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We summarize a number of regularities that arise in the empirical literature on contractual relationships between manufacturers and their exclusive resellers. We do this using studies of traditional and business-format-franchise relationships, as well as studies of sales-force-integration decisions. Some of the patterns that we uncover are consistent with a standard incentive-cum-insurance theory of organization, while others are not. We briefly review some theoretical extensions that seem promising in terms of reconciling seeming conflicts between theory and practice.  相似文献   

This article provides evidence on the determinants of the compensation arrangements used in franchise relationships. While the empirical literature has studied two of these compensation arrangements – the royalty rate and the up-front franchise fee – this work expands the analysis to another important source of revenues for franchisors: the sales of inputs to franchisees at prices greater than marginal costs. Consistent with predictions suggested by agency theory, the compensation arrangements studied appear to function as substitutes. The results also reveal that the value of the services provided by franchisors to franchisees strongly affects the compensation arrangements studied, so a capital goal of these arrangements is to recover the costs of the services offered by franchisors.  相似文献   

Any Willing Provider (AWP) regulations require insurers to allow health care providers network membership, eliminating an insurer’s ability to commit to a limited network of providers. We study the effect of AWP on prices negotiated between insurers and providers by exploiting the introduction of a regulation targeting retail pharmacies in the state of Maine. Using insurance claim level data and across state variation in exposure to the regulation, we estimate increases in negotiated pharmaceutical prices. Our results are consistent with AWP regulations’ reducing competition by inhibiting the ability of insurers to move demand across competing pharmacies.  相似文献   

We investigate job design problems in relational contracting environments with multitasking and an aggregated and distorted performance measurement. Compared to assigning all the tasks to a single agent, assigning the tasks to multiple agents mitigates misallocation of effort among the tasks but tightens the self-enforcing constraint. Consequently, task separation is optimal if and only if the discount factor is high. Some tasks may not be assigned to the agents at all under the optimal job design. When the principal provides explicit incentives as well, it may be the case that task bundling is suboptimal for any discount factor.  相似文献   

Most professionals, actively engaged in design, live in a world of trade‐offs. The most typical compromise is that reducing the cost of design causes quality to suffer, but there are many others as well. This paper summarizes current use of one of the most popular approaches to improving the new offering development process: design reuse. In the present study 42 companies were surveyed, of which 23 were in manufacturing and 19 were in services—but all were actively engaged in technology and design reuse in new offerings. It was hypothesized that policies for design reuse and internal sourcing would promote the complexity and breadth of reuse (here the combination of modular and architectural substitution), which, in turn would dampen the percentage of substitution and reduce the negative impact on innovativeness of new offerings. These predictions were generally supported. Adoption of policies for encouragement or to mandate design reuse were significantly correlated with the extent of reuse (application of both architectural and modular design vs. just one or the other) among manufacturers but not services firms in the sample. Internal sourcing of ideas for design reuse was significantly correlated with extent of reuse for the total sample, and especially for services. Design reuse percentage and extent of design reuse were significantly and inversely associated for manufacturing, as predicted, but not for services. Novelty of new offerings was significantly and inversely related to percentage of reuse, as predicted, for manufacturing, but not for services. It was found that sector also makes a difference in likelihood of adopting higher levels of reuse with service company respondents reporting significantly higher levels (average of 42% reuse for services and 28% for manufacturing applications). Perhaps one of the most interesting preliminary findings to emerge was that the tipping point of negative impact from design reuse percentage on innovativeness for all firms in the sample of new offerings was 43%, beyond which novelty suffers. For manufacturing, the tipping point was lower: Novelty begins to suffer after 33% design reuse, which has important management implications. The conclusion was drawn, based on these preliminary results, that much can be done to relieve some of the negative consequences of the typical trade‐offs commonly encountered in development programs for new offerings, especially when cost, timing, and innovation are the target goals. However, services and manufacturing are quite different in their approach to design reuse and substitution. Further development of the concept of design reuse strategy appears to be warranted based on these preliminary findings. The findings raise the distinct possibility that mesolevel strategic aggregation issues might lead research into areas that help explain how complex systems realize their full self‐organizing potential and why corporate strategy considerations, alone, have failed to explain the success and failure of organizations coping in rugged landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper examines new service development (NSD) in a distinctive set of services: experiential services. Organizations delivering experiential services place the customer experience at the core of the service offering. They focus on the experience of customers when interacting with the organization rather than just the functional benefits following from the products and services delivered. Increasingly, organizations are recognizing that managing customer experiences is a powerful way of differentiating from competitors, establishing emotional connections, and increasing customer loyalty. Studying experiential services sheds light on this highly intangible type of services and, by representing an extreme end of the service spectrum, can advance the knowledge on the wider area of new product and service development. This paper addresses three research questions: (1) What are the processes and practices used in the development and design of experiential services? (2) How are these processes and practices similar to or distinct from established NSD practices? (3) How do these findings reflect on the wider area of NSD? The study concentrates on five dimensions of NSD: (1) the process; (2) market research; (3) tools and techniques; (4) metrics and performance measurement; and (5) organization. For each of these areas propositions are formulated and refined with empirical data. Using the case research methodology, empirical data were collected in 17 case companies: experiential service providers, design agencies, and consultancies known for focusing on the customer experience. The main method of data collection was interviews with those involved in experiential service design, such as founders, executives, or experienced designers. The case data revealed a number of practices specific to experiential services. These include a strong emphasis on gathering customer insights, in several cases obtained through empathic research and ethnographic research techniques. Other specific practices for experiential services include mapping customer journeys or touchpoints and storytelling. The case study companies also revealed a trade‐off between relatively formal, tight methodologies and more flexible, loose methodologies in NSD. More research is required to investigate the contingency factors surrounding tight or loose methodologies. The results also revealed the use of more broadly used NSD practices, such as a systematic NSD process, multiple performance measures, cross‐functional teams, and front‐line involvement. The observations from this study are captured in a set of seven propositions concerning NSD in experiential services. Reflecting on NSD in general, this study highlights the important role of service process innovation compared with service product innovation and the importance of continuous innovation requiring NSD processes and practices that are more flexible, iterative, and nonlinear. The study also supports the argument that different types of services may require different NSD processes and practices.  相似文献   

