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大规模定制生产:制造业的新选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模定制生产是信息时代的产物,是经济发展进入到买方市场时期的一种全新的生产经营模式、它既保留了大批量生产的低成本,高速度优势,又具备定制生产的灵捷性和多样性,我们要从大规模定制的内涵,特点,实施步骤及其在我国制造业中的应用等方面去了解。  相似文献   

大规模定制与现代企业组织研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着个性化需求的增强 ,人们不再满足于大规模生产模式带来的低价同质产品 ,而转向偏好异质的个性化产品。大规模定制 (masscustomization)综合了单件定制 (customization)和大规模生产 (massproduc tion)的优点 ,能够使公司快速设计、生产出满足顾客差异化需求的产品。同时 ,与单件定制的产品相比 ,存在产品价格低、品质高、生产速度快等特点。大规模生产向大规模定制转变是必然趋势。  相似文献   

大规模定制的目标是以大规模生产的成本和速度为顾客制造个性化的定制产品.本文分析在大规模定制逐渐兴起和低压电器行业自身不断发展的背景下,低压电器行业推行大规模定制生产模式的必要性.  相似文献   

孙彦东 《中国市场》2009,(18):36-37
大规模定制生产模式作为本世纪最具发展潜力的生产模式,正被国内外许多企业研究和实践着。定制化的高成本低效率如何有效嫁接于规模化生产是困扰企业界的难题所在。本文简要分析了大规模定制生产模式的基本思想和现实意义,研究了这种生产模式的重要特征,比较系统地提出了实现大规模定制生产的具体策略,希望为我国企业实施大规模定制模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王日爽 《中国物价》2005,(11):34-37
大规模定制作为一种新型的生产模式,已经引起了广泛的重视。但目前大多数研究集中在管理学的领域内,鲜有经济学领域的研究。对大规模定制进行经济学分析后可以得出:对厂商而言,大规模定制使生产产生规模经济,增强了厂商的垄断能力,可以采取搭售的方式;对于消费者而言,大规模定制降低了搜寻信息的成本,同时,沉没成本的存在,使得厂商更加注重产品质量。把这些分析与管理学有机结合起来,有助于促进大规模定制在营销管理方面的发展。  相似文献   

面对市场竞争和消费者需求多样化,越来越多的企业开始从供应链的角度入手,实施崭新的大规模定制生产模式。利用ERP、JTT、GT、BPR等理论分析了大规模定制环境下企业内部生产环节的协调与优化问题。结合大规模定制生产方式的特点,分析了企业对供应商的选择评价方法、与销售商的协作关系以及如何处理客户关系战略管理等外部供应链协调与优化问题。  相似文献   

大规模定制为企业带来了变革和影响.企业从大规模生产转变为大规模定制时,企业的技术、方法、流程等都发生变化,对企业的成本管理也提出了新的要求.传统成本管理在大规模定制中的不适应性,主要体现在管理目标、管理对象、管理重点、核算方法、管理范围等方面.企业应从以顾客满意是大规模定制成本管理的前提;作业是大规模定制成本管理的基础;大规模定制的成本管理是产品全生命周期管理;间接费用采用作业管理,直接分配到作业等方面入手,定制大规模成本管理的思路.  相似文献   

大规模定制生产模式 ,是继大规模生产和精益生产方式后又一极具竞争力和生命力的新型生产模式 ,目前已被很多国外企业所认识和采用 ,并取得了令人满意的效益。然而由于对其内涵理解不够深刻 ,企业在对大规模定制的实施过程中也步入了一些误区。因此 ,企业决策者要深刻理解大规模定制的内涵并采取相应措施 ,真正享受大规模定制带来的巨大利益。  相似文献   

由于大规模定制生产模式是大批量生产方式与定制生产方式相结合的,大规模定制模式下的企业在某些环节采用大批量生产方式,而在另一些环节应用定制生产的方式。因此单单的适用预测模型和单一的预测方法并不能够准确的对其进行预测。本文就是针对大规模定制模式的特点对大规模定制模式下的需求预测方法进行了初步探讨,参考了供应链的驱动模型理论,引进大规模定制供应链中客户定单分离点的概念,研究了如何进行预测需求确定与预测数据选择。  相似文献   

王立娟 《商业科技》2014,(7):129-129
本篇文章主要针对大规模定制生产模式以及相关的企业项目化管理模式进行了全面详细的分析,深入研究了针对企业实施项目管理的大规模定制必要性,同时明确指出了我国当前企业项目化管理、大规模定制生产体系之间所呈现出的匹配性制度,实际上是未来企业管理发展过程中的一大趋势。  相似文献   

Mass customization is presented as one of the ways to deal with the increasingly demanding and turbulent environments. Achieving mass customization requires the development of multidimensional strategic capabilities. In an evolutionary process these capabilities can be developed. In this paper the capabilities required to realize mass customization are made explicit and postponement is presented as an operational method to move towards a mass customization strategy. Results of an exploratory survey (among 101 companies) are presented to assess the trend towards mass customization based on the development of the necessary strategic capabilities and the application of postponement.  相似文献   

Strategically deploying customized products in an e-commerce environment not only helps businesses respond with greater agility to customer needs and strengthen their market position, but also helps businesses gain competitive edge and increase profitability. Underlying successful mass customization within the digital marketplace, a firm needs a methodology for striking a balance between the degree of customization and product pricing and delivery time—a critical supply chain issue. Providing either too much or too little customization can negatively impact both the business and the customer.

