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核心竞争力理论及其对我国旅游企业的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜宗斌 《北方经贸》2003,(4):113-114
给出核心竞争力的概念与特征之后 ,简要分析了企业经营战略理论的三个阶段。最后得出三点启示 :1 旅游企业要积极培育核心竞争力 ,增强竞争优势 ;2 旅游企业要组建具有核心竞争力的旅游范围 ;3 旅游企业在企业经营战略的谋划、决策和实施中 ,必须抓住核心竞争力。  相似文献   

方威  李夏苗 《中国市场》2007,(45):31-33
在企业能力体系中,最关键的是企业的核心能力,企业应该分辨清楚哪些是自己的核心能力。企业在选择自己的物流战略时,应该分析自身的物流能力,看看物流能力是否是企业核心能力,如果属于核心能力,就应该大力发展,如果不属于,就应该放弃。  相似文献   

跨文化交际能力在大学英语口语教学中体现在语言能力、语用能力、策略能力.、跨文化能力。我国传统英语教学忽视了对学生跨文化差异意识的培养,导致其跨文化交际能力普遍较低。应改变学生的思维方式,注重学生跨文化差异意识的培养,在课堂教学中把语言教学与文化教学结合起来,并把文化教学寓于语言教学之中,努力探索语言中深刻的文化内涵,增强学生对目的语文化的领悟力和敏感性。  相似文献   

培养学生的英语交际能力是实现商务英语专业教学目标的关键,应该从以"听"作为培养交际能力的途径,培养用英语思维的习惯,加强英语思维能力训练,采用分阶段教学,增强课堂教学的互动,在学习中锻炼交际能力,采取以课堂环境促进对学生交际能力培养等具体方法,并且在教学中注重交际能力培养中的文化差异,来促进英语交际能力的培养。  相似文献   

企业核心能力生命周期的特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宋爱苹  王菲 《商业研究》2005,(18):55-57
核心能力在企业发展的过程中是动态发展的,并且存在一个从培育、形成、提高到再生或者衰退的生命周期过程。核心能力是企业取得长期竞争优势的源泉。因此,企业决策者在企业发展过程中必须对核心能力生命周期的各个阶段的特性予以清楚地了解,以便企业根据特性通过具体的运作来实现核心能力的维护和提升,从而达到核心能力持续成长的目的。  相似文献   

This article develops an “ordonomic” approach to business ethics in the age of globalization. Through the use of a three-tiered conceptual framework that distinguishes between the basic game of antagonistic social cooperation, the meta game of rule-setting, and the meta-meta game of rule-finding discourse, we address three questions, the answers to which we believe are crucial to fostering effective business leadership and corporate social responsibility. First, the purpose of business in society is value creation. Companies have a social mandate to organize mutually advantageous cooperation. Second, business ethics should teach the management competencies necessary to fulfill business’s societal mandate. These competencies are optimization competence in the basic game of value creation, governance competence in the meta game of (political) rule setting, and the three discourse-related skills of orientation competence, reception competence, and communication competence necessary for engaging in the meta-meta game. Third, companies can help solve global problems through global corporate citizenship if they participate as political and moral actors in rule-setting processes and rule-finding discourse aimed at laying the foundation for value creation on a global scale.  相似文献   

面对悄然而至的加入WTO的挑战 ,国内券商今后如何应对来自国外大券商的竞争压力 ,如何不断地壮大自身实力 ,对于券商的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。从业务创新、人才和研发实力、企业文化、资本规模与融资能力、风险控制能力等多方面讨论券商核心竞争力的培养 ,并结合券商核心竞争力矩阵 ,设计出核心竞争能力选择坐标图 ,以此来分析券商核心竞争力的战略选择与发展策略。  相似文献   

索绪尔语言学理论虽然只是一种纯理论研究或元语言研究,但其对语言本质问题的精辟论述,可以作为研究英语教学的理论指导。索氏的语言心理观表明,大学英语教学的目标是培养学生的语言能力,实质是语言知识的内化;索氏语言任意性思想表明,大学英语教学中应该加强文化教学,培养学生的文化能力;索氏的语言生命观则启示我们,我国的英语教学应该以英美标准为规范,同时走英关标准跟本土化相结合的道路。  相似文献   

The Trompenaars database (1993) updated with Hampden-Turner (1998) has been assembled to help managers structure their cross cultural experiences in order to develop their competence for doing business and managing across the world. The database comprises more than 50,000 cases from over 100 countries and is one of the world's richest sources of social constructs. Woolliams and Trompenaars (1998) review the analysis undertaken by the authors in the last five years to develop the methodological approach underpinning the work. Recently Trompenaars with Hampden-Turner (Trompenaars and Woolliams, 1999) have extended the concepts into a new model on dilemma reconciliation of cultural differences. This paper reviews these latest updates in relation to dilemmas of cross-cultural business ethics. The paper asserts that knowledge in relation to business ethics is culturally specific; and that ethnocentrism is not easy to avoid. Too great an emphasis on rational-analytic conceptions of reality may mean that syntheses, emotion, and intuition, are not adequately developed. This presents implications for doing business and managing across cultures and for resolving ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

