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我国装备制造业的转型升级是实施十二五规划纲要的重要任务。本文通过对装备制造业在国民经济中的基础作用、世界装备制造业的发展趋势和我国装备制造业发展现状的研究,提出了加强科技立法、制定技术政策和规划引导,发展中场产业,转变技术创新模式,引发企业家技术创新激情等促进我国装备制造业转型升级的发展对策。  相似文献   

文章采用理论分析、数理建模、实证分析等方法,对战略性贸易政策在制造业技术创新、产业结构升级与优化中的重要作用进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)LZFTR(政府资金投入)与CJP(初级品)的相关系数r=-0.964,LZFTR与ZCP(工业制成品)的相关系数r=0.982(P<0.01)。表明战略性贸易政策能够有效降低初级品出口比重,增加工业制品的出口比重,从而促进出口贸易结构不断升级与优化;(2) 战略性贸易政策对高技术制造业产品出口贸易固定效应、随机效应模型系数值均为正,战略性贸易政策政府研究发展补贴每增加100%,高技术产业对外贸易结构就会优化0.0042,说明战略性贸易政策对高技术制造业产品的外贸易结构变化有正向促进作用;(3)战略性贸易政策对各高技术制造行业贸易结构的影响不尽相同,其对医药制造业及各小类行业对外贸易出口产业结构优化均有明显的促进作用,其对仪器仪表出口贸易结构优化有着明显的促进作用,但是对医疗设备与器械制造出口贸易结构优化的促进作用并不显著。在此基础上作者提出了推动我国实现产业结构优化的相关战略性贸易政策建议,以期为提高我国制造业的自主创新能力,优化产业结构提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

本文在全球价值链框架下,研究我国本土装备制造业市场空间障碍的产生机制以及实现有效产业升级的政策取向问题。本文发现,作为购买者驱动型全球价值链的主导者,国际大买家将从实现自身最优利润出发,设定从发展中国家消费品厂商采购的最优产品质量要求。为了获得质量更好的消费品,国际大买家愿意提高采购价格。国际大买家的纵向压价行为,与选择以发达国家为主要目标市场的策略,均有利于其方便设定最优产品质量要求。发展中国家消费品厂商被国际大买家俘获后,倾向于选择进口机器设备,这使本土装备制造业面临必然的市场空间障碍。构建国家价值链,提高价值链终端的竞争程度,有助于突破本土装备制造业的市场空间障碍。  相似文献   

介绍了我国选煤设备制造业的发展现状,并指出现存的主要问题;提出促进我国选煤设备制造业健康可持续发展的具体建议。认为,我国选煤设备制造企业要全面深化改革,加强体制机制创新和科学管理,推动科技创新,加快节能环保以及大型动力煤洗选设备、重介质选煤设备的研制,提高设备的可靠性和自动化控制水平,为尽快把我国建设成为选煤强国而努力。  相似文献   

中国高端制造业空间结构变动的实证研究:2003~2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各地发展战略性新兴产业出现了一哄而上的低水平发展现象,因此亟需规划各个战略性新兴产业的空间布局.产业空间结构现状及变动趋势可以为产业布局决策提供现实依据.高端制造业是战略性新兴产业的重要部分,本文利用修正后的E-G指数实证研究了其在2003~2009年的空间结构变动.结果显示:高端制造业集聚空间结构呈现出聚集和扩散两者并存的特性.东部沿海地区是高端制造业的主要集聚地,中西部地区的河南、河北、湖北和四川成为产业扩散的主要承接地.本文认为战略性新兴产业的空间布局要体现出“适度集聚”和“因地制宜”的特征.  相似文献   

Since 1970, over forty empirical studies have examined the performance consequences of formal strategic planning. This line of research has drawn heavy criticism from reviewers on methodological grounds, and has produced confusing, apparently contradictory results. This article reevaluates the planning-performance relationship from a resource perspective, arguing that strategic planning does not satisfy the criteria for sustainable competitive advantage– although it may produce economic value, it is easily imitated and may be substitutable. The article suggests that previous studies produced inconsistent results because they did not account for the dissemination of strategic planning over time, or for industry differences in strategic planning factor markets. An empirical test in two industries finds that formal strategic planning and financial performance are unrelated in a ‘planning equilibrium’ industry, but positively related in an industry with strategic planning factor market imperfections.  相似文献   

