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Altering production systems and land management of tree crops is a costly, disruptive and ultimately irreversible decision. Using traditional valuation methods to appraise long‐term land management outcomes ignores the full impact of irreversible or delayed decisions. We employ a variant of the real options decision process to examine uncertainties around climatic effects on macadamia growers and the explicit decision to adapt via cultivar replacement. We examine the trade‐offs between the timing of the decision to replace macadamia cultivars by considering both the value of flexibility as well as the value of new information that can be used to resolve uncertainty. We compare the relative responses that generate the most value for growers across four geographical locations. We show that simple switching decisions using traditional valuation methods are found to be suboptimal and initiate poor decisions, potentially undermining adaptation efforts. As the rate of orchard degradation increases, the need to transition to higher‐yielding cultivars becomes greater, especially for Hawaii, California and Australia where gross margins are leaner. Investment decisions are thus highly dependent on both local conditions and the economic structure of existing production systems.  相似文献   

This study describes the result of a research workshop on cultivar choice in which 26 specialized flower producers participated. The workshop consisted of several tasks aimed at measuring the individual quality level of the decision process (cultivar choice). The technique of the information display matrix (IDM) was introduced as a means to simulate the choice processes. The results of this study indicated that the performance in the IDM-simulation had some predictive power for the performance in real life, especially on turnover and yield. Further analysis of the tasks in this workshop could be used to detect weak spots in the individual decision making. The differences among growers with respect to their level of consciousness/awareness, (economic) rationality, and consistency were substantial.  相似文献   

Motivated by the policy trend of exposing European Union farmers to more market risk by reducing price support, this paper evaluates the compensation required by EU cereal growers to accept the complete removal of price support. Additional considerations are whether this policy change also includes the removal of set‐aside, or features only a partial removal of price support. A model is developed which captures the main on‐ and off‐farm factors influencing grower perceptions of the impact of this policy change. This model is subjected to a numerical analysis which shows that divergent assessments of the expected profitability of releasing to production land previously set‐aside mean growers are unlikely to agree whether compensation is even required. It is concluded that the retention of set‐aside for environmental purposes is likely to mean growers are more united in their perception of the need for, and amount of, compensation to accept the removal of price support.  相似文献   

This article examines the exit and survival dynamics of burley tobacco growers in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia using a discrete‐time hazard logit model. The study also predicts the effects of selected farm and family characteristics on exit hazards, assesses the proportionality of their effects over time and their relative importance in explaining the variation in exit hazards among burley tobacco growers. Results provide the longitudinal progression of the probability of exiting the tobacco industry since the end of the federal tobacco program in 2004, and identify off‐farm participation, percentage of farm receipts from tobacco, tobacco price, educational level, and farm size as the most important determinants of the decision to exit the tobacco industry. Further, the effects of off‐farm participation and farm size on the exit hazards of burley tobacco farms are proportional over time while the effects of the percentage of farm receipts from tobacco and tobacco price are time variant.  相似文献   

