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我国中小企业电子商务存在问题及对策 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
随着互联网以及各项相关技术的日趋成熟,电子商务在社会经济领域得到了广泛的应用。在电子商务中,用户可将自己的各类意愿按照一定的格式输入电子商务网络,可进行多种网上交易业务的选择。电子商务为中小企业提供了新的发展契机。进行信息网络建设,抢占市场,抓住机遇,是中小企业获得竞争优势的关键。 相似文献
注重财务管理工作 促进中小企业发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业是一个十分庞大的企业群体,其生存和发展,对社会经济的发展起到不可估量的作用。但中小企业在机制灵活、成长迅速的同时也面临着规模偏小、技术设备相对落后、内部管理混乱和资金缺乏、信贷困难,承受市场风险能力弱的内部和外部的双重压力。目前包括政府在内的全社会都在关注和帮助中小企业的发展,努力为中小企业解决融资难等进一步发展所需的外部氛围的时候,中小企业自身如何提升管理水平、强化内部管理已成为中小企业发展的瓶颈。 相似文献
Small and Medium Enterprises Across the Globe 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper analyzes the relationship between the relative size of the small and medium enterprise (SME) Sector and the business
environment in 76 countries. The paper first describes a new and unique cross-country database that presents consistent and
comparable information on the contribution of the SME sector to total employment in manufacturing and GDP across different
countries. We then relate the importance of SMEs and the informal economy to indicators of different dimensions of the business
environment. We find that several dimensions of the business environment, such as lower costs of entry and better credit information
sharing are associated with a larger size of the SME sector, while higher exit costs are associated with a larger informal
中小企业人力资源管理现状分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
当前我国的中小企业在人力资源管理方面存在部门职能不完善、人才匮乏,培训投入不足、缺乏有效的激励机制、企业文化严重缺失等诸多问题。必须不断完善人力资源管理体系,员工绩效考核及激励、人力资源配置、员工培训和企业文化建设等方面的建设。 相似文献
This paper examines various aspects of total factor productivity across different firm sizes in Japan. It shows that larger firms have higher total factor productivity levels and growth than smaller firms. There are, however, some exceptions to this pattern especially in the electric machinery sector where small firms tend to have the edge. The paper also finds that two distinctive characteristics of small and medium firms, the practice of subcontracting and the use of external patents, are positively related to total factor productivity growth while the availability of subsidized public loans is not. 相似文献
从纵向的视角考察,近年来我国中小企业在科技经费的筹集、R&D经费的支出、科技人员的分布以及专利等方面发生了新的变化。虽然中小企业作为R IS创新主体的地位已经初步形成,但与发达国家相比较,我国中小企业在技术创新主体化程度上还存在着很大的差距。只有通过引进消化吸收再创新以及产学研结合,才能进一步培育中小企业的自主创新能力。 相似文献
Using firm level data from Taiwan, this paper examines the link between firm size, growth and productivity. It shows that firms grow because they are more productive and not because they are larger in size. Indeed, the statistical analysis shows that while employment growth among Taiwanese firms was positively related to initial levels of total factor productivity, it was negatively related to initial size. The paper also shows that the productivity-size relationship has a virtuous cycle built in. More productive firms get larger and, in the process, obtain access to resources and information which enables them to become more productive. One implication of these results is that public policies should target productivity rather than size and should support reforms that make it possible for market mechanisms to weed out low productivity firms while facilitating the entry or growth of high productivity firms. Taiwan's ability to keep entry and exit costs low is one reason why productivity gains there have been high. 相似文献
我国达成关于中国加入WTO的双边协议意味着我国加入WTO的最大难题已经解决,我国必将加入WTO。本文以我国的中小企业的研究对象,分析了中小企业目前的现状及问题,并且从整体经济角度分析我国加入WTO后对中小企业的冲击,最后,从宏观经济体制改造,微观机制创新和环境制度构建3个方面提出相应的对策。 相似文献
This paper provides an overview of the evolution of the small and medium enterprise sector in Korea during the past quarter century. It shows how the industrial structure of Korea has changed dramatically over this period reflecting much greater shares in employment and value added by SMEs. It reviews the evidence on SME dynamism showing that SMEs have contributed to the enormous transformations that have taken place in the Korean economy since 1975, especially with regard to exports, foreign investment and productivity performance. It discusses the role of subcontracting as well as that of government and non-governmental institutions in supporting SME development. Finally, it examines the link between variations in the economic importance of SMEs, as measured by their shares in employment, and aspects of growth and inequality to assess whether SMEs function as business cycle shock absorbers and inequality-reducing mechanisms. 相似文献
