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一、媒体品牌的概念及媒体品牌化的重要性 媒体品牌的概念是广泛的,一个有名气有影响力的电视频道是一个品牌;一个收视率和知名度高的栏目也是一个品牌。在这个信息传播与接受渠道日益繁杂的多媒体时代,品牌化经营已经成为各个电视媒体避免淘汰并能持续发展的重要武器。  相似文献   

吕经甫 《经营者》2007,(15):32-33
在美国乃至全世界,哈雷不仅仅是一个摩托车的品牌,更多的是一种文化与精神的象征,代表着张扬、开拓与无所畏惧的个性。哈雷与别的名牌不同之处在于:哈雷摩托车的拥有者,对哈雷公司及其产品,有着近乎狂热甚至宗教般的尊重和忠诚。奇墨尔于此功不可没。  相似文献   

创品牌时,心中一定要有长远的计划和足够的资金支持以及良好的投资心态,事先准备好投入资源,把市场培养起来,同时创造条件做好市场调查,否则遇到要订单时没订单,要生产时没员工的情况,那会更辛苦。  相似文献   

陈锐 《企业天地》2002,(9):33-34
在相当长的一段时间里,有不少的多元化企业没有取得所期望的增长,对相关的经济现象进行分析,我们可以得出这样的结论:变化了的经济环境和一些非人为的因素使经营多元化企业的难度加大了,而多元化企业显然没有及时适应这些情况的出现。风险投资和证券从业人员之所以更青睐主业单一的公司,是因为多元化经营需要更多的资金、更高素质的职员和更强有力的管理,而以怀疑为座右铭的市场对企业是否具备这些要素缺乏信心。更具体的原因包括:其一,在工业化时代后期及工业化时代与信息时代的磨合期,制造业的水平已经如此先进,以至于每一行业…  相似文献   

品牌经营不能“盲人摸象” “盲人摸象”是个成语,说的是有几个盲人遇到了一头大象,他们十分好奇,就上前摸了大象,然后就对别人炫耀大象的模样。一个说“大象就像一面墙”;另一个说“大象就像一根柱子”;第三个说“大象就像一面芭蕉扇”:第四个说“大象就像一根绳子”。  相似文献   

谢其浚 《东方企业家》2003,(10):156-157
作家王文华在父亲的病榻下,写出了一炮而红的《蛋白质女孩》,再度出手时,他要更坦率地描绘他所熟悉的中产阶级人生  相似文献   

韩国三星公司于1938年创立,在其后的60多年中,三星业务涉及电子、金融、服务、化学、造船等诸多领域,如今三星已成为世界知名品牌。在世界权威品牌咨询公司Interbrand评选的世界品牌排名中,三星品牌的位次及价值分别为:2000年43位52亿美元、2001年42位64亿美元、2002年34位83亿美元、2003年25位108亿美元、2004年22位126亿美元、2005年20位149亿美元。近年来,三星品牌价值的迅速提升,引起了全球经济界的关注。研究表明,三星公司的迅速崛起。主要得益于它在1993年推出的新经营战略。  相似文献   

黄秋丽 《中国企业家》2009,345(16):84-91
曾经被视作商业地产轻骑兵的深国投商置,正在经历翻天覆地、伤筋动骨的调整  相似文献   

用"破窗理论"来简单分析我国房地产市场是不确切的。事实上,我国楼市目前面临的形势非常复杂。总体而言,地震导致的结果将会是:价格略微上升,需求略微减少,需求结构发生变化  相似文献   

崔征 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):94-95
我国立法现状出发,结合司法执法过程中的具体实践经验,试图对工商部门与卫生行政部门之间的在查处无证无照食品经营违法行为中的职责进行划分,探索新的监管之路。  相似文献   

Can older managers overcome stereotypes relating age to low competence? We integrate the literature on age and cognitive ability with research on innovation to explore whether—and if so, when—employees' age harms performance and promotability appraisals made by their supervisors. Multisource, time‐lag data from 305 project managers indicate that the negative stereotypes can be explained through decreased innovative behavior. However, older employees are not always seen as poorer performers with less potential to be promoted due to their reduced innovative behavior. Rather, interdepartmental collaboration moderates these effects. Specifically, older employees with low interdepartmental collaboration are less innovative and receive worse performance and promotability appraisals than younger employees, but the “age handicap” vanishes when older employees collaborate with members of other departments. Organizations should foster formal or informal collaboration among units to prevent negative consequences of an aging workforce.  相似文献   

