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毛志成 《中关村》2011,(6):99-99
所谓"君子爱财,取之有道",虚话也。实际上只要爱财,就不可能是君子。  相似文献   

毛志成 《中关村》2011,(5):101-101
恩格斯把对人类的爱体现为对人类很负责的批评,而没有喊些中国古代道德启蒙读物中"人之初,性本善"之类的美言。  相似文献   

康尔心 《中关村》2008,(12):53-53
“企业家的血管里应该流淌‘道德的血液’”!这句具有哲理的比喻,像改革开放之初流行歌词“潇洒走一回”一样,在国人中广为流传。报刊文章也多作为标题,有的老总还请书法家泼墨,裱成条幅,悬挂于老板桌对面的墙上,低头不见抬头见,视为呼唤良知、规范行为的箴言。殊不料,“道德的血液”没能流进中国“奶牛”的血管,  相似文献   

鲍烨童 《中关村》2014,(9):104-105
截至2013年12月,海淀区共树立了全国、市级道德模范和身边好人33名,"感动海淀"文明人物40人。2014年8月21日夜,北京航空航天大学晨兴音乐厅座无虚席。由中央文明办主办,首都文明办、中国文明网、中共海淀区委、海淀区人民政府承办,中共海淀区委宣传部、海淀区文明办协办的"爱国、敬业、诚信、友善——全国道德模范与身边好人现场交流活动"北京市海淀区专场演出,在北京航空航天大学晨兴音乐厅剧场举行。  相似文献   

沈独  李春晓 《中关村》2006,(8):63-63
读《中关村》杂志《“象牙塔”腐败是谓“国耻”》,颇有同感。我们很不情愿地看到“象牙塔”的腐败已经走出“国门”,影响国人的形象。一位国际著名学者指出:“中国科研界普遍存在急功近利的浮躁心态,不改变这种局面,自主创新就没希望。如果科学家整天忙着钻营发表论文、升官、评上终身教授,那就不可能做出很大成就。”著名数学家、哈佛大学教授丘成桐先生提醒我们:“一些中国学者功利思想严重,不踏实做学术,过度追求名利”。中科院高层领导无奈的承认:“我国学术界人才成长的环境宽严失当……到了比较浮躁、比较肤浅、比较浮夸的程度。”话…  相似文献   

赵大年 《中关村》2004,(6):91-92
我曾经在一个百把人的农机研究所当科技秘书,建所时人手少,所长叫我兼管基建, 也就是盖房,研究楼、试验室、宿舍楼、食堂……“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”。后来,在史无前例的动乱中,所长是“三反分子”,我是“漏网右派”,被本所的红卫兵老将(并非小将)批斗、抄家、捆绑、殴打,这都不在话下。最损的坏招儿是逼我“登塔入池”,还美其名曰“革命的考验”。研究所的水塔与烟囱是结为一体的,水箱套在烟囱上端,比较高。此时水暖工成了“革命委员会”的脱产干部,与军代表同坐所长办公室,只“抓革命”,发号施令,不“促生产”,不搞维修。这天黄昏,我辈“牛鬼蛇神”监督劳动刚收工,专政组一声令下:“赵大年!先甭吃饭,水塔漏了,立刻去抢修。你管过基建,现在给你个赎罪的机会!”  相似文献   

“问题奶品”让全国人民心痛。“三鹿”的溃败在必然之中,隐瞒长达半年之久,却不采取挽救措施;身败名裂之时,折射出一大堆问题,拔出萝卜带出泥。“伊利”、“蒙牛”等数十家乳品厂均查出了问题。痛定思痛,亡羊补牢,国务院采取果断措施,“整顿奶制品行业,向人民作出交代”。  相似文献   

十八大开局以来,春温拂面,政风清明,百姓鼓舞。著名经济学家厉以亍教授在北大光华新年论坛演讲中提出“破除信念危机,重建社会资本”的倡言,博得学者的赞同。厉以亍认为,在经济学里面社会资本有特定的含义,区别于物质资本与人力资本,是无形资本。  相似文献   

关邨 《中关村》2014,(11):52-52
"宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王"。今后的反腐战斗将更强调依法治国,通过制度反腐才是根本之策。 反腐倡廉是筑牢共和国千秋大业的基石。近年来,党中央先后部署了21项专项整治任务,对"四风"打出"组合拳"。金秋十月不断传来反腐战线告捷的好消息:诸如"三公"经费较活动开展前压缩530亿元,下降27%。10万余干部主动上交"红包"及购物卡,涉及金额5.2亿元。  相似文献   

