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Research suggests that a strong focus on quality improvement can adversely affect exploration and thus the development of innovative new products. The focus on quality improvement including total quality management (TQM) has been termed quality orientation. The literature suggests that one way to reduce the adverse effect of a quality orientation on innovativeness is to adopt ambidextrous or dual organizational forms. However, dual organizational forms are cumbersome and expensive to implement. This paper argues that a less demanding structural arrangement for developing innovative products in quality‐oriented organizations involves the creation of cross‐functional teams that are explicitly encouraged to take risk and granted autonomy. In this model, the two dimensions of innovativeness—namely, novelty and appropriateness— are treated separately because quality orientation and encouragement to take risk can have differential effects on these two dimensions. A survey of 141 new product development projects reveals that quality orientation does not adversely affect product novelty in cross‐functional product development teams. However, encouragement given to cross‐functional teams to take risk leads to more novel products. On the other hand, while a quality orientation improves product appropriateness, encouragement to take risk affects it adversely. Quality orientation is able to mitigate the adverse effect of encouragement to take risk on appropriateness. But encouragement to take risk does not influence the relationship between a quality orientation and novelty. Autonomy improves the positive effect of encouragement to take risk on new product novelty but does not influence the effect of a quality orientation on novelty. Both novelty and appropriateness enhance a new product's performance, and both these dimensions of innovativeness partially mediate the effect of quality orientation and fully mediate the effect of encouragement to take risk on new product performance.  相似文献   

In this article we first provide a brief introduction into social network analysis, focusing on the measures and approaches that are used in the empirical contributions in this special issue. Second, we discuss the role of social networks in new product development. Social networks are inherently multilevel; we consider four “levels”: networks inside a firm, networks that cross firm boundaries, networks between firms, and networks that reside outside of the firm. Third, we discuss these four levels and highlight some of the extant research. We summarize and position the eight papers in this special issue along these four levels. Together, we argue, these papers provide an interesting coverage of this burgeoning field.  相似文献   

Having the “right” market vision (MV) in new product scenarios involving high degrees of uncertainty has been shown to help firms achieve a significant competitive advantage, which can ultimately lead to superior financial results. Despite today's increased rate of radical innovation, and hence the importance of effective vision, relatively little research has been undertaken to improve our understanding of this phenomenon. The exploratory and empirical investigation undertaken herewith responds to this research gap by focusing on MV and its precursor, market visioning competence (MVC), for radically new, high‐tech products. MV is a clear and specific mental model/image that organizational members have of a desired and important product‐market for a new advanced technology, and MVC is a set of individual and organizational capabilities that enable the linking of advanced technologies to a future market opportunity. Based on samples of high‐tech firms involved in early technology developments, the measurement study indicates that five factors comprise MV (i.e., clarity, magnetism, specificity, form, and scope) and that four factors underlie MVC (i.e., networking, idea driving, proactive market orientation, and market learning tools). Structural equation modeling is used to demonstrate that MVC significantly and positively impacts MV and that each of these constructs significantly and positively influences certain aspects of early performance (EP) in new product development. This is the first empirical study to develop a comprehensive set of scales to measure these constructs and then to combine them in a model by which to examine their interrelationships.  相似文献   

For banks operating in the fiercely competitive derivatives market, the difference between the leaders and the also-rans often boils down to their respective approaches to product innovation. To achieve market leadership in this highly volatile field, a bank must develop and continually refine the processes and the expertise necessary for identifying new areas of business and attracting and retaining customers. Although the development of derivatives is a complex, expensive process, such development efforts provide the means for satisfying existing clients as well as attracting new customers. F. Axel Johne and M. Panos Pavlidis examine the managerial practices of banks that are acknowledged leaders in bringing new derivatives to market ahead of their competitors. In particular, they examine how those first-mover banks apply their marketing expertise and they review the advantages those banks enjoy as a result of their success in product innovation. The banks studied fall into one of two groups: highly active innovators and less active innovators. The study reveals several significant differences between the two groups with respect to managing marketing inputs for product innovation purposes. First, compared to less active banks, the highly active innovators take a more sophisticated, market-based approach to identifying innovation opportunities. Rather than looking for innovations that offer a close fit with existing products and competencies, they analyze the benefits sought by target clients and initiate innovation efforts based on those analyses. Highly active innovators recognize the important role that internal marketing plays in encouraging functional specialists to work together for the purpose of identifying follow-on development opportunities. Internal marketing also helps to ensure that all parties understand and can support the planned innovation. The highly active innovators in this study do not take a formulaic approach to the development of new derivatives; instead, they rely on marketing expertise to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Rather than concentrate solely on improving the core technical features of a product, the highly active innovators also recognize the importance of product augmentation innovation (to ensure the appropriate support for various market segments), process innovation (so they can reduce prices, when necessary), and market innovation (to ensure that they pursue the optimal mix of markets).  相似文献   

