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The island of Mallorca is the main Balearic resort and sustainable water management is a key challenge for the economic and ecological sustainability of tourism as the main economic activity. The critical water supply situation on the island is being exacerbated by the extension of the tourist base to so-called “quality tourism”. Since the mid 1990s, low-density residential tourist land uses associated with second homes and more affluent urban dwellers have spread around existing mass tourist urban centres. Increasing water consumption for outdoor uses (gardens, swimming pools) is a direct consequence of this development. Available water consumption data mask the impact of residential tourism on water consumption levels. The objective of the present paper is to compare per capita water consumption in quality tourist, mass tourist and residential urban areas, and to provide quantitative information on the magnitude of water consumption by gardens and swimming pools as water-related leisure structures. The analysis combines water consumption data with a land use geodatabase at the sub-parcel scale, a detailed population inventory, and an estimate of pool water use. The results show that quality tourism produces higher water consumption levels per capita than mass tourism. Garden irrigation is the single main cause of the high water consumption in quality tourist areas and accounts for more than 70% of these areas’ total consumption in summer. But even in mass tourist and residential areas, garden irrigation accounts for up to 30% and 20%, respectively, of total water consumption in summer. Individually owned swimming pools cause an additional average water consumption of 22 litres/person/day. The proliferation of swimming pools and lavish ‘Atlantic’ gardens may turn out as one of the biggest threats to sustainable water management on the island of Mallorca and in other tourist destinations adapting the quality tourist model.  相似文献   

旅游业在给人们带来丰厚收益的同时,也对环境产生不利影响。旅游开发区内的环境经济效益,是旅游业生存和发展的基础。环境经济效益分析中影响因素较多,基于旅游资源开发主体——水域的环境脆弱性,运用环境经济学、技术经济学、现代数学等有关理论和方法,以某旅游开发区为实例,说明费用——效益分析方法在评价水域旅游开发区环境经济效益的有效性。  相似文献   

To a large extent, tourism development triggers an economic boost in certain regions. However, given its complex and dynamic forms of land use, tourism development also causes changes to land-use demands and patterns in tourist regions, which directly and indirectly interfere with local environments. The development of tourist regions must achieve a series of trade-offs to meet sustainability goals. This paper discusses the effects of tourism on land-use change and how land regulation policies integrate tourism development with land use. We employed a system dynamic-cellular automata hybrid model using the Lijiang River Basin as an example to translate tourism-affected land dynamics into spatial distributions and project their likely future changes under various development scenarios. We determined three major outcomes. (1) Tourism development causes a quantitatively increasing demand for construction land. With effective spatial regulations, the expansion of construction land does not necessarily suggest the loss of eco-land; rather, land-use pressures accordingly shift to cropland. Under these circumstances, land regulation policies help to balance land demand and optimize land-use patterns. (2) Tourism development causes a continuous spatial interference with landscapes. Land regulation policies have the positive and active effect of ignoring this interference rather than counteracting it. (3) The strict implementation of land regulation policies does not necessarily improve land-use patterns. Flexible policies achieve a better balanced land-use pattern than a combination of individual strict policies. However, the former cannot reduce as much vulnerability as the latter. Hence, policy assembly represents a trade-off with regards to balancing land demands, and it should vary based on regional land-use patterns and targets.  相似文献   

