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长期雇佣:一个人力资本理论的解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王迪钊  黎煦 《商业研究》2005,76(1):38-40
新古典经济学认为,在劳动力市场上企业按照工人的边际劳动产品支付工资,随着产品市场需求的变动频繁地增减对劳动力的雇佣数量。然而,现代经济理论,特别是人力资本理论的发展,表明现实劳动力市场的运行并不符合新古典理论的假定条件,以长期雇佣为主要特征的内部劳动力市场有其客观的经济效率基础。  相似文献   

中国大城市劳动力市场已经演变成具有二元特征的劳动力市场,其中本地劳动力和外来劳动力的职业构成差异不能仅仅用劳动者自身的人力资本来解释,它还与城市政府的选择性管制有关。虽然中央政府已经逐渐取消针对外来劳动力的歧视性限制,但地方政府借助户籍制度实行的隐性、间接管制在城市劳动力市场职业配置中仍然起着重要作用,是外来劳动力在职业选择中处于不利地位的重要原因。  相似文献   

为适应中国劳动力供求形势新变化,促进社会和谐发展,迫切需要提高进城农民工的职业层次。教育、培训、迁移等人力资本因素是影响进城农民工职业选择的重要因素。使用多元logit模型进行了实证分析。受教育程度越高、接受过培训、在城市工作的年限越长的进城农民工,其从事具有更高社会声望职业的可能性就越大,这些职业有诸如办事人员和生产操作人员、专业技术人员和单位负责人等。提出了加强进城农民工人力资本投资的政策建议。  相似文献   

A new generation different from their etders Cheap labor has buik Chinas economic miracle. As China's economy has bounced back, wages have followed suit. But, for the new generation of Chinese migrant workers, wages are not enough to meet their needs.  相似文献   

The choice argument against sweatshop regulations states that public officials should not prohibit workers from accepting jobs that require long hours, low pay, and poor working conditions, because enforcing such regulations would be disrespectful to the workers who choose to work in sweatshops. Critics of the choice argument reply that these regulations can be justified when workers only choose to work in sweatshops because they lack acceptable alternatives and are unable to coordinate to achieve better conditions for all workers. My thesis is that the presence of unacceptable alternatives to sweatshop labor or barriers to coordination cannot justify sweatshop regulations such as minimum wage and maximum hour laws. Although officials should promote alternatives to difficult and dangerous sweatshop labor, they should not do so by limiting workers’ and employers’ options through coercive regulation. And the fact that sweatshop workers may face coordination problems does not undermine the claim that sweatshop workers choose to work in sweatshops, just as other workers face coordination problems but nevertheless make occupational choices. Furthermore, efforts to restrict sweatshop workers’ choices are morally risky and may not promote workers’ wellbeing or wellbeing in general.  相似文献   

外资进入中国物流业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国物流市场存在着两张网络,一张是外资在物流业的网络,一张是中国本土企业的网络。中国物流企业在中国的网络里运作,外资物流企业在外资的物流网里运作,二者“井水不犯河水”。当我国从世界制造工厂转向世界消费市场之时,外资物流业将直接对决中国物流业。文章提出,我国政府要对物流业的外资进入问题进行深入研究,适时对政策进行相应的调整;加大对具有战略意义的沿海港口的控制力度;高度重视全球产业转移的趋势,提高中国物流产业参与国际分工的水平。  相似文献   

农民工是我国改革开放以来涌现出来的一支新型劳动大军,他们为城市建设和社会发展创造了巨大财富,为我国城镇化、城市化提供了源动力,为农村的社会进步作出巨大贡献。当前,农民工与社会经济之间存在的不合理因素是农村劳动力与社会经济的关系并不对称也缺乏合理性。保护农民工的经济利益,就要对有歧视性的就业政策进行改革和完善,制定符合现代社会发展的农村劳动力就业政策,打破农村劳动力在城市中不合理的二元经济工作环境,确保农村劳动力在城市就业中能享受到与城市居民平等的就业机会。  相似文献   

根据复旦大学人口研究所2002年的调查资料,介绍上海市非公有制企业女工的工资报酬、她们所享有的一般劳动权益和特殊劳动保护权益.在市场化条件下,现有的法律和法规对妇女劳动权益的保护作用呈现减弱的趋势.呼吁全社会在关心妇女就业的同时,必须以极大的热情关注妇女劳动权益的保护.  相似文献   

