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Longitudinal categorical data arise in many diverse areas of the social sciences and methods for its analysis have taken two broad directions. Heuristically, one can attempt to model the state space (i.e., the categories) or the sequence space (i.e., the subjects), typically with event history models or optimal matching respectively. This study proposes a more general framework for inference from such data which acknowledges not only the analytic approach (split into stochastic models and algorithmic differencing) but also hypothesis, sequences, categorisation and representation. The individual sequence can be thought of as a map from time to the state space. The hypothesis relates to how these maps are similar and how they deviate from this structure. The analytical frameworks define what is assumed, what is uncertain, and how this is modelled. The categories of the state variable define what is considered pivotal as an event. Representations create explorative tools and describe structure, as well as communicating high dimensional inferences. It is the interaction between these ideas which is fundamental to making inferences, as well as their relationship to time, which is essential to the social science treatment of sequences. Thus, the analysis should not prefer one approach to analysis over another but appreciate the origin of the data and the theory under examination.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews research situations in medicine, epidemiology and psychiatry, in psychological measurement and testing, and in sample surveys in which the observer(rater or interviewer) can be an important source of measurement error. Moreover, most of the statistical literature in observer variability is surveyed with attention given to a notational unification of the various models proposed. In the continuous data case, the usual analysis of variance (ANOVA) components of variance models are presented with an emphasis on the intraclass correlation coefficient as a measure of reliability. Other modified ANOVA models, response error models in sample surveys, and related multivariate extensions are also discussed. For the categorical data case, special attention is given to measures of agreement and tests of hypotheses when the data consist of dichotomous responses. In addition, similarities between the dichotomous and continous cases are illustrated in terms of intraclass correlation coefficients. Finally, measures of agreement, such as kappa and weighted-kappa, are discussed in the context of nominal and ordinal data. A proposed unifying framework for the categorical data case is given in the form of concluding remarks.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to develop a flexible Bayesian analysis of regression models for continuous and categorical outcomes. In the models we study, covariate (or regression) effects are modeled additively by cubic splines, and the error distribution (that of the latent outcomes in the case of categorical data) is modeled as a Dirichlet process mixture. We employ a relatively unexplored but attractive basis in which the spline coefficients are the unknown function ordinates at the knots. We exploit this feature to develop a proper prior distribution on the coefficients that involves the first and second differences of the ordinates, quantities about which one may have prior knowledge. We also discuss the problem of comparing models with different numbers of knots or different error distributions through marginal likelihoods and Bayes factors which are computed within the framework of Chib (1995) as extended to DPM models by Basu and Chib (2003). The techniques are illustrated with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Seven environmental management strategy models were reviewed, investigating their classification approaches, underlying structures and assumptions. Two major types of classification approaches are identified: (i) continuum/progression and (ii) categorical. A deductive approach is used for model development and only one model, that of Schot, has been evaluated in a research context. This evaluation sets a background for understanding the current research which utilizes the continuum model proposed by Hunt and Auster as the research framework for a study of eight Norwegian firms in two industries: printing and food processing. One conclusion of the study points to the inadequacy of the Hunt and Auster model as a research framework. Difficulties in classifying the companies into the model were evident when a multi-dimensional construct was collapsed into a linear rating scale. This did not lead to a successful approach to the classification of the companies being studied. A different analysis approach, which maintains the multi-dimensional nature of the data (cluster analysis), was then used to develop a new model. Through using an inductive approach, a preliminary empirically based model where all the data can be placed into the model is proposed. Another conclusion of the paper is that further research leading to the development of more empirically derived environmental management models is needed.  相似文献   

