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随着经济发展,越来越多的跨国公司在华从事R&D活动,各地也积极采取措施,吸引跨国公司研发机构的入驻,跨国公司在华R&D活动提升了我国的科技水平,促进了产业结构升级,但是,同时也产生了一些副面影响。本文着重探讨在江苏地区应对跨国公司R&D活动的竞争,充分发挥跨国公司R&D活动技术溢出效应的途径。  相似文献   

熊彼特假说与新古典学派在“垄断(竞争)程度影响创新”的研究领域形成经典争论,对此进行的大量研究仍没有形成统一结论。本文在对已有实证研究的评述基础上。重新探讨了实证方法论,并基于中国制造业行业的面板数据进行了实证检验。实证结果表明,以勒纳指数表示的行业市场竞争与创新投入之间确呈倒U型关系,而行业中的外资比重比国有比重更能反映创新投入的差异,文章认为这能从中国的制度变迁中找到解释。对于“技术机会”的衡量,本文设计的固定资产项并没有起到足够的作用,相反,行业个体效应更能与其进行对应。  相似文献   

外资R&D机构已成为我国一支重要的科技创新力量。如何根据外资R&D机构本地绩效的内涵及其影响因素,构建指标体系,对其本地绩效进行测评,既可为政府管理部门制定外商R&D投资政策提供决策依据,也是对科研机构绩效评估和外商投资理论的补充和完善,具有较高的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses the urgent need of agricultural science and technology innovation for China's agriculture development, and analyzes the limiting factors faced to the innovation of agricultural science and technology in several aspects, then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of strengthening the innovation ability of agricultural science and technology of China.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济全球化进程进一步加快及市场竞争加剧.R&D作为获取竞争优势源泉,跨国公司将其在海外的投资比重有逐年增多的趋势,特别是一些新兴工业化国家更是成为跨国公司海外R&D投资的新热点。由于R&D合作可以降低研发风险,分担研发成本,避免重复研究,内部化研发溢出效应.更好地开发东道国市场,更及时跟踪东道国技术,可从东道国获取互补性资源等优点,因此,跨国公司改变过去高度集中的:在母国设立研发中心的传统布局模式,开始在全球范围内寻找、利用研发资源,与东道国企业R&D合作在治理模式选择上复杂多样。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the R&D motivations of various multinationals operating in China, drawing on a large-scale, firm-level dataset of official Chinese statistics on science and technology activities. The present study shows that R&D efforts in China have intensified for bothJbreign-owned and domestic firms, but less so for foreign-owned firms, perhaps because foreign-owned firms tend to operate on a foundation of technological capabilities developed within their home countries. Statistical analysis confirms that the major motivations for foreign R&D in China are production-driven, not market-driven or technology-driven. Nevertheless, one sees significant variations in foreign R&D strategies from region to region. Guangdong is characterized by production-driven R&D. In Beijing, R&D strategies tend to take a technology-driven approach, drawing on the clusters of scienl(fic institutions. In Shanghai, the R&D efforts of multinationals tend to focus on support for market-driven R&D,  相似文献   

Usingfirm-level panel data covering 2005-2007, the present paper examines the effects of R&D and human capital investment on productivity in China's electronics industry. It is found that both R&D and on-the-job training positively contribute to total factor productivity (TFP). Firms' investment inemployees' health insurance andpensions, whichare components of workers' compensation, generate a productivity-enhancing effect, supporting the efficiency wage hypothesis. The estimated impact of R&D on productivity varies among different forms of ownership, and foreign-owncd enterprises experience higher R&D efficiency than state or private enterprises. After controlling for potential endogenous causality between TFP and R&D, the above findings remain unchanged We also find that on-the-job training can improve the quality of human capital and is helpful in promoting productivity. Therefore, establishing indigenous technological capability through various technological sources is quite important, and the government should devote further effort to investing in human capital.  相似文献   

This study uses an unbalanced panel data analysis to examine the effects of social capital, top executive attributes and R &D on firm value in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Board from 2007 to 2011. There are several interesting findings. First, the gender (male) and academic degree of the chairperson in the SMEs have a positive and significant effect on firm value. Second, social capital (measured by politieal connections, managerial business association networks and technology association networks) and R&D have a positive effect on SME firm value. Third, the effect of politieal connections on firm value for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is stronger than for non-SOEs, while the effect of business and technology networks on firm value for non-SOEs is stronger than for SOEs. Our study has important policy implications for SMEs that want to compete successfully in China.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes econometric analysis of innovation, learning, and exporting in automobiles and electronics firms in China using a large-scale 2003 dataset to identify the most appropriate innovation proxy. Drawing on recent literature on innovation and learning in developing countries, it tests two alternative proxies: (i) a technology index (TI) to capture a variety of minor activities involved in using imported technologies efficiently; and (ii) the research and development (R&D)-to-sales ratio, which represents formal technological efforts to create new products and processes, often at world frontiers. A higher TI increases the probability of exporting in both industries, while the R&D-to-sales ratio was not significant. Foreign ownership, technical manpower, and the characteristics of the general manager/chief executive officer also matter. The findings suggest that China's remarkable success in the export of automobiles and electronics since initiating an open-door foreign direct investment (FDI) policy in 1978 is linked to technology transfer from multinationals; systematic investments in and upgrading of minor technological activities (like search, engineering, quality management and design); and human capital. As China's per capita income rises over time, however, formal R&D activities are likely to become more important to sustain competitiveness and technological upgrading in automobiles and electronics.  相似文献   

The Chicago School of Monetarism dominates the debate on the competition models. In the last decades, the pendulum has swung back towards the German historical school of economics by List, Schnmpeter, Gutenberg, and Simon. The new trade theory by Paul Krugman is the standard in analysis of economies of scale and product differentiation in intra-industry trade. Chamberlin's product differentiation concept and monopolistic competition theory are included in Krugman's theory. Diversity matters in B2B-business in global markets. About 100,000 multinational corporations (MNCs) dominate the international trade of commodities worldwide but they need partners as suppliers of complementary products, services, and technologies, German hidden champions (HCs) that consist of over 1,300 mid-sized firms (Mittelstand) have revolutionizes the managerial economics. In terms of Peter Drucker, striving for leadership is the greatest gamble. Their success rate has been about 90% as Hermann Simon has reported. Their success recipe is the humble choice of markets segments, mainly B2B-industries, to make good business in any kind of goods and articles, not to follow trends or hit lists. The dilemma in EU-27-countries is that only Germany has succeeded to develop its own management doctrine initiated by Friedrich List and modified by Joseph Schumpeter. List argued that economic policy had to be adapted to the needs of specific nations to create the national system of innovation. Germany is the most diversified country worldwide. German small and medium-sized firms (Mittelstand) are globally oriented. Germany's family business is the unbelievable success story. Alfred Chandler has been a highly influential business writer. Because of Chandler's view, the personal capitalism was generally thought to be the old-fashioned model in comparison to the stock market capitalism. The Germany case is the strong evidence on the fact that Chandler's famous conclusion may be wrong. The family-ownership is perhaps the most sus  相似文献   

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