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规划部署是油气勘探中一项极为重要的工作.建立标准化模型,实现规范管理,严把质量关,是搞好规划部署工作,提高勘探效益的有效措施及重要保障.长庆石油勘探局李民才、孙六一在《建立标准化模型 搞好油气勘探规划部署工作》一文中,提出了油气勘探部署工作流程及质量监控方法,作为规划部署工作的标准化模型.  相似文献   

规划部署是油气勘探中一项极为重要的工作,它提出油气勘探中长期发展的方向和目标,确定年度勘探工作的方针、任务、工作量及投资,并且编制具体的实施方案.建立标准化模型,实施规范管理,严把质量关,是搞好规划部署工作,提高勘探效益的有效措施及重要保障,根据集团公司规划部署方面的有关规范,结合我局历年来搞好规划部署工作的经验,提出油气勘探部署工作流程及质量监控方法,作为规划部署工作的标准化模型.  相似文献   

兰先虎 《冶金财会》2013,(10):41-42
严峻的经营形势促使企业必须大力改善生产经营业绩,优化生产经营指标,实现降本增效、扭亏增盈和强基固本.同时,为贯彻落实国资委和鞍钢关于全面开展管理提升活动的要求,根据攀钢集团的整体部署,笔者对财务制度及经营现状进行了剖析,并根据本企业经营特点,开展了财务竞争力对标分析.  相似文献   

智能技术在短时间里在能源与公共事业领域取得显著优势是不争的事实.一个没有智能表计、智能电网和智能家庭解决方案的未来几乎不可想象.然而,公共事业公司在成功部署和运营智能电网的过程中,要面对很多挑战.智能电网部署不是具体的一个项目或计划,它实际上是一次业务转型,会从根本上改变公共事业公司生成数据、提供信息、制定决策、开展工作和与客户沟通的方式.了解智能电网"幕后"不容忽视的关键问题,是减少智能电网部署障碍的关键所在.成功部署智能电网有五大要素.  相似文献   

在全党深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的群众路线教育实践活动,是党的十八大作出的重大部署.7月初,集团公司召开党的群众路线教育实践活动动员部署会,集团公司董事长傅成玉同志作动员讲话,进行全面部署.今年8月召开的集团公司领导干部座谈会上,傅成玉董事长再次表示,要进一步抓好党的群众路线教育实践活动,并要求各级领导班子和领导干部要对照"四风"问题的种种表现,重点从执行力、工作落实、责任意识、群众感情和自我要求等五个方面认真查找问题.  相似文献   

同志们:党中央、国务院决定,今年在全国集中开展治理商业贿赂专项工作,并作出了具体部署。为保证党中央、国务院的部署在建设系统得到贯彻落实,在今年1月召开的全国建设系统党风廉政建设工作会议,对治理商业贿赂工作进行了部署;成立了以光焘同志为组长的治理商业贿赂领导小组,设立了办事机构,明确了部机关司局的责任;对系统内商业贿赂的主要表现形式、重点部位和基本特点进行了广泛调研;3月中旬又下发了治理建  相似文献   

6月4日,国务院常务会议部署石油和化工产业科学布局和安全环保集约发展,在行业可谓“一石激起千层浪”.这是因为,一个行业的发展由国务院常务会议进行部署、由国务院总理亲自定调似乎并不多见,这是继2009年国务院总理主持审议通过石化产业调整振兴规划后,又一次由总理亲自部署石化产业发展的重要会议.认真解读不难发现,本次会议对石化产业来说,是机遇与挑战并存,换挡与升级共促,发展与责任同在.对众多石化企业而言,悟透精神者进,抓住机遇者赢.  相似文献   

沈630-H1321井的钻探施工直接关系到沈630井区太古界储层储量进一步开发部署动用程度。该井为分支水平井,目的层为太古界,具有投资大、施工风险大、施工周期长等特点,本文根据本区块特点,做好事故与复杂情况的预防工作,应用新技术快速钻井,安全快速优质的完成本井施工。  相似文献   

一、引言 十八大以来,党中央科学分析党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争形势,指出党面临“四大考验”、“四种危险”,反腐败斗争依然严峻;要持续加大巡视监督力度,保持反腐倡廉的高压态势.十八大三中全会对深化党的纪律检查体制改革作出部署,要求加强反腐败体制机制创新和制度保障.广西电网公司层面,对反腐倡廉工作做了全面部署,出台了一系列措施加强监督检查.如何贯彻落实党中央和公司关于推进惩防体系建设的决策部署,积极探索监督组织模式,以加强对权力运行的制约和监督为重点,建立健全监督机制,大力推进惩防体系建设,是摆在非供电企业面前的一个亟待解决的问题.本文以电网非供电企业——广西电网公司信息中心为例,谈谈如何落实部署,健全监督机制,完善惩防体系的实践过程.  相似文献   

50年一遇的冰灾席卷广西大地,桂北电网遭受重创.南宁电网也险情频出,宾阳、马山、上林、大化、武鸣等县区均出现覆冰倒杆造成线路中断事故,给电网的安全运行带来了严重威胁.南宁供电局根据南方电网公司和广西电网公司的统一部署,立即采取有力措施,对抗灾保供电进行周密部署,全面进入抗灾保供电紧急状态.……  相似文献   

