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<正>历经20多年的发展,高速公路服务区正从原始、粗放、松散的经营模式,向集约化、规模化、集团化模式迈进。与此同时,作为企业经营重要支撑的档案管理,也在不断发展成熟,成为科学实施服务区经营监管、助力服务区经营企业进步、增强企业可持续发展能力、提炼企业文化品牌的重要综合载体,也为智能化、数字化经营筑牢了坚实的信息与数据基础。吉林省高速公路管理局(简称"吉林高管局")在实践摸索中,监督、指导服务区经营企业逐步建立起了规范、系统、  相似文献   

黄琳 《交通财会》2023,(5):28-32
随着高速公路网络的快速发展,服务区数量随之增加,高速公路市场规模不断扩大,服务区经营业态不断创新。服务区专营企业为了促进商品、服务的销售,增加盈利,除了日常的现销外,还采用了赊销方式,而赊销方式必然会增加应收账款,因此,加强应收账款管理对降低财务风险、提高资金流动起着积极的作用。本文以广东省高速公路服务区为例,分析当前应收账款管理存在的问题,提出具体措施,旨在强化应收账款管理,对应收账款的各个环节实施有效控制,防范资金风险,提高资金的利用率,实现企业蓬勃、健康地发展。  相似文献   

正在高速公路服务区的管理过程中,经营模式、管理体制和用工制度作为3项核心因素及改革发展的3个重要突破口,决定了服务区的成败,影响着服务区的发展。科学的经营模式、合理的管理体制,以及良好的用工制度,可以优化服务区的功能与作用,促进服务区更好更快地发展。服务区要有科学的经营模式经营模式是服务区的根,有怎样的经营模式,就有怎样的管理体制和用工制度。  相似文献   

服务区是满足公众出行需求的重要"补给站",是助力乡村振兴、区域经济发展的"加速器",更是展示城市形象、传递企业文化的"小窗口"。因而,可以将服务区作为发展平台,采用市场化方式培育具有经营性属性的产业或产业集群,丰富服务区经营业态,提升服务区整体服务水平与经营质量,从而助力服务区领域转型升级,实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

服务区,最能展现高速公路服务品质的地方 位于石太高速公路上的井陉服务区,1996年,就以对外承包的方式启动经营。2005年,该服务区开始制定《反恶劣天气预案》,提出一旦出现长时间堵车,就免费给司乘人员发放盒饭和饮用水。“形象做好了,效益自然而来”,服务区总经理陈金端自豪地说。  相似文献   

<正>广东通驿高速公路服务区有限公司(以下简称“广东通驿”)成立于2000年9月7日,是广东省交通集团有限公司(以下简称“广东省交通集团”)授权在全省范围内对集团独资或控股的高速公路服务区实施规划、建设、管理、运营一体化的连锁经营企业。成立20多年来,广东通驿以其国内首创的高速公路服务区经营和管理一体化模式,开创了业界公认的“通驿模式”,现经营服务区360个(在营348个);  相似文献   

正用大众的、发展的眼光对高速公路服务区内涵重新定义,结合当前经营管理模式,充分分析服务区属性及进行受众特性,并对其服务理念和服务方向进行准确定位,科学制定新形势下可持续发展的经营战略,对指导服务区的管理实践具有深远意义。我国高速公路经历了从无到有、从分散到路网逐步形成的发展过程。随着社会经济的发展,人们的出行需求不断增长,高速公路服务区服务保障功能  相似文献   

<正>目前大部分高速公路服务区处于单一经营模式,经济效益不高,因此大力发展“服务区+”势在必行。服务区与物流、种植、旅游、新能源及智慧服务区五个方面的多元化融合经营,对推动服务区经济转型升级,实现经济效益和社会效益的双提升具有重要意义。随着我国高速公路网络体系日趋完善,高速公路建设步伐逐渐放缓,如何有效盘活高速公路存量资产、发展路衍经济、加强产业融合创新发展是今后新发展阶段的重点。服务区是高速公路的重要附属设施,拥有土地、区位、流量、通信网络等资源优势,但目前尚未充分发挥其经济效益。因此充分挖掘服务区资源,大力发展服务区经济势在必行。发展服务区经济,既能打造新的盈利增长点,实现高速公路经营主体的减亏增盈,  相似文献   

