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网络计划方法因控制项目的进度而产生,是进度控制的主要方法,已成功地进行了无数重大而复杂项目的进度控制,并取得了良好的效益。网络计划是借助于网络表示各项工作和所需时间,以及各项工作之间关系的一种技术。通过网络分析,研究工程费用与工期之间的相互关系,找出在编制计划以及在计划执行过程中的关键路线。随着网络计划应用全过程计算机化的普及,网络计划技术在项目管理的进度控制中将发挥越来越大的作用。现在,在建筑行业里业主方的项目招标,监理方的进度控制,承包方的投标及进度控制,都离不开网络计划,网络计划已被公认为进度控制的最有效方法。它还可以应用于人力、物力、财力等资源的安排以及报表,文件流程的合理组织等方面。  相似文献   

网络计划技术是系统工程的内容之一,是企业全面计划、生产管理的科学方法。把具体的生产、施工的实际问题通过拓扑变换抽象成为逻辑关系图,即成为网络图。它是用图解形式清晰明了地表示一个生产任务或工作项目中各组成要素之间的逻辑关系。通过网络计划图可以清楚地反映生产任务的结构安排和各项工作间的衔接关系,可以直观地表达完成生产任务的各种方案和设想,以便统筹兼顾,合理安排,为生产计划的编制和工程项目的管理提供科学的依据。因此,网络图是网络计划技术的重要表现方法。因为无论在网络计划编制之初,还是在随着工程的进展或计划的调整之后,网络图的编制都是一项极其重要和繁  相似文献   

传统的网络计划(CPM/PERT)默认项目实施所需资源已合理投入,并就此安排各项工作。由于该技术传递信息量较少,不利于项目群资源共享。文章通过对工程项目群工期、成本、管理资源分析,提出基于粒子群算法的项目群网络计划优化模型,引入柯布-道格拉斯生产函数完善目标函数,并以某区域管道铺设工程为例开展实例研究,为今后项目群管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Project2003在建筑工程进度计划管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要作好项目管理,需要建立一套行之有效的项目控制系统,要应用网络计划,就需要应用计算机。在建筑工程施工管理中如何使用项目管理软件,章从创建任务、调整任务到输出图表等一系列过程,作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

网络计划技术是以网络的形式制订计划,求得计划的最优方案,并据以组织和控制生产达到预定目标的一种科学的计划管理方法。设备大修理工作应用此项技术能提高设备修理计划的质量,提高大修理现场生产管理水平,从而加快大修生产进度、压缩设备大修理停机时间。但是,网络计划技术作为一种方法,有其适用性,它适合于一次性封闭型的大工程或较大工程,且计划编制的工作量大。设备大修是一个多项目经常性的工作,其中每一个大修理项目就相当于一个一次性封闭型的小工程,这给网络计划技术的实际应用造成了很大困难。因而限制了该项技术的应用。杭州齿轮箱厂为此设计了一个设备大修理停机时  相似文献   

强调了推广网络计划技术的重要性──贯彻《军工条例》的根本保证。简介了网络计划技术在质量管理中的应用,最后指出当前在应用中存在的主要问题,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

线型图在项目进度管理中应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关键线路法(CPM)是一种有效的网络计划工具,已被我国采纳为住房和城乡建设部行业标准。研究表明,以CPM为代表的现行网络计划方法,并不适应于线型建设项目。线型建设项目是指相同的工作在不同的位置实施多次的项目,如地铁工程、高耸构筑物和管道敷设工程等。近年来线型图在线型项目施工进度管理中得到应用,并日益引起项目管理者的兴趣。文章通过一个管道敷设施工项目,阐述线型图如何在线型建设项目中应用分析线型图的优缺点,及其发展前景。  相似文献   

基于关键链的进度计划优化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于航天型号项目生产组织复杂,制造周期长,各工序间的约束关系和成套性要求严格.传统网络计划方法(PERT/CPM)已广泛应用于企业中,但由于本身存在一定局限性,传统项目管理往往通过在项目中增加安全缓冲以加大项目完成的可能性,而忽视在实施过程中资源约束及人的行为心理因素不能克服多任务和不确定因素的影响,造成计划与进度严重脱节.  相似文献   

