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流动性和波动性是期货市场效率的两大主要内容,是衡量期货市场成熟度的重要指标.从已有的研究看,国内外学者的研究主要围绕流动性本身及影响因素展开,如流动性定义的界定、衡量指标的构建以及实证的分析等,而对流动性与波动性关系的探讨很少.本文将采用了理论研究与实证探讨、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,对中国大豆期货市场流动性与波动性的关系进行了研究.  相似文献   

流动性、波动率及交易活跃度是金融市场微观结构研究中的三个热点问题,在实际的金融市场上也得到了极大关注。利用沪深300股指期货的高频数据,检测出股指期货价格发生跳跃的交易日,并运用Granger因果检验方法研究了跳跃发生日和无跳跃发生日中,市场流动性、波动率及交易活跃度这三个指标之间的相互因果关系。实证结果表明,无论价格是否发生跳跃,我国股指期货市场上的流动性与波动率及流动性与成交量指标之间均存在双向的Granger因果关系。而衡量期货市场交易活跃度的另一重要指标——持仓量,在无跳跃发生时可引导流动性和波动率指标,但在有跳跃发生时这些因果关系消失。  相似文献   

根据郑州棉花期货市场日内交易高频数据,首先基于Thompson-Waller模型测度了棉花期货市场不同交割月份期货合约的流动性成本大小。实证研究表明:不同合约流动性成本大小受交易量和合约距交割期时间长短的影响,除此之外还有其他因素影响流动性成本,并且棉花期货市场符合萨缪尔森假说;而后以买卖价差代替流动性成本,根据LSB模型考察了流动性成本的日内变化特征,实证研究显示流动性成本中的信息不对称成分、指令处理成分、指令持续成分呈现明显的日内变化特征。  相似文献   

碳排放权期货品种已成为世界期货市场研究和发展的重要战略品种。根据碳排放权期货市场的发展现状,本文选取欧洲气候交易所的交易品种作为研究对象,分阶段、分品种对其交易品种的流动性特征进行了分析。通过总结碳排放权市场流动性特征变化,得出碳排放权期货市场的发展经验,为今后我国碳排放权期货市场的建立奠定基础。  相似文献   

上海期货市场流动性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一般地讲,一个流动性越好的市场,配置资源的效率就越高.对于期货市场而言,流动性是交易制度设计和合约设计的重要目标之一,也是考察市场效率和功能发挥的重要指标.期货市场流动性可以表述为:期货市场参与者迅速进行大量期货合约交易,并且不会导致合约价格发生显著波动.一个具有较好流动性的期货市场,应具有较低的交易成本和较快的指令执行速度,并且能迅速平复大额交易对期货合约价格的冲击.  相似文献   

2012年2月13日,中国金融期货交易所国债期货仿真交易联网测试正式启动,8家金融机构参与首轮联网测试。仅仅两个多月后,4月23日,仿真交易又开始向全市场推广,国债期货再次走入公众的视线。本文在对我国国债现货市场流动性进行实证研究的基础上,客观分析了现货市场的流动性不足可能会给未来国债期货市场带来潜在不利影响。同时,更进一步的研究表明,虽然潜在风险客观存在,但是在实际运行中的不利影响完全可控,未来国债期货市场可以保持稳健运行。  相似文献   

基于国债期货市场2013年9月到2014年12月的5分钟和每日交易数据,从流动性、套利机会、价格发现功能三个维度,全面评估了国债期货市场的发展状况。当前市场存在着从期货向现货的信息传导,已具有一定的价格发现功能。但市场的流动性水平依然不高,在少数情况下会出现明显的套利机会。最后建议在利率市场化的大背景下,应有序、审慎引导商业银行等机构参与国债期货市场交易,推动国债期货市场的进一步发展。  相似文献   

股指期权对股指期货的促进作用:来自韩国的证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合解析韩国KOSPI200期权对于KOSPI200期货市场的影响,论证股指期权市场对股指期货市场在提高流动性和培育机构投资者方面的显著作用。借鉴韩国股指衍生品市场发展经验,笔者认为在沪深300股指期货平稳运行之后,要选择时机及时推出股指期权,这样可以保证良好的流动性。为此,应当加快制定股指衍生品市场体系的发展战略。  相似文献   