This paper develops a contingent claim model to analyze certain aspects of retail leasehold contracts. The approach allows for the explicit consideration of risk without any ad hoc risk adjustment. Both "straight" leases and "percentage" leases are examined with the value of sales as the underlying asset. Each lease value is expressed as a combination of options on sales. The effects of the lease value's determinants and equilibrium risk measurements are also analyzed.  相似文献   

While a great deal of scholastic effort has gone into discovering the multifaceted relationships between applied research initiatives and subsequent performance, relatively little empirical research addresses the performance impact from firm investments in basic research initiatives. Even less addresses the interactive roles of both types of research. The authors conceptualize and empirically evaluate the interactive relationship between applied and basic research initiatives and firm performance. Applied and basic research projects are knowledge creation activities in a product development domain, and both initiatives enhance the stored knowledge of a firm. Stored knowledge is the fuel that drives the product development engine. Applied research initiatives assimilate and exploit stored knowledge to develop new products. Basic research initiatives contribute to and enhance the stock of knowledge from which the applied initiatives are drawn. This expanded base of stored knowledge has positive ramifications for subsequent applied research initiatives. Results indicate that firms that engage in moderate or higher levels of applied research will see enhanced performance returns from additional investments in basic research. Conversely, firms that engage in relatively lower levels of applied research see no performance enhancement at any level of investment in basic research. Firms that rely on a flow of product innovations to provide a continued income stream must certainly invest in applied research initiatives. However, additional investment in directed basic research initiatives will augment future applied projects and could become the source of sustainable competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Technology alliances create market development rights that are shared between partners in an alliance relative to codeveloped product technology. Alliance partners will often manage the shared market development rights in a cooperative manner by forming an agreement in which one partner (i.e., the licensor) licenses its market development rights to the other partner in the alliance (i.e., the licensee). The real options and bargaining power literatures provide opposing recommendations regarding whether a licensor creates greater shareholder value by licensing its market development rights to the licensee on a more or less restrictive basis. Empirical analysis of technology alliance contracts reveals that the restrictiveness by which a licensor should license its market development rights to a licensee depends on the licensee's strategic marketing emphasis. Specifically, a licensee will create greater value by following a more restrictive distribution strategy when its partner's marketing strategy emphasizes value creation. Alternatively, a licensee will create greater value when its partner's marketing strategy emphasizes value appropriation by following a less restrictive distribution strategy. From a theoretical perspective, the paper's findings provide early evidence regarding the contribution of marketing strategy toward value creation in technology alliances and help resolve the differing expectations offered by the real options and bargaining power literatures. Managerially, the paper identifies an alliance partner's strategic marketing emphasis as a hitherto unrecognized factor determining when managers should follow a more or less restrictive distribution strategy when licensing marketing development rights within technology alliances.  相似文献   

