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曾念群 《商周刊》2014,(2):99-99
像《马达加斯加》里的企鹅三人组、《森林战士》里的蜗牛鼻涕虫组合、《怪物史莱克》中比主角还红的靴子猫以及《冰川世纪》中永远奔跑的瘦松鼠,格鲁家的小黄人又是一记光彩夺目的巨星级龙套。  相似文献   

《美国经济评论》于2011年第1期出版了百年纪念特刊,甄选和公布了百年来其所刊发的对经济学影响深远并具有开创意义的20篇最佳论文。所选论文涵盖了消费、税收、货币、通胀、贸易等经济学研究领域,代表了每一时期经济学最高学术水平,从整体上再现了百年来经济学的发展轨迹,也反映了百年来美国主流经济学的基本走向。本文给出这20篇最佳论文导读,以期让读者领略优秀经济学家分析经济问题的超凡思想与智慧,并感受这些经典文献所蕴含的经济学价值。  相似文献   

后现代主义小说突破了传统小说创作的限制,有着自己独特的特点。后现代主义小说的表征在很大程度上是通过隐喻来实现的。巴塞尔姆《玻璃山》通过隐喻手法的运用,揭示后现代主义小说文本中的表征及其隐喻意义,实现了对文学传统的解构与颠覆,让读者领悟到文学隐喻的真正含义,从而帮助读者更好地理解后现代主义小说的深刻主题和内涵。  相似文献   

黄汉平 《开放时代》2000,(11):124-125
“板凳要坐十年冷,文章不写半句空”,前辈学者的治学箴言在浮躁的世纪末学界中已不再流行。但是,一个有使命感和责任感的学者,他对自己的学术取向终究都会保持着一种高度的自觉和清醒的意识。从杨启光教授花费十年心血编撰的《文化哲学导论》 (暨南大学出版社, 1999年 8月第一版 )中,我们欣喜地感受到了这一点。 杨启光是一名专治现代汉语的学者,或许有人会问,他缘何倾注十年功夫撰写《文化哲学导论》,用广东话来说,这不是“捞过界”吗 ?其实,这是一种误解。语言与文化从来都是息息相关的,不过在科学主义的学术视野中,语言与文…  相似文献   

飞速发展的数字时代正蚕食着传统媒体的生存空间,却也让一些执着于内容深度与水准的媒体努力探索新的内容生产模式。7月6日,《全球商业经典》杂志在合作作者计划新闻发布会上,公布了首批进行合作的9位践行学者名单。《全球商业经典》将为这些在各自领域已有建树的专家学者提供资金及平台支持,共同合作完成一些重大深度选题。  相似文献   

1868年国际工人协会布鲁塞尔代表大会通过的关于马克思《资本论》的决议案距今150多年了,但在整个人类发展的历史长河中,《资本论》始终发挥着巨大影响力.目前,马克思《资本论》在我国高校教学中取得了诸多进展,但仍需深化和改进.尤其是应熟悉马克思推荐读《资本论》之前的两本入门书——《哲学的贫困》和《共产党宣言》;应力戒当年恩格斯对高校经济学教学批评的现象;应重视列宁对研究马克思和阅读《资本论》的建议;应避免对马克思恩格斯贸易理论的方向有所误解.  相似文献   

知识经济的来临,意味着科学技术成为经济发展的主导因素。由杨承训、杨承谕、乔法容合作的《历史的杠杆——科技主导经济发展规律研究》一书(河南人民出版社出版)  相似文献   

李炳炎教授继承我国已故著名经济学家卓炯先生的理论,并加以弘扬而写成的新著《社本论》,已由人民出版社出版,以研究《资本论》著称的卓炯被尊称为中国经济改革的理论先驱,他生产前的宿愿之一,就是深信《资本论》在社会主义时代能显示新的生命力,并为之而长期尽心竭力地致力于改写《资本论》。《社本论》的写作,是他人未竟事业。  相似文献   

由席龙飞同志著作、湖北教育出版社新出版的《中国造船史》,是一部图文并茂、学术性与可读性俱强的专业史学力作。中国是一个疆域辽阔、历史悠久的东方文明古国,又是一个水运和造船大国,“凡舟古名百千,今亦百千,”而且富有中华文明特色。但在浩如烟海的古文献中,造船领域的史料只是散见于一些史书和杂著里面,明清时期才有若干专著,通史性的造船史则一直阙如。  相似文献   

自主创新,汽车先行——兼评《国家汽车创新工程研究》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳卸林 《技术经济》2008,27(9):126-128
1999年12月18日,在北京召开的“面向21世纪中国汽车工业科技创新论坛”上,胡树华课题组就提出了制定和实施“国家汽车创新工程”的建议。当时,《经济日报》、《科技日报》、《经济参考报》、《中国汽车报》等媒体在头版头条对此进行了专门报道,产业界和社会部门对此反响十分强烈。2000年4月28日,在北京中国科技会堂,中国汽车工程学会、中国技术经济研究会、原武汉汽车工业大学联合举办了首届“国家汽车创新工程”专家论坛。  相似文献   

Capital Accumulation and Unemployment: A Tale of Two "Continents"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast to much recent work regarding the causes of European unemployment, in this paper we emphasize the importance of capital accumulation. But unlike the few previous studies which have examined the relationship between capital accumulation and unemployment, we argue that what matters for the evolution of employment (and the unemployment rate) is not the absolute growth rate of a country's capital stock, but its evolution relative to other countries' capital stock. The empirical validity of the above statement is demonstrated for almost all OECD countries using quarterly time-series data for the period 1961–1995. More detailed evidence is also presented for Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

