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中国造船工业创新之路及未来技术创新的方向选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球最大的船舶咨询公司克拉克松航运研究公司发布的数据报告显示,2007年第一季度世界船舶企业新接订单3920万载重吨,而中国船舶企业新接订单2010万载重吨,占全球新接订单份额一半以上,历史上首次超过韩国和日本,成为国际船市的最大赢家,世界航运、造船界纷纷为之震惊,惊呼"中国造船时代来临".  相似文献   

浅谈国内船用球扁钢市场现状及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、造船工业的发展带动了船用球扁钢需求的增加 2006年,我国造船产量达到1452万载重吨,手持船舶订单6872万载重吨,创历史新高,跃入世界造船业第一方阵,2007年上半年,造船产量达到755万载重吨,新接船舶订单4262万载重吨,手持船舶订单10540万载重吨.2010年前的造船任务已经饱满,特别值得一提的是,在世界船企手持订单前10强中,中国占有4家船企.  相似文献   

造船三大指标有升有降 2011年,全国造船完工量为7665万载重吨,同比增长16.9%;新接船舶订单量为3622万载重吨,同比下降51.9%;截至12月底,手持船舶订单量为1.4991亿载重吨,比2010年年底下降23.5%。按载重吨计,造船完工量、新接订单量、手持订单量分别占世界市场份额的45.1%、52.2%、43.3%。  相似文献   

今年开年以来,造船市场出现了久违的暖意,走出了一波“小阳春”行情,新船订单不断涌现,主流船厂与主流船东的活跃度不断增加。根据英同克托克松公司数据统计。今年1-4月,全球新接订单量达3041万载重吨,同比增长64.4%:中国造船企业的表现更为抢眼,前4个月的新接订单量约为1211万载重吨,  相似文献   

2008年金融危机爆发前,全球新造船市场实现了井喷式高速发展,全球新接订单量由0.592亿载重吨增至1.436亿载重吨,年均新船成交量为1.31亿载重吨:新船完工量由0.5亿载重吨增至0.909亿载重吨,年均增长8.91%:全球手持订单量由1.156亿载重吨剧增至5.883亿载重吨,年均增长26.17%。  相似文献   

中船重工获得世界最大吨位散货船订单,大连船舶重工承接4艘油船订单,河北远洋签下中国航运企业全球第一大订单,同方江新6艘供应船合同生效,4艘8.7万吨超巴拿马型散货船建造合同签字生效,厦船重工签订1.2亿美元造船合同。[编者按]  相似文献   

2007年.世界造船市场延续了2006年的繁荣景象,各类船舶新船价格不断攀升.远远超出年初人们的预期。截至2007年年底,全球新船订单突破2.5亿载重吨,手持订单超过5亿载重吨。其中,散货船成为2007年船舶市场的主角,成交异常活跃,新船订单达1.5亿载重吨;超大型集装箱船的建造不断升温,成为推动船舶市场整体繁荣的另一主力。  相似文献   

继2003年世界造船高峰后,2004年成为世界船舶工业发展史上又一个高峰年. 据中国船舶工业经济研究中心预测,2004年,全球造船完工量将超过6200万载重吨,再创历史新高;承接新船订单将达到1亿载重吨,成为有史以来新船签约量超过1亿载重吨的第三个年份;手持船舶订单接近2.2亿载重吨,也创下历史新高.  相似文献   

近日,中国船舶工业协会发布报告称,今年7月份我国造船完工753万载重吨,同期我国新船订单近198万载重吨,比当月造船完工量少555万载重吨。据悉,这已经是我国造船业新接订单量连续第9个月低于完工量。银监会主席刘明康认为,全球造船订单减少是全球经济下滑的一个先行指标。  相似文献   

2011年,在世界经济遭受一连串冲击下,全球造船市场量缩价跌,迅速陷入低迷行情。2011年全球新船订单共8190万载重吨,同比下滑40%;而中国新船订单仅3622万载重吨,下滑幅度更是高达51.9%。这使得与造船业休戚相关的船舶配套业的前景极不明朗。  相似文献   