Academic entrepreneurship by means of university spin‐offs commercializes technological breakthroughs, which may otherwise remain unexploited. However, many universities face difficulties in creating spin‐offs. This article adopts a science‐based design approach to connect scholarly research with the pragmatics of effectively creating university spin‐offs. This approach serves to link the practice of university spin‐off creation, via design principles, to the scholarly knowledge in this area. As such, science‐based design promotes the interplay between emergent and deliberate design processes. This framework is used to develop a set of design principles that are practice based as well as grounded in the existing body of research on university spin‐offs. A case‐study of spin‐off creation at a Dutch university illustrates the interplay between initial processes characterized by emergent design and the subsequent process that was more deliberate in nature. This case study also suggests there are two fundamentally different phases in building capacity for university spin‐off creation. First, an infrastructure for spin‐off creation (including a collaborative network of investors, managers and advisors) is developed that then enables support activities to individual spin‐off ventures. This study concludes that to build and increase capacity for creating spin‐offs, universities should do the following: (1) create university‐wide awareness of entrepreneurship opportunities, stimulate the development of entrepreneurial ideas, and subsequently screen entrepreneurs and ideas by programs targeted at students and academic staff; (2) support start‐up teams in composing and learning the right mix of venturing skills and knowledge by providing access to advice, coaching, and training; (3) help starters in obtaining access to resources and developing their social capital by creating a collaborative network organization of investors, managers, and advisors; (4) set clear and supportive rules and procedures that regulate the university spin‐off process, enhance fair treatment of involved parties, and separate spin‐off processes from academic research and teaching; and (5) shape a university culture that reinforces academic entrepreneurship by creating norms and exemplars that motivate entrepreneurial behavior. These and other results of this study illustrate how science‐based design can connect scholarly research to the pragmatics of actually creating spin‐offs in academic institutions.  相似文献   

Reverse Mortgages: Contracting and Crossover Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pricing model is developed for a reverse mortgage contract where the borrower receives payments either as a lump sum or in an annuity while the loan balance accumulates as a claim against the house. No underwriting criteria on income are applied. One risk of default is that the borrower will remain in the house after the negatively amortizing loan balance exceeds the value of the house. An explicit pricing model of the reverse mortgage permits the evaluation of this default "crossover" option. Alternative methods involving life insurance contracts and securitization are compared as secondary market channels.  相似文献   

Spurring integration among functional specialists so they collectively create successful, or high‐performing, new products is a central interest of innovation practitioners and researchers. Firms are increasingly assembling cross‐functional new product development (NPD) teams for this purpose. However, integration of team members' divergent orientations and expertise is notoriously difficult to achieve. Individuals from distinct functions such as design, marketing, manufacturing, and research and development (R&D) are often assigned to NPD teams but have contrasting backgrounds, priorities, and thought worlds. If not well managed, this diversity can yield unproductive conflict and chaos rather than successful new products. Firms are thus looking for avenues of integrating the varied expertise and orientations within these cross‐functional teams. The aim of this study is to address two important and not fully resolved questions: (1) does cross‐functional integration in NPD teams actually improve new product performance; and if so, (2) what are ways to strengthen integration? The study began by developing a model of cross‐functional integration from the perspective of the group effectiveness theory. The theory has been used to explain the performance of a wide range of small, complex work groups; this study is the first application of the theory to NPD teams. The model developed from this theory was then tested by conducting a survey of dual informants in 206 NPD teams in an array of U.S. high‐technology companies. In answer to the first research question, the findings show that cross‐functional integration indeed contributes to new product performance as long conjectured. This finding is important in that it highlights that bringing together the skills, efforts, and knowledge of differing functions in an NPD team has a clear and coveted payoff: high‐performing new products. In answer to the second question, the findings indicate that both intra‐ (or internal) and extra‐ (or external) team factors contribute and codetermine cross‐functional integration. Specifically, social cohesion and superordinate identity as internal team factors and market‐oriented reward system, planning process formalization, and managerial encouragement to take risks as external team factors foster integration. These findings underscore that spurring integration requires addressing the conditions inside as well as outside NPD teams. These specialized work groups operate as organizations within organizations; recognition of this in situ arrangement is the first step toward better managing and ensuring rewards from team integration. Based on these findings, managerial and research implications were drawn for team integration and new product performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the tenability of agency theory in explaining the structure of compensation for salespeople in the Singapore context. Results based on personal visits to 90 small retail clothing stores located at shopping centers throughout Singapore, with responses from 180 salespersons, store owners, and supervisors, showed that agency theory was robust in explaining the extent of outcome-based compensation used in rewarding salespeople. Risk sharing factors (e.g., the principal's risk aversion and average purchase size) were more prominent than monitoring factors (e.g., number of stores owned by the principal) in explaining the structure of compensation for salespeople in the industry. Implications for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge application is of key importance in the development of successful new products. Knowledge application refers to an organization's timely response to technological change by utilizing the knowledge and technology generated into new products and processes. This study uses the knowledge‐based theory of the firm and considers its roots in the information‐processing approach to organization theory to identify and structure potential antecedents of knowledge application. This study develops four hypotheses concerning antecedents of knowledge application. The hypotheses are tested using data collected from 277 high‐technology firms. Empirical results indicate that a long‐term orientation supported by a research and development (R&D) budget, formal rewards, and information technology directly increases the level of knowledge application, while R&D co‐location indirectly increases the level of knowledge application. It is surprising to find that an increase in the level of organizational redundancy reduces the level of knowledge application. The findings also suggest that information technologies, lead‐user, and supplier networks do not appear to significantly influence organizational redundancy.  相似文献   

