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魏武挥 《中关村》2013,(2):91-91
站在巨人的肩膀上可以看得更远,这个道理大家都明白。在商业上,也的确有一些"巨人的肩膀"可以站,特别是今天所谓"开放平台"的兴起。几大社交网络都开始运作这个东西,使得一些创业者似乎找到了更有效率的机会。新浪微博也好,腾讯平台也好,都是创业者所看到的巨大的潜在用户池。在它们身边,围绕着诸多的创业公司。美丽说、蘑菇街在微博上使尽解数,获得了不少流量和用户的导入。  相似文献   

如果说40年前“internet”的诞生,意味着人类开辟了“创世纪”的历程;那么近10年来中国互联网的发展,充分印证了“20世纪最伟大的发明是计算机,而计算机在本世纪最伟大的应用则是互联网”。  相似文献   

张越 《中关村》2011,(4):76-77
微博营销的本质在于只言片语的生产力,它可以让Twitter在国外呼风唤雨,同时也能让中国互联网各大网站的"圈地运动"风生水起。  相似文献   

关村 《中关村》2005,(6):77-77
20世纪最伟大的发明是计算机,而计算机在上个世纪最伟大的应用就是互联网。互联网——革命性地变革着大众传媒方式,无孔不入地改变着人们的生活。“任何人,无论其社会地位如何,都可以自由地在同一时间进入互联网这个公共领域,获取同样的信息与文化资源,并且享受平等的话语权。”互联网与传统的传媒相比较,更具有“自主性”、“隐匿性”、“参与性”和“公共性”的优势。实现人类近百年来追求的和谐社会“自由与民主”的理想,除了要改变人们的传统观念外,最重要的就是创造物质保障——在技术层面提供“各取所需”广袤的足够空间和地域。上个…  相似文献   

关邨 《中关村》2014,(12):45-45
首善之区截图:积水潭医院医生"悬赏10万元"叫板"诊脉验孕"的科学性,中医药大学教师立马举旗"应战",很是热闹了一阵子。其实,关于"中医科学还是西医科学"的论争绝非今日始。且不谈"五四"时期文学革命旗手鲁迅、胡适等名人对中医的挞伐,就是在伟人毛泽东提出"中西医结合"的发展方向后,在新世纪批判中医是"伪科学"的洋腔调仍然不绝于耳。  相似文献   

董崇飞 《中关村》2010,(11):72-74
央视新闻取材新浪微博 2010年7月28日上午11点,中央电视台新闻频道《新闻直播间》栏目一如往常地播出。11点17分,主播康辉播报的一条资讯引起了许多观众的密切关注:"我们插播一条本台刚刚收到的最新消息,在今天上午10点多,江苏省南京市栖霞区的一所中石化的加油站发生了油罐爆炸……”  相似文献   

中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,曾经长期称雄世界。其中有种种因素,但指南针、造纸、火药、印刷术"四大发明"的出现和传播,无疑起到了相当的助推作用。应该说,"四大发明"就是中国最伟大的科技成果。近几个世纪,正当西方列强科技迅速发展的同时,囿于封建专制的统治,中国却停滞了科技发展的步伐,贫穷遭欺,落后挨打,也就不足为奇了。  相似文献   

微博:影响力的产生机制与作用空间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喻国明 《中关村》2010,(4):91-91
尽管作为互联网Web2.0的新生儿,微博还处于亟待完善的成长期,但其凭借对信息传播模式的变革,必将成为最具影响力的互联网产品。  相似文献   

俞敏洪 《中关村》2009,(11):104-105
三言两语,即时记录,发发感慨,晒晒心情。微型博客的兴起让我们认识到“语录体”的表述更加符合现代人的生活节奏和习惯。本期选取了俞敏洪新浪微博的精彩言论——谈人生、论古今、评时政,是名人名言,也是凡人睿语。  相似文献   

董崇飞 《中关村》2010,(10):76-77
自微博诞生之后,削繁就简、得心应手的应用使得老年人尽情体验和乐享数字化生存有了捷径和通途。  相似文献   

Graph-based entropy, an index of the diversity of events in their distribution to parts of a co-occurrence graph, is proposed for detecting signs of structural changes in the data that are informative in explaining latent dynamics of consumers’ behavior. For obtaining graph-based entropy, connected sub-graphs are first obtained from the graph of co-occurrences of items in the data. Then, the distribution of items occurring in events in the data to these sub-graphs is reflected on the value of graph-based entropy. For the data on the position of sale, a change in this value is regarded as a sign of the appearance, the separation, the disappearance, or the uniting of consumers’ interests. These phenomena are regarded as the signs of dynamic changes in consumers’ behavior that may be the effects of external events and information. Experiments show that graph-based entropy outperforms baseline methods that can be used for change detection, in explaining substantial changes and their signs in consumers’ preference of items in supermarket stores.  相似文献   

