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能源问题在国际形势与世界发展中的分量不断上升,它不仅是经济和发展问题,影响着各工业化国家的经济发展,同时也作为政治和安全问题深刻影响着世界形势和大国战略,往往成为影响一个地区乃至世界政治、经济稳定的重要因素,这样也就出现了新的外交形式——能源外交。  相似文献   

In this, the first of two articles, the authors examine the particularly grim problems of the local economy in N. Ireland. They argue that such problems have to be understood in the context of N. Ireland's distinctive politics and administration. Following an assessment of economic development performance in recent decades, they conclude with a critical review of government strategies for the future. In the second article they intend to examine other local suggestions for economic policy, and to outline a “popular” alternative strategy.  相似文献   

This article contributes to debates about the economic framework of industrial politics by examining aspects of the 1984–5 miners' strike in Britain, focusing on developments in Scotland. It focuses on strike endurance and pit‐level variations in strike endurance by examining the contrasting quantity and quality of the material and moral resources available to the strikers at different collieries and in different communities. Powerful local variables in building or inhibiting strike commitment included pre‐strike pit‐level production, industrial relations, and the impact of debates about the economics and finances of coal‐getting; incomes gained for households during the strike by married women in part‐time and full‐time employment; expenditure saved by households in local authority housing where rents were in effect deferred by sympathetic local authorities; communal attitudes to pits, jobs, and redundancies; the character and weight of political tradition; and the cultural as well as economic role of women. By focusing on developments at community and colliery level the article challenges dominant narratives of the strike, which remain wedded to high politics, the strategy of the union leadership, changes in energy supply and policy, and public order.  相似文献   

故居民风千年根   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春节前后,我偶然来到泰山脚下新泰市的大寺村——一个平凡而简单的小山村。走近村里一堵堵青青白白的石砌墙,一座座茅草覆顶的旧门楼,看到狗儿、猫儿、行人,安闲的在胡同里青石板上踱步,直觉得好像从陶渊明的诗句里跑出来的影像一般。家家户户的大门上贴着鲜艳的对联、门神、五彩的门笺。孩子们放鞭炮、捉迷藏;83岁的张老太和小孙子推起碾子,洒下一串欢笑  相似文献   

文章认为,毛泽东的经济发展战略思想具有很强的人民性、有益性、交流性和政治性的特点。第一,毛泽东经济发展战略思想是从民生出发,为了人民,依靠人民,让人民能够共同分享经济发展成果。第二,发展经济就是要做好对富民强国、社会和谐有利有益的事。第三,在毛泽东关于经济发展的战略思维里,"交流"是作为学习和推进健康发展的方式方法和手段,是自由平等的合作和融合,是公平公正公开正义的互利互惠。这与资产阶级所追求、所进行的交流在本质上不同,在方式上也有差异。第四,毛泽东认为,发展经济不仅是个经济问题,也是个政治问题,解决经济问题,要有政治智慧。发展经济,处置经济发展及其他关系问题,需要运用政治智慧。毛泽东经济发展战略思想的政治性,更多地体现在为经济基础服务,以及给予经济发展以巨大的影响力方面。  相似文献   

Informal banks are as relevant as they were in slave times because they are creating financial alternatives for marginalized people. I explore this issue with an empirical study of 398 business people in the slums of Jamaica and Guyana. I use intersectionality theorizing to explain that poor women organize local banks as a form of contestation against the threat of violence, partisan and informal politics. Women from poor communities mobilize economic resources through mutual aid to resist dependence on corrupt political systems and exclusionary financial institutions. I argue that the banker ladies reorganize money markets for themselves and others. By organizing inclusive financial programs the banker ladies also build social capital through managing locally-based economic resources.  相似文献   

政党政治现代化,是政党政治国家共同的政治价值诉求,由于各国所处的社会发展阶段不同,基本经济制度和经济发展水平不同,阶级、利益阶层和利益集团之间的关系和占主导地位的价值观、意识形态以及民族历史和文化传统各有不同,因而,各国政党政治现代化的具体模式也就不尽相同.下面就几种典型的政党政治现代化模式作以比较分析.  相似文献   

中国是亚洲地区政治最为稳定、市场潜力最为庞大、资源最为丰富的国家,与东盟许多国家接壤,东南亚华人与大陆具有同文、同种的文化背景。因此,东南亚多数华人企业集团将中国作为其企业经营方向与结构的战略调整的重要区域。本文拟就东南亚华商对华投资的区位选择、产业特征、动因及其对中国经济发展的作用进行分析。  相似文献   

钟灵娜  庞保庆 《南方经济》2016,35(10):54-74
以往对官员的研究主要集中在讨论影响官员晋升的因素上,文章利用事件史分析的方法讨论官员的降职风险。利用2000-2012年间市委书记的数据发现,首先,官员年龄与是否离任密切相关,特别年轻与特别年长的官员都面临较大的降职风险;其次,官员在任期间的经济绩效对降职风险影响显著,并且这一影响与官员的政治关系密切相关。被上级下派到地方加以培养锻炼的官员所面临的降职压力较小,而其他官员则需要努力提升经济绩效才能确保自己不会被降职淘汰。此外,文章还发现晋升风险概率与经济绩效之间并不存在类似的关系,说明晋升的机制可能更为复杂。  相似文献   

作为国家重要的能源产地,在长期的能源资源开发中,新疆自治区政府和中央政府形成了不同的利益分配关系和矛盾,其焦点主要是能源资源矿权的归属和利益分享比例。鉴于新疆在全国能源战略中的地位和民族自治地区的特殊性质,能源开发中所产生的矛盾就不单纯是一种经济问题,而是政治、经济、民族等各种问题和矛盾在能源开发中的综合反映。本文从民族区域自治的视角对厘清新疆能源开发中地方与中央利益关系问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