This study introduces a decision-making method for product customization. This method takes into account the level of customization, production costs, and the product delivery time and applies the concept of postponement strategy to the product supply chain to boost overall supply chain effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Bicycle customization is used as an example to demonstrate the feasibility of the new approach to determine the optimal level of customization in product deployment.  相似文献   

近年来,把大规模定制与供应链结合起来的研究较多。本文回顾和整理了国内外的大规模定制供应链文献,分析了大规模定制供应链特征、运作优化、延迟策略、计划调度、客户订单分离点定位对大规模定制供应链影响等研究热点,提出了大规模定制供应链运作存在的局限性,对大规模定制供应链的未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

Customization in the marketplace has become much more commonplace as information technology and flexible manufacturing systems continue to evolve. Consumer research into customization decisions has subsequently examined the implications of customization as compared to traditional assortment product offerings, finding that customization yields both positive implications for consumer preference matching as well as higher evaluations of retailers, chosen products, and even the process itself. The present research examines the implications that customization of products has on consumers’ decision processes, and on their perceptions of assortment and how they consider products. Two experimental studies suggest that customization decisions may negatively affect consumers’ perceptions of assortment, while also reducing the number of alternatives they consider, and that this in turn may have implications for their evaluation of, and willingness-to-pay for, customized products.  相似文献   

As consumers' preferences become increasingly diversified, many companies strive to satisfy individual needs by offering customization options for products or services. To enhance the effectiveness of customization strategies, managers need to decide what type of attributes to provide for consumers to customize and also take consumers' individual differences into consideration. The current research investigates the joint impacts of the originality of the attributes involved in a customization option and consumers' construal level on their intention to adopt customization. Findings from two experiments consistently demonstrate that, in comparison to customization options that include common customizable attributes, offering customization options that includes original customizable attributes undermine consumers’ adoption intention. However, such negative effects will be mitigated when consumers have a high construal level.  相似文献   

Increasingly, many brands are handing over to consumers the control of the design process, allowing for the customization of products, experiences, and services. While there is a clear demand for customization, the general assumption is that such demand is homogeneous among consumers. We propose that heterogeneity exists in consumer demand for customization and that a better understanding of these differences is important for brand managers to effectively develop and deliver to consumers the opportunity to customize. Drawing on configuration theory, we provide insights into consumer market segments for firms seeking strategic fit for more effective customization. Across multiple studies, a Latent Cluster Analysis is utilized to profile customization demand. Four distinct segments are identified: Non-Customizers, New Customizers, Active Customizers, and Lapsing Customizers, while studying their outcome considerations in terms of new product design. The varying patterns of customization preference and consumption patterns among segments provide opportunities for retail and service providers to target customization offers more effectively.  相似文献   

桂良军 《商业研究》2006,(12):52-56
客户决策价值影响消费行为的实现,且取决于客户期望价值和客户期望成本差值的大小,客户的个性化程度影响个性化成本,企业对个性化成本的管理与其盈利有很大的关系。根据个性化成本相关的概念,实施面向服务的成本管理,从而发现个性化产品比标准化产品多消耗38%-87%的作业,作业成本的增加主要体现在设计、制造和销售方面。  相似文献   

Brands are increasingly seeking ways to engage consumers in deep and meaningful brand experiences. As technological advances have developed, brands have an increasing arsenal to draw on in creating brand experience. One increasingly common tactic is product customization, whereby consumers are provided the ability to create their own products from a set of options. With this study, we seek to understand the mediating role of brand experience in consumer decisions to customize products. Specifically, we investigate the interplay of non-brand drivers (those intrinsic to the consumer) and brand drivers (those extrinsic to the consumer) in the context of customization. In doing so, we develop an understanding of consumers' intention to use a customization toolkit and their subsequent intention to purchase customized products. We find brand experience drives intention to use a customization toolkit, mediating the relationship between individual factors and usage intentions. A customer's prior experience and their intention to use a customization toolkit are also direct drivers of customized product purchase intention.  相似文献   

Self‐customization in online shopping contexts readily offers an abundance of options for consumers. However, the sheer amount of information can quickly become overwhelming. One way to give people the freedom to choose without overwhelming them with information is to simplify the decision process by breaking it down into a series of smaller steps. Contrary to a common assumption that simpler decisions increase choice likelihood, however, this study demonstrates that a simple by‐attribute self‐customization process may activate a maximizing mindset, which increases people's desire to find better options and decreases their satisfaction with the ones available. Consequently, simplifying the self‐customization process can sometimes backfire by decreasing choice likelihood. Three studies suggest that although by‐attribute self‐customization formats are easier to choose from, compared with more complex matrix formats, they may sometimes—paradoxically—increase choice deferral. The findings suggest that a maximizing mindset mediates this effect, casting doubt on information‐based alternative explanations. The findings also suggest that whether by‐attribute self‐customization increases or decreases choice likelihood may depend on the presence of objective quality cues, which indicate that an objectively‐best option can be found. This study furthers the understanding of how decision difficulty and maximizing influence self‐customization decisions.  相似文献   

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