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This paper analyzes the effects of exchange rate volatility of both the host country and the parent country on host-government policy related to local content requirement (LCR) on export-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI) in the context of an oligopolistic market in a third country. We, inter alia, find that an increase in the volatility foreign exchange rate decreases optimal LCR both under free entry and exit of foreign firms and when the number of foreign firms is fixed. We also find that the government uses a less strict LCR policy when the number of foreign firms is endogenous than when it is exogenous.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the introduction of the Euro on exchange rate exposures for French corporations and examine the corporate use of foreign currency derivatives to hedge exchange rate exposure post-Euro. Our findings indicate that the introduction of the Euro is associated with both a reduction in the number of firms that have significant exchange rate exposure and the absolute size of exposure. Consistent with these reduced exposures, French firms use foreign currency derivatives less intensively. Furthermore, the use of foreign currency derivatives is found to be associated with lower exchange rate exposure but there is insufficient evidence that these instruments are more effective in the post-Euro environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in the monetary policy exchange rate channel in the presence of foreign currency derivatives (FCD) markets in China. Initially a theoretical macroeconomics model incorporating the exchange rate risk hedging is presented, and this is followed by an empirical test. A theoretical model implies that with more firms using foreign currency derivatives to hedge the exchange rate risk, the effect of the exchange rate on the net exports will be weaker and may even be reversed. The empirical section uses Structure Vector Autoregression (SVAR) models with China's monthly macro data over the 2000–2013 period to assess the impact of the FCD market on the exchange rate channel. Empirical support for the changes in the exchange rate channel transmission is found. By impulse response function (IRF) analysis, with the emergence of the domestic FCD market in China, in the long run the probability becomes higher that the negative effect of RMB appreciation on China's net exports to the US is reversed; meanwhile the negative effects of RMB appreciation on the overall net exports and the net exports to the EU become gradually weaker on average.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of the real exchange rate on job flows in Turkish manufacturing industries between 2006 and 2015 using data at the four-digit NACE Revision 2 level. Using dynamic panel data models, we find that a real appreciation increases gross and net job creation rates, and that the effect of appreciation is magnified as the exposure to international competitiveness of industries increases. We think that this is because Turkish manufacturing firms import a greater share of their inputs compared to the firms in developed countries. Hence, an appreciation creates more jobs because lower imported input costs enable firms to outcompete foreign producers.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the trade mode choices of assembly firms. Using Chinese customs data, we show that exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) depends on which party is responsible for sourcing inputs. Relative to passively receiving inputs under the pure assembly (PA) mode, foreign‐invested assembly firms mainly source inputs themselves through the import and assembly mode and enjoy lower ERPT. We find that the share of imports through PA increases with exchange rate fluctuations. This effect is more pronounced for firms in liquidity‐constrained industries and mitigated by better local financial development.  相似文献   

Employing a firm-level dataset, this paper explores the effects of exchange rate volatility on the growth performances of domestic versus foreign, and publicly traded versus non-traded private manufacturing firms in a major developing country, Turkey. The empirical results using dynamic panel data estimation techniques and comprehensive robustness tests suggest that exchange rate volatility has a significant growth reducing effect on manufacturing firms. However, having access to foreign, and to a lesser degree, domestic equity markets is found to reduce these negative effects at significant levels. These findings continue to hold after controlling for firm heterogeneity due to differences in export orientation, external indebtedness, profitability, productivity, size, industrial characteristics, and time-variant institutional changes.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of foreign currency denominated debt (FCDD) as a natural hedging instrument using a sample of Australian firms. Our results show that the incidence of foreign debt use among industrial sector firms is associated with a lower level of exchange rate exposure. The practice of issuing foreign debt within the industrial sector also conforms better to the hypothesis that firms do so to satisfy a demand for hedging. In contrast, although the incidence of foreign debt issues is higher in the resource/mining sector, the underlying motive for such arises from a demand for financing.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the impact of more transparency in the foreign exchange market on the ex ante expected volume of international trade. Transparency is measured by the informational content of publicly observable signals. These signals convey information about the use of policy instruments which affect the future exchange rate. We find that a higher level of transparency may increase or decrease the volume of international trade. In particular, the impact of greater transparency depends on the curvature of the firms’ marginal cost function. Furthermore, the firms’ex ante expected profits are higher when the foreign exchange market is more transparent.  相似文献   

