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The current study was undertaken to further understanding of supply chain process integration. It is suggested that supply chain integration, the practice of realigning firms' operating structures, should be understood from an internal‐external perspective and a process view. Drawing upon four theories—Strategy‐Structure‐Performance framework, the resource based view of the firm, transaction cost economics, and social network analysis—and combining industry inputs, a theoretical framework of supply chain process integration is developed. It is argued that a firm's strategic priorities are key factors of supply chain process integration. Superior performance is likely to be achieved when necessary supply chain capabilities are developed through supply chain process integration.  相似文献   

文章在回顾供应链整合相关研究文献的基础上,首先对供应链整合的概念演变进行梳理,然后将供应链整合对企业绩效的影响以及供应链整合的前因研究成果整合为一个包容性更强的“供应链整合的前因——供应链整合——供应链整合的结果”组织间供应链整合概念模型,最后对未来的相关研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

全渠道模式下农产品供应链整合本质上体现为以全渠道营销逆向驱动农产品供应链整合的过程。推进全渠道模式下农产品供应链整合,一方面应结合全渠道模式发展对供应链的影响,并针对全渠道模式下农产品供应链整合的运作特点,从组织层面、资源层面、信息层面对农产品供应链进行深度变革与重构,推动形成以消费需求为核心、以全渠道能力为支撑、以信息技术为手段的农产品全渠道供应链网络和生态系统。另一方面,还必须建立一套以需求分析与反馈 机制、物流配送与追溯机制、信息共享与管理机制、利益协调与分配机制为核心的运营保障机制,以确保农产品供应链整合活动的有效进行。  相似文献   

中国供应链观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,供应链就是“现代”的供应渠道,这种渠道的构成企业不是松散的联结,而是已经形成了一种“链”式的“系统”关系,“链”体现了不同于传统渠道构筑方式的“现代”的系统的本质。一个国家在全球供应链中的位置,一个企业在产业供应链中的位置,不取决于自己的主观愿望,而取决于本身的优势和力量的对比。文章强调,我国的供应链问题,不仅仅表现在供应商的选择、供应渠道的确立、供应物的质量及价格等方面,而且表现在供应链物流实际运作方面;供应链的构筑要依靠整合(包括内部整合与外部整合),而部门分隔、地区分割的管理体制是整合的难点;建立有效的供应链,实施有效的供应链管理是一个进程,而不是一项工程;简化的供应链才能强化供应链管理,简化是优化供应链的有效形式。  相似文献   

在供应链和网络管理过程中需要CSR(企业社会责任)整合,需要企业的内部和外部管理的共同努力。在整个企业中,上到高层管理人员,下到生产区的人员,都在生产作业过程中实行这一措施。在供应链和网络中我们通过先进的质量管理理念来实现CSR整合,这在供应链企业外部管理中也有非常重要的作用。在本文中我们借助模型讨论CSR整合中的能力分析和监控,将它的作用由静态模型转化为动态模型,并分析合作的循环发展,以及在供应链和网络中的信任系数。  相似文献   

Both supply chain relationships and process connections between organizational units have been studied in business research, to enhance the understanding of supply chain integration, and to explore the differential outcomes of both types of connections for business and functional performance. However, the extant research remains deficient in two ways: within individual studies, researchers have operationalized supply chain connectivity unidimensionally, with the concept of connectivity constrained to either social relations or operational/process ties while disregarding the other viewpoint. Additionally, researchers have persistently designed studies to evaluate dyadic structures, while foregoing the larger, more intricate structures representative of complex supply chains. We address these issues by modeling supply chain connectivity as having multiple relational‐ and process‐based threads comprising linkages, and by empirically testing a set of theorized relationships describing vertical triadic supply chain networks (manufacturer, broker, retailer) within the U.S. restaurant industry. We find that increased supply chain connectivity improves chain performance, but this improvement is more directly attributable to process‐based linkages than relational linkages, which impact performance only through the process mediator variable, suggesting that current theories of interorganizational relationalism may lack complete conceptualization. Implications of these findings for managers and the academy are highlighted, and areas of follow‐on research are discussed.  相似文献   

For decades supply chain coordination has been subject to research interest, and technology has been seen as an agent that accelerates this process. In developing countries, with far-flung markets and unorganized distribution networks, using technology for improving supply chain performances and accessing information is not an easy task. The research was directed to understand if mobile technology is being used by downstream supply chain partners for information sharing and thus improving supply chain performances. Findings suggest that supply chain integration with suppliers and customers is done through extensive use of mobile networks.  相似文献   