基于游客感知的乡村休闲旅游实证研究——以鄢陵为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的高速发展以及城市化水平的提高,乡村休闲旅游在全国范围内得到迅猛发展。文章从乡村休闲旅游产生的原因、推动力及存在的问题对我国乡村休闲旅游的现状进行了研究,发现乡村环境及民族文化是乡村休闲旅游大规模发展的根本原因,而经济的快速发展、政府的大力支持以及城乡统筹的高度重视推动了乡村休闲旅游的发展。为促进乡村休闲旅游的发展,文章对游客感知理论进行了分析,旨在从游客的视角出发,指导乡村休闲旅游的开发,运用感知价值的理论对游客的需求进行多维度的具体化分析。以此为基础,文章对鄢陵县休闲旅游进行了分析,从樱桃观光采摘游、花都赏花踏青游、花乡农家游和品陈化店茶游4方面进行了研究。研究发现,对于乡村休闲旅游而言,游客感知价值、游客满意度是保持较高回头率的关键因素。从鄢陵县各版块旅游现状来看,游客从乡村景观、产品服务、基础条件和成本认知等各方面都表现得相当满意,游客回头率高,对外推荐度高,推动了鄢陵县乡村休闲旅游产业的高速发展。此外,文章还对鄢陵县乡村休闲旅游提出了建议,鄢陵县还需深入挖掘乡村休闲旅游资源的潜力和特色,努力改善乡村旅游地的环境条件以及开发新的旅游路线。  相似文献   

通过对尼山风景旅游区旅游资源、区位、社会环境等方面的调查,系统分析了开发尼山旅游资源的优势条件和制约因素,评价了旅游资源的特点,提出了开发对策。  相似文献   

中原城市群旅游资源丰富,经济状况良好,区位条件优越,旅游业发展前景广阔。在中原城市群经济一体化的背景下,旅游业作为具有比较优势的产业,一体化的要求更加迫切。应树立“大旅游”观,统一打“中原城市群旅游”品牌,联合宣传营销,整合开发旅游资源,提高旅游企业竞争力,同时加强政府主导,培育一体化旅游市场,实现中原城市群的可持续旅游发展。  相似文献   

以"3+5"城市群中的娄底市为研究对象,对生态足迹的理论与方法在区域旅游可持续发展定量评价中的应用进行实证研究,结果表明:2009年娄底市人均旅游生态足迹为768.988 1×10-5hm2,其中交通足迹最大,占55.315 6%,其次是餐饮为39.762 2%。人均旅游生态承载力为1 520.517 0×10-5hm2,人均旅游生态盈余为751.528 9×10-5hm2,处于一种一般状态或者说较为安全的状态。但随着旅游的快速发展,娄底市旅游生态足迹有逐年增大趋势,应协调好旅游业发展和生态环境保护之间的关系。  相似文献   

目的 探究湖南省乡村旅游类型和空间分布格局,为该省乡村旅游多样化发展和空间格局优化提供参考。方法 文章筛选湖南省的276个乡村旅游点作为研究对象,首先对乡村旅游点进行类型界定和划分,然后分别采用ARCGIS软件空间分析方法,从全省、地级市、不同类型的乡村旅游进行多层面多角度地综合分析。结果 (1)湖南省乡村旅游类型可以划分为4个类型,包括自然景观类、休闲度假类、特色农业类、民俗文化类。其中休闲度假类比例最大(31.52%),其次是民俗文化类(30.80%),自然风景类(19.57%),特色农业类(14.86%)。(2)湖南省乡村旅游点空间分布整体呈集聚状态,形成以“长沙—湘潭”为核心的“常德—长沙—湘潭—衡阳”主体集聚片区,重点分布在为以洞庭湖流域和湘江流域以及以长沙和株洲为中心的交通枢纽周围。5A景点、水系分布、道路交通、中心城市、经济水平和人口密度均对其具有明显的正面影响。(3)湖南省4种不同类型的乡村旅游点也均表现为明显的集聚分布,但是集聚态势各不相同,以特色农业类集聚程度最高,民俗文化类和休闲度假类次之,自然景观类集聚程度相对最低。各类型在地级市的分布相对均匀,每个区域仍有各自的特色旅游类型。结论 湖南省乡村旅游点分布整体呈集聚态势,且乡村旅游类型具有明显的多元化发展趋势。首先要明确自身特色,做到精准定位。其次各类型协同发展,目前湖南省休闲度假类乡村旅游发展较快,需要严把质量关;民俗文化类资源丰富,可以深入挖掘,尤其是湘西、张家界和怀化3市区等。此外积极推动高级旅游景区建设,完善湘西南地区的交通体系等,进一步推进湖南省乡村旅游的协调健康发展。  相似文献   

