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The assessment of future mortality is of high importance in many areas where the allocation of future resources has to be planned in time, especially in social security and private life insurance. This contribution represents an extension of the classic forecasting approaches of Bell–Monsell and Lee–Carter. Based on a forecast of the first two principal components, age- and sex-specific survival probabilities for 18 Western European countries are predicted simultaneously until the year 2070. In addition to the correlations in the mortality trends between the age groups and the genders, international trends in mortality are captured as well. A major improvement in the classic Lee–Carter models is the adequate quantification of the uncertainty associated with the whole system of variables by stochastic simulation of all remaining principal components with simple time series models. The model’s easy applicability to further analyses is illustrated by forecasting the median life span as well as the resulting Gender Gap for Germany, France, and Italy.  相似文献   

Longevity risk arising from uncertain mortality improvement is one of the major risks facing annuity providers and pension funds. In this article, we show how applying trend models from non-life claims reserving to age-period-cohort mortality trends provides new insight in estimating mortality improvement and quantifying its uncertainty. Age, period and cohort trends are modelled with distinct effects for each age, calendar year and birth year in a generalised linear models framework. The effects are distinct in the sense that they are not conjoined with age coefficients, borrowing from regression terminology, we denote them as main effects. Mortality models in this framework for age-period, age-cohort and age-period-cohort effects are assessed using national population mortality data from Norway and Australia to show the relative significance of cohort effects as compared to period effects. Results are compared with the traditional Lee–Carter model. The bilinear period effect in the Lee–Carter model is shown to resemble a main cohort effect in these trend models. However, the approach avoids the limitations of the Lee–Carter model when forecasting with the age-cohort trend model.  相似文献   

针对我国人寿保险公司的经营面临着日益加大的市场风险与死亡率风险.提出了一种同时规避死亡率风险与利率风险的综合免疫策略。假设寿险公司采取资产主导的资产负债管理模式,通过对寿险公司两类主要产品(死亡给付产品和生存给付产品)的组合比例调整,实现对死亡率风险和利率风险的双重免疫。为此首先建立寿险公司死亡率自然对冲模型,在此基础上将利率风险引入模型,进而构建起同时规避死亡率和利率风险的寿险公司综合免疫产品组合策略。  相似文献   

We provide a self-contained analysis of a class of continuous-time stochastic mortality models that have gained popularity in the last few years. We describe some of their advantages and limitations, examining whether their features survive equivalent changes of measures. This is important when using the same model for both market-consistent valuation and risk management of life insurance liabilities. We provide a numerical example based on the calibration to the French annuity market of a risk-neutral version of the model proposed by Lee & Carter (1992).  相似文献   

We propose a simulation approach to value derivatives when the underlying dynamics are estimated using the survivor indices directly. Our results show that survivor forward and swap premiums increase with maturity and with the market price of risk. Our results also confirm that taking the optionality into consideration is important from a pricing perspective, for both U.S. women and men. We compare our results to what is obtained using an alternative modeling approach in which a Lee–Carter model is used to indirectly model the survivor index. Compared to this method, our estimated premiums and prices are higher for all longevity products. Moreover, comparing American‐style with European‐style options we find that, although the early exercise option has value when using survivor indices directly, the relative value of the early exercise option is significantly less than when the Lee–Carter model is used to indirectly model the survivor index. It follows that the assumed mortality dynamics have important implications for the term structure of forward and swap premiums and for the effect that changes in the market price of risk has on them.  相似文献   


Multi-country risk management of longevity risk provides new opportunities to hedge mortality and interest rate risks in guaranteed lifetime income streams. This requires consideration of both interest rate and mortality risks in multiple countries. For this purpose, we develop value-based longevity indexes for multiple cohorts in two different countries that take into account the major sources of risks impacting life insurance portfolios, mortality and interest rates. To construct the indexes we propose a cohort-based affine model for multi-country mortality and use an arbitrage-free multi-country Nelson–Siegel model for the dynamics of interest rates. Index-based longevity hedging strategies have the advantages of efficiency, liquidity and lower cost but introduce basis risk. Graphical risk metrics are a way to effectively capture the relationship between an insurer's portfolio and hedging strategies. We illustrate the effectiveness of using a value-based index for longevity risk management between two countries using graphical basis risk metrics. To show the impact of both interest rate and mortality risk we use Australia and the UK as domestic and foreign countries, and, to show the impact of mortality only, we use the male populations of the Netherlands and France with common interest rates and basis risk arising only from differences in mortality risks.  相似文献   

