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中国广告学专业教育现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔均 《中国广告》2003,(10):88-92
广告学在中国高等教育中是一个比较年轻的学科,从第一家高校开设广告学专业算起,迄今仅有20年的时间。目前虽然全国已有180多所高校开设了广告专业或增设了广告学方向(含专科层次),但是,广告学专业究竟应该怎样建设和发展,仍是目前我国广告学教育亟待研究的重大问题。我们对国内部分开设广告专业的高校作了抽样调查,共发问卷1100份,收回有效问卷978份,其中被调查的大二学生占39.11%,大三学生占43.29%,大一和大四学生占17.6%。现将本次调查和分析结果汇总如下。  相似文献   

殷娟娟  吕洁 《中国广告》2009,(5):104-109
处在经济欠发达省份、办学历史较短的江西广告专业高等教育在办学过程中存在各种困难,而主要的困难表现为年轻且结构不合理的师资队伍影响教学水平、科研水平;办学经费紧张影响教学设施的投入、优秀人才的引进和师生走出校门的学习与实践;大部分来自农村或落后地区学生的视野相对狭窄,影响了他们对现代广告理论和事务的认知;科研的弱势影响了江西高校广告专业在人才培养上的特色和学科地位的提升。本文通过大量的数据对江西广告专业高等教育的困境进行了深入细致的分析,为找到突破困境的对策研究打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

本研究通过对国内24所招收广告专业硕士研究生的高校负责人的调研及其培养计划的分析,描述了我国高较广告专业研究生教育及课程结构的现状概况。同时,针对在校研究生和毕业研究生进行了问卷调查收集受教育者的反馈意见.并参考美国5所知名高校培养计划的分析得出的美国广告研究生教育特点,从广告学的学科体系角度,提出广告学研究生课程体系的设想。  相似文献   

广告学是多学科交叉的综合性应用学科,广告学的理论教育融合营销学、传播学、心理学等多种理论。然而,这些学科的专业理论转化为广告学理论和广告实务能力却有一定的跨度。这个跨度对讲授广告专业理论课程的教师提出了更高的要求。文章以大众传播学在广告专业的教学为例,分析高校广告专业理论课程存在的部分问题,并提出优化教学的对策。  相似文献   

王海凤  李芳 《广告大观》2004,(12):158-159
面对中国广告业发展中不断出现的新问题与新困惑,让我们再一次回过头来,对广告专业的理论学习基地广告教育进行一次彻底的反思:广告学学科建设的发展方向将是什么?怎样培养属于中国的广告专业人才?广告教育有本土化,国际化之分?…,在10月21日举行的“中国高校广告论坛”上,我们听到来自各高校广告专业教师们的不同声音,但愿这样的声音能够对今天的广告教育现状有一个警醒的作用。  相似文献   

澳大利亚职业教育对中国高校广告教育创新的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉 《中国广告》2010,(9):121-123
中国高校的广告学专业教育改革势在必行。澳大利亚的职业教育可以提供改革的借鉴和指导。本文总结了澳大利亚职业教育的方法和经验,联系中国高校广告教育的实际情况,提出了这些方法和经验在广告学专业教育创新中应用的具体做法。  相似文献   

美国广告教育的历史变迁及现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔均  程红 《中国广告》2007,(12):43-47
中国广告教育界长期以来对广告专业的属性划分和归类、专业主干课程的确定,以及广告教育是否像其他学科一样设立专业教学委员会等问题一直争论不休。本文研究了美国高等广告教育的发展和变迁,从高校开设广告课程的状况、广告专业发展状况到美国高校广告研究的现状进行了清晰的梳理。这些研究对中国广告教育有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨慧 《中国市场》2011,(36):181-182
目前高校的很多专业都开设有《广告学》课程,不同的专业对《广告学》课程的教学要求有着明显的差异。市场营销专业的《广告学》课程教学重在实践与应用,且强调广告作为市场营销策略之一。本文针对当前高校中市场营销专业广告学教学过程中的问题进行了分析,并根据多年的《广告学》课程教学经验有针对性地提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

祝帅 《广告大观》2009,(4):87-96
当今治中国广告史的研究者,常常以1979年丁允朋在《文汇报》上发表的《为广告正名》一文以及唐忠朴等《实用广告学》一书的出版作为新中国广告学术研究的开端。然而,1949—1978年这段时间中的广告学研究,并非是人们所想象的一片空白。在新中国成立后前30个年头中,广告研究零散地分散在文史研完、商业美术、对外贸易系统等多个领域中.在那个特殊的历史时期的文化政治背景中取得了一些独特的学术成果。如果忽略中国广告学在这三十年间所关照的一些研究主题,我们就无法建立起一个关于二十世纪中国广告学学术史完整的脉络,也无法从根源上理解八十年代广告学研究中的某些时代性主题。  相似文献   

对2002年中国大陆广告学研究的基本状况进行梳理,目的是使大家能对刚刚过去的一年中中国大陆的广告学研究所取得的新成果、新观点以及广告学发展态势有进一步的了解和把握,更好地促进广告学研究的发展。为了能更好地反映我国大陆广告学界研究态势和水平,本文的研究取样主要来源于三个方面:一是广告类杂志,主要是《中国广告》、《国际广告》、《现代广告》、《视听界·广告大观》;二是媒介或高校主办的新闻传播类杂志,包括《当代传播》、《新闻界》、《国际新闻界》、《新闻大学》等;三是高校学报的哲学社会科学版中的相关论文,主要包括《厦门大学学报》、《浙江大学学报》、《吉林大学学报》、《现代传播》(北京广播学院学报)、《复旦大学学报》等。我们认为以上这些刊物或著作的研究取向基本上能体现国内广  相似文献   

随着计算机的普及,计算机的应用涉及到各个工作领域,各大高校都开设了平面广告等相关专业。随着平面广告所需人才的增多,如何培养出优秀合格的平面设计人才,威了每个平面专业教师深入思考的问题。本论文针对高职高专院校的计算机平面专业学生,在绘图、排版等软件学习过程中遇到的问题,结合自身教学工作,总结出利用案例教学法进行教学的一些方法。  相似文献   


The author asserts that the quality of advertising education in four year colleges and universities has improved with age. Graduate courses in the field of advertising have aided teachers into becoming more research oriented. Schools of business have moved their advertising programs into a management technique direction while journalism/communications programs have stayed more on the functional and creative sides.