Peasant farmers in Sahelian West Africa adjust to rainfall uncertainties in the agricultural season by making decisions sequentially as a function of the evolving rainfall patterns. Understanding such flexibilities in farmer decision-making is central to technology introduction. This paper determines how sequential decision-making under weather uncertainty affects the adoption and farm-level effects of cereal technologies in Niger. The study also draws policy implications for a price floor to arrest the substantial fall in cereal prices in good rainfall years when farmers have more grains to sell. The methodology used is Discrete Stochastic Programming. This paper shows that the ability of peasant farmers to adapt cropping and resource-management strategies to the rainfall patterns is the basis for their survival in this high-risk environment. Model results show that by (a) carrying a portfolio mix of varieties of varying maturities, and (b) making sequential decisions based upon rainfall expectations, farmers can adapt to the production uncertainties. Breeding programs should therefore be diversified to develop not only early-maturing cultivars, but also improved intermediate and long-season varieties.  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析在天然橡胶价格持续低迷背景下种植户的生产行为,从农户及家庭特征、生产特征、市场因素和政策因素4个方面选取16项指标,研究影响天然橡胶种植户生产行为的因素。[方法]选取2015年在天然橡胶主植区云南、海南的农户调研数据,运用多元Logit模型分析天然橡胶种植户生产行为改变的影响因素。[结果]种植户生产行为选择降低和提高割胶频率是种植户权衡各类因素追求利益最大化而产生的不同行为模式,其中橡胶收入占比、种植年限、投入肥料变化、雇工割胶、生产成本、后期价格态度、补贴满意度、收益满意度8项因素对种植户选择降低割胶频率具有显著影响;受教育子女数量、种植规模、雇工割胶、是否享受补贴4项因素对种植户选择提高割胶频率具有显著影响。[结论]天然橡胶种植户的生产行为受多种因素共同作用,并且天然橡胶价格持续低迷破坏了天然橡胶产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The demand for forest products is growing and plantation forests are supplying an increasing proportion of wood to industry. There are also increasing market requirements to demonstrate the sustainability of timber supply. Vietnam has some 3.9 M ha of plantation forests, 44% of which is on short-rotations managed by smallholders. More than 80 percent of the harvested volume from the plantation forests is used for woodchip production to serve domestic and international markets. The Vietnam Government has goals to increase the domestic supply of suitable wood for furniture production to international markets by increasing the supply of larger logs grown in plantations and the supply of certified wood to industry. However, it is not clear that these objectives will necessarily benefit growers and processors. This study compared financial returns from certified and non-certified forest products for: (1) growers with 10-year rotation acacia plantations; and (2) a furniture processing business (battens for chair and table) in Quang Tri Province, Central Vietnam. The data were collected from smallholder tree growers and a sawmilling company, triangulated with and supplemented by formal and informal interviews with other stakeholders. Currently, much of the cost of certification is met by external aid donors. Results showed that net returns from both certified and non-certified timber products are positive for both actors and are higher from certified timber production than non-certified timber production. When the full costs of certification are included, the benefits to growers of certification are much reduced and potentially negative unless the fixed costs can be spread over a large group of growers. A minimum of group with 3000 ha may be required to make certification cost effective. In recent years, the price difference between the certified and non-certified logs is narrowing and this may discourage farmers from attaining certification. For the sawmiller, the benefit of certified timber production is greater. It would be in their interests to increase prices paid to growers for certified logs. Government policy measures to support certification should include consideration of who bears the cost, support for aggregation of smallholder growers and improved communication in timber supply chains.  相似文献   

Canola has become an important crop in the last decade in the United States. Production of canola is risky and competes with other crops that have varying risk reduction mechanisms. Processors develop and offer contracts with varying specifications that allow growers to reduce risk and attract canola production. In this study, preplant contracting strategies were evaluated in terms of risk and return for growers and processors. Alternative contracts include fixed‐price‐variety‐specific with and without act‐of‐God provisions, and an oil‐premium contract. Grower returns and processor gross margins were simulated and resulting distributions were evaluated using stochastic efficiency with respect to a function. In the dominant growing region, growers would prefer fixed‐price‐variety‐specific contracts versus contracts with oil premiums. The latter would only be preferred by crushers that are highly risk averse. The results vary regionally suggesting that contract types should vary by region to be acceptable to a broader range of growers and processors.  相似文献   

Demand for area crop insurance among litchi producers in northern Vietnam   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines the need for crop insurance for litchi production in northern Vietnam and how farmers might participate in such a program. Hypothetical insurance programs were developed which proposed all‐risk coverage based on area yields. This coverage was offered to farmers to determine both their interest in the program and how insurance features and farmer characteristics affected their decision to buy insurance. Farmers were also surveyed regarding their production practices, price and yield expectations, and financial and personal characteristics. Even before considering other program costs and government budget constraints, there is not a strong case for establishing a crop insurance program here. Results indicate that while farmer participation would be significant, crop insurance is not needed to achieve policy goals like raising farmer income or guaranteeing subsistence levels of income. Crop insurance is not needed to promote litchi production, which is already expanding rapidly due to its high profitability relative to other farm enterprises. In their choice of coverages, farmers preferred higher yield guarantee levels and lower indemnity prices. Estimated premiums were quite low when expressed as a percent of expected revenue, and farmers were not responsive to changes in premiums. Econometric analysis indicated that high income farmers were more likely to participate, but other farmer characteristics seemed to matter little. Anecdotal evidence suggested that farmers believed the expected area yields used to set insurance coverage levels were too low. Because litchi productivity varies significantly by tree age and the litchi planted area is expanding rapidly, determining appropriate values for expected area yields and insurance coverage levels appeared to be the biggest challenge in program design. It is hypothesized that additional farmer education about the relationship between area and farm yields and other aspects of area insurance could improve such a program's operation. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