中国的润滑油行业是一个极具潜量而又竞争激烈的产业。中国汽车消费的快速增长极大地推动和刺激了润滑油的消费。随着中国润滑油市场从卖方市场进入买方市场的转变,竞争手段已经从传统的产品、价格、促销等方面逐步转向更为重要的销售渠道以及服务的竞争。快速换油中心可能成为我国润滑油行业非常具有潜力的一种运作模式,并通过特证连锁经营方式迅速发展起来。  相似文献   

Managing innovation in turbulent environments (e.g., in environments with extreme uncertainty and complexity in market needs and technological opportunities) is a major challenge. A recent stream of studies in the management literature has suggested that when facing turbulent environments, firms should deploy more flexible development processes. This paper approaches this issue by looking at the Italian mobile telecommunications (TLC) industry. Nine in‐depth case studies were conducted in five different companies. Data analysis showed some important results. First of all environmental turbulence should be considered to be project specific rather than company or industry specific. Moreover, it can come from both shift in the market needs and in the technology. Nevertheless, it seems clear that having rapid changes is not enough to have environmental turbulence. If rapid changes can be somehow foreseen, there is no turbulence at all. Hence, when approaching projects in potentially turbulent environments, managers should assess both rapidity and unpredictability of the environment. Finally, looking at the in‐depth cases, the paper points out what of the main practices to increase flexibility that are described in literature are actually adopted by companies. In case of turbulence (both in the market and/or in the technology) companies delay concept freezing point. Moreover, in the case of technological turbulence, they also leverage on rapid project iterations, whereas in case of market turbulence they more likely adopt early experiments involving customers, formal and cross‐functional project teams, and flat organizational structures.  相似文献   

Relational ties are valuable resources that can generate substantial advantages for firms. Multiple studies show that relational ties enhance firm performance, but whether and how innovation intervenes in this process is largely unknown. This study examines how relational ties affect firm performance via two types of innovation. Drawing on the relational ties literature and exploration/exploitation literature, we differentiate between two types of ties (business ties versus political ties) and investigate how innovation (exploration versus exploitation) mediates relational ties and firm performance in two distinct ways. Survey data from China's semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, both innovation-oriented industries, suggests that firms' business ties with buyers, suppliers, and competitors are more related to exploratory innovation, while their political ties with government officials are more related to exploitative innovation. Interestingly, competitive intensity demonstrates distinct moderating effects on both of these pathways.  相似文献   

Based on their survey, Eric Reidenbach and Donald Moak report that various aspects of new product development practices are associated with different levels of retail bank performance. Such practices and activities as the existence of a formal evaluation process, the existence of new product managers, the length of time a product spends in development, and the percentage of the operating budget spent on new product development tend to vary according to bank performance. Top performers have decidedly different new product development processes, structures, and practices than do average or negative performers.  相似文献   

The authors present findings from an analysis of articles related to product design published in eight leading journals important to marketing thought. Based on this analysis, which covers the fourteen‐year period 1995–2008, the authors propose a conceptual model of product design and offer definitions for (a) product design and (b) the product design process. In addition, the authors provide insights into the nature of product design research during this time period, including analyses of publication trends and the relationship of product design research to related marketing topics. The essay concludes with suggestions for future research on product design.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of a merger in the French supermarket industry on food prices. Using consumer panel data, we compare the changes in prices for merging and rival firms in affected and comparison markets. We use a novel definition of affected markets when some firms have a local pricing strategy and others a more centralized pricing strategy. We find that prices increase significantly following the merger, and that the merging firms lose market shares. For the rivals, the price increases are larger in local markets, in which concentration increased and differentiation changed after the merger.  相似文献   

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