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In contingent valuation, despite the fact that many externalities manifest themselves as costs to some and benefits to others, most studies restrict willingness to pay to being non‐negative. In this paper, we investigate the impact of allowing for negative, zero and positive preferences for prospective changes in woodland cover in two UK national parks, the Lake District and the Trossachs. An extended spike model is used to accomplish this. The policy implications of not allowing for negative values in terms of aggregate benefits are also investigated, by comparing the extended spike model with a simple spike making use of only zero and positive bids, and a model which considers positive bids only. We find that ignoring negative values over‐states the aggregate benefits of a woodland planting project by up to 44%.  相似文献   

与其他国家的国家公园相比,中国广义国家公园体系在部门管理体制下逐步演变为9种类型,存在多园并存的现象,对我国9种类型的国家公园现状进行了分析和总结,通过各类型的国家公园在CNKI和互联网搜素引擎中的出现频次对专业学者和普通大众对其关注程度进行分析,指出了多园并存的合理性和局限性,并针对这种现状提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

福州国家森林公园的客源市场分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
综述了旅游客源市场的有关理论及其意义,以福州国家森林公园为例,采用问卷调查法进行客源市场调查。在客源市场和数据资料分析的基础上,分析了森林公园的旅游客源现状特征,为其总体规划提供基础资料和科学依据。  相似文献   

资源整合和体制的改革是目前国家森林公园管理和经营的重要问题。文章以安徽凤阳韭山国家森林公园为例,通过分析其现状,对旅游资源整合和体制改革作了实际探讨并提出具体建议。  相似文献   

兴安国家森林公园风景资源质量评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
风景资源质量评价是把握旅游开发方向和旅游空间布局的基础。通过对兴安国家森林公园景区旅游资源的分析,基于《中国森林公园风景资源质量评定》,采用模糊数学计分法及专家咨询技术,对兴安国家森林公园风景资源质量进行评价,为兴安国家森林旅游发展规划提供依据。  相似文献   

Throughout Brazil as part of the preparations to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup, urban mobility, stadiums, and tourism development projects were proposed. In Curitiba and the surrounding metropolitan area, these mobility works were financed with public resources. A financial institute directly related to the federal government monitors these projects, which are a part of the National Policy of Urban Mobility, instituted in 2012, and yet no criteria to assess their contribution to sustainable development were adopted. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the sustainability indicators of these projects through a sustainability assessment method. The Urban Mobility Project Sustainability Index (UMPSI) was determined for such projects, as well sub-indices for environmental, social, and economic aspects, in order to verify their contribution in all of the three sustainability dimensions. The values of the UMPSI resulted between 43 and 75%, according to the proposed scale of the index, which has an upper limit of 100%. Finally, minimal benchmarks are suggested to determine the economic viability of mobility enterprises in order to contribute to sustainable urban mobility.  相似文献   

丁鼎  薛小杰 《水利经济》2017,35(5):70-74
针对湖北省长阳清江国家水利风景区在建设与发展中存在的问题,通过实地调查研究、座谈访谈会、观察、分类等研究方法和技术,从水生态、水土质量、生物多样性、空气质量、景区建设开发5个角度进行分析,最后提出加强依法保护的力度,建立资源整合体系,提升景区发展定位,完善健全体制机制,提升管理服务水平等建议。  相似文献   

《建立国家公园体制总体方案》中提出“国家公园内全民所有自然资源资产应该占主体地位”。由于土地权属复杂,自然资源统一管理成为我国国家公园体制试点建设的难点问题之一。钱江源国家公园在试点期间,通过探索和分析租赁、置换、合作等方式,对比国内外国家公园地役权制度优劣,构建了适合本地特点的集体林地地役权改革制度,即在不改变森林、林木、林地权属的基础上,通过一定的经济补偿,限制权属所有者的行为,将其使用权和管理权通过各项决议和合同形式授权给国家公园管理机构。通过集体林地地役权改革实现了对自然资源的统一管控,不仅解决了国家公园建设中集体林占比较高的难题,同时还带来了显著的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,为集体土地占比较高的东部经济发达地区构建互促共赢的可持续发展模式提供了示范经验。  相似文献   

广东韶关国家森林公园旅游发展调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷调查和实地考察,了解韶关国家森林公园的旅游发展现状,在分析存在基础设施不完善、旅游产品单一、旅游宣传力度不够、管理不规范等问题的基础上,提出加强基础设施建设、增加旅游产品发展类型、加强对外宣传力度、"三高投入"与"三高效益"紧密结合等对策。  相似文献   

