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为提高经济管理水平,现代银行应积极稳妥地推霆管理会计,逐步和完善管理会计制度体系。推行管理会计的工作目标是建立起全面的管理会计职能,并将其贯穿在商业银行日常经营管理活动的全过程,形成一套能满足产品、客户、营业机构(营业地域)、部门、员工、项目多重对象的经营责任与经济效益、投入与产出等进行计划、预算、反映、监控、分析、评价、考核、规划、决策支持等一系列完整的管理会计体系。 相似文献
本文介绍一种基于图形用户界面(GUI)建模的自动化测试框架——EMOS。框架使用WinRunner脚本语言TSL编写,作为插件使用,以开放源码的方式公布。文章内容根据随源码提供的英文版说明文档编译,案例分析使用了本文作者实例项目。 相似文献
私人银行业务是指商业银行以富人阶层客户为目标,以财富管理为核心,向社会富裕人士所提供的一揽子顶级专业化的金融服务和金融产品,强调个性化的产品和服务,包括一对一的需求、一对一的解决方案和一对一的产品组合配置,全方位金融综合服务以及在岸和离岸业务体系。如何加快私人银行业务发展,本人略陈管见。 相似文献
人民币的全球支付份额较低,在国际上依然属于较为弱势的货币,而且各国经济金融发展、对外开放程度等各方面迥异,对人民币的接受程度和结算使用量差异性较大。因此需要通过建立国别分析体系及时了解境外各国国情,解决人民币全球结算过程中存在的问题,提高境外人民币结算便利度。 相似文献
商业银行操作风险管理的基本框架 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
操作风险是指因操作流程不完善、人为过失、系统故障或外来因素所造成的经济损失,相对于信用风险、市场风险的管理,对于操作风险的管理无论是在理论上还是在实践中都相对滞后。对于处于转轨经济中的我国商业银行来说, 情况尤其如此。巴塞尔银行监管委员会在其发布的新资本协议中明确提出为操作风险配置相应资本金,因此为了加强对操作风险的全面管理,商业银行应当建立起一个操作风险管理的基本框架,从而逐步完善其风险的管理。 相似文献
This study evaluates the efficiency of the cyclically-adjusted budget balance (CABB) as the central gauge in the reinforced European fiscal framework for evaluating fiscal discipline. We do this by means of a simulation experiment. We use an estimated DSGE model to simulate all the macroeconomic data needed to assess the CABB according to the official EC methodology. Additionally, the model contains an expenditure fiscal rule that accounts for non-automatic variation in the budget, which allows us to observe the true discretionary measures of fiscal policy. Our results indicate that the EC methodology frequently fails to identify the true fiscal policy stance and also frequently fails to correctly signal potential violations of the SGP limit on structural deficit. In the latter case triggering corrective fiscal contractions to comply with the SGP results in increased macroeconomic instability. In addition, we show that allowing for a bigger role for stability-oriented discretionary policy and thus relaxing the SGP limit on structural deficit could enhance the stabilization efficiency of fiscal policy without reducing the degree of compliance with the Maastricht Treaty. These conclusions apply to small countries in a monetary union as well as large countries with independent monetary policy. 相似文献
近年来,银行ATM种类和数量在不断增加,给银行软件开发人员带来很大的工作量。由于大部分ATM的硬件模块都为少数厂商所开发,具有一定的代表性,可对其进行自动化测试。当然,需要人为干预的不在考虑的范围,如拔插钞箱、卡回收慢和打印纸状态的变化等案例。ATM自动化测试需要对测试案例做调整,整理出一套自动化测试案例,需要人为干预的归类到异常测试里,以使测试能正常顺利地进行。利用自动测试可避免大量人力和时间的投入,节省人力成本,降低人为因素导致的错误,弥补手工测试的不足。 相似文献
中国农业银行股份有限公司江苏省南通市分行课题组 《中国金融电脑》2009,(12):64-67
20世纪70年代以前,软件测试的目的是寻找系统中存在的问题,找到Bug(错误和缺陷)就算测试有效。随着测试理论的不断发展,近两年金融业对软件测试工作的重视程度不断提高,测试的目的不再是系统检测并发现问题,而是根据一系列模型的功能需求描述,在系统整个生命周期内对软件脚本的维护和用例管理。 相似文献
The Basel 2 Accord requires regulatory capital to cover stress tests, yet no coherent and objective framework for stress testing portfolios exists. We propose a new methodology for stress testing in the context of market risk models that can incorporate both volatility clustering and heavy tails. Empirical results compare the performance of eight risk models with four possible conditional and unconditional return distributions over different rolling estimation periods. When applied to major currency pairs using daily data spanning more than 20 years we find that stress test results should have little impact on current levels of foreign exchange regulatory capital. 相似文献
Transdisciplinary research is often promoted as a mode of knowledge production that is effective in addressing and solving current sustainability challenges. This effectiveness stems from its closeness to practice-based/situated expertise and real-life problem contexts. This article presents and tests one approach within transdisciplinary research, which specifically focuses on increasing the participation of actors from outside of academic in knowledge production processes, called transdisciplinary (TD) co-production. The framework for TD co-production focused on five focal areas (inclusion, collaboration, integration, usability, and reflexivity) in three research phases (Formulate, Generate, Evaluate). This paper tests and evaluates the use of this framework in five research projects. The results discuss how the focal areas and research phases dealt with many crucial issues in transdisciplinary knowledge production. They stimulated a high level of stakeholder participation and commitment to the research processes, and promoted knowledge integration and reflexive learning across diverse sectors and disciplines. The approach, however, came up against a number of practical barriers stemming primarily from institutional, organizational and cognitive differences of the participating organizations. While TD co-production increased the usability of the results in terms of their relevance and accessibility, it paradoxically did not ensure their anchoring in respective institutional and political contexts where societal change occurs. 相似文献
Ian P. Priban 《Futures》1975,7(2):139-143
The essays in this section on management of change are based on presentations made at the International Symposium: Organisation, Infrastructure and Management in the 1980s, Lo ndon, 14–15 October 1974. Dr Priban, who organised the symposium, is a strategic planning counsellor in London. 相似文献
The integrated impact of credit and interest rate risk on banks: A dynamic framework and stress testing application 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Credit and interest rate risk are the two most important risks faced by commercial banks in their banking book. In this paper we derive a consistent and comprehensive framework to measure the integrated impact of both risks. By taking account of the repricing characteristics of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items, we assess the integrated impact of credit and interest rate risk on banks’ economic value and capital adequacy. We then stress test a hypothetical but realistic bank using our framework and show that it is fundamental to measure the impact of credit and interest rate risk jointly. 相似文献
在公共管理成为一级学科之后,全国已有百余所高校开设了公共管理的相关专业.各院校学术背景不同,师资力量强弱不均,其公共管理教育各具特色.本文认为:从公共管理产生、发展的背景、学科基础及其顺应经济全球化的发展前景可以看出:公共管理教育应是需求导向型的,即以社会的需要确定人才培养的模式.以此为方向,我们对财经类院校的公共管理教育进行了SWOT分析,认为:若想优化财经类院校公共管理教育的学科建设,就必须扬长避短,走特色化办学之路. 相似文献
为提高测试效率和测试效果,将测试风险降到最低,重点测试行应该认真分析测试风险的形成原因,并采取积极有效的应对措施。 相似文献