供应链一体化风险管理体系从供应链SCOR模型的构建出发,提出一个基于SCOR模型的供应链风险管理框架,着眼于供应链一体化风险管理目标、管理文化、管理组织、管理过程、控制机制和管理信息系统,在合作博弈分析基础上,建立以利益分配和风险管理成本分摊为驱动的供应链风险分担架构,以提高供应链的可靠性和安全性,从而改善供应链的效率,提升供应链的运作绩效。  相似文献   

供应链集成研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,供应链集成包括供应链资源集成、市场集成、信息集成和组织集成,它们之间相互联系、相互依存、相互作用,构成供应链网络体系。文章提出,资源集成是供应链集成的基础,也是供应链价值创造的基础,其规模、结构、效率和质量直接体现供应链的价值量;市场集成能有效拓宽资源集成范围,提高资源集成度;信息集成能广泛收集、整合资源与市场信息,进行价值模拟与有效管理;组织集成能从战略高度,提高资源、市场、信息的集成度和整个供应链的集成度,增加整个供应链的价值。  相似文献   

Supply chains are indispensable to corporations that seek to serve suppliers and customers better, to boost organization performance, to strengthen competitiveness, and to achieve continuous success. Currently, corporations place great emphasis on both supply chains and on balanced scorecards (BSCs) to develop effective measures to evaluate firm performance. This study discusses the integration of supply chain and performance based on the BSC measures developed by Kaplan and Norton (Harv Bus Rev 71(5):134–147, 1993; Harv Bus Rev 74(1):75–85, 1996) and Brewer and Speh (J Bus Logist 21(1): 79–93, 2000). The research applies case studies and a conceptual framework, modifying propositions accordingly. The main objectives of this study are to discuss the construction and implementation of supply chains, to determine how to handle supply chain barriers and to evaluate supply chain integration performance using the idea of a BSC. Companies at different levels in the supply chain are better served by assigning different levels of importance to different types of integration. Case studies show that supply chain integration involves supplier, internal, and customer barriers. The results of these studies have suggested that integrated supply chains can be dominated by one controlling member, which can be located either upstream or downstream in the chain. A new finding in this study is that varying degrees of supply chain integration are obtained due to corporations’ different positions in an industry. The study provides some insights for firms in the process of implementing a supply chain management system.  相似文献   

供应链系统的复杂性构成分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,供应链是一个复杂系统,其复杂性无处不在,在研究供应链复杂性时既要避免遗漏对供应链整体运作效果和效率产生较大影响的复杂因素,又要避免将复杂性分解得过细、过多、过杂,导致只见树木不见森林。本文根据供应链集成、运作过程中所涉及交互的非线性关系,对其复杂性的构成进行分析,提出了供应链系统复杂性的构成体系。  相似文献   

企业并购中的供应链协同与整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
并购和供应链管理是2 1世纪企业管理的主要发展趋势,如何在企业并购中通过对供应链的重组和整合实现协同效应,对企业获得竞争优势和实现其战略目标具有重要的意义。对企业并购中供应链协同和整合中的相关问题进行探讨,研究企业并购对供应链的影响、供应链协同机会的识别和供应链的整合机制等,这些研究为在企业并购的实践中最大化实现协同效应提供了理论依据和实施借鉴  相似文献   

文章聚焦服务创新驱动下物流服务供应链纵向整合问题,构建两条平行竞争的物流服务供应链模型,基于链间Nash竞争和链内成员Stackelberg博弈,运用逆向推导法和对比分析,深入研究了服务创新驱动下物流服务供应链的纵向整合策略与链间竞争强度对自身链及对手链整体利润的影响。研究结果表明,无论其中一条链选择何种决策,始终存在一个最优的条件,使另一条链采取不整合决策能够最大化自身链利润,同时也提升对手链的利润。同时,当服务创新成本系数较大时,LSSC整合决策与竞争强度无关:当一条链采取整合策略时,无论服务创新成本系数和竞争强度如何,另一条链采取相反决策总是最优策略。  相似文献   

第四方物流(4PL)在实践中的成功运作,正逐步表明它是实现对供应链复杂资源进行合理、高效、灵活整合的有效模式。4PL模式下供应链资源整合的关键问题之一是如何基于供应链系统的资源整合目标,从战略性的高度以及系统的整体性角度,有针对性地对协作成员进行选择。文章在对4PL模式下的供应链资源整合运作特征及框架分析的基础上,从系统性整合原理及系统整合价值增值的角度出发,对判定供应链资源整合后系统运作水平提升的主导因素进行界定及分析。在此基础上,搭建了基于各主导因素期望运作水平判定的整合决策流程,提出了基于主导因素期望运作水平判定的4PL模式下供应链资源整合的协作成员选择决策方法,并通过算例分析验证了选择决策过程的合理性与可行性。研究结论不仅阐述了现实中供应链资源整合过程的复杂性,也简要指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