“十五”国家重点科技攻关计划“先进制造基础件技术研究与应用示范”项目通过专家论证经贸委和科技部于近日组织召开了“十五”国家科技攻关计划“先进制造基础件技术研究与应用示范”项目可行性研究报告专家论证会。以大连理工大学王立鼎院士为组长的专家组在听取了我会科技工作部对该项目可行性论证报告主要内容的汇报后,对有关问题进行了质询和评议,认为该项目主要针对目前国内市场急需的传感器和液压控制技术进行开发,目标明确、实施方案可行,建议尽快启动项目。目前,该项目已进入公开招标阶段。“十五”期间国家高技术研究发展计…  相似文献   

史钧 《施工企业管理》1991,(9):46-47,45
一、引言网络技术是现代化管理方法之一。实践证明:采用网络技术在缩短工期、提高工效、降低成本等方面都行之有效。因而在建筑、安装、施工企业的生产计划和工程进度计划管理中发挥着重要作用。近年来,随着电子计算技术的发展,微机应用的普及,为进一步推行网络计划管理成为可能。计算机使网络计划的编制变得简便、快速。而且更加准确,从而使网络计划管理的效果更加显著,应用更加广泛。目前,国内已有不少此类软件包问世,通过实际应用,取得一定效果。简单说来,一般计算机编制网络计划的流程可表述如下;  相似文献   

Project Management Characteristics and New Product Survival   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We develop a conceptual model of new product development (NPD) based on seminal and review articles in order to answer the question, “What project management characteristics will foster the development of new products that are more likely to survive in the marketplace?” Our model adopts Ruekert and Walker's theoretical framework of situational dimensions, structural/process dimensions, and outcome dimensions as an underlying structure. We conceptualize their situational dimensions more narrowly as project management dimensions, allowing us to examine more specifically how project management practices affect the NPD process. In our model, project management dimensions include project manager style, project manager skills, and senior management support. Structural/process dimensions include cross‐functional integration and planning proficiency. Outcome dimensions include process proficiency and new product survival. Our empirical analysis finds support for 20 hypotheses, a reversal of one hypothesis, and nonsignificant results for one hypothesis. These results show that projects are best led by managers with strong technical, marketing, and management skills, using a participative style and enjoying early and continuous support from senior management. These project management dimensions promote cross‐functional integration and planning, which are important to process proficiency and new product survival. Our study suggests two broad conclusions. First, it confirms the links in the extant literature between situational (project management) dimensions, structural/process dimensions, and outcome dimensions in NPD. Second, firms can improve cross‐functional integration and planning through various project management practices. Generally, we find that firms interested in improving both proficiency in their development process and the survival rate of new products should take steps to promote cross‐functional integration and to improve their planning processes. While the linkage between cross‐functional integration and NPD outcomes is well established in the literature, the impact of the planning process on NPD outcomes is a research area ripe with opportunity. Our study highlights three aspects of planning that contribute to NPD outcomes. Plans should be detailed, team members should participate actively in the planning process, and teams should be given flexibility and autonomy to respond to unanticipated issues as they appear.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of planning and control on the performance of new product development (NPD) projects. It is hypothesized that (1) thorough business planning at the beginning of a project creates a basis for proficient project and risk planning; (2) the proficiency of project planning, risk planning, and process management activities each improves innovation performance directly; (3) the relationship of planning and success is mediated by process management; and (4) the strength of these relationships is moderated by uncertainty, as determined by the degree of innovativeness. To test the hypotheses, data from 132 NPD projects were collected and analyzed. A measurement model was used to establish valid and reliable constructs, a path model to test the main effects, and a multiple-moderated regression analysis for the moderator hypotheses. The results suggest that the proficiency of project planning and process management is important predictors of NPD performance. Specifically, project risk planning and goal stability throughout the development process are found to enhance performance significantly. Business planning proves to be an important antecedent of the more development-related planning activities such as project planning and risk planning. Additionally, the results lend support to the hypotheses regarding the mediating role of process management in the planning–performance relationship. Project planning and risk planning support the quality of process management and thus impact NPD performance indirectly. Only to a limited extent are the strengths of these relationships moderated by the degree of innovativeness of the NPD project.  相似文献   