正在"服务区+拓展经营"的新理念下,吉安天福服务区把服务区与旅游业、商业、生产加工业、文创产业等结合起来,以"赣台风情系两岸,井冈茗茶扬世界"为愿景,着力打造赣台文创交流景区基地。这也是民企参与国企改制,推动高速公路服务区发展理念、经营模式、经营业态转型升级,打造新时代高速公路服务区新典范的探索和实践。  相似文献   

高速公路服务区在分布地域、车流客流、经营模式、内外部环境等方面的巨大差异,形成其"个性化强"的特征。而这一特征也决定了其经营预算不同于一般的公司预算,无法适用于普遍性的预算方法和规范化的编制流程。结合服务区经营预算编制实践,探寻其内在的管理规律是本文的出发点和立脚点。文章在分析高速公路服务区经营预算含义、回顾高速公路服务区经营预算编制实践的基础上,提出了包括关注外部政策环境变化、对服务区实施精细分类、首先确定经营模式、经济效益和社会效益合理兼顾、健全预算管理层级机构等思路,对研究高速公路服务区经营预算具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

For large corporations with significant travel budgets, the efficiency in execution of employee travel is critical to the productivity of the enterprise. Air travel disruptions (i.e. delays, cancellations, missed connections) prevent employees from performing enterprise related tasks resulting in lost billable revenue and unbudgeted Indirect costs (e.g. unplanned overnight stays for stranded passengers, and idle time charges). Since travel disruption data is not readily available to Corporate Travel Managers, the Indirect charges cannot be included in budgets, and the magnitude of lost billable revenue is not known. Further, without measuring the travel delays and their impact, it is not possible to understand the underlying causes of the delays to improve the process.This paper describes a method for providing Corporate Travel Departments travel disruption statistics and their impact on revenue and profits. The method overcomes the problem of the absence of data by deriving travel delay statistics for corporate travel from publicly available historic airline flight data-bases. The method also uses a travel delay cost model to estimate the financial impact of travel disruptions. The implications of these results on Corporate Travel Management (CTM) productivity improvement strategies, corporate travel and indirect budgets, contracts with travel providers, and travel insurance are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an improved mathematical model for locating EV charging stations. We consider the successive activities of the travelers, i.e., a person with two main stops during the day should charge the vehicle in just one of the parking spots, hence avoiding double counting the demand. The model is tested for the city of Coimbra (Portugal), where there is a network of nine stations. We conclude that our solution is better than the one that was implemented in reality, moreover we are able to conclude that demand transference has a rather significant impact on the solutions.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的快速发展,企业风险管理的重要性不断提高。为了指导中央企业开展全面风险管理工作,2006年6月6日,国家国有资产监督管理委员会发布了《中央企业全面风险管  相似文献   

Cruising for parking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Donald C. Shoup   《Transport Policy》2006,13(6):479-486
Suppose curb parking is free but all the spaces are occupied, and off-street parking is expensive but immediately available. In this case, you can cruise to find a curb space being vacated by a departing motorist, or pay for off-street parking right away. This paper presents a model of how drivers choose whether to cruise or to pay, and it predicts several results: you are more likely to cruise if curb parking is cheap, off-street parking is expensive, fuel is cheap, you want to park for a long time, you are alone in the car, and you place a low value on saving time. The model also predicts that charging the market price for curb parking—at least equal to the price of adjacent off-street parking—will eliminate cruising. Because the government sets curb parking prices, planners and elected officials strongly influence drivers’ decisions to cruise. The failure to charge market rates for curb parking congests traffic, pollutes the air, wastes fuel, and causes accidents. Between 1927 and 2001, studies of cruising in congested downtowns have found that it took between 3.5 and 14 min to find a curb space, and that between 8 and 74 percent of the traffic was cruising for parking.  相似文献   

