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As some leading-edge non-profits made initial strides in using the Web as a part of their fund-raising efforts, we began to see that ePhilanthropy also meant online outreach, e-mail campaigns, advocacy and more. Every day, the early adopters have pushed the envelope to redefine this new term.  相似文献   

For nonprofit organisations the Internet represents an unprecedented and highly cost‐effective opportunity to build and enhance relationships with supporters, volunteers, clients and the community they serve. As ePhilanthropy has emerged, organisations have discovered that consistent and deliberate e‐mail communication that drives traffic to the organisation's well‐organised and informative website has become the key to success. Charities should approach the Internet as a communication and stewardship tool first and a fundraising tool second. Success will come not from an emphasis on the technology, but on cultivating and enhancing relationships. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

The rationality of revolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Oil price fluctuates in response to both demand and supply shocks. This paper proposes a new methodology that allows for timely identification of the shifting contribution from the two types of shock through a joint analysis of crude futures options and stock index options. Historical analysis shows that crude oil price movements are dominated by supply shocks from 2004 to 2008, but demand shocks have become much more dominant since then. The large demand shock following the 2008 financial crisis contributes to the start of this dynamics shift, whereas the subsequent shale revolution has fundamentally altered the crude supply behavior.  相似文献   

Professor George Bain, principal of the London Business School, analyses the changes that business schools are making in the face of economic internationalism and new technology.  相似文献   

陈淮 《上海企业》2004,(5):16-16
国务院发展研究中心市场研究所所长、著名经济学家陈淮日前撰文指出,中国要建立信用社会,需要一场信用革命,并须从与传统理念不同的基础做起。 当前失信现象比比皆是:企业债务失信、假冒伪劣盛行、走私贩私猖獗、地方保护与机构腐败屡禁不绝、操纵市场及恶性竞争层出不穷,已经严重威胁到人民生命财产安全、国民经济运行安全和国家基本制度安全的地步。这种局面之所  相似文献   

The rugby revolution: new horizons or false dawn?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent developments have transformed the nature of, and relationships between, the two sports of Rugby League and Rugby Union. This paper examines the changes in the organisation and structure of Rugby League in Britain, together with the implications of the professionalisation of Rugby Union. The various developments are related to well-established debates in the economics of sport. With the circumstances of both sports remaining volatile, the conclusion briefly speculates on future prospects.  相似文献   

We focus on the implications of the shale oil boom for the global supply of oil. In order to derive testable implications, we introduce a simple stylized model with two producers, one facing low production costs and one higher production costs but potentially lower adjustment costs, competing à la Stackelberg. We find that the supply function is flatter for the high cost producer and that the supply function for shale oil producers becomes more responsive to demand shocks when adjustment costs decline. On the empirical side, we apply an instrumental variable approach using estimates of demand-driven oil price changes derived from a standard structural VAR of the oil market. A main finding is that global oil supply is rather vertical, with a short-term elasticity around 0.05. A rolling sample reveals that the shale oil boom does not appear to have fundamentally changed the contours of global oil production, but there is evidence for the oil supply curve to become more vertical in Saudi Arabia and more price responsive in the United States.  相似文献   

The company-based reform of collective bargaining has been frequently advocated as a way towards dramatic improvements in industrial relations. In this article the author tests this view against the available evidence, including a case study in a multi-plant manufacturing company.  相似文献   

国际共运史上一些重大事件表明,在欧美各国城市化加速阶段里社会矛盾冲突异常激烈,伴随着罢工、起义和流血革命,在这个阶段构建和谐社会是一个世界性的难题.  相似文献   

窦伟 《企业技术开发》2007,26(1):64-66,72
文章分析了广东宝供物流集团实现竞争优势的途径,阐述了竞争优势的资源基础和能力基础,及如何保持竞争优势,提出了宝供物流集团今后的竞争与合作战略。  相似文献   

How do money and religion affect the support for revolt in nations? We take a different approach from previous studies to provide an answer by using micro-data based on surveys of revolutionary tastes of over 100,000 people living in 61 countries from 1981–1997. Controlling for personal characteristics and country fixed effects, a 4 percentage point decrease in the GDP growth rate increases the probability of a person wanting to revolt by 2.3 percentage points. This rise can be offset by belonging to a religion which lowers the probability of being revolutionary by between 1.8 and 2.7 percentage points (compared to non-religious people). The effect is concentrated amongst people who identify themselves as being Christian. By comparison, Muslims have similar chances of wanting to revolt as non-religious people.  相似文献   

物联网掀起新的信息技术革命浪潮   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2009年8月7日,国务院总理温家宝视察中科院嘉兴无线传感网工程中心无锡研发分中心时,提出“在传感网发展中,要早一点谋划未来,早一点攻破核心技术”,并表示至少有三件事可以尽快去做,一是把传感系统和3G中的TD技术结合起来;二是在国家重大科技专项中,加快推进传感网发展;三是尽快建立中国的传感信息中心,或者叫“感知中国”中心。  相似文献   

文章论述了绿色革命和城市生态化的基本内涵及理论依据。指出 ,绿色生产消费是城市生态化的战略重点 ,是城市生态化与生态文明的重要标志 ,城市生态化是根本改变粗放型城市发展模式的有效途径。  相似文献   

How much difference will ‘opting out’ make to public education? Professor Edwin West, of the University of Carleton of Ottawa, Canada, concludes that it merely exchanges central government control for that of local authorities'. Why, he asks, could not the Assisted Places Scheme be extended to all children?  相似文献   

The technological development of main frame and mini computers over the last decades has had an enormous impact on social science and market research. These computers allow the analysis of large amounts of data as well as analyses which could not have been done in the past by sorting machines and calculators. The development of micro computers and other electronic technologies will affect data collection in a similar way. It will create new possibilities and will considerably reduce the amount of costs, research time and the number of people involved in the research effort. The advantages of these new procedures are not only the reduction in costs but also the possible improvement of the data quality. There is a tendency towards developing procedures for data collection which are fully automatic so that interviewers are no longer necessary. Such procedures are already in use. This paper discusses several of them. A side effect of these developments is the large amounts of data which are collected. Mostly these data are longitudinally collected. The amount of data collected in this way can be so large that new archival systems are necessary to store this information and to make quick retrieval for clients possible. Market research organizations can now offer completely new services.  相似文献   

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