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建设必要性服务区是高速公路的重要组成部分,它为高速公路全封闭、高速行车提供保障。随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,服务区的经营管理理念不断更新。目前,服务区的职能范围已经不再仅仅是为行车提供物质供应服务和为旅客及驾驶人员提供生活服务,而是已经发展为提供一体化多功能服务的综合服务体系。现代高速公路服务区24小时开放,在满足过往司乘人员就  相似文献   

<国家高速公路网规划>的正式发布,为高速公路机电工程的建设提供了信息和商机,也为从业人员拓展思路,找准位置,图谋发展,提供了新的信息和机会.  相似文献   

马文良 《中关村》2011,(4):60-61
科博会的举办,全面宣传推介了我国的发展政策和环境,为科技成果转化为产品、进入市场创造了机会和条件,推动了高新技术产业发展的新观念、新思维的交流和碰撞。  相似文献   

项目研究背景、目的和意义我国从2003年起各省逐步推广联网收费,从已实施联网收费的省市来看,高速公路网的加密和连通,为人们日常出行带来了方便,为地区经济发展做出了巨大贡献.  相似文献   

本文根据高速公路实际运营情况,通过对突发事件处置业务流程的分析,提出了以交通事件为中心,以信息互动、应急联动和业务功能为三维度的突发事件处置软件模型,阐述了突发事件应急预案如何在软件中实现。为高速公路运营单位加强高速公路突发事件的应急管理,建立完善应急管理体制和机制,提高突发事件预防和应对做了技术层面的探索。  相似文献   

黑龙江省交通综合视频监控系统为交通应急处置平台提现场视频信息,为现场事件的处理提供技术支持;为交通公众信息服务分平台提供视频信息,更好地为公众和交通内部服务.  相似文献   

周光召 《中关村》2005,(11):82-84
从上个世纪以来,以信息技术为代表的高技术产业,逐渐成长为国民经济的重要增长点和国际竞争的热点。以美国硅谷为代表的一批高技术产业聚集区的成功示范,在全球范围内掀起了创建和发展科技园的一个热潮。可以说,本世纪在科技产业化方面最重要的创举是兴办科技工业园,这种产业发  相似文献   

吴敬琏教授提倡好的"思想市场"为即将到来的系统改革做准备吴敬琏教授认为:现在我们正处在一个类似20年前的状况之下,就是为即将到来的系统改革做准备。为了做好这种准备,需要进行一项非常重要的工作,就是发动各界人士进行研究和讨论,提出改革的倡议。参考科斯在《变革中国:市场经济的中国之路》一书里的说法,就是要有一个好的"思想市场",为中国的改革和发展提供好的观念、思路和方案。目前全国人民都在为即将到来的改革大战役积极地准备,有许多理论和政策问  相似文献   

<正>"十一五"期间,江苏省道路运输主管部门以科学发展观为指导,以提升运输市场管理水平和服务质量为目标,充分运用现代科学技术,加快行业发展方式转变,提升行业服务水平,在构建综合信息服务平台,促进信息资源整合共享方面取得了较为瞩目的进展。当前,信息资源已成为国民经济和社会发展的首要战略资源,信息化水平已成为衡量一个国家现代化水平和综合国力的重要标志。要实现道路运输业的突破性发展,就必须运用现代信息技术改造提升传统运输产业,通过加快信息化建设与应用的步伐,提高行业竞争力。"十一五"期间,江苏省道路运输主管部门以科学发展观为指导,以提升运输市场管理水平和服务质量为  相似文献   

王鲁湘 《中关村》2013,(8):107-107
西方人登山以征服为快,以冒险为乐,而中国人则故意迂回盘旋,以获得尽可能多的移步换景之妙。这是中国人对待自然的一种非常奥妙的人生态度。对比一下中国和西方的登山方式,可以明显地感觉出两种文化心态和生命情调。西方人喜欢登野山、高山、峻山、雪山冰峰、危崖绝壁。他们以征服为快,以冒险为乐,显示的是人的力量、  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2012,(6):74-75
2012年5月28日上午,中关村国际数字设计中心举行揭牌仪式。该中心的启用是海淀区实施中关村西区业态调整的一个重要成果。把电子卖场改造成新兴产业创新要素的聚集区,对周边楼宇的产业转型和升级具有一定的带动和示范作用。市科协党组书记常务副主席夏强、海淀区委副书记、代区长孙文锴、中关村科技园区管理委员会副主任王汝芳、区委常委、宣传部长陈名杰等有关单位领导参加了揭牌仪式。  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2013,(8):18-25
针对东城区及雍和园区域特殊的历史和人文环境,雍和园因地制宜,突破了传统科技园区以招商引资为生命线的扩张型发展模式,走出了一条通过内部循环更新实现发展的新路径。将文化创意产业打造成为连接文物古迹、胡同风貌和工业遗存的纽带,激发创新创意活力,促进了城市文化自身的有机更新。  相似文献   

程桔华  吴平 《中关村》2011,(7):16-20
金山顶尖的业务集中在应用软件开发、信息技术服务和信息系统集成等三个领域,用户遍布石油、石化、电力、教育、核能等行业。此外,金山顶尖还是Microsoft的解决方案合作伙伴、服务供应商、金牌认证合作伙伴以及大客户经销商(Dlar),成为HP、IBM、Oracle、SonicWALL、DELL、神码网络等知名IT企业的增值服务商、系统集成商和战略合作伙伴。  相似文献   