珍宝岛国家森林公园旅游资源评价与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对珍宝岛国家森林公园旅游资源分类概述的基础上,运用定性和定量的方法对资源的质量进行综合评价,采用SWOT分析法对公园旅游资源的开发建设条件进行分析。提出了森林公园旅游资源的开发设想,规划三个旅游功能区,并对观光游览区进行旅游项目设计。同时,对珍宝岛国家森林公园的开发建设提出几点应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

国家级湿地公园建设有别于以建筑为主体的一般工程项目,涉及建筑、市政、水利、园林、环境等多专业的相互配合。通过对济西国家湿地公园建设项目策划、立项、规划设计以及申报等前期工作的管理方法和经验进行总结,为今后的国家级湿地公园建设项目的管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The National Park Service has struggled to improve the quality of service provided by concessioners for decades. To address these concerns, the Park Service eliminated the right of first refusal from the largest revenue-generating concession contract auctions beginning in 2000. This article provides models of concession contract auctions with and without the right of first refusal. The optimal bidding strategies and expected level of service are found. The results confirm the auction without the right of first refusal leads to bids that include a higher level of service.  相似文献   

Understanding the socio‐economic and environmental implications of rural change requires the active participation of many research disciplines and stakeholders. However, it remains unclear how to best integrate participatory and biophysical research to provide information useful to land managers and policy makers. This paper presents findings of a RELU scoping study that has formulated and applied a research framework based on stakeholder participation and adaptive learning to model rural change in the Peak District National Park in the north of England. The paper describes a learning process that integrates different types of knowledge to produce future scenarios that describe possible economic and environmental changes due to a national review of burning practices on heather moorland and blanket bogs. We stress the need for using social network analysis to structure stakeholder engagement and outline how a range of participatory approaches can facilitate more inclusive environmental planning and policy development.  相似文献   

基于东北虎豹国家公园周边269份居民调查样本数据,采用二元Logistic模型对居民参与公园建设的主观意愿及其影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明:参与意愿方面,88%的居民支持和参与公园建设、野生动物保护管理等工作的主观意愿十分强烈;公园建设的基本认知方面,认为禁止保护区内人畜活动、禁止野生动物狩猎、坚持人与野生动物和谐平等相处的居民分别占到64%、89%和93%,但也有超过52%的居民认为东北虎豹国家公园建立一定程度上会对社区经济发展及自身生产生活状况带来不利影响;参与意愿影响因素方面,单位性质、养老保障、野生动物保护态度、就医条件、文化水平5类因素对居民参与意愿具有显著影响,其中,林业局职工较其他居民的参与意愿更强烈,文化水平越高、具有更完善的养老和就医保障、野生动物保护态度更坚决,则相应地理解、支持和参与东北虎豹国家公园建设的主观意愿也更为强烈。结合东北虎豹国家公园所在地及周边地区的实际情况,提出相关单位应加快实施构建和完善地区社会医疗和养老保障体系、进一步加大国家公园建设的宣传教育工作、提高林业职工参与国家公园建设力度、建立资金、法规和组织保障体系等有益于东北虎豹国家公园建设实践等措施。  相似文献   

For over three decades, negotiated planning obligations have been the primary form of land value capture in England. Diffusing and evolving over the last decade, a significant policy innovation has been the use of financial calculations to estimate the extent to which policies on planning obligations for actual, proposed development projects and in plan making affect the financial viability of development. This paper assesses the extent to which the use of financial appraisals has provided a robust, just and practical procedure to support land value capture. It is concluded that development viability appraisals are saturated with intrinsic uncertainty and that land value capture that is based on such calculations is, to some extent, capricious. In addition, clear incentives for developers and land owners to bias viability calculations, the economic dependence of many viability consultants on developers and land owners, a lack of transparency, contested or ambiguous guidance and the opportunities created by input uncertainty for bias are further failings. It is argued that how viability calculations are applied has been, is being and will continue to be shaped by power relations.  相似文献   