毛志成 《中关村》2010,(2):94-94
几千年来,中国是最早也是最精细地确立道德纲要的国家。忠、孝、节、义、礼、廉、耻,等等,都曾是中国做人,尤其是做好人、做卓人、做名人的命根子。特别是忠,简直是道德矿藏中的首要“重金属”。但是又必须承认:中国式的忠,百分之九十以上的是愚忠。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the factors determining the productivity of the software industry in Japan, using individual data from the Survey of the State of the Information Service Industry conducted in August 2006 by IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan). This paper focuses on the relationship between the subcontracting structure and productivity in the Japanese software industry. Software enterprises are classified as prime contractors, intermediate subcontractors, end-contractors, and independent enterprise. A comparison of their productivity levels reveals that intermediate subcontractors are the least productive. However, it is observed that the intermediate subcontractors possessing a high quality of human resources measured the proportion of employees passing the Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE), or the intermediate subcontractors adopting the IT skill standard which defines the skills for IT human resources clearly and systematically, has a high productivity level. It can raise the productivity in software industry as a whole.  相似文献   

蔡向东 《中关村》2011,(2):74-76
一国国民国旗意识的强弱直接反映其国家观念所达到的深度与热度,同时,一国国民较强的国家观念也必然表现为其对本国国旗的认同与喜爱。  相似文献   

We construct a two-period model in which a consumer recognizes the existence of goods after advertised by firms, and total sales of the first period affect the utility of each consumer’s purchase in the second period, indicating a consumption externality. Some consumers see advertisements in the first period and remember the product, whereas some forget the product in the second period. We show that the advertising volume changes given the differences in the forgetting rate. In particular, we apply our method to the data on Japan’s electronic books obtained through a conjoint analysis survey to clarify that a better strategy is to sell a product to a small number of people at a low price or to lower the price to a certain level during the early period, and then to sell the product to a specific consumer segment at a higher price after reflecting the externality.  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2012,(4):112-113
石塘古镇,地处江西上饶东南端,有近千年历史。月寒日暖、年年月月,伴随武夷山茂林修竹问的细流绵延而来,汇聚于桐木江,而后逐渐在群峰北麓形成十片方塘,细心滋养着这座小镇。后来。生活在这里的人们根据“十塘”谐音而定名为石塘镇。宋元时期,勤劳灵巧的石塘人便把漫山青竹当作艺术品的原料,研制成多种精美的生活用品和艺术挂件,余下的竹皮不丢不弃,制作优质纸张,计有“连史、毛边、关山、贡川、大表、荆川等十余种名纸。  相似文献   

The authors propose the effectiveness of Facebook functions in the promotion of career education. In recent years, career education in Japanese universities has differed slightly from that in other countries. Japanese students are trained to be competitive in the job-hunting process; they need to obtain the technical skills and knowledge necessary to pass a company entrance examination or a university oral interview. This practice is in stark contrast with the intrinsic meaning of vocational/career education, which is the process by which students acquire the abilities and independence required by a certain industry. This meaning is manifested in the purpose of the career education program of Hokkai-Gakuen University’s Faculty of Business Administration. The program’s purpose is to foster independence in its students rather than the acquisition of skills for the job-hunting process. The professional independence of every student is important to their career development after graduating from the university. On the other hand, it is known that e-portfolios generally encourage students to record and assess their activities. To promote the activities that students tackle in the program, we introduced an e-portfolio using Facebook. This study shows the characteristics and achievements of our e-portfolio.  相似文献   

关村 《中关村》2011,(2):114-117
"文章合为时而著"。摆在读者面前的这部《北京:走向世界城市》,是以著名学者金元浦教授为主编、集纳诸多学者、专家、官员智慧撰写成的"北京建设世界城市发展战略研究报告"。为"北京建设世界城市"集思广益、出谋划策、擘画出一纸清晰可见的完美"路线图"。  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinant role of the cross-border movement of skilled labor in the expansion of service trade between the US, and both developed and developing countries. For this purpose, we employ the key concepts of network theory as an analytical framework and conduct panel data analysis and graphical modeling analysis for 31 countries from 1999 to 2008. In this decade, offshore outsourcing in the service trade took off worldwide. We use data for each country’s service exports to the US, number of H-1B visas issued, GNI per-capita, network readiness index, and an English dummy for the official language. We illustrate the trajectory and interactions between these factors. These analyses yield three observations. First, service trade with the US is more intensive among higher income countries. Second, the number of H-1B visas issued has a positive effect on service exports to the US. Third, individuals in lower income countries tend to desire H-1B visas and create intensive skilled labor networks with the US, the path through which developing countries such as India expanded their service exports to the US.  相似文献   

明星  刘旋 《中关村》2012,(4):28-30
3W咖啡馆位于中关村西区。咖啡馆成立那天,2011年8月6日,也是互联网诞生20周年。虽然只有小小的门面,但每到下午,咖啡馆里就熙熙攘攘,顾客多是来找投资资金的创业者和寻找“猎物”的投资人。  相似文献   

In the first stage of creating technological improvements for a democratic society, the leaders of the Society of Socionetwork Strategies have conducted statistical research on the effect of information and communication technology on the global economy. In the second stage, younger professors, based on their Positive Studies, have leapt into a multi-agent simulation of Grid Computing. In the third stage, a terra-bite scale of social data-collecting and the mining of large-scale data in our real world will be next. The next generation of scientists will share knowledge and intellectual inquiry in the fields of statistics, mathematics, and the social sciences with the help of computers connecting such scholars from all over the world.  相似文献   

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