This paper develops an international oligopoly model in which domestic and foreign firms simultaneously choose their price and innovation strategies under the assumption of non-zero conjectural variations in relation to their competitors’ price changes. The model captures the links between the exchange rate, foreign and domestic firms’ prices and investment in process innovation and provides a unified framework for analysing exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on firms’ export pricing by assessing whether and to what extent firms take into account the expected future evolution of the exchange rates while setting their prices. Using French micro-level trade data, our empirical analysis reveals that by adjusting their export prices, firms partly absorb information about future exchange rate variations. The extent to which individual exporters absorb future exchange rate fluctuations is found to depend on their market power, in accordance with theoretical dynamic demand-side models encompassing mechanisms creating an inter-temporal relationship between current market shares and future profits. The analysis also shows that the strength of such expectation-related mechanism is considerably reduced with greater future exchange rate uncertainty, in line with an interpretation of pricing-to-market as an investment decision under uncertainty. In a comparative perspective our results are shown to drive asymmetric responses across destinations of aggregate bilateral export flows to expected exchange rate movements.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of firms to restrict industry outputs (market power) in oligopolistically organized markets where domestic firms compete with foreign ones. Within a stochastic price-setting supergame framework, market power is shown to be lower in general with flexible exchange rates for the following reasons. (i) The conditions that the fully collusive outcome—oligopolists maximizing joint profits — is sustainable in equilibrium become stronger if the exchange rate fluctuates, provided that fluctuations are sufficiently small. (ii) Even if full collusion can be sustained, industry outputs will be higher on the average with flexible than with fixed exchange rates.  相似文献   

If domestic firms lobby for protection, the tariff rate is a public good to all domestic firms, whether they engage in lobbying or not. This paper analyzes how the endogenous tariff rate as a public good depends on the group size in two‐stage lobbying models. The result depends not only on whether domestic firms lobby cooperatively or not, but also on whether domestic firms incur indirect lobbying costs or not. This paper shows that if free riding is not very serious and if the number of domestic firms is small compared to the number of foreign firms, entry of a domestic firm is likely to increase the equilibrium tariff rate.  相似文献   

This study analyzes exchange rate pass-through in the presence of monopolistic competition in the U.S. automobile market. Using cointegration techniques, we investigate how foreign competing firms' prices interact following an exchange rate-shock. The results generally indicate price interdependence (competition) among the rival firms. In one case where we did not find any price interdependence, the extent of exchange rate pass-through was higher. This validates the economic intuition that a low degree of price competition corresponds with a high degree of exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

文章在一个存在垄断竞争的两国动态一般均衡模型中分析市场结构变化对实际汇率长期趋势的影响,结论认为,本国可贸易品和不可贸易品市场垄断程度上升会导致本币实际升值,而外国可贸易品和不可贸易品市场垄断程度上升会导致本币实际贬值。对人民币/美元实际汇率和中美两国市场垄断程度关系的实证分析基本验证了模型的结论。文章建议,可以通过拆分重组、发展民营企业、引进外资企业等方式引入竞争、降低垄断程度,从而缓解部分人民币升值压力。  相似文献   

This article undertakes an in-depth study of the foreign exchange exposure of Malaysian listed firms. We examine several issues related to firm-specific and overall exposure, including an evaluation of the efficacy of adopting a hard-peg on such exposure. Our sample consists of 158 listed firms and spans the 16 year period, 1990–2005. A multivariate model using four bilateral exchange rates is used to determine firm level exposure while panel data analysis using a random-effects Generalized Least Squares (GLS) model is used to determine system-wide or aggregate sample exposure. We find a total 71% of our sample firms to have significant exchange rate exposure, a rate substantially higher than that reported for most countries, especially developed ones. The US$ is by far the single most important source of exposure with 63% of sample firms exposed to it. The sign of the beta coefficient for three of the four currencies are negative, implying that our sample firms are largely net importers in these currencies. We find exposure to be time variant and dependent on the sector within which a firm operates. Interestingly, the panel data analysis which measures aggregate exposure, shows the US$ to be a significant source of exposure even with the adoption of the hard peg. The change in policy regime to a fixed peg following the crisis appears to have had no impact at either firm-level exposure or overall system-wide exposure.  相似文献   