The prediction of future mortality rates by any existing mortality models is hardly exact, which causes an exposure to mortality (longevity) risk for life insurers (annuity providers). Since a change in mortality rates has opposite impacts on the surpluses of life insurance and annuity, hedging strategies of mortality and longevity risks can be implemented by creating an insurance portfolio of both life insurance and annuity products. In this article, we apply relational models to capture the mortality movements by assuming that the realized mortality sequence is a proportional change and/or a constant shift of the expected one, and the size of the changes varies in the length of the sequences. Then we create a variety of non-size-free matching strategies to determine the weights of life insurance and annuity products in an insurance portfolio for mortality immunization, where the weights depend on the sizes of the proportional and/or constant changes. Comparing the hedging performances of four non-size-free matching strategies with corresponding size-free ones proposed by Lin and Tsai, we demonstrate with simulation illustrations that the non-size-free matching strategies can hedge against mortality and longevity risks more effectively than the size-free ones.  相似文献   

In this paper, we incorporate the Bühlmann credibility into three mortality models (the Lee–Carter model, the Cairns–Blake–Dowd model, and a linear relational model) to improve their forecasting performances, as measured by the MAPE (mean absolute percentage error), using mortality data for the UK. The results show that the MAPE reduction ratios for the three mortality models with the Bühlmann credibility are all significant. More importantly, the MAPEs under the three mortality models with the Bühlmann credibility are very close to each other for each age and forecast year. Thus, by incorporating the Bühlmann credibility we are able to converge the forecasting MAPEs resulting from the three different mortality models to a lower and more consistent level. Moreover, we provide a credibility interpretation with an individual time trend for age x and a group time trend for all ages. Finally, we apply the forecasted mortality rates both with and without the Bühlmann credibility to the net single premiums of life insurance products, and compare the corresponding MAPEs.  相似文献   

The Lee-Carter mortality model provides a structure for stochastically modeling mortality rates incorporating both time (year) and age mortality dynamics. Their model is constructed by modeling the mortality rate as a function of both an age and a year effect. Recently the MBMM model (Mitchell et al. 2013) showed the Lee Carter model can be improved by fitting with the growth rates of mortality rates over time and age rather than the mortality rates themselves. The MBMM modification of the Lee-Carter model performs better than the original and many of the subsequent variants. In order to model the mortality rate under the martingale measure and to apply it for pricing the longevity derivatives, we adapt the MBMM structure and introduce a Lévy stochastic process with a normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution in our model. The model has two advantages in addition to better fit: first, it can mimic the jumps in the mortality rates since the NIG distribution is fat-tailed with high kurtosis, and, second, this mortality model lends itself to pricing of longevity derivatives based on the assumed mortality model. Using the Esscher transformation we show how to find a related martingale measure, allowing martingale pricing for mortality/longevity risk–related derivatives. Finally, we apply our model to pricing a q-forward longevity derivative utilizing the structure proposed by Life and Longevity Markets Association.  相似文献   

