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Shougang Group, China's eighth largest steel maker, will expand its annual production capacity to 30 million tonnes by 2012 with new projects in Caofeidian and consolidation in other regions, reported China Daily on September 4.  相似文献   

META标签的作用是提供有关HTML文档信息,而它所包含的内容并不出现在网页上。有很多网页制作者很少注意这个标签,因为它并没有影响网页的外观,即使把它删除不用。META最大的作用就是提供搜索引擎关于本站的描述关键字,简单说,当搜索站台的机器人搜索到你的网站时,会首先检查META所描述的关键字,然后把这些关键字加入到数据库中。所以,利用好META标签会让你在搜索引擎中被搜索到的机会增加。 META标签的用法是这样的:,  相似文献   

新闻集团将关闭iPad电子报《The Daily》据法新社12月3日报道,由于缺少读者,新闻集团将关闭首份iPad电子报《The Daily》。此时距离《The Daily》面市还不到两年时间。新闻集团于2011年2月开始推出专为iPad设计的《The Daily》。在美国,《The Daily》应用程序每周订阅费为99美分,每年39.99美元。通过这份电子报,新闻集团对数字出版进行了大胆创新,但在过去一年多时间里,《The Daily》的表现并不尽如人意,亏损达上千万美元。默多克在一份声明中说:"我们无法找到数量足够多的读者,以足够快的增长速度来证明我们  相似文献   

Widespread reports on the success of the Chinese Enterprise Summit (CES)2007[1] held in The Hague, Netherlands,have poured in from over 2,400 Chinese media organizations both at home and abroad, including Chinese Central Television (CCTV), Xinhua News Agency, and the Chinese Economic Daily. Media in Holland have also made extensive reports about the prospects of the Chinese economy and emerging enterprises, and lately Ms. Chunmei Maja Sun,General Secretary of the organization committee and Managing Director of The Sun-Sun Group BV[2], has been in the spotlight.  相似文献   

基于META的供应链核心企业选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于META通路的供应链核心企业识别选择模型,对A公司所在的家电产销供应链进行实例分析,识别选择该供应链中的核心企业与节点企业,从而成功构建家电产销的核心企业供应链。  相似文献   

Having built a reputation as China's top liquor brand,Moutai is now aiming to become a world-famous drink,China Daily reported.Ji Keliang,the honorary chairman and chief technical adviser of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery,told China Daily that he was confident in  相似文献   

<正>亿邦动力网月25日消息,全球第二大、欧洲最大在线零售商德国奥拓集团(Otto Group)将扩展欧洲地区的业务。这个电商年销售额约74亿美元、运营着近100个全球直销和电商品牌的集团公司正谋划在法国和俄罗斯打开市场、建立电商基础。记者获悉,Otto集团目前已成功完成了对法国在线零售巨头Group 3SI的收购。Otto集团表示,收购案从7月开始,到9月19日,Group 3SI公司的各种员工组织和董事会已经完全通过。大约20个Group 3SI的电商技术和物流配送单位将被重新整合进一个新的集中组织。新的在线  相似文献   

Star Group星际元中国会展集团是美国Star Group在中国的成员企业,于1998年进入中国会展市场,开始专注于中国会展服务市场。Star Group星际元在中国作为第一家在美国注册的中国会展公司,Star Group星际元拥有得天独厚的海外资源和本土文化背景。就在不少其他外国同类企业登陆国内屡屡遭受“水土不服”的尴尬时,Star Group星际元却在几年的时间内在国内市场打开了局面,目前在业内列居前十位,已成为业内颇具价值的会展品牌。服务过程=结果“客户服务的过程与结果同等重要”是星际元的服务理念,ALL Star3 1就是将服务流程、制作标准与创…  相似文献   

93%的CEO认为顾客管理是企业成功和更富竞争力的最重要的因素--Aberdeen Group顾客忠诚度提高5%,利润的上升幅度将达到25%-85%--Harvard Business Review一个非常满意的顾客的购买意愿将6倍于一个满意的顾客--Xerox Research2/3顾客离开其供应商是因为顾客关怀不够--Yankee Group  相似文献   

正3月23日,日本骊住集团(LIXIL Group Corporation)发布了与100%控股子公司LIXIL Corporation合并的公告,将于今年12月1日起生效。根据公告显示,后期可能将变更"LIXIL Group Corporation"的公司名称。骊住集团是全球建材和住宅设备行业的领军者,其机构遍布全球150个国家,员工超过9  相似文献   

A BULLETIN ON CHINA EASTERN SIRLINES CUPFIRST CHINA INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK FAIRThe media that release contest questions and questionnaires simultaneously include China Youth Daily, ChinaBusiness Times, CAAC Newspaper China Trade News, China Light Industry News, China Chemical IndustryNews, China Textile News, China Medicine News, China Communications News, China Metallurgical News,International Business Daily, China Computerworld, China Food Newspap…  相似文献   

Zhejiang Jonway Automobile Co.,Ltd is the sub-company of Jonway Group. Jonway Group is built in 80 ages, 20 century, by developing more than 20 years, Jonway Group covers automobile, motorcycle, vehicle and motor parts, light building materials, air- compressor, plastic and realty etc. and gains outstanding achievement, has 19 sub-company. In recent years, economic index of Jonway Group maintains a good momentum of growth.  相似文献   

人民币升值将令中美面临风险 《中国日报》(China Daily)报道称,如果中国大幅调整人民币币值.中国和美国都将面临风险.中美两国应该着重通过改善国内基本面解决贸易失衡问题.而不应寻求调整汇率的短期手段。如果人民币兑美元稳步升值.中国出口商将能够继续向美国出口.不过价格将上升.利润将降低。  相似文献   

DTheChinesegovernmentstipulatedthatallpetroleumcompaniesandpetrol tillingstationsinprovinces,autonomousregions,municipalitiesandcitiesshouldbelongtotheChinaNationalPetroleum(Group)Corporation(northcorporation)andtheChinaNationalpetrochemicals(Group...  相似文献   

China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO Group) and Jinan Iron & Steel Group signed the strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. They will cooperate in the fields such as ore transportation, export product transportation, ship board supply, technical research, etc..  相似文献   

China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO Group) and Jinan Iron & Steel Group signed the strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. They will cooperate in the fields such as ore transportation, export product transportation, ship board supply, technical research, etc..  相似文献   

According to Changjiang Daily,KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has been looking to purchase China's gutter oil for powering the air planes.  相似文献   

Huanri Group manages Shandong Huanri Group Co, Ltd., Shandeng Huanri imp, & Exp. Trading Co., Ltd. and Shandong Hawk International Rubber Industry Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

The Chinese software industry has had a late start. Although it has been developing fast, it is still at its initial stage. 1. Industry Scale At present, there are more than 1,800 software enterprises, with employees numbering 100,000. Enterprises of a certain scale include the Founder Group Corporation, Chinese Software Corporation,Software Group Corporation of Northeast University, Shandong Zhongchuan Software Engineering Corporation, Yongyou Software Group Corporation, Beijing Hope Group Corporation, Stone Lifang Company,  相似文献   

新闻集团(New Corp)大胆尝试的基于iPad开发的新闻产品《日报》(The Daily)开始初见成效。  相似文献   

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