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A number of recent papers have focused on testing the linearity restrictions implied by international asset pricing models. The tests, however, have not addressed an additional restriction implied by the models; namely, that the risk premium on the world portfolio is positive. This study provides a direct assessment of this restriction. The evidence indicates that the ex ante world market risk premium can be negative. The results are robust to market proxies that are hedged and unhedged with respect to currency risk. Subperiod analysis indicates that the rejection of the positive risk premium restriction is driven by the first half of the sample period.  相似文献   

In a dividend imputation tax system, equity investors have three potential sources of return: dividends, capital gains and franking (tax) credits. However, the standard procedures for estimating the market risk premium (MRP) for use in the capital asset pricing model, ignore the value of franking credits. Officer (1994) notes that if franking credits do affect the corporate cost of capital, their value must be added to the standard estimates of MRP. In the present paper, we explicitly derive the relationship between the value of franking credits (gamma) and the MRP. We show that the standard parameter estimates that have been adopted in practice (especially by Australian regulators) violate this deterministic mathematical relationship. We also show how information on dividend yields and effective tax rates bounds the values that can be reasonably used for gamma and the MRP. We make recommendations for how estimates of the MRP should be adjusted to reflect the value of franking credits in an internally consistent manner.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the seminal study of Ang, Bekaert, and Liu [2005. “Why Stock May Disappoint?” Journal of Financial Economics 76 (3): 471–508], we incorporate disappointment aversion (DA, that is, aversion to outcomes that are worse than prior expectations) within a simple theoretical portfolio-choice model. Based on the results of this model, we then empirically address the portfolio allocation problem of an investor who chooses between a risky and a risk-free asset using international data from 19 countries. Our findings strongly support the view that DA leads investors to reduce their exposure to the stock market (i.e. DA significantly depresses the portfolio weights on equities in all cases considered). Overall, our study shows that in addition to risk aversion, DA plays an important role in explaining the equity premium puzzle around the world.  相似文献   

This paper examines two arguments presented in Gray and Hall (2006). First, that the generally used estimate of 0.06 for the market risk premium within the Officer version of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the generally used estimate of 0.50 for the parameter ‘gamma’ within the Officer framework are jointly inconsistent with evidence concerning the market risk premium in the standard version of the CAPM. Second, that the first two of these parameter estimates are also jointly inconsistent with the observed cash dividend yield on the Australian market. To resolve these problems, Gray and Hall recommend setting gamma to zero. The present paper shows that the first argument does not account for the fact that imputation induces a reduction in the market risk premium as defined in the standard version of the CAPM. The present paper also shows that both arguments identify a problem that characterizes only parts of the Officer framework, and these parts are not generally used in Australia. Therefore, rather than suggesting that gamma should be zero, Gray and Hall's analysis identifies parts of the Officer framework that should be avoided.  相似文献   

Consistent with the predictions of rare disaster models, we find that a proxy for the time‐varying probability of rare disasters helps to explain fluctuations in expectations of the equity risk premium. Our proxy for disaster risk is a recently developed measure of global political instability, and the expected market risk premium is from Value Line analysts' expected stock returns. Consistent with long‐run risk models, uncertainty about expected GDP growth and expected consumption growth is also significantly positively related to the expected market risk premium. We obtain similar results when we use the earnings–price ratio and the dividend–price ratio as proxies for the expected market risk premium.  相似文献   

Based on the Officer (1994) model, Gray and Hall (2006) derive a relation between franking credits and the market risk premium. On the basis of this relation, the authors show that traditional estimates of the value of franking credits imply dividend yields that are inconsistent with historical equity market data. This inconsistency arises from assumptions about the franking credit payout ratio and the value of franking credits retained. With less than a 100 per cent payout ratio some franking credits are retained within the firm. Assuming that the retained franking credits have no value leads to the inconsistency in dividend yields. Current practice in the application of Officer's model makes this assumption and, therefore, leads to inconsistent results. Gray and Hall suggest resolving the inconsistency by setting the value of all franking credits to zero. An alternative solution is to recognize that retained franking credits might have a positive value.  相似文献   

We have previously documented an inconsistency between the dividend yield implied by the Officer (1994) model with standard Australian regulatory parameters and actual dividend yields of Australian companies. We have shown that, within the Officer framework, this inconsistency can be resolved by setting the assumed value of franking credits (γ) to zero, consistent with the practice of Australian firms and independent valuation experts. Truong and Partington (2008) and Lally (2008) recognize this same inconsistency and propose alternate ways of resolving it. In this paper, we demonstrate that these proposals are outside the Officer framework. The standard set of regulatory parameters cannot be resolved with observed dividend yields within the Officer framework. Whichever method is used to resolve the inconsistency, the effect will be an increase in the estimated after‐tax cost of equity.  相似文献   