Advertising education is stronger today than at any time in its brief history. yet there are weaknesses. Some claim that schools are still not giving a strong moral and social responsible base to our students. Educators feel that there is a lack of current material to use in the classroom. They also feel that there needs to be more campus cross-fertilization bringing students together with other disciplines.  相似文献   

This study examined the cognitive and affective components of advertisement attitudes towards positive and negative political advertising. Simulated advertisements for two US presidential campaigns conducted eight years apart were given to student samples at two state universities. The results indicated that, while overall attitudes had not changed, when examining sponsor‐positive advertisements and opponent‐negative advertisements separately the components of advertisement attitudes had changed over the eight‐year time span, particularly for female subjects.  相似文献   

The effects of advertisement and context type on the responses to advertisements for different brands of new and existing products were tested. In the first experiment (243 graduate students) a positive emotional advertisement and a non‐emotional advertisement for a well‐known and a new brand of printer were tested in a positive emotional context and a non‐emotional media context. In the second experiment (206 graduate students) positive emotional and non‐emotional advertisements for new brands of watches and healthy drinks were tested in an emotional and a non‐emotional context. The type of context moderated the responses to advertisements for the well‐known and new products: a positive emotional context led to a more positive attitude towards the advertisement and the brand and purchase intention for the well‐known brand than for the new brand. A non‐emotional context led to more positive responses for the new brand than for the well‐known brand. In general, emotional advertisements led to more positive affective reactions and non‐emotional advertisements led to more positive cognitive reactions. However, the type of advertisement did not have a moderating effect on the responses to advertising for the new or well‐known brands or different product types. The studies illustrated the relevance of media context for advertising new versus existing products.  相似文献   

手机短信广告是一种新型的广告形式,具有发送方便快捷、成本低廉、投放准确、接受率高等优点。目前,手机短信广告存在着发布主体混乱、虚假和违法短信广告泛滥、侵犯手机用户合法权益的现象严重等问题。为此,应通过完善短信广告相关法律规范、加大短信广告监管力度、强化通信运营商监控职责、健全用户权利保障机制、转变短信广告经营模式、强化短信广告行业自律等措施来促进手机短信广告的健康发展。  相似文献   

This exploratory study proposes and tests a theoretical model that analyzes threat appeals in regard to their effectiveness for high‐anxiety students, one of the major target groups for counseling services. In particular, affective and cognitive responses to a threat appeal advertisement and their effects on attitude toward the advertisement and behavior are examined. The results suggest that a strong threat appeal is not effective for counseling services but that positive emotions toward the advertisement and cognitive involvement have a positive impact on advertising outcomes. The study contributes further to knowledge of threat appeal effectiveness, targeting “anxious” audiences.  相似文献   

Multiscreening refers to consumers' simultaneous usage of multiple screen-based devices. Prior research has shown that simultaneous multiscreening distracts consumers and hinders cognitive processing. In this paper, we evaluate whether and how simultaneous multiscreening can harm advertising effectiveness. Moreover, we test under which conditions an additional mobile advertising impression can moderate the effect of multiscreening on advertising effectiveness. We test the impact of multiscreening via different screen-based devices in two experiments. We find that multiscreening decreases advertising effectiveness and show that an additional mobile advertising impression of the same brand can attenuate the effect, but only when the additional mobile advertisement does not lead to high levels of distraction from the desktop advertisement.  相似文献   

Co-branded advertising (two brands featured in the same ad) is a relatively new and under-researched area of advertising that offers advertisers the opportunity to share advertising costs and leverage brand equity. Despite its growing popularity, few research studies have examined the potential benefits and/or limitations of this executional strategy, and particularly a strategy in which one brand (a focal brand) is paired with another, but less emphasized (peripheral) brand. This study reports the results of an empirical investigation that examines how modifying reference to the peripheral brand (visual-only versus simultaneous visual and audio references) influences consumers' perceived associations of the advertised brands, as well as their attitudes toward the advertisement and intentions to purchase either brand. Employing a convenience sample of undergraduate students on a university campus in the United States, the results of this study indicate that audio-visual cues enhance brand association and purchase intentions. However, additional analyses reveal that attitude toward a co-branded advertisement mediates the brand association effect on purchase intentions toward the focal brand, whereas brand association has a direct effect on purchase intentions toward the peripheral brand.  相似文献   

关于手机商业短信息广告发展的法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
手机短信息作为一项新兴的电信业务,不仅为人们的日常交流、联系带来了极大的方便,而且众多商家已经开始挖掘手机短信作为一个广告平台的巨大潜力,与此同时,如何将短信广告与那些违法的垃圾信息相区别,使其既能达到经济的广告效益又能确保手机用户权利不受侵害也成为了一项亟需解决的难题。如何有效管理短信息广告,使这种新兴的广告形式得以合法地发展下去需要进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

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