本文选取交易量、持仓量、期现比率和价格波动性作为衡量指标,对中国棉花期货市场流动性进行实证分析。实证结果表明:2004年至今,棉花期货的月度成交量、月度持仓量、月度期现比率都呈现先升后降趋势,价格波动的范围也较大。无论是成交量、持仓量、期现比率,还是价格波动性,我国棉花期货市场流动性要比国内和国际上较成熟的期货产品低。为了改善市场环境,提高市场流动性,中国棉花期货市场应该积极改革交易制度,合理设计期货合约;同时,还应加大对投资者的教育力度,大力培育套期保值者,促进期货合约的成功交易。  相似文献   

该文以国内三大期货交易所的几大交易品种为例,分析最低交易保证金的变动对期货市场流动性的影响,同时对是否能够通过降低最低交易保证金提高交易量以及是否能够通过提高最低交易保证金来降低价格波动进行了研究.研究结果显示:保证金变动对期货市场换手率、成交量的影响不大,但对期货合约持仓量的影响显著;保证金与期货市场波动之间关系呈现出弱相关的关系.因此本文认为降低最低交易保证金无法有效扩大交易量和提高市场流动性,调高期货保证金也无法有效抑制期货价格的波动.  相似文献   

郭凯  孙音  艾洪德 《金融研究》2012,(1):180-193
本文基于资产期限结构探讨了流动性过剩的内涵,并对流动性过剩进行了定量测度和因子分析,在此基础上,提出了流动性过剩的管理思路与策略。基于资产期限结构的流动性过剩可以分解为一期滞后流动性过剩、货币期限结构与均衡比例期限升水变化率三个因子,实证分析结果表明,三个因子的均衡值均呈现季度循环的特征。中央银行应明确流动性过剩的下限和上限,在同一年度内应采取流动性管理策略保持流动性稳定提高,在不同年度应保持高流动性过剩与低流动性过剩之间的转换。为实现流动性过剩季度循环的均衡路径并使其保持在上下限范围内,中央银行可以选择流动性管理工具依据季度循环的特征调控货币期限结构与均衡比例期限升水。  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the Epstein–Zin model with liquidity risk and assess the extended model's performance against the traditional consumption pricing models. We show that liquidity is a significant risk factor, and it adds considerable explanatory power to the model. The liquidity‐extended model produces both a higher cross‐sectional R2 and a smaller Hansen and Jagannathan distance than the traditional consumption‐based capital‐asset pricing model and the original Epstein–Zin model. Overall, we show that liquidity is both a priced factor and a key contributor to the extended Epstein–Zin model's goodness‐of‐fit.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article compares the properties of several common liquidity measures including the bid-ask spread, the liquidity ratio and firm size. We also use the proportional hazard model to develop a new measure, the relative odds ratio, based on the volume necessary to move prices by a predetermined amount. Although each measure displays a liquidity premium, a composite measure better explaims expected returns, suggesting that liquidity is a multidimensional phenomenon.  相似文献   

Previous studies find as the VIX goes up, the return and the Sharpe ratio on liquidity provision increase. We argue these two phenomena are correlated because they depend on the same fundamentals: investors’ risk aversion, asset variances and asset correlations. Our theoretical model shows (1) when investors are more risk-averse, they expect a higher return for providing liquidity, (2) when assets are volatile, liquidity shocks create stronger trading demands and thus liquidity demanders pay a higher premium, and (3) when assets are highly correlated, the higher risk of spillover of liquidity shocks across assets raises the price of liquidity. An increase in any of these three factors, besides increasing the expected return and the Sharpe ratio of liquidity providers, leads to a higher value for the VIX index. Our empirical analyses show that one standard-deviation increase in each of these three factors raise liquidity providers’ expected daily return (annualized Sharpe ratio) by 0.16%, 0.38% and 0.40% (0.82, 1.27 and 2.10 units), respectively.  相似文献   