The US equity risk premium is approximated with a mean unhedged equity return. I utilize out-of-the-money put options to obtain a hedged equity return, which allows me to quantify the disaster risk premium as the difference between the means of unhedged and hedged equity returns. I demonstrate that a substantial fraction of the U.S. equity risk premium over the period from 1996 to 2016 is attributed to disasters defined as stock price depreciations below a pre-specified strike price. Employing alternative hedging schemes increases the contribution of disasters to the equity risk premium.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the role of the volatility risk premium for the forecasting performance of implied volatility. We introduce a non-parametric and parsimonious approach to adjust the model-free implied volatility for the volatility risk premium and implement this methodology using more than 20 years of options and futures data on three major energy markets. Using regression models and statistical loss functions, we find compelling evidence to suggest that the risk premium adjusted implied volatility significantly outperforms other models, including its unadjusted counterpart. Our main finding holds for different choices of volatility estimators and competing time-series models, underlying the robustness of our results.  相似文献   

In light of the ongoing debate over the value of the equity risk premium, its increasing use in the regulatory setting, and the impact of dividend imputation on the premium, this paper presents a timely new look at the historical equity risk premium in Australia, and provides an improved understanding of the historical record. We document concerns about data quality that become increasingly important the further back in time one looks. In particular, there are sufficient question marks over the quality of data prior to 1958 to warrant any estimates based thereon to be treated with caution. Accordingly, we present a new set of estimates of the historical equity risk premium corresponding to periods of increasing data quality but of decreasing sample size. Relative to bonds (bills), the equity premium has averaged 6.3 per cent (6.8 per cent) per annum over 1958–2005, which is a period of relatively good data quality. Together with other results in the paper, the findings reveal a historical estimate that is substantially less than widely cited historical studies would otherwise indicate. We reconcile prior evidence through documenting a dividend adjustment that has typically been overlooked. We also provide estimates that incorporate an adjustment for imputation credits.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether and how the Deposit Insurance (DI) system and its Risk-adjusted Premium (RAP) scheme affect the systemic risk of Chinese banks. Based on bank-level panel data from 2007 to 2020 and the difference-in-differences (DID) method, we find that the establishment of the explicit DI system in China increases bank systemic risk, while the implementation of RAP alleviates this negative impact by reducing systemic risk. We further find the mechanism behind this phenomenon that bank profit acts as a mediator. We also find evidence for international heterogeneity using cross-country data and show that, as China has a longstanding implicit government guarantee, the establishment of explicit DI actually reduces the extent to which banks are protected, thus increasing bank systemic risk. Our study highlights the specificity of Chinese DI system, offers important policy implications for the design of financial safety nets in China and worldwide.  相似文献   

This paper presents the shadow capital asset pricing model (CAPM) of Ma [2011a. Advanced Asset Pricing Theory. London: Imperial College Press] as an intertemporal equilibrium asset pricing model, and tests it empirically. In contrast to the classical CAPM – a single-factor model based on a strong behavioral or distributional assumption – the shadow CAPM can be represented as a two-factor model, and only requires a modest behavioral assumption of weak form mean-preserving spread risk aversion. The empirical tests provide support in favor of the shadow CAPM over the classical CAPM, the consumption CAPM, or the Epstein and Zin [1991. “Substitution, Risk Aversion and the Temporal Behavior of Consumption and Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis”. Journal of Political Economy 99, 263–286] model. Moreover, the shadow CAPM provides a consistent explanation for the cross-sectional variations of expected returns on the stocks and for the time-varying equity premium.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the need for a negative market price of volatility risk to recover the difference between Black–Scholes [Black, F., Scholes, M., 1973. The pricing of options and corporate liabilities. Journal of Political Economy 81, 637–654]/Black [Black, F., 1976. Studies of stock price volatility changes. In: Proceedings of the 1976 Meetings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 177–181] implied volatility and realized-term volatility. Initially, using quasi-Monte Carlo simulation, we demonstrate numerically that a negative market price of volatility risk is the key risk premium in explaining the disparity between risk-neutral and statistical volatility in both equity and commodity-energy markets. This is robust to multiple specifications that also incorporate jumps. Next, using futures and options data from natural gas, heating oil and crude oil contracts over a 10 year period, we estimate the volatility risk premium and demonstrate that the premium is negative and significant for all three commodities. Additionally, there appear distinct seasonality patterns for natural gas and heating oil, where winter/withdrawal months have higher volatility risk premiums. Computing such a negative market price of volatility risk highlights the importance of volatility risk in understanding priced volatility in these financial markets.  相似文献   