基于区域经济学基本假定的区域竞争力形成机制解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管区域竞争力的形成是一系列因素综合作用的结果,然而其中具有决定性意义的要素却是区域的资源禀赋、集聚经济以及转移成本。因为这三个具体要素通过对区域产业发展差异性的影响,进而又能在相当程度上决定一个区域的比较优势及企业的竞争优势,并最终形成一个区域自身的竞争力。  相似文献   

李民 《中国市场》2009,(2):101-102
在电子商务的发展中,一些企业如亚马逊、阿里巴巴等取得了巨大成功,成为行业的典范。它们成功的原因何在?本文试图从核心竞争力方面加以研究。文章首先分析了这两个典型电子商务企业的成功案例,然后论述了核心竞争力构成要素,在此基础上总结出电子商务企业应具备的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper examines public accountants’ perceptions of the relative importance of business ethics as a selection criterion for entry-level public accounting positions. Also, it seeks to determine whether gender differences do exist with respect to these perceptions. The data were collected through a survey of 335 professional accountants in four southeastern states. The results show that, among the eight selection factors that were studied, technical competence in accounting, communication skills, and interpersonal skills were the most influential, while professionalism and leadership abilities were the least important. Ethics was ranked fourth by the females and sixth by the males. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the genders with respect to five of the eight factors. The females’ scores were higher for ethics and interpersonal skills and lower for conceptual aptitude, strategic thinking, and leadership abilities. Implications for accounting educators and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

My university recently established a business ethics competency exam for graduate business students. The exam is designed to test whether students can demonstrate several abilities that are indicative of competency in business ethics. They are the abilities to “speak the language” of business ethics, identify business ethics issues, apply theories and concepts to issues, identify connections among theories and concepts as they relate to different issues, and construct and critically evaluate arguments for various positions on business ethics issues. Through this paper, I hope to begin a discussion among business ethicists about both the merits of a competency exam and what the format of such an exam should be. I attempt to do this by explaining the reasons why my institution adopted a competency exam, the goals and purposes of the exam, the format of the exam, and why I believe the exam has merit.  相似文献   

汪开鹏 《中国市场》2007,(32):14-15
物流业即将成为我国经济新的增长点,各级政府部门必须加以扶持和培育。本文针对我国物流业发展过程中存在的问题,提出了提升我国物流业竞争力的一些对策,以推动我国现代物流市场的尽快发展。  相似文献   

Information and communication technology has certain advantages that can contribute positively in business ethics education programmes. It is necessary, however, to identify first the factors critical for acquiring ethical competence and later to proceed to the construction and use of such tools, in order to ensure that these tools are indeed adapted to the process and the goals of business ethics education. Based on psychological theory and research, it is argued that one such crucial factor is the psychological construct of ethical autonomy. The strengths and weaknesses of information and communication technology tools are discussed in accordance with this, and some suggestions are given on fruitful ways to incorporate these tools in business ethics education.  相似文献   

刘建伟  曹静 《商业研究》2002,(15):22-24
管理者对企业概念的认识直接影响企业经营战略的制定,从而决定了企业的生存和发展机会。总 结迄今为止对企业概念三种比较重要的理解视角,通过分析比较倡导从核心竞争力角度认识企业概念, 最后给出管理者调整企业概念可以遵循的一般步骤。  相似文献   

我国企业战略联盟的现状及发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业战略联盟作为一种有效的竞争合作方式 ,在我国正呈现较快发展的态势。但尚存对联盟的战略意义缺乏明确认识、缺乏长远规划及合作管理水平低等问题。应强化政府对企业联盟的调控功能 ,明确开放条件下的产业与技术政策 ,完善法律法规 ,不断加强战略联盟的创新与管理 ,提高核心竞争力  相似文献   

本文认为应该根据我国的经济社会环境特征辨证地看待核心能力理论在我国多角化企业中的适用性。对于具有一定实力,能与跨国公司开展竞争的企业,必须构建和提升其核心能力,其多角化经营也应以此为基础。但因市场环境、企业实力等差异,大多数中小企业目前还无法开展以核心能力为基础的多角化经营,因此其实践意义是有限的。  相似文献   

李琳 《北方经贸》2009,(4):36-38
我国中小企业核心竞争力不强。电子商务可以促进中小企业核心竞争力的培育。中小企业应该从开发核心技术、建立科学规范的企业制度、制定适合企业的战略目标以及建设特色的企业文化四个途径来培育自己的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

三个实验检验了品牌拟人形象性别与目标消费者性别一致性的积极效应以及品牌热情能力定位对其的调节作用。结果表明:出于社会认同动机,当性别刻板印象未被激活时,消费者对于拟人形象和自身性别一致的品牌态度更加积极。而当性别热情能力刻板印象被激活时,性别一致性的积极效应被品牌热情能力定位调节。具体而言,对于男性消费者,相对于能力型品牌,热情型品牌由于和男性高能力低热情刻板印象不同,男性消费者对男性拟人形象的社会认同降低,品牌拟人形象与消费者性别一致性对社会认同和品牌态度的积极效应消失;而对于女性消费者,与传统刻板印象相反的高能力低热情的女性拟人形象并未对她们的社会认同及品牌态度产生负面影响。  相似文献   

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