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劳资博弈过程中集体行动的动机模型:建构与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从劳动关系的社会心理学视角出发,对集体行动的理论取向和一系列前因变量进行了梳理,并在双路径模型的基础上建构了劳资博弈过程中集体行动的动机模型.试图从一般心理机制的角度解释劳资博弈背景下个体参与到集体行动中的动机激活过程.最后,使用典型的集体行动案例对模型的应用性和本土化意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   


This article addresses the sustainability of citizen/user participation in the provision of public services, often referred to as co-production. Co-producing public services not only promises to limit cost, but it also requires a change in the relations and behaviour of public servants and citizens/users, in order for the latter to make a long-term commitment to co-production. The article notes that Olsen proposes two logics of collective action, not just one. Focusing on small group interaction can provide an important strategy for achieving sustainable co-production, particularly of enduring welfare services. However, Ostrom criticizes too simplistic approaches based on size alone for promoting social cooperation in collective action situations. She proposes seven structural variables of importance in resolving social dilemmas. Several of them can also be perceived as factors that facilitate sustainable citizen participation in co-production. Some additional factors are also considered important for sustainable co-production, like the nature of the service itself, organizational diversity, a dialogue between the staff and clients, and facilitating small group interactions in large organizations. This article concludes that governments should develop more flexible, service-specific and organization-specific approaches for promoting co-production, rather than looking for simple ‘one size fits all’ solutions to the challenges facing public service delivery, particularly of enduring welfare services. It also proposes a research agenda on sustainable co-production.  相似文献   

A bstract . In the national tax debate, many ignore the effect of taxes on human motivation. High—and rising—marginal tax rates must be depressing, hampering and frustrating. They do not spur people on to better performance nor do they reward socially necessary or desirable economic behavior. What they encourage is distortion of resource allocation , legal avoidance and illegal evasion , as well as decline in human and capital resources. At both ends of the income scale they approach confiscation. Land apart from its improvements is taxed lightly when it should be the revenue source of choice taxed the most heavily, while the heaviest exactions discourage labor, enterprise and all human effort as well as savings. Equity and fairness along with the social consequences argue for large cuts in high tax rates at the top and at the bottom of the income scale.  相似文献   

张英宣  宋瑶 《价值工程》2012,31(2):121-122
激励是人力资源管理中重要的一部分,有效的运用激励手段可以鼓舞员工士气,提高员工工作效率,甚至降低离职率。目前我国企业员工离职率不断增高,形势不容乐观,对此,该篇从激励角度进行探讨,试图通过综合运用内激与外激的激励手段,增加工作的吸引力,提高员工的成就感,适当增加薪酬等,从而使员工在精神和物质上得到激励,最终达到降低离职率的目的。  相似文献   

李宁  史秀云  邵明晖 《价值工程》2014,(15):165-166
随着世界经济环境的发展,循环经济已逐渐成为经济发展的主流,我国循环经济发展也逐渐被得到广泛重视,但发展进度较慢和规模较小,其主要原因是作为主要经济参与主体的中小企业并没有真正融入到循环经济发展的浪潮中来,本文主要针对我国中小企业自身财务管理控制的操作流程的具体实践,研究了中小企业发展循环经济内在动力不足的原因,并提出相应改善对策。  相似文献   

关于集体行动理论,社会学家与经济学家存在截然相反的观点.社会学家认为.,只要集团存在有共同利益,它的成员就会共同努力去实现这种利益;经济学家却认为,共同利益是一种公共物品,它的非排他性将引发成员的搭便车行为,从而导致集体行动的失败.奥尔森认为,这两种不同的观点都犯有相同的错误,即它们都没有去研究集团规模、成员结构和制度安排对集体行动的影响.奥尔森在一系列条件下开创性地分析了影响集体行动的因素,构建了集体行动理论研究的出发点.  相似文献   

高天山 《价值工程》2012,31(35):307-308
农民上访问题和集体经济的缺失之间有着内在关系。集体经济缺失造成基层政府化解农村社会矛盾的能力丧失,农民的各种诉求在基层不能有效满足,农村各种社会矛盾不能有效化解,乡村传统政治权威失去了应有的作用,农民只好把解决问题的希望寄托给县级以上权力机关。解决农民大量上访问题的关键是在新的时代条件下重构集体经济,使得农村社会矛盾能够在基层能够有效化解。  相似文献   

Private firms are likely to use the financial reporting process more for other objectives, such as tax savings, than for communicating performance. However, observing firms choosing accounting policies for tax-minimisation purposes is not straightforward due to (i) tax and non-tax costs of reporting lower income (ii) accounting policies that result in lower reported income and no tax savings but generate non-tax benefits (iii) preparers' multiple incentives and (iv) econometric issues. We observe a large sample of 20,505 private firms writing off assets in two separate regimes, one that generates tax savings and one that does not. Firms significantly decrease, but continue to use, write-offs after the adverse change in tax treatment of write-offs. The exogenous tax change should not affect other reporting incentives. This allows us to disentangle the tax-minimisation incentive from other (un-observable) incentives, including debt contracting, dividends and employee relations that contribute to the observed anomalous positive relationship between write-offs and profitability. We show that for private firms (i) obtaining tax savings is important overall (ii) non-tax costs and benefits are probably also important and (iii) earnings informativeness for future cash flows increases after the adverse tax legislation change.  相似文献   