An approach to designing a decision support system for salesforce deployment analysis is developed and illustrated with an application example. The approach incorporates research findings from salesforce decision modeling over the last decade. The features and limitations of decision models and methods of analysis are discussed. Guidelines are presented for each stage of decision support system development, while the possibility of expanding a basic deployment analysis system into a more comprehensive sales management decision support system is suggested.  相似文献   

Sales deployment decisions are among the most important and most difficult decisions facing sales organizations. Sales- force decision models have been developed as analytical tools for deployment analysis, but model use poses difficult problems for many firms. We propose an operational approach for the strategic analysis of selling effort deployment and provide three examples of how it might be used in deployment analysis.  相似文献   

张亭 《河北工业科技》2014,31(4):337-341
针对集群渲染系统在三维场景文件输出过程中,海量数据处理以及存储的问题,利用Hadoop框架对现有系统进行分布式模型改造,以基于延迟光照算法的处理方式,对分布式存储和计算的业务逻辑结构部署,实现改进Hadoop集群渲染系统对任务的处理策略,提供高容错、可靠的存储和海量计算数据的方式。通过实验证明改进的Hadoop集群渲染系统可以提高系统利用率和任务处理能力。  相似文献   

从质量管理机构设置,质量保证体系的完善,标准宣贯,制度建设,人员配制及培训机制,质量活动形式等方面,详细阐述了江苏设计质量管理的举措,成功经验和收到的成效。  相似文献   

The deployment of fibre based Next Generation Access Networks (NGANs) entails a crisis dilemma. During crisis, public administrations are eager to actively impulse investment in NGANs since the deployment of these networks may increase productivity in the long run and promote economic recovery in the short run. However, the crisis has reduced the access to the credit market and has increased the fiscal deficit. Consequently, the resources of the public sector to invest have been severely limited. Thus, it is crucial to analyse how the public investment plans in NGANs should be designed and implemented during bad times, under scarcity of public resources. The article proposes some guidelines for the design and implementation of effective and affordable public projects for the deployment of NGANs. These guidelines are illustrated by discussing the Xarxa Oberta case, a project for the deployment of a NGAN in Catalonia (Spain).  相似文献   

The ‘resource‐based’ view focuses on unique resources as the fundamental sources of competitive advantage and superior profits. We use a game‐theoretic model to analyze the impact of the deployment of unique resources on product market competition, and the impact of unique resources and sustainable competitive advantages on profits when the competitive implications of resource deployment are taken into account. We find that some of the core propositions of the resource‐based view do not necessarily hold when the impact of resource deployment on product market competition is explicitly considered. Specifically, the accumulation and deployment of unique resources does not necessarily increase the firm's profit and the difference between its profit and competitors' profits. Furthermore, achieving a sustainable competitive advantage does not necessarily lead to higher profits. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic managerial capabilities focus on managers' resource‐related decisions. Asset orchestration, a central component of dynamic managerial capabilities and of resource management, highlights the importance of integrating (matching) resource investment and deployment decisions. Building on these recent theoretical advances, we examine the contingent nature of resource investment and deployment decisions. The results, based on a sample of banking firms, indicate that firm performance suffers when managers' investment decisions deviate from the norms of rivals for both human and physical capital. However, when deployment decisions support investment decisions, greater investment deviation, both high and low, generally enhances performance. Specifically, firm performance is optimized by making congruent resource investment and deployment decisions as opposed to maximizing or economizing either decision independently. Therefore, resource management via asset orchestration is vital for superior performance. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多元资本结构在中国企业的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着资本概念的多元化,相对于企业组织和市场配置方式而言,网络化配置更适应于现代经济生活中的资本概念。资本的网络化配置产生了资本网络系统,并使得资本结构从一元结构的优化转变为多元结构的优化。本文分析了各资本要素之间的因果关系,并利用结构化方程进行了实证检验。其结论有:财务资本对于人力资本存在投资转化作用;智力资本三要素之间存在着相互转化作用;财务资本和智力资本共同耦合创造企业价值。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):741-759
This paper addresses the impact of regulatory policy on levels of infrastructure deployment and derived welfare in the telecommunications sector. The model considers two potentially coexisting and partially competing technologies (the “old generation network” – OGN – and the “new” generation network – NGN). This framework allows us to show that the “regulation defining access charge in order to maximize infrastructure deployment” is strictly equivalent to the case in which “no regulation applies”. We also derive from the model that these two types of regulation induce higher social welfare, but lower numbers of NGN consumers, compared to the “ex post access prices” regulation. Finally, we show that the level of infrastructure deployment (as well as social welfare and number of NGN consumers) will be highest if both investment and access charge decisions are taken by the welfare maximizing regulator. This suggests that the social optimum will be achieved through a calls-for-tender process that includes deployment and access charge requirements.  相似文献   

Disruption management in industrial areas consists in dealing with unanticipated events that get the plans deviate from their intended course. The solution results from the design and the maintenance of an operating mode ensuring a relevant deployment of individual recovery behaviours.The paper proposes an approach to minimize the impact of disrupting events on the whole system. It is based on an analysis of disrupting events and the characterization of the recovery process, and on a cooperative repair method for distributed industrial systems. This method is based on a cooperative distributed problem solving approach supported by a multi-agent system framework.  相似文献   

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