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To transform in stride with the business changes, organizations need to think of development as "organizational learning" rather than "training." Companies need to manage learning as a strategic competitive advantage for current and future business rather than as a perk for individuals. To position themselves for success in a dynamic business environment, companies need to reframe their concept of learning and development to a mindset of organizational learning.  相似文献   

近年来虚拟团队作为一种新的组织形式受到越来越广泛的关注。文章对虚拟团队的学习问题进行了分析说明,指出了虚拟团队学习的过程和特点,以及面临的问题和挑战,并提出了提高虚拟团队学习效率的主要途径。  相似文献   

Virtual work in organizations continues to be promoted despite the absence of a strong conceptual understanding of virtual work and its consequences. In this paper, we draw from Sotto (1997) and Turoff (1997), who treat virtual work as a second, electronically mediated representation of material work. The virtual and material representations co-exist and intertwine, potentially allowing teams and organizations to extend their capabilities. We identify four aspects of intertwining: reinforcement, complementarity, synergy, and reciprocity. In instances where the relationship between virtual and material worlds of work lack one or more of these aspects, ironic and confused outcomes may result. We illustrate these aspects with anecdotal images, findings from published research, and an original case study. Although our primary focus is upon virtual teams and organizations, we also speculate on the relevance of intertwining to individuals, communities and markets.  相似文献   

网络的可能性是不可估量的,而大众的要求也是不断提高的,大众的要求是推动网路功能不断前进的动力。透视现实,正是现实与理想的差异空间,为网路虚拟提供了广阔的平台,才能不断吸引大众的目光。也就是,网络能让人们过一种崭新的虚拟人生,它具有强烈的可控性、向往与目标的一致性,能全面满足人们对理想生活的欲望,也就是所说的"‘在线’的乌托邦"。  相似文献   

The dramatic changes of the past 25 years in the nature and conditions of work, including the globalization of organizations and the introduction of a strategic as opposed to employee-centered conception of HR have impacted the ways in which moral problems are manifested. But the paradigmatic forms taken by those problems, the character traits and motives needed to recognize them as such, the ethical reasoning used to address them, as well as the substance of the ethical principles on which such reasoning is based are all essentially unaffected and still pertain. Also discussed are distinctions among the variety of behaviors constituting the moral domain (incivility, intentional anti-organizational acts, and ethical failings); micro-versus macro-conceptualizations of “business ethics”; and formalistic versus principled mechanisms for promoting ethical organizational behavior. Viewed as critical is moral leadership from senior executives in creating salient ethical organizational cultures and climates.  相似文献   

潘家惠 《基建优化》2007,28(6):174-176
针对高层建筑结构的特点,将虚功准则法与拉格朗日乘子法相结合,给出了基于造价最低目标的风荷载及地震作用下建筑结构整体位移约束的优化算法公式,并结合算例验证了该方法的整体优化性能.  相似文献   

While prior studies have investigated factors, processes and pathways traversed in user innovation and user entrepreneurship within the real world, there is scant attention for user innovation and user entrepreneurship that take place within the virtual world. We report on an exploratory study of a select group of user innovators-entrepreneurs in Second Life, using virtual participant observation and in-depth interviews. Results suggest that the paths traversed by user innovators and user entrepreneurs in the virtual life broadly resemble those in the real life as reported in the literature. Interestingly, our study also suggests that Second Life as a virtual world breeds opportunities leading to entrepreneurial acts in the ‘real’ world as well as further opportunities in the Second Life. The virtual world itself, as a technological platform, also generates a range of opportunities. We formulate testable propositions and further link our insights to existing research on the drivers and pathways of user innovation and entrepreneurship in the ‘real’ world (i.e., the role of prior knowledge and networks), Austrian economics theory of entrepreneurial discovery, and creative collective theory.  相似文献   


Suggesting a virtuous triangle constituting public service innovation of new governances, innovation and learning, the paper examines how and why a particular mode of learning occurs: that of play. Having identified an absence of research literature on play as a catalyst for new ideas in public services, the paper argues that the diversified nature of public services and disciplinary intermixing offers fertile ground for playing with new service ideas. Our conception of play avoids functional interpretations, such as Amabile or individualizing the results of play and instead draws upon Vygotsky’s social learning theory to conceptualize play as a group activity from which new ideas emerge and suggest a new framework for understanding purposive play at work and the contribution it can make to public service innovation.  相似文献   

Studies have found the development of transferable skills and the provision of virtual learning environments (VLEs) to be crucial to students who are learning project management. Taking these factors into consideration, this article explores why project management students have emphasized the importance of these two critical learning and teaching parameters in their developmental needs. The study was conducted utilizing focus groups consisting of 88 students in a UK higher education institution. Overall, we found the existence of five critical and applied themes grouped against transferable skills and the provision of VLEs under which students' needs could be classified.  相似文献   

Skills are central to employment, yet they are often poorly understood in theory and underdeveloped in practice. The articles in this issue of HRMJ were originally presented at an ESRC‐funded seminar in Manchester in 2001 and show how working practices, control systems and regulation can have an impact on skills. This article introduces the special issue by considering the interrelationship between the individual expertise, job design and discretion that constitute skill. Drawing on data from the 2001 Skills Survery, it notes that developments in these areas are not necessarily compatible with one another, and reviews the implications for policymakers and practitioners.  相似文献   

一个小孩正在河边走着,忽然看到水边有一只陷在网里的鳄鱼。鳄鱼也看到了男孩,求道:“你能可怜可怜我,把我救出去吗?  相似文献   


The paper explores evolution and current state of the Russian corporate governance in cultural context. Russia has a relatively short history of corporate governance, and securities market and stock capital play a less significant role, compared to the West. The evolution of culture and corporate governance is analyzed in a comparative setting. Under the Soviet framework, business and corporate developments were non-existent or severely restricted. The post-Soviet capitalism is characterized by dynamic and turbulent developments in corporate governance and business culture. The paper examines the Russian findings from the recent international studies of culture and explores cultural impact on corporate governance in the country.  相似文献   

Employees are increasingly given control over how they learn, and their choices for training are diverse and varied, yet employees must balance competing demands. On one hand, they are expected to be increasingly efficient in their current job duties – on the other hand, they are expected to develop new skills and competencies that enable them to adapt and respond to changing job demands. Drawing from the organizational learning literature, we propose a model of worker and work characteristics that inform choices between two mindsets related to learning at work. The first mindset is exploration, or the pursuit of learning outside one’s current knowledge domain; the second mindset is exploitation, the refinement/deepening of one’s existing knowledge stock focusing on the task at hand. We further propose that these strategic choices, or trade-offs, influence employee learning and performance in unique ways, with different implications for both routine and adaptive performance. Finally, we incorporate the notions of feedback loops and risk assessments that influence ongoing decisions between exploration and exploitation mindsets. Recommendations for future research and extensions of the theoretical model are also proposed.  相似文献   

开放条件下我国金融高等教育改革探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在金融和教育开放的新形势下,我国金融高等教育模式受到了严峻的挑战。我们应适应开放形势,在教育观念、金融课程设置、教学方法和手段、金融人才情感锻炼和师资队伍上进行合理改革,为社会提供更符合市场需求的金融人才。  相似文献   

富有的家族背景及商人的家庭熏陶。在战火硝烟中攫取财富,在冒险中追逐刺激,乐此不疲。  相似文献   

当人类明进入廿一世纪,珠宝早已不再为王公贵族所独享。拥有珠宝、佩戴珠宝已成为种化、一种时尚、一种生活态度。  相似文献   

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