本文在中国当前使用的流动性缺口管理方法的基础上,结合巴塞尔委员会《流动性风险计量、标准和监测的国际框架(征求意见稿)》(2009),给出关于流动性风险计量的改进方法。改进方法使用了高质量流动资产、净流动性缺口和净流动性缺口占总资产的比率三个指标,克服了传统流动性缺口管理没有充分考虑资产质量和资产流动性特征等缺点,更好地反映商业银行的流动性风险。通过实证分析先对国内3家银行2006~2009年年报数据进行比较,然后对国内10家银行2009年年报数据进行比较,进一步验证了改进方法的优越性。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to develop a flow-based corporate credit model. This model can concurrently and endogenously generate a firm’s multi-period probabilities of liquidity crunch and expected liquidity shortfalls. This study builds a state-dependent internal liquidity model that incorporates both systematic and idiosyncratic shocks into corporate internal liquidity dynamics. The flow-based credit model differs from structural form credit models in that it considers a flow-based insolvency rather than a stock-based one, and has a potential to capture short-term credit information. Additionally, it differs from both reduced form and traditional accounting-based bankruptcy prediction models in that it is able to provide multi-period expected liquidity shortfalls endogenously.  相似文献   

中央银行货币政策工具变化评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,在全球经济一体化进程快速发展的背景下,以美国为代表的发达国家受次级抵押贷款危机影响,金融机构面临短期流动性不足的问题;以中国、韩国和印度为代表的新兴市场国家则出现流动性过剩的状况。为应对经济金融领域不断出现的新情况、新问题,保持中央银行货币政策的主动性和有效性,发达国家在充分运用传统货币政策工具的同时,适时引入了新的投放流动性的工具;新兴市场国家则不断拓展收回流动性的工具组合。本文简要分析了近来各国央行调整货币政策工具的背景情况,全面总结了发达国家及新兴市场国家货币政策工具变化的基本特点,并提出了央行货币政策工具调整中值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether firm-specific characteristics explain idiosyncratic volatility in the stocks of non-financial firms traded in the Indian stock market. It employs the linear time series five-factor model, augmented with a liquidity factor and the conditional EGARCH model, to extract yearly idiosyncratic volatility. We estimate a panel data regression to quantify the relationship between firm-specific characteristics and the volatility of individual securities. The results show that idiosyncratic volatility is significant in emerging markets such as India, and that cross-sectional return variations of firms are associated with firm-specific characteristics such as firm size, book-to-market ratio, momentum, liquidity, cash flow-to-price ratio, and returns on assets. We find that the idiosyncratic risk documented in this study is associated with smaller size of company, higher liquidity, low momentum, high book-to-market ratio, and low cash flow-to-price ratio. The findings suggest need to develop alternative tools to make investment decisions in emerging markets.  相似文献   

Historically, attempts to solve the liquidity puzzle focus on narrowly defined monetary aggregates, such as non-borrowed reserves, the monetary base, or M1. Many of these efforts fail to find a short-term negative correlation between interest rates and monetary policy innovations. More recent research uses sophisticated macroeconomic and econometric modeling. However, little research has investigated the role measurement error plays in the liquidity puzzle, since in nearly every case, work investigating the liquidity puzzle has used one of the official monetary aggregates, which have been shown to exhibit significant measurement error. In this paper, we examine the role that measurement error plays in the liquidity puzzle by (i) providing a theoretical framework explaining how the official simple-sum methodology can lead to a liquidity puzzle, and (ii) testing for the liquidity effect by estimating an unrestricted VAR.  相似文献   

摘要:公司债券的流动性问题越来越受到研究者的关注,而且随着理论研究扩展和实践的加深,流动性出现了很多不同的度量指标。本文在对公司债券市场流动性测量方法进行总结的基础上,实证检验了我国公司债券的流动性状况,分析了当前公司债券市场流动性存在的问题,并提出改革公司债券流动性的相关建议。  相似文献   

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