The complex societal problems that we face today require unprecedented collaboration and evidence-based decisions. These collaboration processes are further propelled by the datafication of virtually all spheres of public life. To benefit from this, the data needs to be made available to allow for data analytics. Thus, data sharing becomes a crucial aspect of cross-sector collaborations that aim to create and capture value from information. Compared to collaborations where data sharing is not the main goal, data sharing partnerships face a number of novel challenges, such as mitigating data risks, complying with data protection legislation, and ensuring responsible data use. Navigating these waters and achieving data sharing can be challenging for both governments and businesses, as well as other actors. How do organizations from different sectors manage to achieve data sharing for addressing societal challenges? To address this research question, we apply a framework of three models of cross sector social partnerships developed in the field of organization studies to structure the analysis of six cases. Our analysis suggests that to a certain extent the partnership model determines the types of drivers and challenges to sharing data in a partnership. Leveraging the drivers and anticipating these challenges can help organizations be more aware of key terms of the collaboration and the mechanisms that can be used to succeed in their partnership goals.  相似文献   

We develop a variant of intervention analysis designed to measure a change in the law of motion for the distribution of individuals in a cross-section, rather than modeling the moments of the distribution. To calculate a counterfactual forecast, we discretize the distribution and employ a Markov model in which the transition probabilities are modeled as a multinomial logit distribution. Our approach is scalable and is designed to be applied to micro-level data. A wide panel often carries with it several imperfections that complicate the analysis when using traditional time-series methods; our framework accommodates these imperfections. The result is a framework rich enough to detect intervention effects that not only shift the mean, but also those that shift higher moments, while leaving lower moments unchanged. We apply this framework to document the changes in credit usage of consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We consider multinomial logit models of the dependence of credit-card balances, with categorical variables representing monthly seasonality, homeownership status, and credit scores. We find that, relative to our forecasts, consumers have greatly reduced their use of credit. This result holds for homeowners and renters as well as consumers with both high and low credit scores.  相似文献   

For many companies, automatic forecasting has come to be an essential part of business analytics applications. The large amounts of data available, the short life-cycle of the analysis and the acceleration of business operations make traditional manual data analysis unfeasible in such environments. In this paper, an automatic forecasting support system that comprises several methods and models is developed in a general state space framework built in the SSpace toolbox written for Matlab. Some of the models included are well-known, such as exponential smoothing and ARIMA, but we also propose a new model family that has been used only very rarely in this context, namely unobserved components models. Additional novelties include the use of unobserved components models in an automatic identification environment and the comparison of their forecasting performances with those of exponential smoothing and ARIMA models estimated using different software packages. The new system is tested empirically on a daily dataset of all of the products sold by a franchise chain in Spain (166 products over a period of 517 days). The system works well in practice and the proposed automatic unobserved components models compare very favorably with other methods and other well-known software packages in forecasting terms.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a general framework for modeling multiple categorical latent variables (MCLV). The MCLV models extend latent class analysis or latent transition analysis to allow flexible measurement and structural components between endogenous categorical latent variables and exogenous covariates. Therefore, modeling frameworks in conventional structural equation models, for example, CFA and MIMIC models are feasible in the MCLV circumstances. Parameter estimations for the MCLV models are performed by using generalized expectation–maximization (E–M) algorithm. In addition, the adjusted Bayesian information criterion provides help for model selections. A substantive study of reading development is analyzed to illustrate the feasibility of MCLV models.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for finding optimal transformations for analyzing time series by autoregressive models. 'Optimal' implies that the agreement between the autoregressive model and the transformed data is maximal. Such transformations help 1) to increase the model fit, and 2) to analyze categorical time series. The method uses an alternating least squares algorithm that consists of two main steps: estimation and transformation. Nominal, ordinal and numerical data can be analyzed. Some alternative applications of the general idea are highlighted: intervention analysis, smoothing categorical time series, predictable components, spatial modeling and cross-sectional multivariate analysis. Limitations, modeling issues and possible extensions are briefly indicated.  相似文献   

Vast amounts of data that could be used in the development and evaluation of policy for the benefit of society are collected by statistical agencies. It is therefore no surprise that there is very strong demand from analysts, within business, government, universities and other organisations, to access such data. When allowing access to micro‐data, a statistical agency is obliged, often legally, to ensure that it is unlikely to result in the disclosure of information about a particular person or organisation. Managing the risk of disclosure is referred to as statistical disclosure control (SDC). This paper describes an approach to SDC for output from analysis using generalised linear models, including estimates of regression parameters and their variances, diagnostic statistics and plots. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has implemented the approach in a remote analysis system, which returns analysis output from remotely submitted queries. A framework for measuring disclosure risk associated with a remote server is proposed. The disclosure risk and utility of approach are measured in two real‐life case studies and in simulation.  相似文献   