A recent article by Krause (Qual Quant, doi:10.1007/s11135-012-9712-5, Krause (2012)) maintains that: (1) it is untenable to characterize the error term in multiple regression as simply an extraneous random influence on the outcome variable, because any amount of error implies the possibility of one or more omitted, relevant explanatory variables; and (2) the only way to guarantee the prevention of omitted variable bias and thereby justify causal interpretations of estimated coefficients is to construct fully specified models that completely eliminate the error term. The present commentary argues that such an extreme position is impractical and unnecessary, given the availability of specialized techniques for dealing with the primary statistical consequence of omitted variables, namely endogeneity, or the existence of correlations between included explanatory variables and the error term. In particular, the current article discusses the method of instrumental variable estimation, which can resolve the endogeneity problem in causal models where one or more relevant explanatory variables are excluded, thus allowing for accurate estimation of effects. An overview of recent methodological resources and software for conducting instrumental variables estimation is provided, with the aim of helping to place this crucial technique squarely in the statistical toolkit of applied researchers.  相似文献   


Management accounting’s ability to provide relevant information in production environments has long been discussed in the fields of management accounting (MA) and operations management (OM). Researchers from each field play a major part not only in disseminating their research results, but also in channelling their perceptions of management accounting in production environments through journal publications. The thesis of this paper is that via an examination of the paradigms, theories, and methods in the fields of MA and OM our understanding of the prevailing assumptions about management accounting in production environments in the academic community can be enhanced. The review shows a divide between the fields where the field of OM is oriented towards problem-solving, and the field of MA is more theory oriented. The review points out that the understanding of practice is a divider between the fields, but it also suggests that incorporation of practicing production members into research is a promising path forward. The paper then concludes that OM problematizes management accounting in production environments as a starting point for their research agenda and that both fields portrayal of management accounting in production environments need to be nuanced. There is a need to challenge the research expectations and to accept unconventional research methods to enhance knowledge about management accounting in production environments.


In fiscal 2001, Matsushita electric, a traditional Japanese manufacturer of general electrical appliances, recorded the largest loss in its history. Then, following drastic structural reforms, the company's business results experienced a rapid V-shaped recovery. By transforming its product development strategy from the old technology-led type to a customer-led type and implementing far-reaching organizational reforms, Matsushita emerged as a global leader in the field of digital household appliances. The source of Matsushita's new product development capability was founded on the formation of a number of strategic communities (SCs), which represent the organizational boundaries within and outside Matsushita Group companies, and the organizational integration of these SCs. In this paper, the author uses a detailed case study to describe the mechanism of boundary management that enabled Matsushita electric to simultaneously establish a new market position and achieve competitively advantageous capability in the hi-tech field of digital appliances by balancing vertically integrated SCs and horizontally integrated SCs.  相似文献   

建筑工程采取的"低价中标"招标方法,简单地说就是在招投标时,谁的报价最低就由谁中标的评标方法.它能最大限度地节约建设资金,使招标人达到最佳的投资效益.但在实践中,该方法的运用总是背离初哀.文章对此问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

百事可乐:潜能与品质.与单纯的学历相比,百事更注重员工的潜能与品质,团队协作和发展.百事在面试、招聘员工时,特别注重三大方面--专业能力、管理能力和个人品质.他们强调:一个优秀的百事员工,应具有在既有能力基础上培养发展的可塑性(潜能).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore possible variances and commonalities in staff-related management practices at different country subsidiaries of the same multinational corporation (MNC). The study was exploratory, using data from ninety-six semi-structured interviews about current practices of management within eight European country subsidiaries. Results were based on 12,000 statements about management practices from staff in different countries. Analysis of the statements evidenced variances and commonalities in management practices in the country subsidiaries studied. It is suggested that variances are attributable to cultural factors, institutional pressures and other societal forces, and that commonalities might be explained by a common organizational culture. A theoretical model has been adapted to explain the conditions under which management practices take place in different country settings.  相似文献   

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