How do labor markets adjust to trade liberalization? Leading models of intraindustry trade (Krugman (1981), Melitz (2003)) assume homogeneous workers and full employment, and thus predict that all workers win from trade liberalization, a conclusion at odds with the public debate. Our paper develops a new model that merges Melitz (2003) with Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984), so also links product market churning to labor market churning. Workers care about their jobs because the model features aggregate unemployment and jobs that pay different wages to identical workers. Simulations show that, for reasonable parameter values, as many as one-fourth of existing “good jobs” (those with above average wage) may be destroyed in a liberalization. This is true even as the model shows minimal impact on aggregate unemployment and quite substantial aggregate gains from trade.  相似文献   

当前通货膨胀治理的长期性和复杂性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自2007年以来,我国居民消费价格总水平发生了比较明显的上涨,前些年需求拉动的结构型通货膨胀逐渐发展为成本推进的总量型通货膨胀。中国经济发展的特殊要求使我国在应对通货膨胀时面临两难困境。从需求方面看,影响我国价格总水平上涨的因素主要表现在固定资产投资仍然增长过快,银行流动性过剩和国际收支平衡等方面。从供给方面看,需求拉动的通货膨胀导致商品和生产要素价格变动,进而导致国民经济成本结构的变化,并逐渐转化为成本推进的总量型通货膨胀。另外,市场背景、增长背景和发展背景的长期变化所导致的生产成本的周期性变化也可能从供给方面加剧成本推进型通货膨胀。考虑到当前通货膨胀的长期性和复杂性,我国在治理通货膨胀中应重视固定资产投资适度增长问题和收入分配结构问题,渐进地推进能源等关键商品的市场化改革,为中国的可持续发展创造条件。  相似文献   

当前,我国劳务派遣制度存在诸多问题,并集中表现在三个方面:一是用工单位滥用劳务派遣制度现象严重,二是劳务派遣企业管理不规范,三是被派遣劳动者的利益难以保障。文章提出,为进一步完善我国劳务派遣制度,应参考国外劳务派遣制度发展经验,结合我国基本国情与劳务派遣制度在我国的发展现状及存在问题,从劳动者、企业、政府三个方面着手进行改进:一要提高被派遣劳动者的文化素质和技能水平;二要加强对劳务派遣企业的规范化管理;三要完善劳务派遣制度法制建设。  相似文献   

"The link between immigration and unemployment among the native workers of the host country is examined within a model which distinguishes individuals in terms of their ability to perform services in the labor market. An inflow of foreign workers is found to have an ambiguous effect on the level of income received by the native factors of production. This is in sharp contrast to the findings that immigration improves welfare in a fully employed host country and that it unambiguously lowers welfare in a minimum-wage economy with homogeneous labor."  相似文献   

新年过后,用工荒蔓延开来。缺工已经不仅仅局限于珠三角、长三角,而已成为全国性的问题。挡车工、车位工、缝纫工、印染工、抛光工、钳工、装配工、焊工、电工等工种,月薪4000元以上。薪资大幅度上涨,岗位超过求职者,"刘易斯拐点"的证据终于来了。  相似文献   

物流平台研究:发展专用物流平台   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
物流平台是对物流运作起承载和支持作用的以工程和管理为主的环境、条件系统,是现代物流运作的基础,是决定物流发展水平的重要因素.当前,就我国国情与发展水平而言,物流平台是我国物流业发展的薄弱环节,要更多地关注物流平台,发展、建设、完善、提高实物物流平台,保持物流平台建设与构筑一定的优先性和先行性,把打好基础放在重要位置.从与其他相关领域(客运领域)的关系来看,物流平台可分为共用物流平台和专用物流平台两大类.目前在全世界范围内,共用综合性物流平台占主体地位,专用物流平台还比较少见,而我国首先需要解决的就是物流平台特别是专用物流平台的有无问题、短缺问题.考虑到国内对物流平台建设问题尚存在实质上的分歧,并且已经影响到了管理部门,对物流业发展非常不利,必须认真研究、讨论,以寻求真知,达成共识,更好地推动我国物流平台建设.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(4):529-539
A new age of pay transparency began on January 11, 2016, when Executive Order 13665 took effect. Applying to employers who have contracts valued over $10,000 with the U.S. government, the order prohibits them from retaliating against employees for disclosure and discussion of compensation information. This effectively increases pay transparency for an estimated 20% (28 million workers) of the labor force. As a result, the difference in pay between men and women and between white and minority employees is now under increased scrutiny. This article aids employers in this new era of heightened attention to their compensation practices. We begin with an overview of the current dimensions of pay gaps in the U.S., providing a societal level perspective. Pay transparency is emphasized as a means to help narrow earnings gaps at the firm level. Legal, regulatory, and social aspects of pay disclosure are discussed and employers currently using pay transparency are highlighted. We also present management responsibilities and practices for the new age of pay transparency.  相似文献   