Alternative specifications of models of the supply response of Australian wheat growers and their economic implications are considered in terms of the existence and nature of production lags, and the choice between expected prices and expected gross returns as the preferred explanator of producers' response to changing economic conditions. The analysis indicates that there are lags which are due primarily to the difficulties and costs of rapid adjustment rather than to the time required to revise expectations. The statistical results were similar for the alternative specifications of gross margins and prices as the economic decision variables. However, the price elasticities derived using the gross margins specification were about a third of those using the prices specification. The gross margins specification yielded additional information in the form of yield and input cost elasticities.  相似文献   

This paper develops measures of relative price variability among agricultural commodities in the UK farm sector for the period 1956-88. Econometric tests of the hypothesis that relative price variability is positively correlated with instability in the macroeconomy are carried out. The results indicate that UK agricultural commodity prices become more volatile relative to one another when the economy-wide inflation rate increases and when aggregate output becomes more variable. These findings suggest that UK producers and consumers of domestically grown farm products experience increased risk and uncertainty in their production and consumption decisions during periods of macroeconomic instability. The effects of UK entry into the European Community are also examined; no evidence is found to suggest that adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy reduced year-to-year relative price variability among agricultural commodities.  相似文献   

We study the factors influencing the percentage of organic and fair trade certified coffee sold through a cooperative by growers of five cooperatives in Mexico. The percentage of coffee sold through the cooperative was used as a proxy of growers’ engagement with a cooperative. Using factor analysis and a fractional probit regression, we evaluated the proposition that the level of engagement can be explained by transaction cost economics, social norms and connections, and farmer and farm business characteristics. We found that farm size, uncertainty regarding cooperative time of payment to the members and cooperative commitment on price to be paid negatively influence the level of engagement. In contrast, asset specificity, relational commitment, and price have a positive impact on engagement. Our results may help cooperatives and policy makers to build strategies aiming to increase this level of engagement. This is relevant because lower grower engagement has been found to be positively correlated with weak performing cooperatives.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence of the link between outlook and practice among farmers, foresters, and growers in New Zealand. Specifically, we use a large, nationally representative survey to assess how foci on production and environmental outcomes influence the adoption of six good management practices aimed at increasing agricultural sustainability. We then show that while environmentally oriented and production-oriented decision-makers are statistically more prepared to take risks, all rural decision-makers are more likely to adopt new technologies and good practices after seeing their relative advantages successfully demonstrated. Next, we show that social and professional networks are small, often limited to five or fewer operators, which begs the question about how the risk-averse operators become informed about good practice. Hence, we ultimately analyse trust in order to identify other credible demonstrators or informants. We find that veterinarians are the most trusted source of information and that government (at all levels) is the least.  相似文献   

With asymmetric information, consumers need to rely on the reputation of wine to define quality before the purchasing. Amongst the tools available for underlining reputation, geographic location is considered to offer high potential. Today, some wines benefit from a country's reputation, some from the renown of a region and some from the local reputation of one specific vineyard, whilst conversely some providers suffer from a weak geographic reputation. There can be a split between producers within one vineyard or region based on varying geographic reputation. This kind of split appears in Champagne, with a range of well‐known and less well‐known brands and is particularly significant to the small growers who sell wine. This study used a representative sample of these growers to examine how their location impacts on their reputation. The results show that their selling price is influenced by the local system of grading vineyard quality, their distance from traditional regional centres and the presence in their village of growers cited in a national guide.  相似文献   