We present a model of a longevity risk transfer market with different market players (primary insurers, reinsurers, and capital market investors) and investigate how market dynamics and the market players' roles evolve with progressing market saturation. We find that reinsurers' appetite for longevity risk is the key driver in the early stage of market development. Since diversification benefits with other businesses decrease with every transaction, the reinsurance market is intrinsically antimonopolistic. With the increasing saturation of the reinsurance sector as a whole, its competitiveness shrinks leading to rising expected risk-adjusted returns for capital market investors. We show that in a saturated market, reinsurers should assume the entire longevity risk from primary insurers, diversify it within their business mix, and subsequently pass on only specific (nondiversifiable) components of the longevity risk to the capital markets. Our findings provide valuable suggestions on how to make the best use of the market's limited risk absorption capacity.  相似文献   

This article studies the dynamic properties of the reinvestment risk premium in the UK and RF government bond markets. In a new interest rate environment when sovereign debt trades at a low and even negative yields and bond funds are struggling to earn sufficient returns, bond investors have become increasingly wary of reinvestment risk largely neglected previously. The reinvestment risk premium is quantified on the basis of replicating portfolios and further analyzed with respect to exposure to exogenous influence with the help of cointegration techniques. The findings are that in both markets investors recognize the significance of reinvestment risk. However, there are differences in the sensitivity of the reinvestment risk premium to exogenous indicators. In the UK government bond market investors tend to be guided by more conservative indicators but are ready to forecast in the medium-run; in the RF government bond market investors tend to be guided by less conservative indicators but are ready to forecast only in the short-run.  相似文献   

Investor sentiment has become an important factor affecting oil price volatility and extreme risk. Therefore, we utilise a VaR-GARCH model to detect the extreme risk of the crude oil market during 2007–2017, and then explore the causality between investor sentiment and extreme risk in the crude oil market, and their lead-lag and co-movement relationships in the time-frequency domain. The empirical results show that: firstly, investor sentiment leads downside risk but lags the upside risk in the crude oil market; secondly, in the time domain, there is a co-movement between investor sentiment and extreme risk in the crude oil market, in particular, investor sentiment may Granger cause extreme risk in the crude oil market at the 1% significance level but not vice versa; thirdly, in the frequency domain, weak coherence can be found in high-frequency bands but increases in low-frequency bands during the whole sample period, which indicates that the impact of investor sentiment on extreme risk in the crude oil market will last for a long time, although the affected period tends to decrease.  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach to measuring riskiness in the equity market. We propose option implied and physical measures of riskiness and investigate their performance in predicting future market returns. The predictive regressions indicate a positive and significant relation between time-varying riskiness and expected market returns. The significantly positive link between aggregate riskiness and market risk premium remains intact after controlling for the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility, and a large set of macroeconomic variables. We also provide alternative explanations for the positive relation by showing that aggregate riskiness is higher during economic downturns characterized by high aggregate risk aversion and high expected returns.  相似文献   

This paper documents that systematic volatility risk is an important factor that drives the value premium observed in the French stock market. Using returns on at-the-money straddles written on the CAC 40 index as a proxy for systematic volatility risk, I document significant differences between volatility factor loadings of value and growth stocks. Furthermore, when markets are classified into expected booms and recessions, volatility factor loadings are also time-varying. When expected market risk premium is above its average, i.e. during expected recessions, value stocks are seen riskier than their growth counterparts. This implies in bad times, investors shift their preferences away from value firms. Instead they use growth stocks as hedges against deteriorations in their wealth during those times. The findings are in line with the predictions of rational asset pricing theory and support a “flight-to-quality” explanation.  相似文献   

无船承运业务经营者,又名无船承运人(NVOCC),是国际货运代理经营者之一。无船承运人具有承运人和托运人双重身份,这使得其在整个操作流程中,包括合同的签订、单证的制作、费用的收付等方面都存在信用风险。明确自身的信用风险,研究规避风险的方法对规范无船承运人的操作,对降低无船承运人的经营成本具有重要意义。目前业界对无船承运人信用风险的研究还较少,本文试从无船承运人的角度来论述自身面对的信用风险及探讨其在业务流程中规避风险的方法。  相似文献   

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