Several studies published in the last few decades have demonstrated a low price‐elasticity for residential water use. In particular, it has been shown that there is a quantity of water demanded that remains constant regardless of prices and other economic factors. In this research, we characterise residential water demand based on a Stone‐Geary utility function. This specification is not only theory‐compatible but can also explicitly model a minimum level of consumption not dependent on prices or income. This is described as minimum threshold or nondiscretionary water use. Additionally, the Stone‐Geary framework is used to model the subsistence level of water consumption that is dependent on the temporal evolution of consumer habits and stock of physical capital. The main aim of this study is to analyse the impact of water‐saving habits and water‐efficient technologies on residential water demand, while additionally focusing attention on nondiscretionary uses. This is informed by an empirical application using data from a survey conducted among residents of Brisbane City Council, Australia. The results will be especially useful in the design of water tariffs and other water‐saving policies.  相似文献   

旅游地土地资源可持续利用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游开发追求片面的经济利益,导致旅游地土地资源的利用出现诸多问题;旅游地土地资源可持续利用是指能够持续满足旅游业发展及当地社会发展的土地生产力和景观环境需要的土地利用,调查土地资源、进行土地利用规划、加强土地用途管制和公众参与是旅游地土地资源可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

纪晓锋  王春光 《中国国土资源经济》2012,25(4):20-21,27,54,55
重庆市温泉旅游资源独具特色,近年来开发量呈爆炸式增长,但仍存在着产业基础薄弱、品牌效应不明显、旅游客源单一、游客对消费认知不足、温泉企业低水平同质化竞争等问题。应建立政策通道,使地热水资源与土地资源整合,在成果处理上要充分体现各方利益,严格矿政管理,完善市场准入机制,推进地热资源的综合利用,以使地热资源发挥最大的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

[目的]旅游地生态环境承载力与低碳旅游环境构建直接关系到旅游地低碳旅游能否真正实现。以苏南古镇周庄、锦溪、千灯为研究案例地,通过实地调查获取古镇生态环境承载力相关数据,分析古镇生态环境承载力,并从低碳交通环境、低碳建筑环境、低碳生活环境等3个方面确定10个调查指标,对古镇旅游者低碳旅游环境感知展开问卷调查,研究古镇低碳旅游环境的构建。[方法]古镇生态环境承载力相关数据采用生态环境承载力公式进行分析。采用主成分法对10个调查指标进行探索性因子分析,了解古镇低碳旅游环境现状,利用单因素方差分析法,检验不同人口学特征旅游者低碳旅游环境感知的差异。[结果]3个古镇生态环境承载力总体尚未超载,但周庄在国庆黄金周期间存在水环境承载力超载现象。3个古镇低碳交通环境构建最好,低碳建筑环境、低碳生活环境均需要改善。不同人口学特征旅游者低碳旅游环境感知仅在少数指标上存在差异性。[结论]古镇生态环境承载力总体能够满足旅游业发展需要。古镇低碳旅游环境在政策引导、低碳建筑、低碳能源、低碳设施、限制一次性用品、植树造林、资源回收利用等方面需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

森林旅游产品的分类、特征及开发研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
作为森林旅游区,如何开发森林旅游产品,不仅是一个重点,也是一个难点。而森林旅游产品的分类是森林旅游区合理开发旅游产品的基础与前提。一些学者从不同的角度对旅游产品的分类进行了研究,分类标准不同,对开发的指导意义也会不同。本文从构成森林旅游产品的核心竞争要素将森林旅游区旅游产品分为三类,研究了每一类型的特征,并对森林旅游产品的开发提出了一些指导建议。  相似文献   