Pension buy-out is a special financial asset issued to offload the pension liabilities holistically in exchange for an upfront premium. In this paper, we concentrate on the pricing of pension buy-outs under dependence between interest and mortality rates risks with an explicit correlation structure in a continuous time framework. Change of measure technique is invoked to simplify the valuation. We also present how to obtain the buy-out price for a hypothetical benefit pension scheme using stochastic models to govern the dynamics of interest and mortality rates. Besides employing a non-mean reverting specification of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and a continuous version of Lee–Carter setting for modeling mortality rates, we prefer Vasicek and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross models for short rates. We provide numerical results under various scenarios along with the confidence intervals using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper considers a lifetime asset allocation problem with both idiosyncratic and systematic mortality risks. The novelty of the paper is to integrate stochastic mortality, stochastic interest rate and stochastic income into a unified framework. An investor, who is a wage earner receiving a stochastic income, can invest in a financial market, consume part of his wealth and purchase life insurance or annuity so as to maximize the expected utility from consumption, terminal wealth and bequest. The problem is solved via the dynamic programming principle and the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. Analytical solutions to the problem are derived, and numerical examples are provided to illustrate our results. It is shown that idiosyncratic mortality risk has significant impacts on the investor’s investment, consumption, life insurance/annuity purchase and bequest decisions regardless of the length of the decision-making horizon. The systematic mortality risk is largely alleviated by trading the longevity bond. However, its impacts on consumption, purchase of life insurance/annuity and bequest as well as the value function are still pronounced, when the decision-making horizon is sufficiently long.  相似文献   

Previous studies of financial health of insurance companies are mainly focused on insurers operating in the United States and developed economies. This article focuses on the solvency of general (property‐liability) and life insurance companies in Asia using firm data and macro data separately. It uses different classification methods to classify the financial status of both general and life insurance companies. With the exception of Japan, failures of insurers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan are nonexistent. We find that, first, the factors that significantly affect general insurers' financial health in Asian economies are firm size, investment performance, liquidity ratio, surplus growth, combined ratio, and operating margin. Second, the factors that significantly affect life insurers' financial health are firm size, change in asset mix, investment performance, and change in product mix, but the last three factors are more applicable to Japan. Third, the financial health of insurance companies in Singapore seems to be significantly weakened by the Asian Financial Crisis. As the insurance industry in different Asian economies is at different stages of development, they require different regulatory guidelines.  相似文献   

保险保障基金是解决保险业风险的有力工具,但由于道德风险的存在,该基金并非越多越好,而是存在一个最优规模。本文首先通过最优控制方法构建关于保险保障基金最优规模积累规律的动态模型,通过恰当地控制各期基金的使用量,可以使其规模达到最优规模的要求。基于此,运用中国寿险公司和财险公司近10年来的面板数据,通过系统广义矩方法研究保险保障基金规模的影响因素。研究发现:财险业相对于寿险业更倾向通过保险保障基金方式进行风险管理;当保险公司采取目标集聚战略和差异化战略时,倾向提高保险保障基金的提取规模,而采取总成本领先战略则会降低提取规模;保险公司的竞争战略不同的组合方式会对保障基金的提取规模产生复杂的影响。  相似文献   

Demographic risk, i.e., the risk that life tables change in a nondeterministic way, is a serious threat to the financial stability of an insurance company having underwritten life insurance and annuity business. The inverse influence of changes in mortality laws on the market value of life insurance and annuity liabilities creates natural hedging opportunities. Within a realistically calibrated shareholder value (SHV) maximization framework, we analyze the implications of demographic risk on the optimal risk management mix (equity capital, asset allocation, and product policy) for a limited liability insurance company operating in a market with insolvency‐averse insurance buyers. Our results show that the utilization of natural hedging is optimal only if equity is scarce. Otherwise, hedging can even destroy SHV. A sensitivity analysis shows that a misspecification of demographic risk has severe consequences for both the insurer and the insured. This result highlights the importance of further research in the field of demographic risk.  相似文献   

Using panel data (1997–1999) for 235 publicly listed companies in the People's Republic of China, this study empirically tests the linkage between corporate risks and the decision to purchase property insurance and its financial extent. To achieve these objectives, we first estimate a probit insurance participation decision model and then a fixed‐effects insurance volume decision model with Heckman's sample selection correction. Our results indicate that the managerial decision to purchase property insurance is positively related to company size and insolvency risks. By contrast, the amount of property insurance purchased is positively related to systematic risks but negatively related to insolvency and unsystematic risks and company size. We find that the amount of property insurance used by Chinese companies can also be affected by other factors (e.g., the cash flow constraints). In addition, the decision to purchase property insurance and the financial extent to which it is used varies among Chinese companies according to their geographical location. However, state ownership does not appear to be an important determinant of the purchase of property insurance by Chinese publicly listed companies.  相似文献   