This paper endeavors to portray Egypt, the Arab, and Islamic worlds in the eyes of Adam Smith as implied in his work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations from the perspective of the extent and desirability of state intervention in the economy. In other words, the paper attempts to analyze why Smith's stance on ancient Egypt changed from an example of opulence to an eighteenth-century Egypt that—together with other Arab and Islamic countries—represents a model with many challengeable aspects, although the extent of the state action was remarkable in both models, the ancient and the contemporary. Our premise is that Smith did not defend or attack the models based on the extent of state intervention in the economy, but on whether its intervention was conducive to, first, raising the person's well-being and, second, promoting the morals of Smith's “commercial” society.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies document that the level of resource misallocation in the service sector is significantly higher than in the manufacturing sector. We quantify the importance of this difference and study its sources. Conservative estimates for Portugal in 2008 show that closing this gap, by reducing misallocation in the service sector to manufacturing levels, would boost aggregate gross output by around 12 percent and aggregate value added by around 31 percent. Differences in the effect and size of productivity shocks explain most of the gap in misallocation between manufacturing and services, while the remainder is explained by differences in firm productivity and age distributions. We interpret these results as stemming mainly from higher output-price rigidity, higher labor adjustment costs and higher informality in the service sector.  相似文献   

大规模定制营销:供应链管理下的新趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 90年代以来 ,随着网络经济的出现 ,完善的供应链管理日益成为企业关注的焦点 ,市场营销模式也随之发生了新的改变。文章从介绍供应链管理环境下的市场营销的特点、发展入手 ,认为在供应链管理日益完善的背景下 ,大规模定制营销将成为一种企业营销新趋势。  相似文献   

Bargaining under a deadline: evidence from the reverse ultimatum game   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study a “reverse” ultimatum game, in which proposers have multiple chances to offer responders a division of some fixed pie. The game ends if the responder accepts an offer, or if, following a rejection, the proposer decides not to make a better offer. The unique subgame perfect equilibrium gives the proposer the minimum possible payoff. Nevertheless, the experimental results are not too different from those of the standard ultimatum game, although proposers generally receive slightly less than half of the surplus.We use the reverse ultimatum game to study deadlines experimentally. With a deadline, the subgame perfect equilibrium prediction is that the proposer gets the entire surplus.Deadlines are used strategically to influence the outcome, and agreements are reached near the deadline. Strategic considerations are evident in the differences in observed behavior between the deadline and no deadline conditions, even though agreements are substantially less extreme than predicted by perfect equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the model of Ford, Mpuku, and Pattanaik [“Revenue Risks, Insurance, and the Behavior of Competitive Firms”.Journal of Economics 64 (1996): 233–246] wherein a risk-averse competitive firm faces insurable revenue risk. The optimal output and insurance cover of the firm are shown to be deterministically related in that the marginal costs of self-insurance and market insurance are equated. In response to increasing risk aversion, the firm always takes a higher insurance cover. Increasing fixed costs generate an income effect which induces the firm to take a higher insurance cover should the preference of the firm satisfy decreasing absolute risk aversion. Market insurance and self-insurance can be either substitutes or complements, depending on the shape of the variable insurance-premium schedule.  相似文献   

Victor prefers safety more than Ursula if whenever Ursula prefers a constant to an uncertain act, so does Victor. This paradigm, whose expected utility (EU) version is Arrow and Pratt’s more risk aversion concept, will be studied in the Choquet expected utility (CEU) model. Necessary condition Pointwise inequality between a function of the utility functions and another of the capacities is necessary and sufficient for the preference by Victor of safety over a dichotomous act whenever such is the preference of Ursula. However, increased preference for safety versus dichotomous acts does not imply preference by Victor of safety over a general act whenever such is the preference of Ursula. A counterexample will be provided, via the casino theory of Dubins and Savage. Sufficient condition Separation of the two functions by some convex function is sufficient for Victor to prefer safety more than Ursula, over general acts. Furthermore, a condition on the capacities will be presented for simplicity seeking, the preference by Victor over any act for some dichotomous act that leaves Ursula indifferent. This condition is met in particular if Victor’s capacity is a convex function of Ursula’s capacity. For these cases, the pointwise inequality (necessary) condition is a characterization of greater preference for safety, extending the Arrow–Pratt notion from EU to CEU and rank-dependent utility (RDU). These inequalities preserve the flavor of the “more pessimism than greediness” characterization of monotone risk aversion by Chateauneuf, Cohen and Meilijson in the RDU model and its extension by Grant and Quiggin to CEU. Preferences between safety and dichotomous acts are at the core of the biseparable preferences model of Ghirardato and Marinacci.  相似文献   

We formulate a model that captures the inter-dependence between hardware demand and software supply – indirect network effect – in the DVD industry. The identification of the network effect comes from the difference in software availability across two different formats: VHS and DVD. We find that a 1% increase in the number of DVD titles raises the demand for DVD players by 0.87%. Simultaneously, a 1% increase in video player ownership leads to a 0.14% increase in the variety of video titles. Our simulations show that hardware manufacturers might be able to internalize the network externality to increase total industry revenues.  相似文献   

This paper uses an alternative growth approach in line with Thirlwall’s model in order to predict economic growth in Greece taking into account internal and external imbalances caused by public deficit/debt and lack of trade competitiveness. It is shown that the simple Thirlwall’s Law (given by the product of the ratio of the income elasticities of demand for exports and imports, and the growth of foreign demand) over-predicts real growth in Greece while the more complete extended model, makes a closer prediction which is consistent with the high deficit/debt and current account deficit experienced in this country. The simulation approach shows that the most efficient policy to attain higher growth is to reduce external imbalances while policies to reduce internal imbalances are low growth enhancing.  相似文献   

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