本文以四川省某家民营企业的273份领导—员工配对样本为研究对象,立足于道德型领导,并分别从内在动机和社会交换两个角度,探讨其对于员工创造力的不同作用路径,通过实证研究发现:(1)道德领导对员工的创造力水平具有显著的正向影响;(2)道德领导能够激发下属的内在动机,并且下属的内在动机越高,其创造力水平就越高,内在动机完全中介了道德型领导与员工创造力之间的正相关关系;(3)此外,随着道德领导水平的提高,领导与员工之间的社会交换质量也会相应地提高,而高质量的社会交换关系又会促进下属的创造力水平.本文从认知评价理论和社会交换理论出发,分别阐释了道德型领导的两条不同作用路径,并在此基础上给出人力资源管理实践建议,期望对管理实践和理论研究有所推介和深化.  相似文献   

王红彩 《价值工程》2010,29(10):61-61
对于团队整体来说,要有好的业绩,就要对团队整体进行有效的激励,激励对员工绩效有重要的影响,团队激励则影响公司整体业绩。团队激励的方法是制定团队目标、评定团队等级,培养团队文化,增强团队凝聚力。  相似文献   

本文利用跨国非平衡面板数据的实证研究发现,收入不平等程度的变化对农业保护政策的影响是以农业利益集团规模为条件的。当农业利益集团规模大于(小于)某一临界值时,不平等程度的加剧就将导致农业保护水平的提高(降低)。  相似文献   

随着电子游戏与网络游戏的普及,游戏化管理的理论呈现出缓慢发展的态势.内在动力理论认为借鉴电子游戏框架解决企业非游戏问题,有利于将员工工作动机从获取经济利益驱动向个人成就与社交满足转变,激励机制由外在向内在发生作用,有利于包括企业创新在内的业绩增长.然而,现有游戏化管理的理论研究仍然处在起步阶段.从理论上没有有效地将游戏化管理中的个人与其社交网络相联系,特别是忽略了在员工获取游戏化管理积分进程中实现的个人网络中心性的转变和社会嵌入的发生.在实证研究中,尚没有对游戏化管理、个人网络、企业创新相关问题的数据和实证支持.本文利用企业游戏化管理实践所获得的创新绩效数据,结合内在动力和社会嵌入理论,分析了游戏化管理由内在动力到网络中心性再到企业创新业绩的影响机制,并且对企业提出了相关的战略建议.  相似文献   

Self-interested individuals pursue their goals rationally taking into account the constraints imposed by their environment and best-responding to the strategic behavior of other individuals: when applied to collective action, economic theory predicts undersupply.
Meanwhile, the behavior of masses of people is described as excitable, emotional, irrational, suggestible, hypnotic, disorderly, and unpredictable: in practice, it seems, collective action is oversupplied, and erratically so. The contagious and volatile dynamics of collective action appear to defy rationalization.
I conceptualize a social movement as a dynamic informational cascade. Turbulencies emerge endogenously from rational individual behavior. Disorderly mass behavior is a by-product of a powerful decentralized mechanism of information aggregation.  相似文献   

Long-run and sustainable development is a main source of concern for contemporary cities. To address this issue, strategic plans have been introduced in several cities. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of strategic plan adoption in Italian cities by relying on the institutional collective action theory which predicts that collaboration among institutions is more likely to occur in areas with larger social capital stock and where public bodies share a common history of collaboration. Our econometric evidence shows that a larger stock of social capital and a history of past institutional collaboration increases the probability of adopting a strategic plan, confirming the central prediction of the institutional collective action theory.  相似文献   

上市公司年报粉饰行为的动机主要有:取得上市资格、获得配股资格、防止亏损、侵占股东利益、牟取二级市场暴利、满足经理人员业绩需要等。本文指出上市公司年报粉饰主要靠利润操纵、编制虚假报表、补充公告隐瞒信息等手段,并提出从上市公司的利润构成、年报中虚拟资产项目、现金流量分析、上市公司关联交易事项等方面对上市公司年报粉饰行为进行识别。  相似文献   