Semiconductor industry is very capital intensive in which capacity utilization significantly affect the capital effectiveness and profitability of semiconductor manufacturing companies. Due to constant technology advance driven by Moore's Law in semiconductor industry, multiple production technologies generally co-exist in a wafer fabrication facility with utilization of a pool of common tools for multiple technologies and critical tools dedicated for a specific technology. Because part of the equipment is common for products of different technologies, production managers have limited flexibility to dynamically allocate the capacity among the technologies via capacity migration. The possibility of capacity migration and interrelationship among different technologies make capacity planning difficult under demand and product-mix uncertainties.This paper aims to develop a dynamic optimization method that captures the unique characteristics of rolling demand forecast mechanism to solve capacity expansion and migration planning problems in semiconductor industry. In semiconductor industry, demand forecasts are rolling and updated when the latest market and demand information is available. This demand forecast mechanism makes forecast errors in different time periods correlated. We estimate the validity and robustness of the proposed dynamic optimization method in an empirical study in a semiconductor manufacturing company in Taiwan. The results showed practical viability of this approach and the findings can provide useful guidelines for capacity planning process under rolling forecast mechanism.  相似文献   

对我国风电发展目标、风电设备国产化及制造产业的发展时机、风电市场培育以及其他事关我国风电发展的相关问题进行了分析和思考,供关注我国风电发展的社会各界参考.  相似文献   

Built on the differences between services and manufacturing sectors, this study examines the general proposition that service and manufacturing multinational enterprises (MNEs) have different responsiveness to location-specific characteristics when conducting foreign direct investment (FDI), and that these differences influence their final locations in the sub-national regions of a host country. Using a full population of 1,212 and 6,199 inward FDI projects conducted by MNEs in manufacturing and services sectors, respectively, across 234 sub-national regions in Korea between 2000 and 2004, it finds that the location decisions made by service MNEs are more likely to be driven by demand-side considerations, whereas those made by manufacturing MNEs are more likely to be influenced by supply-side characteristics of sub-national regions. In addition, it shows that sub-national location decisions made by both high-tech and low-tech manufacturing MNEs consider the availability of local strategic assets within a focal region more importantly than that from its neighboring regions, suggesting the importance of intra-regional effects. Sub-national location decisions made by location-bound service MNEs exhibit the same intra-regional effects for local market potential; however, those by non-location-bound service MNEs consider the local market potential from neighboring regions more importantly than that within a focal region, suggesting the existence of inter-regional effects.  相似文献   

高新技术产业技术溢出是装备制造业产业结构调整和升级不可忽视的重要源泉。本文从高新技术产业技术溢出的途径,装备制造业技术吸收的效应两个角度分析装备制造业吸收技术溢出的动因和存在的问题,最后对促进装备制造业吸收技术溢出提出若干建议。  相似文献   

装备制造业是一国制造能力和经济实力的综合体现,我国东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率的提升,事关我国制造大国向制造强国转变。本文运用三阶段DEA模型,对东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率进行了实证研究,通过比较分析以揭示其区域效率变化特点,结果表明:我国东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率保持在较高的水平,但在剥离环境因素和随机因素影响后,东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率发生显著性变化;社会投入水平、政府支持力度、对外开放水平和居民消费水平对装备制造业投入有显著影响;东部沿海地区区域内纯技术效率差异较小,规模效率差异较大;规模效率较低是制约我国东部沿海装备制造业生产效率提高的瓶颈。提出坚持以“创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本”为核心的对策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship intensity and five specific strategic management practices in a sample of 169 U.S. manufacturing firms. The five strategic management practices include: scanning intensity, planning flexibility, planning horizon, locus of planning, and control attributes. The results of the study indicated a positive relationship between corporate entrepreneurship intensity and scanning intensity, planning flexibility, locus of planning, and strategic controls. The fine‐grained nature of these results may be of practical use to firms that are trying to become more entrepreneurial and may help researchers better understand the subtleties of the interface between strategic management and corporate entrepreneurship. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文基于E-G修正指数对中国集成电路产业集聚程度进行测定,从产业整体集聚程度和分行业产业集聚程度两个方面对中国集成电路产业发展态势进行分析,同时深入观察中国集成电路产业集聚地区分布变化以及区域产业转移的特点。研究结果表明:中国集成电路产业整体集聚程度处于较高状态,但呈现出逐年下降的发展态势。不同分行业中制造业、封测业、设计业集聚程度呈现较大幅度下降趋势,装备业集聚程度呈现小幅度上升趋势,材料业集聚程度基本保持稳定。整个集成电路产业区域分布集中在长三角地区、京津环渤海地区以及珠三角地区,且制造业、封测业呈现向中西部地区转移的发展态势,为中国集成电路产业区域发展规划与政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