We propose a new conditionally heteroskedastic factor model, the GICA-GARCH model, which combines independent component analysis (ICA) and multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models. This model assumes that the data are generated by a set of underlying independent components (ICs) that capture the co-movements among the observations, which are assumed to be conditionally heteroskedastic. The GICA-GARCH model separates the estimation of the ICs from their fitting with a univariate ARMA-GARCH model. Here, we will use two ICA approaches to find the ICs: the first estimates the components, maximizing their non-Gaussianity, while the second exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating and identifying the common ICs, we fit a univariate GARCH model to each of them in order to estimate their univariate conditional variances. The GICA-GARCH model then provides a new framework for modelling the multivariate conditional heteroskedasticity in which we can explain and forecast the conditional covariances of the observations by modelling the univariate conditional variances of a few common ICs. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. Finally, we present an empirical application to the Madrid stock market, where we evaluate the forecasting performances of the GICA-GARCH and two additional factor GARCH models: the orthogonal GARCH and the conditionally uncorrelated components GARCH.  相似文献   

This paper tests symmetry and negativity of the Slutsky matrix for a system of demand functions derived from an aggregate model of multi product technology within a flexible dynamic framework. The model considers three inputs and three outputs, including imports and exports of intermediate goods. We derive a static demand model from a trans log cost function and specify the data generation process by a stationary ARX (1, 1) model. Results based on West German quarterly data indicate that the integrability conditions are not rejected when imposed on the ARX (1, 1) model, whereas they are rejected for all the less general dynamic models considered.  相似文献   

Summary For multifactor designs based on linear models, the information matrix generally depends on a certain set of marginal tables created from the design itself. This note considers the problems of whether a set of marginal tables is consistent, in that a design exists that can yield them, and of calculating such a design when at least one does exist. The results are obtained by direct analogy with the problem of maximum likelihood estimation in longlinear models for categorical data.  相似文献   

This article surveys various strategies for modeling ordered categorical (ordinal) response variables when the data have some type of clustering, extending a similar survey for binary data by Pendergast, Gange, Newton, Lindstrom, Palta & Fisher (1996). An important special case is when repeated measurement occurs at various occasions for each subject, such as in longitudinal studies. A much greater variety of models and fitting methods are available than when a similar survey for repeated ordinal response data was prepared a decade ago (Agresti, 1989). The primary emphasis of the review is on two classes of models, marginal models for which effects are averaged over all clusters at particular levels of predictors, and cluster-specific models for which effects apply at the cluster level. We present the two types of models in the ordinal context, review the literature for each, and discuss connections between them. Then, we summarize some alternative modeling approaches and ways of estimating parameters, including a Bayesian approach. We also discuss applications and areas likely to be popular for future research, such as ways of handling missing data and ways of modeling agreement and evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests. Finally, we review the current availability of software for using the methods discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Non-discretionary or environmental variables are regarded as important in the evaluation of efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), but there is no consensus on the correct treatment of these variables. This paper compares the performance of the standard BCC model as a base case with two single-stage models: the Banker and Morey (1986a) model, which incorporates continuous environmental variables and the Banker and Morey (1986b) model, which incorporates categorical environmental variables. Simulation analyses are conducted using a shifted Cobb-Douglas function, with one output, one non-discretionary input, and two discretionary inputs. The production function is constructed to separate environmental impact from managerial inefficiency, while providing measures of both for comparative purposes. Tests are performed to evaluate the accuracy of each model. The distribution of the inputs, the sample size and the number of categories for the categorical model are varied in the simulations to determine their impact on the performance of each model. The results show that the Banker and Morey models should be used in preference to the standard BCC model when the environmental impact is moderate to high. Both the continuous and categorical models perform equally well but the latter may be better suited to some applications with larger sample sizes. Even when the environmental impact is slight, the use of a simple two-way split of the sample data can produce significantly better results under the Categorical model in comparison to the BCC model.  相似文献   