一、能源紧缺、电力紧张对PS版生产带来的挑战和机遇 行业和权威统计部门提供的统计数字显示,我国印刷业的经济增长以每年不低于7%的速度递增,与国民经济总的增长速度同步,而印刷品又以多品种、小批量的短版印刷为主.因此,PS版的消耗量大大增加了,其需求的增长速度远远大于印刷工业的增长速度.  相似文献   

0501001兔子包产品介绍:该款产品可做抱枕和被子使用,需要时把链子拉开就有一张毯子可以使用,当不需要用到被子的时候就可以把被子收纳进毯子包里面,拉起链子,就是一个舒适的抱枕了。产品尺寸:30×30cm。  相似文献   

高级军事系列遥控战车该系列产品是拥有超酷的逼真外形的军事装备玩具,精巧设计、简易操作、娱乐性强。具有前进/后退/左转/停止的全方位遥控功能,动力强劲,操控灵活,速度快。  相似文献   

俄开发出杀菌吸水塑料袋;药瓶也能发短信息;最大2000毫升方砖型无菌包装推出;美国发明可自动放气的新型啤酒瓶盖内衬垫;SABIC开发了新的乳制品包装;抗菌塑料包装问世 食品告别防腐剂;全透明液体胶囊走俏保健品包装;[编者按]  相似文献   

多啦A梦迷你弹珠机这款迷你弹珠机体积虽小却具备大型弹玢机的游戏功能,只要你轻轻扭动按钮,就能僻会弹珠带给你的乐趣,同时,还能开发儿童射智力,培养思维能力。本系列产品为授权产品,诚招各地代理商。  相似文献   

智慧盘型号:BH2108适合年龄:18M+品牌:木玩世家主要材质:椴木夹板产品描述:智慧盘由15颗孔位不同的几何积木和有5根立体柱子的底板组合而成。智慧盘集合了底板的拼图和柱子的孔位对应。孩子玩孔位对应的过程中,需反复尝试、思考、解决孔位与积木的对应关系,不仅训练孩子手眼的协调性和手部精细动作,而且使孩子学会分类归纳相同形状,培养孩子观察力和逻辑思维能力。此外彩色积木也可串成漂亮的项链当作礼物送给他人,建立良好的人际关系。  相似文献   

多啦A梦泡泡组款色多样的泡泡工具,可以吹出色彩缤纷,形状多变的泡泡,让小朋友尽情地体验泡泡的神奇魅力.本系列产品为授权产品,诚招各地代理商。出品企业:立兴玩具厂/澄海鹏成有限公司监制(广东澄海)联系电话:0754-85810378  相似文献   

产品品名:BH1007彩珠摇铃产品描述:彩珠摇铃明亮的色彩会吸引孩子抓握与摇晃,并能发出明快、质朴的声音。宝宝抓握着摇铃并且摇晃的这一过程,能让宝宝的精细动作、手眼协调能力得到相应的锻炼。当摇晃着的摇铃发出了响声.这一过程在刺激宝宝听觉的同时,也能让宝宝体会到因果关系这一概念(因为晃动所以带来了响声)。  相似文献   

品名:可可靠垫 商品材质:高档短毛绒 填充物:三维中空PP棉 规格:40*40*10cm 长时间在办公室办公。犒劳一下您的背吧。出品单位:上海酷噜网络科技有限公司  相似文献   

声控表情公仔该玩具为软身棉花公仔玩具,外部采用毛绒布料,配置精美绣花图案。公仔内部配置了精密声控IC,玩家发出相关声控命令,玩具便会发出优美音乐和脸部表情。同时配有毛绒抱偶附件。  相似文献   

盛达音乐女坐娃该产品为24寸音乐女坐式软身棉花公仔,外用毛绒布料配置绣花图案。产品规格为23*10*37cm,按动公仔身上的按键,便会发出悦耳音乐,外包装用PVC背包装。出品企业:盛达玩具厂(广东澄海)  相似文献   

依古·比古早教王一款设计新颖,功能强大的早教学习机,是英国BBC花园宝宝授权产品。主要功能包括英语会话、拼音乐园、生活常识、道德乐园、唐诗乐园、音乐欣赏、三字经等,诚招各地经销商。出品企业:深圳市智慧宝电子有限公司电话:0755-26009238网址:www.zhihuibao.com.cn  相似文献   

产品品名:口盛杀菌餐具 产品描述:专业的纳米抗菌密胺餐具,其打破传统器皿制造方法.产品表面可以有效杀死大肠杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌等细菌,杀菌效果可达99.9%。非常适合老人及儿童等身体抵抗力较低的人群使用,具有方便、安全的特点。 制造商:东莞市口盛日用品有限公司  相似文献   

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