An increase in the range of tradable goods is analyzed in a two-country Dornbusch-Fischer-Samuelson style model, where labor cannot relocate to another sector upon a non-expected increase in the range of goods that can be traded.The effect of liberalization on the terms of trade tend to favor the poorer country (the “East”), if (as assumed) the most sophisticated goods are tradable before reform. Second, under ex-post liberalization, there exists a class of workers in the West who are harmed because they face competition from Eastern workers and cannot relocate to other activities. But if the East's economy is relatively small, their wage losses are not very large. Things are different, however, if there exist asymmetries in labor market institutions, such that upon reform, labor can relocate in the East but not in the West. Some workers in the West can then experience very large wage losses. Thus, rigid labor markets in the West magnify opposition to reform there.  相似文献   

In a model with search generated unemployment and heterogeneity on both sides of the labor market, exporting firms are bigger and pay higher wages than other firms. Moreover, there is imperfect persistence in the decision to export and liberalization increases the wage gap between high- and low-skill workers. Openness can increase aggregate productivity in export-oriented markets while generating within-firm productivity losses for the weakest firms. In contrast, openness can lead to within-firm productivity gains for the weakest firms in import-competing industries.  相似文献   

对我国经济结构调整问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受国际金融危机及我国经济自身周期性调整的影响.我国经济受到了很大冲击.在这次应对金融危机的过程中.我国政府及时加强宏观调控,整个国民经济保持了较好平稳发展的态势.为更好地促进我国经济平稳较快发展,应把握有利时机,扩大内需,调整结构,深化改革,并使之成为我国今后的一项长期战略.在结构调整问题上,首先要从长远出发,把经济重心放到满足内需上.降低我国产业和产品对国外需求的依赖性,提高抵御危机冲击的能力.其次,要进一步调整对外经济结构,将比较优势原理与竞争优势原理结合起来,将多元化、多角度、多方位经济贸易战略与风险防范意识结合起来.将区域化战略与全球化战略结合起来.其三,要进一步调整对内经济结构,促进第一产业发展.解决农业及初级资源、能源供给问题,夯实我国经济发展的基础;提升第二产业档次,丰富第二产业层次;促进第三产业发展.吸纳更多劳动力就业.其四,遵循市场机制,进行企业行业结构与产品结构调整,更好地适应市场变化的需要.  相似文献   

加快以农民工市民化为核心的城市化进程,有利于为我国第三产业发展积累人力资本,有利于我国产业结构的转型升级,更有利于拉动内需,进而推动我国经济的均衡可持续发展。我国农民工群体数量巨大,虽然他们被统计为城市居民,但由于消费模式单一、水平低下,与城市本地居民生活有非常大的差别。我国应加快提升农村地区教育水平,着力解决农民工人力资本积累严重不足问题;尽快打破城乡二元结构,让农民工享受城市居民同样的社会保障,解决他们的后顾之忧。为加快农民工转型和我国产业结构的转型升级创造条件。  相似文献   

我国中小型物流企业大多由运输企业、仓储企业演变而来,营销理念、营销模式、营销机制、营销策略、营销手段滞后,做"业务"的多,做"营销"的少;贪大求全的多,市场细分的少;拉业务订单的多,建立战略伙伴关系的少;中小型物流企业很多,营销能力强的企业较少.当今的市场竞争是供应链与供应链的竞争,物流企业要谋求生存与发展,在竞争激烈的市场中做大做强.立于不败之地,必须把握国家振兴和发展物流业的大好机遇,贯彻落实"客户至上、服务为本"的经营理念,整合各种资源,加强基于供应链的营销创新与服务,通过导入营销组合、优化营销组合、创新营销组合.融入供应链、协同供应链、服务供应链,不断提高营销力与核心竞争力.  相似文献   

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