In the discussion of corporate governance from the standpoint of economists, it is common for economists to pay more attention to the stockholders of a corporation (as stakeholders) than to the creditors. However, the behaviors of depositors as creditors should not be neglected in the management of banking institutions. The purpose of this paper is to analyze statistically the decision factors of depositors in opening an account at a particular bank with respect to corporate governance variables. My result shows that depositors with risk aversion consider banks well managed based on the following: a lower rate of external auditors, a longer time of service by the bank’s president, and the existence of a simultaneous promotion system of the bank’s president and chairperson.  相似文献   

In the first stage of creating technological improvements for a democratic society, the leaders of the Society of Socionetwork Strategies have conducted statistical research on the effect of information and communication technology on the global economy. In the second stage, younger professors, based on their Positive Studies, have leapt into a multi-agent simulation of Grid Computing. In the third stage, a terra-bite scale of social data-collecting and the mining of large-scale data in our real world will be next. The next generation of scientists will share knowledge and intellectual inquiry in the fields of statistics, mathematics, and the social sciences with the help of computers connecting such scholars from all over the world.  相似文献   

韩永飞 《中关村》2012,(6):114-114
人的天性中只有人性和兽性吗?有人说:人,一半是天使,一半是魔鬼。其实并没有反映人的天性的全部。天性里还有一部分是中性。人性包含人道、善良、友爱、宽容等;兽性包含贪婪、残忍、唯我、纵欲等;中性包含竞争、敬业、攀比、守则等。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(9):68-72
微软华人协会近期的诸多表现刷新了人们对微软以往的感受。微软不再只是一支善于在既有市场上与明确对手肉搏的铁骑雄兵,而是有可能成为一个善于预见未来巨大需求,直奔应属之地,在云计算与新一代网络方面继续引领世界IT产业发展的龙头企业。  相似文献   


The main purpose of this paper is to do a comparative analysis of prediction models using various machine learning techniques. The models will be used to predict whether a movie will be a hit or flop before it is actually released. The techniques used for comparisons are decision tree, random forest (RF), support vector machine, logistics regression, adaptive tree boosting, and artificial neural network algorithms. The major predictors used in the models are the ratings of the lead actor, IMDb ranking of a movie, music rank of the movie, and total number of screens planned for the release of a movie. The results of most models indicated a reasonable accuracy, ranging from 80 to 90%. However, models based on two techniques, RF and logistic regression, achieved an accuracy of 92%. From the results, the most important predictors of a movie’s success are music rating, followed by its IMDb rating and total screens used for release.


顾列铭 《中关村》2011,(12):32-33
2011年10月28日,随着建行三季报出炉,五大行三季度业绩均已公布——前三季,工、农、中、建、交五大行以净利润超5400亿元交出了不错的成绩单。  相似文献   

关村 《中关村》2011,(2):114-117
"文章合为时而著"。摆在读者面前的这部《北京:走向世界城市》,是以著名学者金元浦教授为主编、集纳诸多学者、专家、官员智慧撰写成的"北京建设世界城市发展战略研究报告"。为"北京建设世界城市"集思广益、出谋划策、擘画出一纸清晰可见的完美"路线图"。  相似文献   

蔡向东 《中关村》2011,(2):74-76
一国国民国旗意识的强弱直接反映其国家观念所达到的深度与热度,同时,一国国民较强的国家观念也必然表现为其对本国国旗的认同与喜爱。  相似文献   

刘合心 《中关村》2012,(8):117-119
在宏伟壮丽的山东曲阜孔庙的大成殿内,迎面明间的金色圆柱上,悬挂着一清乾隆十三年(1784年)皇帝弘历题写的对联:“气备四时与天地鬼神日月合其德,教垂万世继尧舜禹汤文武作之师。”这上联是极言孔圣人之功德无量,下联则道出了孔家学说的渊源。孔圣人的功德已是“家喻户晓、妇孺皆知”了。笔者在这里想说的是,对于孔家学说(换言之,即儒学)的师承,乾隆皇帝讲的还是有道理的,那就是“继尧舜禹汤文武作之师”,这“六大老师”首推五帝之一的帝尧了。  相似文献   

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