马文良 《中关村》2013,(8):55-55
来自韩国的28家企业和海淀园的36家企业参加了中韩产业集群创新合作交流会,涵盖电子信息、新材料、新能源、资源与环境技术及航空航天技术等多个技术领域。恰逢韩国总统朴槿惠访华之时,为了加强中韩两国科技型企业交流合作、推进企业国际化进程,由海淀园对外合作处主办,北京中关村高新技术企业协会承办的中韩企业产品及技术对接会于7月3日在  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical correlations between workers?? income levels or wages, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The analyzed data set is micro data collected through the Web in 2008 and 2010 by the Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies. This micro data estimates the rank correlation of income classes with respect to three types of ICT labor service. Next, multiple linear regression functions are estimated for the wage levels with respect to age, sex, years of continuous employment, and three types of ICT labor service over all industries and in the manufacturing industry or service industry. Finally, a multiple regression analysis is conducted for individual utility levels with respect to income, leisure, and three types of ICT labor service. The results show that, first, the coefficients of rank correlation for all pooled data are positive and statistically significant. Second, individual ICT labor services have positive effects on workers?? wage levels, and the partial regression coefficients are statistically significant. Third, the partial regression coefficient of personal computer operation time decreased but the partial regression coefficient of mobile computer operation time related to work increased drastically from 2008 to 2010. Fourth, the use of the personal and mobile computer shifts the utility function upward with respect to income and leisure.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the communication strategies used by Greek local governments through the utilization of Web 2.0 technologies, specifically Facebook, and the effectiveness of these strategies in relation to citizens’ online engagement. More specifically, it examines Facebook communication strategies and levels of citizens’ engagement. For this purpose, we conducted a content analysis on the active and official Facebook pages of local municipalities in Greece from January 2017 until the end of September 2017. Our results suggest a rise in the percentage of active Facebook pages maintained by local governments in comparison to our 2014 study. Our results also show that local governments in Greece are using Facebook in a predominantly top-down manner to promote events organized by the municipality and to push one-way information to citizens about their services and actions. Local authorities have, however, made significant progress in relation to posts that support transparency and accountability and that enhance or mobilize citizens’ participation. Our evaluation of local government Facebook strategies indicates that marketing the municipality to external public, such as tourists, and providing information about services are effective strategies that drive citizens’ online attitude expression (liking), engagement (commenting), and advocacy behavior (sharing). According to our analysis, local governments in Greece prefer the strategies that we found to be the least engaging. In addition, our study provides interesting details of how specific characteristics and modes of Facebook messages (photos, videos, URLs, hashtags, and mentions) impact on citizens’ engagement. Finally, our results provide valuable insights for social media managers in local government who aim to increase the impact of their municipal Facebook pages.  相似文献   

To support elementary school teachers in teaching by encouraging active learning while maintaining the interest of pupils, this study focuses on supporting teaching, learning, and monitoring the progress of students through a Teacher–Robot collaboration lesson application using not only laptops and tablets, but also robots and sensors. Since developing a lesson application is time consuming for teachers, we have developed an integrated intelligent application development platform named PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS (PRINTEPS) to aid Teacher–Robot collaboration. However, several functions and interfaces for education are missing. Therefore, in this study, we extend several functions for education to PRINTEPS. In addition, since it is necessary in learning and monitoring the progress of students to present learning content suitable to each pupil’s level of understanding, we also have provided support through the use of a tablet quiz system based on ontologies and rule bases. In the case study, we developed a Teacher–Robot collaboration lesson application and conducted lessons for sixth-grade pupils at an elementary school. From the case study, we have confirmed the effectiveness of our platform and the application.  相似文献   

Although AI and service robot applications have become very popular in many domains recently, many of them are specific applications and it is still difficult to develop integrated intelligent applications such as a robot teahouse and teaching assistant robots. To develop such integrated intelligent applications, we need integrated intelligent application platforms that have AI integration and agile process facilities. From the above background, we are currently developing PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS (PRINTEPS), which is a platform for developing integrated intelligent applications by combining only five types of modules, namely knowledge-based reasoning, spoken dialogue, image sensing, motion management, and machine learning. This paper proposes a workflow editor in PRINETPS based on a service-oriented architecture and a Robot Operating System that enables real-time parallel processing for multiple robots and sensors by integrating the five types of modules. The editor also supports not only developers but also domain experts in updating workflows frequently. This paper also proposes a novel method to integrate signals acquired through image sensing with knowledge (ontologies and business rules) using C-SPARQL and Semantic Web Rule Language. To evaluate PRINTEPS, we developed a robot teahouse application including customer reception and guidance to table services using a humanoid robot with PRINTEPS. Through this case study, we demonstrated that the behaviors of the robot can be modified by changing the workflow, the ontology, and the rules.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new approach to personal authentication by exploring the features of a person’s face and voice. Microsoft’s Kinect sensor is used for facial and voice recognition. Parts of the face including the eyes, nose, and mouth, etc., are analyzed as position vectors. For voice recognition, a Kinect microphone array is adopted to record personal voices. Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients, logarithmic power, and related values involved in the analysis of personal voice are also estimated from the voices. Neural networks,support vector machines and principal components analysis are employed and compared for personal authentication. To achieve accurate results, 20 examinees were selected for face and voice data used for training the authentication models. The experimental results show that the best accuracy is achieved when the model is trained by a support vector machine using both facial and voice features.  相似文献   

刘合心 《中关村》2011,(9):112-115
出临汾城,过汾河桥,西行不远,有一座醒目的村庄,村外高耸着古雅的牌楼,上书四个大字“将军故里”。这就是西汉时期大将军卫青的故里——青城村。从青城村北去四五里有一村庄,名为高堆。走进高堆村,人们会自豪地告诉你,我们村里出过大人物!原来这里就是西汉时期功勋兄弟霍去病和霍光的家乡。时光荏苒,西汉至今过去了一千多年,但是,变幻的风尘烟云丝毫也掩没不了历史英杰的光泽。  相似文献   

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