Increasing number of shipping firms adopt green shipping practices that emphasize environmental management throughout their operations. To balance productivity with the environment, the design of shipping activities in compliance with energy saving and resources conversation is an important part of greening efforts by many shipping firms. This study investigates how the green practices on shipping design for compliance (SDC) adopted by shipping firms is related to their financial and service performance with the role of company policy and procedures and shipper cooperation examined. We find that SDC is beneficial for the financial and service performance of shipping firms. Based on the contingency theory, we argue further that company policy and procedure as well as shipper cooperation differentiates the performance outcomes of shipping firms in their SDC for environmental management. Our empirical findings show a positive relationship of SDC with service performance particularly when their company policy and procedure and shipper cooperation are characterized at high than low levels in the process. However, such strengthening effects are not found for the relationship between SDC and the financial performance of shipping firms.  相似文献   


Low-carbon mobility (LCM) features strongly in debates about the sustainability of cities and their resilience in the face of demographic, economic, and climate change. Transport is a major source of carbon emissions and there are indications that these continue to increase, despite the considerable recent advances in vehicle, engine, and fuel technologies. Reducing carbon emissions from transport may become more difficult, not easier. A particular issue relates to the New World cities, typified by those of North America and Australasia, which largely developed from the latter half of the nineteenth century onward and whose transportation systems were largely based around private vehicle ownership and usage. These cities are typically composed of low-density, dispersed suburbs, which are highly car dependent and resource and carbon emission intensive. This article develops a research agenda directed at determining and testing policy and planning measures relevant to the quest for low carbon mobility in New World cities. It suggests a rich agenda for essential research on LCM. Much of this agenda falls within the realm of the integration of transport and land use, with attention to urban design details to enhance the perceptions of and opportunities to use low carbon transport alternatives. Research topics identified for LCM research include (1) urban design and land use–transport integration (LUTI), (2) low carbon mobility policies directed at achieving widespread behavior change, (3) opportunities for new technology and its application, including requirements for systems and infrastructure, and (4) analysis and tools for informed decision making, including modeling, measurement, visualization, and especially assessment.  相似文献   

谋求长远发展构建铁路多元经营新格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了铁路多经业15 年来取得的成绩,指出在新形势下铁路多经业发展必须明确方向,合理分工,走专业化经营道路,建立强大多元事业群体。  相似文献   

This paper addresses an important issue related to nighttime commuting of low-income shift workers who walk and/or bike to their workplace using public transit. A shift worker is anyone who follows a work schedule that is outside of the typical daytime working hours of a business day and commute after dark - by walking or bicycling to a transit stop. However, poor visibility conditions on sidewalks and bicycle lanes often thwart safety of their walking and bicycling activities. Therefore, this paper develops two simple scores - nighttime accessibility score for walking (NASW) and nighttime accessibility for bicycling (NASB) - for evaluating nighttime infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclist. The scores consider the employment data, travel time and the physical distribution of streetlight poles along the sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Data from the city of El Paso in Texas is used to demonstrate the applicability of the two scores. Employment data from three prominent service industry sectors known to employ low-income shift workers – i) Retail Trade, ii) Accommodation and Food Services, and iii) Health Care and Social Assistance – are used for demonstration purposes. It is observed that amongst the three sectors analyzed, both NASW and NASB values are higher for regions in El Paso with low-income employment concentrations from the Health Care and Social Assistance sector. It is also observed that some prominent regions in north-east, south-east and west of El Paso need improvements in streetlight systems, sidewalks and bicycle network to facilitate walking and bicycling amongst low-income shift workers employed in Retail Trade, and Accommodation and Food Services industry sectors to access transit stops at night.  相似文献   

画家于小冬,1983年赴藏,一住就是十几年.返回内地后,对那块圣地梦萦魂牵,怀瑾握瑜,断难释怀.于小冬用此画锁定了西藏的那个时代,西藏的那个时代用魔力锁定了于小冬.于是他变作一只候鸟,在每年冬季飞回西藏,在拉萨街头、雪域旷野守望……  相似文献   

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