In the context of either Bayesian or classical sensitivity analyses of over‐parametrized models for incomplete categorical data, it is well known that prior‐dependence on posterior inferences of nonidentifiable parameters or that too parsimonious over‐parametrized models may lead to erroneous conclusions. Nevertheless, some authors either pay no attention to which parameters are nonidentifiable or do not appropriately account for possible prior‐dependence. We review the literature on this topic and consider simple examples to emphasize that in both inferential frameworks, the subjective components can influence results in nontrivial ways, irrespectively of the sample size. Specifically, we show that prior distributions commonly regarded as slightly informative or noninformative may actually be too informative for nonidentifiable parameters, and that the choice of over‐parametrized models may drastically impact the results, suggesting that a careful examination of their effects should be considered before drawing conclusions.  相似文献   

A new semi-parametric expected shortfall (ES) estimation and forecasting framework is proposed. The proposed approach is based on a two-step estimation procedure. The first step involves the estimation of value at risk (VaR) at different quantile levels through a set of quantile time series regressions. Then, the ES is computed as a weighted average of the estimated quantiles. The quantile weighting structure is parsimoniously parameterized by means of a beta weight function whose coefficients are optimized by minimizing a joint VaR and ES loss function of the Fissler–Ziegel class. The properties of the proposed approach are first evaluated with an extensive simulation study using two data generating processes. Two forecasting studies with different out-of-sample sizes are then conducted, one of which focuses on the 2008 Global Financial Crisis period. The proposed models are applied to seven stock market indices, and their forecasting performances are compared to those of a range of parametric, non-parametric, and semi-parametric models, including GARCH, conditional autoregressive expectile (CARE), joint VaR and ES quantile regression models, and a simple average of quantiles. The results of the forecasting experiments provide clear evidence in support of the proposed models.  相似文献   

The successful introduction of new durable products plays an important part in helping companies to stay ahead of their competitors. Decisions relating to these products can be improved by the availability of reliable pre-launch forecasts of their adoption time series. However, producing such forecasts is a difficult, complex and challenging task, mainly because of the non-availability of past time series data relating to the product, and the multiple factors that can affect adoptions, such as customer heterogeneity, macroeconomic conditions following the product launch, and technological developments which may lead to the product’s premature obsolescence. This paper provides a critical review of the literature to examine what it can tell us about the relative effectiveness of three fundamental approaches to filling the data void : (i) management judgment, (ii) the analysis of judgments by potential customers, and (iii) formal models of the diffusion process. It then shows that the task of producing pre-launch time series forecasts of adoption levels involves a set of sub-tasks, which all involve either quantitative estimation or choice, and argues that the different natures of these tasks mean that the forecasts are unlikely to be accurate if a single method is employed. Nevertheless, formal models should be at the core of the forecasting process, rather than unstructured judgment. Gaps in the literature are identified, and the paper concludes by suggesting a research agenda so as to indicate where future research efforts might be employed most profitably.  相似文献   

价值管理(VM)是应付当今建筑业诸多挑战的一个有用的管理工具。价值管理不但能带来节约成本这样有形的好处,也可以带来增进对业主需求的理解,促进项目相关人员的沟通等无形的好处。但是,缺乏可靠的绩效评价模型使我们很难确定价值管理研究成功与否。由于难以得知投入带来的效益,很多潜在用户不愿意在他们的项目中应用价值管理,阻碍了价值管理的推广。本文介绍了一个香港研究资助局资助的研究项目。这个研究项目旨在建立一个适合评价建筑业中价值管理研究绩效的模型。文章分析了部分现有绩效评价模型的优缺点,讨论了模型建立的理论基础,并建立了一个可以评价价值管理研究过程与结果的概念模型。  相似文献   

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