A new market for so-called mortality derivatives is now appearing with survivor swaps (also called mortality swaps), longevity bonds and other specialized solutions. The development of these new financial instruments is triggered by the increased focus on the systematic mortality risk inherent in life insurance contracts, and their main focus is thus to allow the life insurance companies to hedge their systematic mortality risk. At the same time, this new class of financial contract is interesting from an investor's point of view, since it increases the possibility for an investor to diversify the investment portfolio. The systematic mortality risk stems from the uncertainty related to the future development of the mortality intensities. Mathematically, this uncertainty is described by modeling the underlying mortality intensities via stochastic processes. We consider two different portfolios of insured lives, where the underlying mortality intensities are correlated, and study the combined financial and mortality risk inherent in a portfolio of general life insurance contracts. In order to hedge this risk, we allow for investments in survivor swaps and derive risk-minimizing strategies in markets where such contracts are available. The strategies are evaluated numerically.  相似文献   

Studying changes in cause-specific (or competing risks) mortality rates may provide significant insights for the insurance business as well as the pension systems, as they provide more information than the aggregate mortality data. However, the forecasting of cause-specific mortality rates requires new tools to capture the dependence among the competing causes. This paper introduces a class of hierarchical Archimedean copula (HAC) models for cause-specific mortality data. The approach extends the standard Archimedean copula models by allowing for asymmetric dependence among competing risks, while preserving closed-form expressions for mortality forecasts. Moreover, the HAC model allows for a convenient analysis of the impact of hypothetical reduction, or elimination, of mortality of one or more causes on the life expectancy. Using US cohort mortality data, we analyze the historical mortality patterns of different causes of death, provide an explanation for the ‘failure’ of the War on Cancer, and evaluate the impact on life expectancy of hypothetical scenarios where cancer mortality is reduced or eliminated. We find that accounting for longevity improvement across cohorts can alter the results found in existing studies that are focused on one single cohort.  相似文献   

Securitizations that transfer risk to the financial markets are a potential solution to longevity risk in the annuity business. The classical Lee–Carter model is applied to generate the future stochastic survival distribution. A method to design inverse survivor bonds using percentile tranches and to calculate the security prices is presented. The percentile tranche method is a simple and practical way for the issuer to design and price the security. This method can serve to identify the risk–yield relationship, which can provide investors with clear insight regarding the appropriate choice of tranches.  相似文献   

In this paper, the mortality among the Swedish voluntarily insured is described. It is based on calculations of the mortality among the Swedish insured from 2001 to 2005, and in the total Swedish population. The total population data has been used to compute the mortality trend with the Lee–Carter model.  相似文献   

We investigate developments in Danish mortality based on data from 1974–1998 working in a two-dimensional model with chronological time and age as the two dimensions. The analyses are done with non-parametric kernel hazard estimation techniques. The only assumption is that the mortality surface is smooth. Cross-validation is applied for optimal bandwidth selection to ensure the proper amount of smoothing to help distinguishing between random and systematic variation in data. A bootstrap technique is used for construction of pointwise confidence bounds. We study the mortality profiles by slicing up the two-dimensional mortality surface. Furthermore we look at aggregated synthetic population metrics as ‘population life expectancy’ and ‘population survival probability’. For Danish women these metrics indicate decreasing mortality with respect to chronological time. The metrics can not directly be used for prediction purposes. However, we suggest that life insurance companies use the estimation technique and the cross-validation for bandwidth selection when analyzing their portfolio mortality. The non-parametric approach may give valuable information prior to developing more sophisticated prediction models for analysis of economic implications arising from mortality changes.  相似文献   

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