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"问渠哪得清如许,谓有源头活水来"。透过种种荣誉,翻开谭丽丽49年的人生履历,你会看到,这位审计女杰的人生履历是学习、奋斗、充实、提高的履历。对她而言,学习永无止境,学习本身无限美丽。如今,在谭丽丽所挚爱的"半亩方塘"里,"天光云影共徘徊",硕果累累,风光无限,美不胜收!但对于奋斗者而言,人生的每一个成功,都只是一个新的起点!  相似文献   

2012年3月25日至6月27日,在厅领导的高度重视下,我与厅里的另外两名同事非常荣幸地在南京审计学院参加了审计署为期三个月的首期财务会计培训班。温润而泽培训班安排在美丽的南审浦口校区。尽管之前就在网站上浏览过校园,但没想到真正身临其境时,我们还是被她的端庄大方深深吸引。她南临长江,北倚连绵起伏的老山山脉。校园建筑与自然的山林园景相得益彰,灰蓝色的屋檐与远山呈  相似文献   

渭南市审计局曾辉煌过,是陕西审计系统一颗耀眼的明星,曾连续两年获得全国审计系统先进集体称号。但因种种原因一度失去了应有的光芒,新的一届领导班子去年8月份组建后,认真整改工作作风,不到一年时间,局机关精神面貌和工作作风却发生了崭新的变化。2001年,被评为市政府机关大院文明单位,重新夺回了失去的荣誉,是什么力量在短短的时间里,使市审计局机关面貌和干部作风发生如此大的变化?问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。渭南市审计局以勤奋扎实的工作做出了最好的回答。(一)加强班子建设、转变工作作风新一届领导班子组建…  相似文献   

钊霞 《活力》2010,(18):66-67
凭着执著的追求,我在小学语文这块肥沃的土地上辛勤耕耘了整整十七年了,十七年从教之路的摸滚摔爬,有汗水.有辛酸.有甘甜,有收获,但更让我体会到了:教师,需要学识。学识源于借鉴、源于读书.是啊,“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”  相似文献   

我们公司是一个创建于五十年代初的老企业,占地面积近百亩,库房面积近40000平方米,担负着省内外50余家工商企业的商品储存及中转业务。  相似文献   

陈风奇 《现代质量》2003,(12):34-35
从一系列数字可以清晰地看出喀什地区质量技术监督局这3年来的巨大变化:投入100余万元对业务人员进行技能培训;投入400余万元新增检验检测设备;直属事业机构通过认证和建标考核的检验检测项目增加了211项;添置工作用车20辆;办公及实验室面积增加3720m~2;2164m~2综合试验楼已经完工;2003年,业务收入在全疆15个地州名列  相似文献   

随着科学技术日新月异的发展,没有高科技的信息化建设,就没有审计工作灿烂辉煌的明天。信息化是审计机关发展的必由之路,是吹响新世纪的号角,也是广大审计人员的迫切心愿。但在前几年,提起审计信息化.中宁县审计局的干部还认为这是一个遥远的梦想。然而随着时代的进步与发展,这一梦想已逐渐变成现实,大家都知道,这里面饱含了局领导和班子成员的艰辛与努力。  相似文献   