This paper investigates theoretically and empirically the heterogeneous response of exporters to real exchange rate fluctuations due to the quality of imported inputs and exported output. We develop a model where the production of high-quality products requires high-quality inputs sold in monopolistically competitive foreign markets. The model predicts that exporters using imported inputs have low exchange rate pass-through, but this effect is weaker for firms shipping high-quality goods. This is due to the heterogeneous price adjustments of foreign suppliers selling inputs of different quality. We test the predictions of the model using Italian firm-level trade data for the period 2000–2006. The empirical analysis shows that the imports of intermediates have a significantly weaker effect in reducing the exchange rate pass-through into the export price of high-quality varieties. By showing that the import price of high-quality inputs is less sensitive to exchange rate variations, we provide evidence supporting the theoretical hypothesis that the pricing power of input suppliers weakens the import channel.  相似文献   

The paper examines how the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis is affected by a modern variation of the standard model that allows product differentiation (within the traded and nontraded goods sectors) with the number of firms determined exogenously or endogenously. The hypothesis is found to be fragile in the modified framework. Small variations in the elasticity of substitution between home and foreign traded goods (within the range of estimates suggested in the literature), for example, can make the effect of a traded‐goods productivity improvement on the real exchange rate negative or positive, as well as small or large. This result provides a potential explanation of the mixed empirical results that have been obtained on the relationship between productivity and the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain exchange rate and current account or net foreign assets behavior under central bank foreign exchange rate intervention. To analyze central bank intervention we use the current account-net foreign assets identity, as well as the long-run monetary exchange rate model. The intervention function is one where exchange rate deviations from equilibrium are governed by nonlinear adjustments. That is, exchange rate deviations from their long-run equilibrium are such that the degree of reversion towards equilibrium increases with the size of the deviation from equilibrium. In this type of nonlinear function exchange rates determine the current account, and the current account in turn determines exchange rates. This iterative duality contrasts with several portfolio balance models where exchange rates are a function of trade, but trade is not a function of exchange rates. This two way causality is slightly more complex, but is also analytically richer than assuming that exchange rates change solely in a one step process as targeted by central banks. Managing exchange rates is posited to be an active iterative feedback process where intervention changes the current account, which may in turn make further intervention necessary.  相似文献   

FDI has been considered by many development economists as an important channel for transfer of technology to developing countries. It is suggested that modern, advanced technologies introduced by multinational firms can diffuse to domestic firms through spillovers. In this paper, we study innovation and technology transfer activities of domestic and foreign firms in Turkish manufacturing industries, and the impact of horizontal, vertical and labor spillovers on these activities. Our analysis shows that foreign firms are more innovative than their domestic counterparts, and transfer technology from abroad (mostly from their parent companies). Horizontal spillovers from foreign firms seem to be insignificant. The effects of foreign firms on technological activities of other firms in vertically related industries are ambiguous. High-tech suppliers tend to have a high rate of innovation when the share of foreign users is high, but the opposite is true for users: high-tech users supplied mainly by foreign firms tend to have a lower rate of innovation. Labor turnover is found to be the main channel of spillovers. Our findings reiterate the importance of tacitness of knowledge, and confirm that technology cannot easily be transferred through passive mechanisms.  相似文献   

本文采用SVAR模型以及2005年7月至2011年12月的月度数据,研究了2005年的新汇率改革之后,我国货币政策冲击、外汇干预与汇率间的动态关联。主要发现与结论如下:在货币政策冲击、外汇干预与汇率三者的同期博弈中,外汇干预不能即刻影响同期汇率。利率的上升及广义货币供应量的变动均会对同期名义有效汇率造成一定影响,但不太显著。在三者的动态博弈中,外汇干预是非冲销和有效性得到验证,外汇干预信号的假设可以成立。此外,即使利率的变动并不针对汇率,却带来汇率的大幅波动。名义有效汇率的上升可以有效抑制消费价格指数(CPI)的提高,并且数量型货币政策容易造成CPI的反弹。本文针对研究结论提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

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