The need for strategic planning by firms to achieve an alignment with their environment is widely recognized. Various studies have analysed the structures and strategic processes utilized by firms in their attempts to establish domains and attain goals. Yet the problems faced by firms in regulated environments by and large have been ignored. This paper examines the critical differences found in regulated environments that affect strategic planning. Propositions which can serve as the basis of future empirical research are offered and a theoretical framework in which to view the regulated industry situation is developed.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the factors contributing to superior manufacturing performance in the semiconductor industry. Through an analysis of firm-level data from the United States, Asia, and Europe, we explore the relationship between firm performance along quality and quantity dimensions and three components of the employment system: skill development, employee participation in problem solving, and employee collaboration. We find that manufacturing success is related to the introduction of new production technology and the involvement of all occupations in problem solving under the leadership of engineers, who play a key (and growing) role in this high-tech industry. We find that the operators and technicians play a smaller role in creating high-performing semiconductor factories than has been found in studies of more traditional factories, such as automobiles and steel.  相似文献   

A semiconductor supply network involves many expensive steps, which have to be executed to serve global markets. The complexity of global capacity planning combined with the large capital expenditures to increase factory capacity makes it important to incorporate optimization methodologies for cost reduction and long-term planning. The typical view of a semiconductor supply network consists of layers for wafer fab, sort, assembly, test and demand centers. We present a two-stage stochastic integer-programming formulation to model a semiconductor supply network. The model makes strategic capacity decisions, (i.e., build factories or outsource) while accounting for the uncertainties in demand for multiple products. We use the model not only to analyze how variability in demand affects the make/buy decisions but also to investigate how the correlation between demands of different products affects these strategic decisions. Finally, we demonstrate the value of incorporating demand uncertainty into a decision-making scheme.  相似文献   

电子通信设备制造业是我国信息产业的支柱产业,近几年来发展规模不断扩大,对加速经济增长、创造就业岗位做出了巨大贡献。在新常态结构性改革过程中,产业政策支持对电子通信设备制造业的发展产生了重要影响。本文以电子通信设备制造业为研究对象,从税收优惠、政策性融资、政府研发补贴投入3个角度出发,选取2000~2014年15年的我国电子通信设备制造业的数据,创新性的运用状态空间模型与弹性系数分析方法研究3种政策支持方式对电子通信设备制造业的影响程度,进而提出促进电子通信设备制造业发展的政策和建议,为实现产业结构优化升级提供依据。  相似文献   

建筑承包企业都有许多复杂的关系网络,在每个网点上企业都有自身的战略规划。结合企业关系管理和企业战略生态管理的相关理论和知识,构建出建筑承包企业的战略生态管理模式。在这种战略管理模式下,建筑承包企业可以很好地进行战略管理,提高企业在整个战略生态圈内竞争地位与企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated the relationship among use of various co-ordinating mechanisms, degree of consensus between marketing and manufacturing groups, and marketplace performance reputation. Consensus between marketing and manufacturing groups on key competitive strengths, company goals, and implementation actions was measured in 15 firms in the carpet industry. Those firms which made more frequent use of planning techniques (formal forecasting procedures, management-by-objectives linked to performance appraisal, and a written strategic plan) experienced higher levels of interdepartmental consensus. Consensus between departments was strongly related to marketplace performance reputation.  相似文献   

The process of turning a promising chemical compound into a safe and effective drug is both expensive and risky. Effective strategic planning is vital to ensure that investment in staff and equipment is used productively and that an acceptable output of products can be maintained. But methods of planning in common use do not deal satisfactorily with the uncertainties. This paper sets out an analysis of the process and describes the use of a simple model to establish a strategic plan. The model allows the output, resource efficiency and robustness of a plan to be examined. Important conclusions about the relative distribution of resources between different activities are drawn and the effects of possible changes in regulatory requirements are explored.  相似文献   

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