《Journal Of African Business》2013,14(1):37-55
Abstract Issues of finance and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries have dominated the research agenda at various policy levels. However, very little empirical analysis, that is, hypothesis testing has been carried out to ascertain the relationship between finance and enterprise performance. Although a few studies have attempted to examine this relationship, yet there remain large gaps in our knowledge concerning the relationship between finance and SME development. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing information on the relationship between finance and enterprise growth in Ghana. 相似文献
中小企业在美国经济中具有极为重要的意义和作用。它在经营管理上的特点以及美国政府对其在各个方面的扶持使其成为美国新经济中最具活力的部分。借鉴美国发展中小企业的经验对于我国国民经济的发展具有不可忽视的作用。 相似文献
This paper attempts to summarize the key issues involved in the international transfer of technology by small and medium-sized enterprises. All the evidence suggests that small and medium-sized enerprises will not, in aggregate, be the major suppliers and transferrers of technology in the world economy, but they can fill crucial niche roles. The success of these niche roles will be partly determined by the key relationship between firm size and industry size and by small and medium sized enterprises being able to ride the dynamics of the industry. 相似文献
Jan Průša 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2010,10(3-4):343-363
This paper analyzes microeconomic production functions of Czech small and medium enterprises. We use the data from 2002 to 2005 of thirty manufacturing industries (agriculture and services are not included), each divided into five subgroups according to the number of employees. We employ stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to make statistical inference on the production process. Our results demonstrate that Czech SME depend in their functioning more on labour than on capital. The impact of tangible or intangible assets such as software or patents is negligible, while the effect of investment is negative. SFA strongly supports the presence of a systematic gap between common practice and best practice: the majority of firms significantly differ from top performers. Finally a simple test for time effect shows that between 2003 and 2005 Czech SME moved towards higher efficiency. 相似文献
In examining the evolution of small and medium enterprises in Japan in the postwar period, this paper shows that entry rates for new firms have declined sharply in the last quarter century or so, a trend observed across most sectors of the economy as well as across most firm-size categories. To explain this pattern, the paper investigates the determinants of entry in Japan. Among other factors, it finds that cost disadvantages owing to small scale and the shortage of technical resources are significant deterrents to entry. It also finds that the availability of government-directed credit deters entry which suggests that, in their current form, such credit programs protect incumbents. Among positive factors, it finds that subcontracting opportunities promote entry which suggests that the subcontracting system in Japan is open to newcomers and helps give them a foothold in the economy. 相似文献
中小企业市场竞争策略的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业在世界各国经济的发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。但由于资金、技术和能力所限以及行业的特殊性,中小企业在市场竞争中往往需要避开与大企业的正面交锋,以保全实力,赢得发展。因此,如何选择恰当的市场竞争策略,选择目标市场开展场竞争,已经成为中小企业实现可持续发展首要问题。 相似文献
试论中小型私营企业财务管理特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
费聿娟 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2008,(2):37-38
系统论认为,目标是系统最优化的情况下所希望实现的结果,根据不同的系统所要研究和解决的问题,可以确定不同的目标。企业财务管理目标是企业理财活动通过优化财务行为所希望实现的结果,是分析和评价企业理财活动是否合理的基本标准。 相似文献
我国中小企业电子商务发展新模式 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
面对信息化的挑战,实施电子商务是我国中小企业生存发展的必由之路。目前我国中小企业实施电子商务的现状及现有模式存在一些弊端,应建立一种新的电子商务模式,该模式一方面通过搭建公用信息平台向中小企业提供电子商务信息平台的系统技术和管理服务,并向中小企业提供第四方物流服务,优化配送方案,整体提高配送效率,全面降低物流配送成本。从而,为我国中小企业电子商务提供了一种全新的发展模式。 相似文献