While innovation has become a pervasive term, many of today’s organizations still find innovation elusive. One reason may be that much of what is being said about innovation contributes to misunderstanding. To truly manifest innovation and reap its benefits, one must recognize that innovation is three different things: innovation is an outcome, innovation is a process, and innovation is a mindset. Innovation as an outcome emphasizes what output is sought, including product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, business model innovation, supply chain innovation, and organizational innovation. Innovation as a process attends to the way in which innovation should be organized so that outcomes can come to fruition; this includes an overall innovation process and a new product development process. Innovation as a mindset addresses the internalization of innovation by individual members of the organization where innovation is instilled and ingrained along with the creation of a supportive organizational culture that allows innovation to flourish. Such an understanding defines necessary elements, considerations, and vernacular surrounding the term so that better decisions can be made, thereby enabling innovation and having a greater propensity to succeed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relevance of different types of innovation for firms’ export performance. Despite ample research on the innovation–performance relationship, previous studies have mainly focused on technological innovations, leaving the effects of organizational innovations relatively unexplored. Hypotheses on the relationship between organizational and technological innovations and firm export performance are tested by structural equation modelling using data from 218 Swedish export ventures. The results indicate that organizational innovation enhances export performance both directly and indirectly by sustaining technological innovation. Moreover, by fine-graining our analysis of the mediating role of technological innovation, according to its radicalness and extensiveness, for organizational innovation, we show how the latter enhances both the radicalness and extensiveness of technological innovation although, notably, only extensiveness is actually beneficial for export performance. This study helps alleviate the scarcity of research examining the links among different types of innovation in relation to export performance and contributes to international business and marketing literature by generating new evidence regarding the mechanisms through which organizational and technological innovations may improve export performance.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for understanding new patterns of innovation and commercialization that are most easily observed in Clusters of Innovation (COI) and in the global connections established among them. We define COI as environments that favor the creation and development of high potential entrepreneurial ventures. COI are characterized by heightened mobility of resources (principally people, capital, and information—including intellectual property); increased velocity of business development; and a culture of mobility that leads to an affinity for collaboration, development of durable relationships, and the formation of Networks of Clusters of Innovation (NCOI). These networks are distinct sets of relationships. When the connections progress to the point of mutual dependence and business integration among participating enterprises, such covalent bonds form tightly interrelated business communities, or Super-Clusters of Innovation (Super-COI). In this article, we analyze the characteristics of COI and the nature of the relationships that arise between them to form NCOI and Super-COI. Further, we present an integrated model to better understand the global innovation system.  相似文献   

In boardrooms across North America, executives extoll the advantages of being innovative. Some believe that it is the next level of competitive advantage, the Holy Grail of business. Yet, according to consulting firms Arthur D. Little Inc. [Jonash, R.S. & Sommerlate, T. (1999). The innovation premium. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, pp. 115-135.] and Gary Hamel's Strategos (www.strategos.com/survey/index.cfm), many organizations that try to become innovative rate themselves poorly at it. Why is this the case, and how can these barriers be overcome? This article sets out to answer these questions. It introduces a blueprint that, if followed, will direct organizations to the “innovation zone.” Once organizations reach this nexus, a level of synergy between strategy and innovation is achieved, effectively enhancing the organization's ability to develop new wealth-creating opportunities, identify positive twists in strategic direction, and develop an ongoing capability to innovate.  相似文献   

语文教学是一个充满人情味的审美过程,许多美文佳作都是作者精心营构出来的情感世界.在教学过程中,我们可以开启学生情感的闸门,利用人类普遍的心理,把学生带入一个有血有肉的情感空间,领略作品丰富多彩的精神内涵,提高学生的审美鉴赏能力.  相似文献   

Firms that compete in mature markets often depend on innovation for gaining market share and differentiating themselves from competitors. Innovation-development processes generally use some combination of the 15 steps outlined here.  相似文献   

在建立现代企业制度进程中必须强化财务管理,明确财务管理目标,全面实施财务预算管理;建立控制标准,加强成本管理;树立以人为本的理财观念;强化风险管理.  相似文献   

This study assesses the relationship between organizational innovation and technological innovation capabilities, and analyzes their effect on firm performance using a resource-based view theoretical framework. The article presents empirical evidence from a survey of 144 Spanish industrial firms and modeling of a system of structural equations using partial least squares. The results confirm that organizational innovation favors the development of technological innovation capabilities and that both organizational innovation and technological capabilities for products and processes can lead to superior firm performance.  相似文献   

This study empirically analyzes the impact of the diversity of three channel types (the information search, technology acquisition, and collaboration channels) on four types of innovation (service, process, organization, and marketing) performance using data from a sample of service firms of the Korean innovation survey. The results of this study indicate that innovative service firms tend to rely heavily on the diversity of information search channels for all four types of innovation performance, while their reliance on the diversity of the technology acquisition channel and collaboration channel is considerably low. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of channel management strategies for better service performance.  相似文献   

融资租赁又称金融租赁(Financal Lease)是指出柑人根据承租人对供货商租赁物件的选择,出资购买租赁物租给承租人使用,承租人与出租人签定融资租赁合同,承租人在一定时间内支付租金的融资方式。县有特有的三方关系,分别为出租人、承租人、供货商。融资租赁涉两个合同,一个是出租人与供货商之间的买卖合同,另一个是出租人与承租人之间的租赁合同。  相似文献   

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