而且加油站还开展洗车,便利店等多元化经营与服务,形成了新的利润增长点,与此同时,电子商务已经在石油,后勤管理和物资采购等方面得到应用,并节约了大量成本,目前,互联网提供的在线油品B2B,B2C服务正在欧美迅猛发展,展望未来,随着互联网的普及和顾客期望值的提高,预计互联网将逐步应用于并改造传统的油品零售业,从而开创油品零售的新纪元。  相似文献   

In this article we set up a real option model of retail shopping center leases. The model incorporates the effects of stochastic sales externalities and the possibility of tenant default, and in the presence of these effects, we derive and solve a partial differential equation that can be used to price a lease transaction. The model then sums across all tenants to determine the value of the shopping center. The model generates a number of new predictions, including why a Jorgensonian user cost of capital may overestimate shopping center values, why the general industry practice is to ignore percentage rent payments and tenant default risk in commercial mortgage underwriting and why shopping center owners may not act opportunistically as most observers seem to think they do.  相似文献   

中国石油炼油与销售分公司副总经理田景惠指出:石油工业是一个连续的生产链条,油品零售是这个链条的末端。如何顺利地把油品销售出去,不仅关系到整个石油工业链价值的实现,而且还关系到整个石油工业链的正常生产能否得以继续。加入WTO以后,根据我国的承诺——成品油市场三年放开零售、五年放开批发,市场的竞争形势将更加严峻。能否利用这三到五年的保护期建立起一套有竞争力的分销体系,关系到我国整个石油工业的生死存亡。油品零售是分销体系中的重要一环,它直接面对消费者,属于典型的服务行业,并且是公司展现社会形象的重要窗口。如何在油品零售竞争日益激烈的今天,站稳脚跟、不断增强竞争实力,这是每一个油品零售企业都在积极思考的一个问题。在这方面,中油西南销售云南分公司做出了有益的探索——用亲情般的服务打动、吸引和留住客户,用亲情提升内部凝聚力,取得了很好的效果,值得其他公司借鉴。他们的做法是对中国石油《加油站管理规范》的升华。  相似文献   

We summarize a number of regularities that arise in the empirical literature on contractual relationships between manufacturers and their exclusive resellers. We do this using studies of traditional and business-format-franchise relationships, as well as studies of sales-force-integration decisions. Some of the patterns that we uncover are consistent with a standard incentive-cum-insurance theory of organization, while others are not. We briefly review some theoretical extensions that seem promising in terms of reconciling seeming conflicts between theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper develops direct tests for search behavior in retail gasoline markets. We exploit a unique market‐level dataset that allows us to directly measure search intensity with daily web traffic data from a gasoline price reporting website and perfectly measure daily changes in price levels and dispersion. Our simple yet powerful tests provide strong evidence of both cross‐sectional and intertemporal price search.  相似文献   

We measure sources of racial inequality in stockbroker pay. Pay differences arise from sales differences. We measure the extent to which sales differences are due to performance‐support bias, whereby African American brokers receive weaker firm supports, or to forces outside the firm, including client access, selection, and consumer discrimination. Data on firm policies are matched to sales results. Data on self‐generation of accounts measure access to wealthy clients. Sales generated from accounts with sales histories show racial differences in sales arising from selection or consumer discrimination.  相似文献   

苏子欢显得有些不情愿,作为长虹多媒体产业公司副总经理、营销公司总经理,他不想透露任何关于电子商务的规划,因为这不仅关乎未来的渠道战略,还涉及到长虹与大连锁的关系。他打了一个形象的比喻,大连锁就好比“老婆”,电子商务则是“情人”,你非要问“情人”的事情,“我怎么回答?”苏子欢的笑语中有很多自嘲和无奈。  相似文献   

Top 10 Department Stores Jan.Retail Sales+93.5%M/M Shanghai Jan.-According to Shanghai Apparel Association,discretionary  相似文献   

Shanghai Nov. -According to Shanghai Apparel Association, retail sales of apparel products in Shanghai top 10 department stores fell by 24.1% year-on-year in Nov. to CNY440 million. Economists hope that the shoppers’ spend- ing is beginning to increase after the holiday season.  相似文献   

新零售模式是供应商充分利用大数据、云计算等创新技术,依靠现代物流,将线下与线上零售深度结合的一种全新商业模式,新零售模式下对于零售企业提升整体竞争力具有重要意义。本文对新零售的特点内涵、基本特征进行了简要阐述,对营运能力的定义作用进行了简要分析,对永辉超市营运能力发展状况进行了分析解读及新零售模式下永辉超市营运能力的分析。本文从企业营运能力的相关理论概述入手,结合永辉超市在传统零售模式和新零售模式下的实际情况展开分析,同时对永辉超市存在的问题进行了有针对性的阐述,对新零售模式下提升永辉超市营运能力提出了相关措施,这对在新零售模式下的同类企业营运能力的提升有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

Supermarket retailers make strategic pricing decisions in a high-frequency, repeated game environment both in buying and selling fresh produce. In this context, there is some question as to whether a non-cooperative equilibrium can emerge that produces margins above the competitive level. Supermarket pricing results from tacitly collusive equilibria supported by trigger price strategies played in upstream markets. Upstream activities are, in turn, driven by periodic retail price promotions. This hypothesis is tested using a sample of fresh produce pricing data from 20 US supermarket chains. The results support the existence of tacitly collusive non-cooperative equilibria in upstream and downstream markets.  相似文献   

China Jan. -According to Nation Commercial Information Center of China, discretionary spending of apparel products in major depart-ment stores picked up sharply in Jan. 2011, rising by about 58.70 per cent y/y to CNY 26.92 billion. Data tells us that sales growth has been a lot stronger. We’ve seen distinct sales growth in volume of about 38.01 per cent for the Jan. to 60.43 million pieces.Reports from the market suggest that the largest on-year increases in sales in Jan. were seen in children’s wear (+37.42%) and men’s suits re-tailing (+34.86%). Looking further, Jan. sales of women’s apparel prod-ucts increased 26.12% y/y; men’s shirts +21.58%.  相似文献   

文章通过对零售企业自有品牌服装的分析,阐述了零售业自有品牌实施条件和营销策略,探讨了自有品牌服装在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

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