In response to globalization, diversification, and other organizational drivers, managers continue to seek organizational designs that promote integration. We study this phenomenon by focusing on requirements and mechanisms for internal supply chain integration (SCI). Using qualitative interview data, we examine how managers in manufacturing firms integrate internal supply chain activities. We elaborate and extend the information processing view by studying why organizations integrate (integration requirements) and how integration mechanisms are associated with different integration requirements. Four patterns of integration requirement–mechanism linkages emerged from our study, depicting integration mechanisms that are associated with a particular integration requirement, and those that are not. We provide a detailed examination of the multidimensional nature of integration requirements, as well as an increased understanding of how integration mechanisms are used to manage different integration requirements. These findings offer deeper insights into organizational integration, enhancing the understanding of integration in the context of internal supply chains, while also contributing to the literature on organizational design. For supply chain managers, these findings describe ways in which organizational design decisions can support internal SCI efforts with varying aims.  相似文献   

网络环境下供应链管理与知识管理系统的有效集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,供应链管理追求的是业务流程的高效和同步,但由于实践中供应链上各决策主体缺乏实现供应链整体效率最优所必须的整体知识和信息,决策主体之间缺乏知识交流与共享,导致供应链出现了沟通障碍,影响供应链整体运转效率。文章指出,在网络环境下,通过SCM与KMS的有效集成,将知识流融入到供应链资金流、信息流与物流中,实现供应链上各决策主体之间的知识共享,可提高供应链同步性和有效性。  相似文献   

供应链整合与企业竞争优势关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,从竞争优势外生理论来看,供应链整合战略应与企业竞争战略相匹配,其核心在于供应链成员企业之间核心竞争力的整合,有利于建立差异性优势和低成本优势;从基于资源的竞争优势理论来看,供应链整合性资源具有战略性资源的特征,有助于企业获取战略性资源和能力,促进企业竞争优势的建立和巩固;从基于能力的竞争优势理论看,供应链整合包括内部供应链能力整合与外部供应链能力整合,在激烈的竞争环境下,企业必须具备多种能力来管理环境,通过学习外部组织的特殊技能,可以改善企业内部的能力,促使企业具备多种能力来适应环境变化;从网络组织理论来看,将产业上下游企业或其他资源提供机构视为经营合作者,并利用整合的管理方式建立一个具有共同目标的合作性企业网络,是当前竞争环境下的必然趋势。  相似文献   

The aim of a sustainable supply chain is the strategic integration of all social, environmental and economic goals within an organization, through a systematic coordination of key business processes in order to improve the long-term economic performance of a company and its value chain. This paper describes a new methodological approach to support the strategy formulation process in sustainable supply chains. The proposed methodology combines three analytical tools (analytic hierarchical process, fuzzy multi-objective optimization, and clustering methods) within a strategy formulation process, integrating the competitive and corporative strategies with the supply chain strategy on the basis of sustainability. A case study in the Mexican Federal Commission of Electricity Gulf-Center Distribution Division shows the capability of our proposed framework. This company is large and complex enough to encompass the whole issue of the supply chain. Results indicate that our methodology is a valid decision support tool to formulate a set of sustainable supply chain strategies, and it is able to generate a coordinated strategy for the management of a sustainable supply chain.  相似文献   

基于物流能力的物流服务供应链研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高志军  刘伟  王岳峰 《中国市场》2009,(23):17-20,24
通过对物流能力研究的基础上,运用定性分析的方法对物流服务供应链(Logistics Service Supply Chain,LSSC)的概念、结构模型进行了系统描述。剖析了物流服务供应链的运行过程、运行动力以及物流服务供应链中物流能力集成的广度和深度,并在此基础上提出了物流服务供应链是一条物流能力增值链;通过物流能力的集成来实现整个物流服务供应链上节点企业的共赢。  相似文献   

How firms coordinate efforts to collectively compete as supply chains is a key concern of supply chain management scholars and practitioners. One avenue, the development of collaborative relational capabilities that support supply chain integration, offers promise. However, the effectiveness of collaboration as a supply chain resource has been questioned due to concerns associated with collaborative technologies, and thus prior research has called for a deeper examination of the role that technologies play in facilitating integration. Employing a Service‐Dominant Logic view of hierarchical resources, grounded in Resource Advantage Theory, this research tests a model subsuming relationships between collaboration, integration, and interfirm coordination technologies, and their associated performance outcomes. A sample of 282 supply chain managers from a variety of industries were surveyed, with proposed relationships examined employing structural equation modeling. Test results indicate that collaboration and integration interact to form higher order resources that collectively influence firm performance outcomes through interfirm coordination technologies.  相似文献   

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