重庆,古称巴洲,是独具特色的巴渝文化发样地。国难时期,重庆曾作为国民党政府的陪都而盛极一时。十一年前,重庆因三峡工程和西部大开发战略需要而有幸成为中国第四个、西部地区唯一的直辖市,从此掀开其建设发展史上的崭新一页。 新重庆因改革而生,因创新而步入发展的快车道。世纪之交,保险业也象其它新兴行业一样纷纷抢滩这座充满诱惑的城市。而成立于2002年的新华保险重庆分公司更是抢抓机遇,高扬改革大旗,在市场的夹缝中纵横驰骋,靠品牌和实力在山城重庆牢牢地占据了一片属于自己的市场:截止2007年12月底,新华保险重庆分公司提前超额完成全年计划任务,年度保费突破了总公司孙兵总裁年初视察分公司时提出的10亿目标,创下11.87亿元骄人业绩,年计划达成率196%。其中团体业务3.41亿元,计划达成率220%;银代业务7.26亿元,计划达成率209.3%,其中期缴保费达成2.24亿元,计划达成率831.2%,期缴占比30.9%;个人业务标准保费4173.06万元,计划达成率104%;个人续期业务5298万元,计划达成率107%,银代续期业务2091万元,计划达成率122.99%。截止2007年11月,新华保险在重庆市场份额占比为12.83%,连续几年保持重庆寿险市场第3位。 2007年底,重庆新华保险凭着这些骄人的业绩和良好的信誉,被重庆媒体和央视市场研究等权威机构评选为:“2007年度重庆最具影响力的保险公司”、“促进城乡统筹,构建和谐重庆”杰出贡献保险公司、“最受市民喜爱的保险公司”、“最具社会责任的保险公司”、“最具竞争力的保险公司”。 新华保险重庆分公司何以能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,成为重庆寿险市场的一匹黑马?该公司总经理高方立一语中的:重庆分公司近年来的发展得益于两个字  相似文献   

Proxima, a leading manufacturer of desktop projection devices, formed a team to select and implement a new manufacturing resource planning II system. Although standard implementation methods were employed throughout the process, the implementation was plagued by software problems, systems operating problems, and team dysfunction and was halted after the first year. This article examines how and why the implementation effort failed, what the company learned from the experience, and what changes were made that allowed the company to succeed on its second attempt.  相似文献   

方智 《中国审计》2004,(24):20-20
"人寿几何,俟水以清!"一句喟叹,道出治水者几多无奈、几多期待.虽然难,毕竟总有希望在里面.治污之难比之治水,更需花大心思下大功夫,也许耗资更巨费时更多,然而只要心怀希望只要抱着咬定青山不放松的韧性,向前走,"水清终有时"将不再只是遥远的期待而早晚会转为触目可及的现实.  相似文献   

Factor models are often used to reduce the complexity of data. It is simple to find common factors and to interpret them. However, it is doubtful whether factor models are always appropriate. Especially when the common factor is considered to be an attitude, it must be stable through time and explain a considerable part of the variances. A procedure is suggested to test the usefulness of a common factor. In an experimental pilot study in which an attitude towards immigrant workers was investigated, the instability and superfluousness of a common factor is shown. An alternative model is presented which suggests that changing opinions can be explained by specific variables. Finally it is shown that a more stable common factor is found if a so-called MIMIC-design is used.  相似文献   

赵炜  巨英 《中国审计》2001,(1):19-21
现在,17岁的李叶坐在南京审计学院金融系2000级金融(1)班明净的课堂里,勤奋地学习着.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of countries have changed their central banking institutions. Often these reforms involve granting long terms of office to central bankers. This threatens to limit the extent to which the central bank can be held accountability. Dismissal rules can help ensure accountability, and, in the presence of inflation shocks, the socially optimal commitment policy is supported by a dismissal rule similar to a modified nominal income rule. The government's promise to follow the rule is shown to be credible in a trigger strategy equilibrium for reasonable parameter values. Received: March 26, 1999 / Accepted: September 20, 2001  相似文献   

Originally written for manufacturers, the forecasting concepts presented in this article are easily applied to a hospital or health care facility with a supply function or central distribution center. Forecasting can offer a method of managing the control of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, or maintenance items. A statistical based forecasting approach with seasonality testing could be useful in analyzing patient census data, calculating trends, and then recommending staffing levels. Cost containment and efficiency of operations are priorities in any industry. Forecasting the demand of medical supplies and services in today's hectic health care environment can have a significant effect on both customer service and financial results. The bottom line is happy patients and healthy profits.  相似文献   

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