Substantial attention has recently been focused on the reported failures of zero-base budgeting (ZBB), management by objectives (MBO), and planning, programming, and budgeting (PPB) as management techniques for corporations as well as governmental agencies. This writer has determined that these failures occur because the ZBB, MBO, and PPB techniques are used in lieu of an integrated planning/marketing process and fail to recognize the process or the limitations and scope of these techniques. The techniques can and do work well where they are treated as part of, rather than as a substitute for, the planning/marketing process, and are modified to function efficiently within the process. All elements of the planning/marketing process must be given a fair share of attention if the profit or non-profit enterprise is to succeed.  相似文献   

从项目管理工作的实际出发,借鉴房地产行业的项目管理成功经验,运用管理学的理论和方法。总结了某小区的项目管理及其开发工作整体运作过程。从前期选址、可行性研究到决策,以及从设计到施.工和竣工验收各个环节,全面分析小区建设项目的管理规划及控制要点。  相似文献   

加强合同管理严格造价控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对工程合同特点的分析,指出工程合同管理贯穿于工程实施的整个过程,是提高施工企业和工程项目管理水平的关键。在工程建设过程中加强工程合同管理,严格控制工程造价是提高建设项目投效效益的一个重要手段和措施。  相似文献   

Project98是项目管理软件,在建筑施工生产过程中借助于它进行计划的安排、调整和控制,可以取得较好的经济和社会效益。章结合在南京太阳宫广场施工项目中运用Project98的体会,论述它的建筑施工过程计划前、计划中和计划后的应用。  相似文献   

Incorporating managerial flexibility in an innovative R&D project is important, because managers face greater uncertainty in today's competitive and dynamic changing environment. It is essential to bring managerial flexibility into R&D project planning to decrease technical and market risks, while increasing potential market value. The objective of this paper is to develop a flexibility planning methodology based on real option analysis to improve managerial flexibility for R&D projects. The proposed methodology identifies potential risks that may occur during every R&D stage. It also recognizes a cascading option structure to resolve the identified risks, and evaluates and selects adequate options that maximize the potential value of the project. Instead of using a traditional option pricing method, a dynamic programming model that considers multidimensional product performance and market payoff is used to evaluate the R&D project value. Using the proposed methodology, managers can identify future scenarios as a function of their management actions. The proposed flexibility planning methodology can help managers improve managerial flexibility of R&D project and increase the success rate of product launch. A drug development project is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This study investigates perceptions of 29 prospective teachers about a course based on Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach. The course, ‘Authoring Languages in PC Environment (B-320)’ lasted in 14 weeks in fall semester of 2004–2005. In this course each prospective teacher carried out a project that requires designing and developing courseware individually. This study is qualitative in nature and data were collected through an open ended questionnaire composed of seven items and analyzed by content analysis technique. The results show that prospective teachers found PBL as an effective way of learning. It also suggests that when efficient guidance about technical issues and time management is provided, PBL approach can be successfully implemented in computer related courses such as programming language and web designing.  相似文献   

城市污水处理工程建设,是保障水质的一个重要措施,是城市发展整体规划的重要绀成部分,也是建设循环经济、和谐文明、环境优美城市的迫切需要。城市污水处理工程管理包括工程可行性研究、设计、土建施工、设备选择、安装、调试和使用等环节管理。必须从优化工程设计抓施工图入手,掌握工艺流程,干好土 建工程,抓好设备安装和调试,并十分注意做好用户回访工作。文章对各环节质量管理存在的问题进行分析,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

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