马幸荣 《特区经济》2010,(12):19-22
随着中国和哈萨克萨坦经济合作的加强,中哈区域经济合作逐步向更高层次迈进。立足于中哈两国经贸合作与区域经济合作,提出了中哈区域经济合作进一步发展的模式选择,探讨了中哈建立自由贸易区的政治、经济意义。  相似文献   

和谐经济评价体系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱其训   《华东经济管理》2009,23(4):40-44
构建和谐经济的评价体系,既是评价经济和谐发展的需要,也是经济和谐发展的重要参考。经济和谐的系统结构是一个综合系统,它涵盖了经济和谐、经济和谐与政治、经济和谐与治政、经济和谐与文化、经济和谐与社会、经济和谐与生态、经济和谐与人的全面发展、经济和谐与国际安全合作等子系统,需要用综合效益指数法、功效系数法等经济和谐的评价方法,测算出和谐经济总目标。这种经济目标便是和谐经济社会追求的和谐经济的目标。  相似文献   

This article begins by reviewing the politics of the presidency, including the relationship between the president, the political parties and the House of Representatives (DPR). Referring to survey data, it analyses the dynamics of public support for President Yudhoyono, and takes a preliminary look at the 2009 presidential election. It also discusses the manoeuvring between Indonesia's two largest parties, Golkar and PDI-P, in the context of recent debates in the DPR concerning a package of draft political laws.

Indonesia is undergoing continual reform with regard to local, as well as national, politics. The introduction of direct elections for heads of government at the local level is a major political development that may help accelerate democratic consolidation. Based on an examination of local election results, this article concludes that the advent of direct elections has fuelled the formation of unprecedented cross-ideological political alliances. It appears that the ideological polarisation of national politics is often no longer reflected in provincial and local politics.  相似文献   

郭广珍 《南方经济》2009,(11):57-64
目前研究政治对经济影响的大量文章都利用锦标赛模型分析官员激励如何影响经济绩效,但这些模型仅仅假设府官员只是追求政治晋升最大化,而且对经济领域的行为分析太少。我们通过将追求货币收入也纳入官员的目标函数,在构造了一个带约束的古诺模型的基础上,将官员政治激励嵌入其中,并以此分析了官员对自己精力和时间的分配如何对经济绩效产生影响。尽管我们没有利用应用锦标赛模型,但是本文的模型也可以解释大多数政治晋升现象,而且由于我们丰富了经济领域的行为人(企业)行为,从而可以解释更多的现象如官员的经济腐败、政府采购以及“高薪养廉”等。  相似文献   

朱卫卿   《华东经济管理》2007,21(7):48-51
制度一直是政治学的主要研究对象,新制度主义学派积极融合政治学与经济学研究,将国家作为一种制度形态,阐明国家实施制度变迁的动机以及国家在制度变迁中的作用.全球化、现代化背景之下的中国道路,必须同时面对国家建设(新制度主义的前提预设)和政治改革(新制度主义的必然要求)双重任务.  相似文献   

杨敏  周尚万 《改革与战略》2009,25(4):175-178
随着我国改革开放的深入发展,西方经济思想对我国改革开放的影响在逐步从经济领域蔓延到政治领域和社会思想领域。这一方面促进了我国经济理论和社会主义市场经济的发展,另一方面也带来了对社会主义价值观、世界观和共产主义的信仰危机。因此,我们应对西方经济思想有正确的认识,既要看到它是资产阶级上层建筑的一部分,是为资本主义制度和资产阶级服务的阶级本质,同时也应看到它是对资本主义市场经济运行经验总结,反映了市场经济运行的一些一般规律,对社会主义市场经济建设有借鉴意义。但是,我国不能照搬资本主义市场经济,更不能以西方经济思想作为我国改革开放的指导思想。  相似文献   

WTO是一把双刃剑,给我国经济社会的发展带来了机遇,同时,又给我国的经济、政治和文化带来了不同程度的风险与挑战。在世界经济、政治与文化的冲突与融合中,坚持和发展建设有中国特色的社会主义市场经济,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,给我党在应变能力、执政水平和抵御风险等方面的建设提出新的要求。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how political elites make policy choices that have bearing on an authoritarian regime's economy, from the perspective of factional politics. A local leader makes policies primarily to secure his political survival, which is contingent on the support from either his higher-level patrons or his local grassroots constituents. Using a simple model, we show that a local politician with close factional ties to high-level patrons will invest more in sending loyalty signals to the latter to receive their protections, while a poorly-connected politician will make more effort to spur a broad-based economic growth that economically benefits his local constituents. Using a unique county level data on the factional politics of Zhejiang Province, China, we find that counties with weaker (closer) factional ties have lower (higher) tax burdens per capita, while spending more (less) on local public goods provision. The results are stable after various robustness tests.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the emergence of the middle class in contemporary Hong Kong First, it gives the historical background of the rise of the middle class in the 1970s. This historical background is important to our understanding of Hong Kong's middle class because it highlights its symbolic significance—the realization of the so‐called Hong Kong dream—in the context of the local society. It is also relevant to our understanding of the shaping of its political outlook. The second section explores why the middle class stayed away from politics when the future of Hong Kong and democratization were the main topics in the political agenda of the 1980s and 1990s. Finally, the paper rounds up its discussion by reporting on the new grievances of the middle class amid the economic downturn after the Asian Financial Crisis.  相似文献   

传统行政区划主要考虑的是政治的因素。改革开放以来,这些行政区的经济功能十分突出和明显,由此产生了一些问题。经济全球化的过程中,经济区域发展要求突破行政区划的束缚,走出一条区域联合之路。立足行政区划,并且超越行政区划是经济发展的可行之路。  相似文献   

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