水稻规模种植户持续种植意愿影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]水稻规模种植户在稳定水稻种植面积中起到关键性的作用,如何扶持和稳定规模种植户的持续种植粮食具有十分重要的战略意义。[方法]文章利用浙江省145户水稻规模种植户的调研数据,采用二元Logistic模型对水稻规模种植户的持续种植意愿进行了实证分析。[结果]单位面积平均土地租金和粮食生产总投入对持续种植意愿呈反向影响,粮食销售收入和田地质量提升的投入对持续种植意愿呈正向影响。高额的土地租金和不断增长的粮食生产投入,使得粮食生产收益不断下降,特别是对于具有一定规模的种植户而言,不得不选择消极的种植意愿;与此同时,较高的销售收入能带来较高的生产收益,使得规模种植户更愿意继续种植,而田地质量提升能带来较高的产出率,规模种植户对持续种植也将更有信心。[结论]据此提出降低水稻种植成本、稳定粮农正常收益、规范土地市场、引导农户提高田地投入等政策建议来稳定和激励水稻规模种植户持续种植,保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

Risky output prices and production characterise Australian agriculture. Exports are vitally important, sometimes relying heavily on a particular market. In this study a model is developed to include explicitly both output price and technological risks as well as multiple output relationships. It is used to show that changes in US beef import policy generating a 10 per cent beef price fall could reduce Australian beef supply by 3.5 per cent and grazing industry net revenue by 8.4 per cent, despite some switching from beef production to other enterprises.  相似文献   

In rainfed production systems throughout India, agricultural activities are dependent upon the summer monsoon, and any aberration in monsoon rainfall patterns can have severe consequences for rice production. There is considerable policy interest in designing programs to lower small‐scale farmers’ exposure to these types of risk given the regularity with which adverse monsoon events occur. This paper introduces a field experiment conducted with two risk management options in the state of Odisha: a drought‐tolerant rice cultivar; and a weather index insurance product designed to complement the performance of the cultivar. Uptake rates for the cultivar itself and for the joint product are compared across two years alongside an analysis of factors that predict uptake. Results indicate high levels of demand for both the products, albeit with a significant degree of price sensitivity. But this sensitivity is agnostic to the nature of price reductions, suggesting that public investments that lower the costs of risk management may be sufficient to encourage broad uptake, without necessarily relying upon distortionary subsidies as is so often done. Sustained demand between years one and two is primarily explained where individuals were indemnified in year one and had a large number of peers also purchasing the product.  相似文献   

The price elasticity of raw milk supply in Japan is estimated over time by a structural time-series model in state space form, and the changes in elasticity are tested by the diagnosing test of de John and Penzer in 1998. The supply function is modeled with a local linear trend and a strictly exogenous autoregressive distributed lag price. The seasonality in the data is adjusted by a structural time-series model. In the 1970–1997 period, there were major dairy policy changes in Japan: a production adjustment, related penalties, and two-tier pricing. Hokkaido is the region that mainly provides the supply of raw milk for milk products, while Tofuken is the region that mainly produces drinking milk. The estimated price elasticity in Hokkaido became stable after imposition of the production adjustment. On the other hand, price elasticity in Tofuken became stable after the inflation of the mid-1970s. Price elasticity is estimated to be more inelastic as well as more likely to converge in inelasticity in Hokkaido than in Tofuken. We discuss the relationship between changes in dairy policy and changes in price elasticity.  相似文献   

本文利用陕西、四川两省686户猕猴桃种植户的调查数据,在采用变异系数法度量猕猴桃种植户绿色生产技术采纳程度的基础上,利用倾向得分匹配法构建反事实框架,实证分析参与电商对猕猴桃种植户绿色生产技术采纳的影响效应。结果表明:猕猴桃种植户绿色生产子技术的重要性依次为测土配方施肥技术、物理防治技术、套袋技术、无公害农药使用技术、有机肥施用技术;在控制样本选择偏差后,参与电商对猕猴桃种植户绿色生产技术采纳有显著的正向影响;参与电商对不同资本禀赋的猕猴桃种植户绿色生产技术采纳的促进效应存在差异;参与电商通过提升产品价格预期、提升经济收益水平、提升信息获取能力、追求正向社会评价四条路径来影响猕猴桃种植户的绿色生产技术采纳。  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal price differences for sorghum and sesame in the Sudan are investigated. A conceptual model of competitive market behavior in time and space dimensions is adopted to test the spatial and the seasonal price differences as compared to transportation and storage costs, respectively. The large differences in sorghum prices among regions indicate a lack of market integration between producing and consuming regions. Monthly price changes for sorghum and sesame compared to storage costs indicate an opportunity to capture above normal returns to storage. Causes of these large price differences are inadequate transportation and marketing infrastructure and government policy.  相似文献   

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