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李延婷 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2011,(19):67-68
政务公开网络平台,是依托互联网实现政务公开、满足社会公众服务需求的综合性网络平台。它直接面向社会公众,具有方便快捷、覆盖面广、时效性强和贴进群众生活等特点。积极发挥网络平台的监督作用对于政府管理创新,深化行政管理体制改革,积极推进政务公开,具有十分重要的意义。政府应采取由形象展示向便民服务转变;增加沟通交流,发挥群众的积极性;建立公共信息服务与企业网站的联系体系;加强监督,建立网络平台的保障机制等措施,从而充分发挥网络平台的作用。 相似文献
《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2013,14(4):43-66
Sice China opened its doors to foreign business in 1978, its economy has boomed with an annual growth rate of 13 percent in recent years. As market competition has become increasingly intense, the demand for public relations has rapidly escalated as a growing number of local and foreign businesses battle for a piece of the Chinese market. Because public relations is still in its infancy stage in China, there are vast opportunities there for local and for- eign image-building practitioners. The Chinese public relations industry is thriving and gaining in irnportanceimd those abroad are continuing to take notice. 相似文献
China has 16 legal festivals, including New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day, National Day, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival when all Chinese people will be on vacation. The other 9 are for special industries or specific people like Women's Day, Arbor Day, Youth Day, International Nurse Day, Children's Day, Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Com- munist Party (the Party's Birthday) and Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Teacher's Day, and Journalists' Day. At the festivals, people can enjoy the legal holidays. Always a lot of people go out of their homes for traveling or shopping. 相似文献
我国公共安全与经济增长的空间计量实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
公共安全服务可以有效保护资本产权并最终促进经济增长。在考虑公共安全服务空间溢出效应的同时,采用空间计量经济学方法对我国1998到2005年的省级面板数据进行实证分析后得到如下结论:用于公共安全维护的城市维护费用、公检法司支出等公共支出对经济增长的贡献十分显著;相邻地区用于公共安全维护的支出对于本地区的经济增长存在显著的正外部效应;为追求更高的经济增长速度,财政资源可适当向公共安全领域进行倾斜。 相似文献
本文研究了利用低压电网进行高速数字通信的可行性,以及相关的理论扣技术问题。通过对现有电力载波调制解调器的性能比较扣应用测试,分析了电力载波技术的应用现状扣优缺点,并提出了今后电力载波技术的发展方向是宽带混合扩频技术。 相似文献
公共投资与经济增长的相关分析--中国数据的计量检验 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
本文在现有文献研究的基础上,依据中国改革开放20多年的实际数据,运用内生增长理论构建计量经济模型,对公共物质资本投资、公共人力资本投资及R&D投资与经济增长的相关性进行了协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,结果发现:三种公共投资具有不同程度的正向经济增长效应,并且其促进经济增长的路径也不相同.公共物质资本投资主要是通过资本积累效应拉动经济增长,而公共人力资本投资及研发投资则是通过提高全要素生产率及外部性效应促进经济增长.并且,在不同的发展阶段上,三种公共投资与经济增长的因果关系及驱动机制又有所不同.针对实证结果得出结论及政策建议,进而为优化我国公共投资政策提供决策依据. 相似文献
OnSeptember14,WuJichuan,MinisteroftheinformationIndustry,reiteratedtherulesoftheChinesegovernmentissuedin1993thatenterprisesandindividualsabroad,andwhollyforeign-investedenterprises,jointventuresorcooperativeenterprisessetupinChina,arenotpermittedtooperateorjointlyoperatethepubliccommunicationsnetWork,.thespecializedcommunicationsnetwork,andwireandwirelesscommunicationsnetworksinChina,andforeigncapitalcannotbeusedinanyformtopurchasesharesinthem.ManynetWorkcompaniesinChinaquicklyunderstoodM… 相似文献