沈员萍  王浩  黄萌 《林业经济问题》2007,27(5):468-471,479
介绍了生态旅游景区地方特色的品牌效应、生态效应和可持续发展效应,阐述了生态旅游景区地方特色的精神载体、物质载体以及载体表达,并以福建诏安乌山国家森林公园旅游中心区域为例,分析了生态旅游景区地方特色塑造的方法,提出规划中要充分挖掘生态旅游景区的精神载体、落实物质载体的构建及发挥其地方特色效应,最终实现生态旅游景区地方特色的塑造及其生态环境、经济收入的可持续发展。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对山西省乡村休闲旅游地的空间分布特征及影响因素进行研究,旨在为山西省的乡村旅游发展提供合理的参考建议。[方法]选取山西省213处国家级和省级乡村旅游示范点为研究对象,运用最临近点指数对其空间分布类型进行判别,并运用地理集中指数和地理联系率对其分布均衡程度和地理联系程度进行考量,通过核密度图进一步分析其空间分布指向,在此基础上对影响因素进行分析。[结果]山西省乡村休闲旅游地空间分布呈集聚分布的特点,且与经济规模和人口密度在空间上的均衡、配合程度较高。[结论](1)山西省乡村休闲旅游地包括以太原和晋中为主的中部密集区和以临汾、运城、晋城为主的南部密集区,且都以各地级市为中心向周边扩展,大多数示范点分布于城郊地区; (2)经济发展、人口密度、资源禀赋、区位因素和社会因素是影响山西省乡村休闲旅游地分布的主要因素,其中农业科技类、农事体验类和特色村镇类多分布于经济和人口密度较高的地区。  相似文献   

Land consumption due to residential development, economic growth and transportation belongs to the most serious environmental pressures on landscapes worldwide, in particular in urbanised areas. Accordingly, the aim of containing the development of land is rated increasingly high on the agenda of environmental policy, at least in densely populated countries such as Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands or the UK. As a result, different strategies and instruments to prevent excessive land consumption are being discussed. However, many of these strategies and instruments adopt a rather general approach, while it seems more effective to define the particular areas where the goal of reducing land consumption is to be pursued. Such an approach must draw on information about how detrimental specific land use transitions are with regard to, for instance, the functionality of soils, water balance or habitat quality at specific locations. This paper introduces a conceptual framework for the impact assessment of land use transition in urban areas which highlights how such information can be acquired. This framework includes the differentiation of two levels of impact assessment: the level of the single land unit and the context level which takes into account regional and aggregated impacts of land use transition bound to the spatial context. The conceptual framework provides a basis to disaggregate (supra-)national policy targets regarding land use, to scale them down to the regional level, and thus to clarify the spatially explicit implications of land use policies.  相似文献   

森林旅游企业环境行为的演化博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用演化博弈理论构建了森林旅游企业环境行为的演化博弈模型,指出政府进行环境监管的概率与成本、对森林旅游企业实施的惩罚、森林旅游企业因实施环境行为为自身带来的收益及所花费的成本是影响森林旅游企业环境行为演化的主要因素,并在此基础上提出了加大政府政策扶持、建立森林旅游生态补偿机制、完善森林旅游环境监管体制、制定合理的奖罚制度等促进森林旅游企业实施环境行为的政策建议。  相似文献   

乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫效应及提升研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]乌蒙山会泽片区属于连片集中特困地区,文章分析其旅游扶贫效应,以期为其他贫困地区的旅游扶贫开发提供参考和借鉴,对于丰富和发展区域扶贫理论具有重要的指导意义。[方法]该文采取文献分析、实地调研、建立片区农民人均纯收入与片区游客人均消费的计量经济学模型,对乌蒙山会泽片区客源人次、综合收入、游客人均消费、农民人均收入进行分析。[结果]农民人均纯收入与游客人均消费呈现高相关关系;乌蒙山会泽片区无论是旅游人次还是综合收入占曲靖市的比重不高。[结论]乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫带动农民收入的经济效应呈现逐年持续增加的态势,但乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫的经济效应总体不是很高,还有进一步提升的空间,应利用丰富的自然生态资源与深厚的历史文化资源,加快现有旅游景区转型升级步伐、依托旅游培育增收产业、提升群众参与度、加大宣传推介提高片区知名度,将吸引更多的游客前来观光、休闲、康体养生,带动旅游相关产业的发展,旅游扶贫的经济效应将会得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

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