The spatial and transport planning have geographical, economic and environmental constraints and are closely linked to the social and political conditions of each country as well as are well under the influence of globalization forces. This makes it all a highly complex issue and requires a better understanding of the background and products of policies and the interaction of a number of key determinant factors in policy-making and implementation. Within this large picture, the long-term review of different cases may provide useful discussions for the guidance and reinforcement of policy assessment. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to critically analyze the planning in the Netherlands through examining the issues of governing structure, spatial policy-making, and transport re-structuring. The leading characteristic of the Netherlands is the scarcity of usable land that has raised high and early awareness on spatial development issues and its connections with natural and environmental protection. The functioning of planning systems, and policy aims and measures within the planning documents since the end of the 1950s, have been reviewed and the key planning concepts have been examined by bringing in general and current discussions on the issues. The success and failure in past policy-making and implementations have been highlighted. The policies of the current spatial and transport planning documents have been evaluated by their main policy titles such as compact city, network of cities and sustainable mobility. There is a general consensus that the Netherlands has been developed into a well planned and organized society and has designed leading policies such as the ABC firm location policy. However, a number of issues such as increasing vehicle kilometres, urban decline and sprawl, and some gaps in policy making remain to be the critical planning challenges.  相似文献   

Continued overexploitation of natural resources and the associated impacts of climate change threaten the sustainability and biodiversity of our global social-ecological systems. ‘Integrated landscape approaches’ are governance strategies that attempt to reconcile multiple and conflicting land-use claims to harmonize the needs of people and the environment and establish more sustainable and equitable multi-functional landscapes. Such approaches have gained prominence in recent conservation and development discourse, but critics have suggested a need for evidence of effectiveness to bridge knowledge-implementation gaps. Here we review the recent literature to provide a brief update on developments in the science and practice of landscape approaches, primarily in the tropics. We show that despite considerable enthusiasm for landscape approaches, the evidence base within the scientific literature remains poorly developed. Future application of landscape approaches requires concerted transdisciplinary actions that connect scales of governance to address the complex political economies in contested tropical landscapes. We highlight important challenges and opportunities for landscape approach implementation, particularly related to bridging sectorial and disciplinary divides, engaging the private sector, and monitoring landscape performance.  相似文献   

This article examines informal housing/non-compliant development and related formalisation practices in Turkey. An in-depth policy analysis is conducted within a historical framework to underline outcomes and policy performance of approaches and formalisation initiatives. The analysis was conducted by taking the earlier studies focusing on the formalisation practices and debates in the international literature into consideration in order to understand how the case of Turkey confirms, contradicts or adds to the existing body of the literature. Formalisation practices in Turkey, especially the recent one implemented in 2018, have been successful to secure land tenure rights to a certain extent. However, these attempts have not addressed the issues such as mitigating hazard risks, enabling public participation, managing the processes transparently and inspecting the non-compliant development put forward by the scholars. The outcomes of the policy analysis are compared with the approaches of transition and developed economies in Mediterranean Basin. As a result of these comparisons, remarkable similarities were found. The findings of the analysis can be a harbinger of the future for other countries on a rapid development path by means of a considerable policy exchange between countries with similar population and GDP.  相似文献   

论生态旅游区经营管理创新--以张家界国家森林公园为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑群明  吴楚材 《林业经济问题》2006,26(3):203-206,240
在对张家界国家森林公园经营管理现状深入调查研究的基础上,分析了公园管理体制、管理模式中的不足,提出通过建立统一的国家公园管理体制,从规章制度、规划设计、协调各方利益等方面实现公园体制创新;通过推行景区“轮休制”和高台游道,实施“景区游,区外居”的管理模式,创建一流的解说系统,建立公园应急处理机制和设立环卫基金等措施,实现生态旅游区经营管理创新。  相似文献   

Densification of cities is presently one of the dominating strategies for urbanization globally. However, how densification of cities is linked to processes in the peri-urban landscapes is rather unknown. The aim of this paper is to highlight the potentials in of peri-urban landscapes to be recognized as complementary providers of urban ecosystem services when green areas in cities are reduced by densification. We suggest that the way forward is to change the perceptions of peri-urban areas from being defined as located between cities and rural areas with a specific population density or a geographical distance, to become recognized as a landscape defined by its functionality. By identifying and describing the functionality in peri-urban landscapes the existing governance gaps can be recognized and thus dealt with through adaptation of existing planning tools. Although not yet articulated, peri-urban areas should be used to facilitate integration of top down and bottom up approaches and thereby closing the governance gaps. We illustrate this reasoning by two examples; one of the establishment of green wedges in Stockholm, Sweden, and the other with the establishments of international Model forests. We conclude that further densification of cities will create a lack of ecosystem services in cities by putting an even higher pressure on the peri-urban landscape and not as suggested today that densification lower pressure on peri-urban landscapes. Rethinking and reframing the peri-urban areas by adapting existing platforms will potentially contribute to a more nuanced discussion on strategies for urban development generally.  相似文献   

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