论我国农村公共产品供给现状及其增加途径 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在长期的“城乡分割”、“以农补工”的城乡“二元”结构体制和向城市倾斜、“重城轻乡”的财政分配制度下,我国农村公共产品供应不足,造成了城乡之间和工农之间的严重差别。经济社会发展新阶段,农村公共产品的普遍短缺,已制约着农业发展、农村繁荣和农民增收。以科学发展观为指导,搞好城乡统筹发展,增加农村公共产品供给显得更为突出和重要。为此,必须寻求有效途径增加农村公共产品供给,促进我国农村发展和全面小康社会建设。 相似文献
链系统级测试环境提供了思路。 相似文献
谈鑫 《中国口岸科学技术》2020,(4):26-29
政府部门对突发公共事件的认知及应对,对于此类事件所引发的网络舆情处置起着决定性的作用。恰当的信息发布及舆论引导,可以在组织内外迅速释疑解惑、形成共识,从而加快处置过程,推动事件朝着良性轨道发展。反之,不当的处置应对不仅会引起事件当事方的不满,还会造成信息混乱,进一步激化与公众之间的对立,进而引发公共事件。本文通过分析当前政府部门在舆情处置方面存在的问题,提出具体应对策略,供各级政府部门参考。 相似文献
公共工程投资是推动经济和社会发展的重要因素,将有限的财政性建设资金科学、合理地配置到能满足各种社会公共需要的方面,使其取得最大的效益。这既是财政性资金支出的核心问题,也是各级政府履行公共责任的重要内容。开展公共工程投资项目绩效审计意味着我国投资审计层次的提升和审计内涵的拓展,是投资审计发展之必然。 相似文献
"公共经济(学)"与"财政(学)"及"公共财政(学)"是既联系又不等同的概念和范畴."公共经济学"的研究对象,除了包括政府进行的活动,还包括非政府进行的其他公共活动.这一概念大大拓展了财政学的研究范围,有利于财政理论、实践和教学的发展. 相似文献
Past research on initial public offerings suggests that the reputation of a company positively affects the success of the offering. Success is usually measured in financial terms as if the essence of the operation lay only in the short-term inflow of money. In this paper, we investigate important albeit often neglected implications of going public by combining evidence from a series of preliminary case studies taken from the results of a survey of 57 Italian initial public offerings. Evidence from our research suggests that, besides providing an important inflow of capital, going public may actually improve the reputational and social capital of a company, by increasing its visibility, prestige and perceived trustworthiness. Therefore, going public may be an important way to support entrepreneurial activity, as it may expand and reinforce the network of relationships that offer access to external resources, complementary skills and investment opportunities. 相似文献
命名数据网络(Named Data Networking,NDN)是一种以信息为中心的新型网络架构,因采用了独特的内容命名法、缓存机制和智能转发策略而受到广泛关注。首先介绍了NDN的基本原理、关键技术以及研究现状,并与TCP/IP架构对比分析了其性能优势;然后总结了NDN在车载自组织网(Vehicular Ad Hoc Network,VANET)、远程视频会议系统、大数据处理分析中的典型应用及研究现状;最后围绕实际应用指出了该技术的不足,并分析预测了其未来应用趋势。NDN对于解决互联网设计中日益凸显的安全性、移动性、可扩展性等方面的问题具有显著优势。 相似文献
The organizers of an online three-month video search for the China Pavilion have received more than 1,000 entries from the public. More than 100,000 votes were cast by Netizens for their favorites during dae search.which en-dedyesterday. 相似文献
China is planning to open the market of construction projects for public civil facilities. A government document to that effect explains that now public facilities can be built with non-governmental funds including foreign capitals as well as capitals from Sino-Foreign joint ventures. According to the Ministry of Construction, the use of construction funds for public facilities projects will no longer be restricted to only local interest. Business oriented operation will be adopted. Construction and maintenance of such public facilities including city greens, parks, public sanitation will all be done through public bidding. 相似文献
Investment boom and industrial recovery support Q2 real GDP growth of 7.9%, above rumour/expectation . No sign of policy change from NBS; Beijing remains stimulative . Momentum will ebb in H2 a bit, we believe, as new investment project starts fall, but base effects will likely mean higher GDP growth numbers. 相似文献