This study examines the relations among various types of management control, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and performance in the public sector. We draw on motivation crowding theory and self-determination theory to argue that four different types of management control (i.e. personnel, cultural, action, and results control) are likely to have an influence on intrinsic motivation and/or extrinsic motivation. We test a structural equation model using survey data from 105 similar departments in the public sector. Our findings indicate that the use of personnel and cultural controls is positively associated with employees’ intrinsic motivation, and that the use of results controls is positively associated with employees’ extrinsic motivation. Moreover, both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are positively associated with performance. Taken together, these findings support the idea advocated by New Public Management proponents that results control can enhance employee motivation and performance in the public sector. However, the findings also highlight an essential nuance; in addition to results control, personnel and cultural controls are also important, as they enhance intrinsic motivation and performance. This implies that a sole focus on results control is too narrow and can lead to suboptimal levels of employee motivation and performance in the public sector.  相似文献   

The focus of this essay is success in collective action. It is based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on collective action and property rights. I make three key arguments in the essay. First, contrary to the narrow conventional wisdom, self‐interested behavior can lead to successful collective action in both commonly managed resources and open‐access situations. The literature documents and explains a number of examples of success. Second, and nonetheless, collective action can be problematic and may require institutional responses, but privatization is not a panacea. Paradoxically, privatism can be a key source of the problems in collective action. And third, since the conventionally postulated, simple one‐to‐one relationship between a private property rights regime and an efficient outcome is not true, and given planners’ institutional interests, they should take a leading role in publicly advocating the potential viability of common property and collective action. Another important objective of the essay is to introduce to the readers a vast body of non‐traditional literature that has relevance for urban studies and planning practice. I include the literature on private property rights, ‘the tragedy of the commons’, ‘the inverse commons’, ‘the comedy of the commons’, and ‘the tragedy of the anticommons’. Cet essai s’intéresse au succès de l’action collective. Il s’appuie sur une critique et une synthèse des références sur l’action collective et les droits de propriété. Trois arguments sont exposés. D’abord, a contrario d’un avis étroit et conventionnel, l’intérêt personnel peut conduire à une action collective réussie tant pour des ressources gérées en commun que pour des situations en accès libre; des documents retracent et expliquent bon nombre de cas de succès. Ensuite, et néanmoins, une action collective peut poser problème et exiger des réponses institutionnelles, quoique la privatisation ne soit pas la panacée; paradoxalement, le ‘privatisme’ peut se révéler une source essentielle de difficultés en cas d’action collective. Enfin, comme le principe classique de relation simple, un pour un, entre un régime de droits de propriété privée et un résultat efficace n’est pas vérifié, et compte tenu des intérêts institutionnels des urbanistes, ceux‐ci devraient prendre un rôle moteur en défendant publiquement la viabilité de la propriété commune et de l’action collective. L’essai a comme autre objectif important de présenter aux lecteurs un vaste corpus de textes non traditionnels pertinent pour les études urbaines et la pratique de l’urbanisme. La conclusion inclut des références sur les droits de la propriété privée, ‘la tragédie des biens communs’, ‘les communs inversés’, ‘la comédie des communs’ et ‘la tragédie des anti‐communs’.  相似文献   

张二宇  樊丽 《价值工程》2021,40(30):84-86
在新发展格局下,增值税由生产型转向消费型的过程中,企业税负明显降低,对企业技术创新产生正向激励作用.文章在已有文献的基础上,通过分析增值税转型的时代背景,发现其能够通过现金流效应、投资成本效应和产业竞争效应三个层面促进企业技术创新,望这些发现能够为激励企业创新提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the perennial question of whether the urban poor in developing countries are autonomous political actors or co-opted tools of patronage. I develop a theoretical interpretation of urban politics, arguing that collective action is shaped by changing configurations of state, economy and civil society. Collective action is expressed in struggles over labor, public goods and political rights — issues of varying salience in different periods of development. The theoretical framework generates a set of propositions which I evaluate with reference to a wide range of secondary evidence. At bottom, the data indicate that collective action varies in form and intensity (militance) with specifiable conditions. Illustratively, clientism did predominate during the ‘developmental decades’ (1960–80) that followed earlier (1930–60) experiences of militant labor conflict and yielded in the current period of neoliberalism to struggles for political rights. Cet article évalue l’éternelle question de savoir si les pauvres des villes dans les pays en voie de développement sont des participants politiques autonomes ou des instruments de patronage cooptés. Je développe une interprétation théorique des politiques urbaines soutenant que l’action collective est formée par les configurations changeantes de l’état, de l’économie et de la société civile. L’action collective s’exprime dans les luttes pour le travail, les biens publics et les droits politiques — des problèmes dont l’importance varie suivant les périodes de développement. Ce modèle théorique engendre un ensemble de propositions que j’évalue par rapport à une variété de preuves secondaires. En fin de compte, les données indiquent que la forme et l’intensité (activisme) de l’action collective varient selon des conditions qui peuvent être spécifiées. Pour illustrer, le clientisme prédominait durant les ‘décennies de développement’ (1960–1980) qui suivirent les experiences précédentes (1930–1960) de conflits des travailleurs militants et a donné lieu, dans la période actuelle de néo-libéralisme, aux luttes pour les droits politiques.  相似文献   

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